Results 1-127 of 127 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023遺產公約的有形與無形:大洋洲的文化治理研究郭佩宜 邁向治理與世界構作的人類學:比較南島觀點 (台北:中央研究院民族學研究所)
22023導論:邁向治理與世界構作的人類學鄭瑋寧 ; 郭佩宜 邁向治理與世界構作的人類學:比較南島觀點 (台北:中央研究院民族學研究所)
32023Economic Development and Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan and China in OceaniaGuo, Pei-yi ; Cheng-Cheng Li; Sra Manpo Ciwadian
42022Taiwan in Oceania Context: Reviewing and Re-imagining the RelationsLi, Cheng-cheng; Sra Sra Manpo Ciwadian; Pei-yi Guo 
52022合作交流與社會連結:試論臺灣在大洋洲合作援助計畫的新契機郭佩宜 ; 李政政; Sra Manpo Ciwadian國際開發援助現場季刊 第8期,頁31-50
72021Playing with ‘Money’: the Articulation of Academic Knowledge in the Digital Exhibition ‘Anthropologists’ Money Bag: the Social Life of CurrenciesGuo, Pei-yi ; Yunchu Wang
82021‘When We Combat the Pandemics Together’: Digital Documentation-cum-Exhibition of Taiwan During COVID-19Guo, Pei-yi 
92021Making Knowledge Together: Reflections on the Cooperative Project of the Documentation of ‘Tradition’ in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
102020Finding Austronesia, Seeing Taiwan? Beyond the Austronesian Turn and ImaginationsGuo, Pei-yi 
112020Marriage-Related Exchanges and the Agency of Women among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi OCEANIA 90(3), 273-291
132020Pacific Studies and Comparative Austronesian Studies in TaiwanGuo, Pei-yi Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 20(2), 163-201
142020Sounds of the field郭佩宜 人類學視界 第26期,頁52-53
152020Sounds of the Field薛常慧; 郭佩宜 
162019Teresia Te’aiwa詩作〈無人是孤島──給喬吉〉(No one is an island—for Georgie)泰瑞西亞•提艾瓦著(Te'aiwa Teresia); 郭佩宜譯 文化研究 第28期,頁359-362
172019Teresia Te’aiwa詩作〈追尋Nim’anoa女神〉(Searching For Nei Nim’anoa)泰瑞西亞•提艾瓦著(Te'aiwa Teresia); 郭佩宜譯 文化研究 第28期,頁363-364
202019Austronesian Heritage: an Alternative ApproachGuo, Pei-yi 
212019Pacific Studies and Comparative Austronesian Studies in TaiwanGuo, Pei-yi 
222019「反做」田野:一個人類學家研究「國家」的難題郭佩宜 辶反田野:人類學異托邦故事集 (台北 : 左岸文化出版社)
232018The Austronesian Turn in Taiwan Museums: Imagining and Engaging with Pacific HistoryGuo, Pei-yi 
252018為什麼要比較:從田野到人類學分析郭佩宜 《人類學家的我們,你們,他們》,余舜德、張珣、劉斐玟主編
262018Birana i Wala: Growing up in LangalangaSilas Waletofe; Pei-yi Guo Taipei & Honiara
272018IntroductionGuo, Pei-yi Birana i Wala: Growing up in Langalanga (Taipei & Honiara : Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica & the National Museum of Solomon Islands)
282018Law as a discipline, or disciplined by law?:法律建制作為田野郭佩宜 
292017《研擬文化資產保存法無形文化資產相關子法與行政規則案》期末報告黃貞燕; 郭佩宜 文化部文化資產局, 214 p.
302017無形文化資產實務執行參考手冊黃貞燕; 郭佩宜 文化部文化資產局, 321 p.
312017導讀:當下南島,未來非洲郭佩宜 依海之人:馬達加斯加的斐索人,一本橫跨南島與非洲的民族誌 (俐塔.雅斯圖堤(Rita Astuti)著;郭佩宜譯)(台北 : 左岸文化出版社)
322017大洋洲法律景觀的啟示:比較南島視野郭佩宜 「跨‧文化:人類學與心理學的視野」論文集
342016How to Draw the Paths of the Past? Active Participation and Negotiation of Islanders in Portraying Their History in the British Protectorate of Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
352016The Chief’s Country: Leadership and Politics in Honiara, Solomon Islands. (Michael Kwa’ioloa and Bwen Burt)Guo, Pei-yi Journal of Pacific History, 51(1):83-84
362015償還(paying back)的難題:所羅門群島Langalanga人的金融生活郭佩宜 
372015芭樂人類學郭佩宜 台灣台北
382015「好吃,又好思」的芭樂人類學郭佩宜 芭樂人類學, 8-19
392015災難是一面照妖鏡郭佩宜 芭樂人類學, 246-254
402015八卦,不簡單郭佩宜 芭樂人類學, 42-50
432015「跨地方」(trans-placement):試論當代大洋洲的 地方社會性郭佩宜 
442014Vulnerable Islands? Contesting Discourses on Disasters and Sustainability of Artificial Islets in Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon Islands.Guo, Pei-yi 
452014Artificial Islands in Peril? Historical Studies of Discourses on the Vulnerability of Small Islets in Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
462013Bata: The Adaptable Shell Money of Langalanga, MalaitaGuo, Pei-yi The Things We Value: Culture and History in Solomon Islands (London : Sean Kingston Publishing)
482013Between Entangled Landscape and Legalized Tenure: Inter-evolvement of Kastom and Land Court in Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon IslandGuo, Pei-Yi 
492012A Ticket to Ride: ‘Steamer Gangs’ and Big Men in Langalanga, Solomon Islands during the British Colonial TimesGuo, Pei-yi 
502012Coacting Empathy: Fieldwork among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
552011Law as Discourse: Land Disputes and the Changing Imagination of Relations among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi Pacific Studies 34(2/3): 223-249
562011‘Torina (canoe making magic) and "Copy-cat": History and Discourses on the Boatbuilding Industry in Langalanga, Solomon Islands’Guo, Pei-yi Pacific Asia Inquiry 2(1): 33-52
572011坐船不用錢: 平權道德體系(morality of equality)的 日常實郭佩宜 
582011Island Linkages and Colonial Modernities: Review and Prospect of Oceanic Studies in TaiwanGuo, Pei-yi 
592011'Galonala Faga': Boatbuilding and Transportation Business  in Langalanga, Solomon IslandGuo, Pei-yi 
602010Island Connections and Colonial Modernities: Review and Prospect of Oceanic Studies in TaiwanGuo, Pei-yi 
612010Torina (canoe making magic) and ‘Copy-cat’: History and Discourses on the Boatbuilding Industry in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
622010分隔的空間,協商的靈力:Langalanga祖靈與基督上帝的動態關係郭佩宜 宗教與儀式變遷:多重的宇宙觀與歷史 (台北 : 聯經出版社)
642010Land Dispute, Legal Fetish and Landscape Transformation in Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
652010Law as Discourse: Land Disputes and the Changing Imagination of Relations among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
662010坐船不用錢: 平權道德體系(morality of equality)的 日常實郭佩宜 
682009The Social Life of Landscape: Ethnographic Notes on the Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi 
692009流轉跨界:跨國的台灣‧台灣的跨國王宏仁; 郭佩宜 臺北
702009The Transformation of Shell Money: New Regional Trades of the Langalanga, Solomon Islands.Guo, Pei-yi 
712009導論:跨國性的新視野郭佩宜 ; 王宏仁流轉跨界:跨國的台灣‧台灣的跨國 (台北 : 中研院亞太區域研究中心)
722009跨國(trans-nations),跨貨幣(trans-currencies):所羅門群島Langalanga人跨國貿易經驗的歷史初探郭佩宜 流轉跨界:跨國的台灣‧台灣的跨國 (台北 : 中研院亞太區域研究中心)
732009大洋洲的領導權類型與轉變郭佩宜 群島之洋:人類學的大洋洲研究 (台北 : 商務)
742009Separate Space, Negotiating Power: Dynamics of Ancestral Spirits and Christian God in LangalangaGuo, Pei-Yi Religious and Ritual Change: Cosmology and History (Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press)
752008當地景遇到法律: 試論所羅門群島土地的法律化及其困境郭佩宜 考古人類學刊 69期,p.143-182
762008「當代南島社會的地景批判研究」專題導論郭佩宜 考古人類學刊 69: 1-8
772008「當代南島社會的地景批判研究」《考古人類學刊》專號郭佩宜 台北
782008The Cultural Biography of Langalanga Landscape.Guo, Pei-yi 
802008Genealogy as a Genre of Historicity: Gender and Contesting Histories in a Changing Solomon Islands Society.Guo, Pei-yi 
812008Materiality and Mobility of Shell Valuables in Melanesia: the Langalanga Case (Solomon Islands).Guo, Pei-yi 
822008劉斌雄先生紀念論文集林美容; 郭佩宜 ; 黃智慧主編 台北市
832008綜論台灣的太平洋島嶼研究郭佩宜 大洋洲特刊暨標本圖錄 (台中 : 國立自然科學博物館)
842008海洋與連結的視野:大洋洲文化的啟示郭佩宜 多元文化 (台北 : 二魚文化)
852008寬容的人類學精神──劉斌雄先生紀念論文集導論林美容; 郭佩宜 ; 黃智慧 寬容的人類學精神──劉斌雄先生紀念論文集 (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
862008協商貨幣:所羅門群島Langalanga人的動態貨幣界面郭佩宜 臺灣人類學刊 第6卷第2期,頁89-132
872008系譜空間、親屬數學與親屬地圖:劉斌雄教授的親屬稱謂研究郭佩宜 劉斌雄先生紀念論文集 (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
882008寬容的人類學精神─劉斌雄先生紀念論文集林美容; 郭佩宜 ; 黃智慧 臺北
892007'Birana iWala' (Growing up in Langalanga): Dynamics of Knowledge Repatriation in a Cultural Recording Project.Guo, Pei-yi 
912007Resettlement, Mobility, and the Transformation of Landscape in Langalanga Lagoon, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
922007'Olisi batana (Money Exchange)': 所羅門群島Langalanga人的跨國貝珠錢貿易郭佩宜 
932007The Making of Shell Money: Materialization and the Engaged Bodies in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
942007Making Money': Objects, Productions, and Performances of Shell Money Manufacture in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi New Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies (Taipei : Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica)
952006Making Genealogies: Gender, Memory and Contesting Ancestral Histories in the Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
962006Money or Craft?:the Circulation and Transformation of Langalanga Shell Valuables in MelanesiaGuo, Pei-Yi 
972006From Currency to Agency: Shell Money in Contemporary Langalanga, Solomon Islands郭佩宜 
982006田野的技藝:自我、研究與知識建構郭佩宜 ; 王宏仁臺北
992006「我不是白人」:一個人類學家的難題郭佩宜 田野的技藝:自我、研究與知識建構 (臺北 : 巨流圖書公司)
1002006導論:非關田野,非關技藝郭佩宜 田野的技藝:自我、研究與知識建構 (臺北 : 巨流)
1012006From Currency to Agency: Shell Money in Contemporary Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi Asia-Pacific Forum 31, 17-38
1022006De la Monnaie à la Dynamique d'Initiative : la Monnaie de Coquillage au Langalanga Contemporain, Iles SalomonGuo, Pei-yi Dynamiques Identitaires en Asie et dans le Pacifique, Vol I. Enjeux Sociaux, Economiques & Politiques (Marseille : Publications de l'Université de Provence)
1032005‘Making Money’: Objects, Productions, and Performances of Shell Money Manufacture in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1042005History and Trans-placements: Migration Paths and Narratives among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1052005Overview of Pacific Islands Studies in TaiwanGuo, Pei-Yi 
1062005The Renewal of Ascribed Status and Its Discontinuity: Transformations of Power and Hierarchy in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1072005我不是『White man』:一個人類學家的難題郭佩宜 
1082005Social Complexity in Malaita: Movement, Regional Trade and HierarchyGuo, Pei-Yi 
1092005Overview of Pacific Islands Studies in Taiwan郭佩宜 Asia-Pacific Forum 30, 3-28
1102005「臺灣的太平洋島嶼研究:回顧與展望」專題編語郭佩宜 亞太論壇 第30卷,頁1-2
1112005Special Issue on ‘Retrospects and Prospects of Pacific Islands Studies in Taiwan’. Asia-Pacific Forum 30Guo, Pei-yi Taipei
1122004Flow, Paths, Links and Displacement: the Transformation of Mobilities among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1132004Rethinking Ascribed/ Achieved Status: Hierarchy and Egality in Oral Histories among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1142004Discoverers and Late Comers, Male Side and Female Side:Hierarchy and Equality in Oral Histories among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1152004From Currency to Agency: Local Currencies vs. Colonial/ State Currencies in the Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1162004Between Landscape and Ancestors: Names, History and Memory among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1172004展演「製作」:所羅門群島Langalanga人的物觀與「貝珠錢製作」展演郭佩宜 博物館學季刊 第18卷第2期,頁7-24
1182004「比較」與人類學知識建構—以所羅門群島Langalanga人聘禮交換儀式為例郭佩宜 臺灣人類學刊 第2卷第2期,頁1-42
1192003Island Builders' : Landscape and Historicity among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi Landscape, Memory and History: Anthropological Perspectives (London : Pluto Press)
1202002‘Trading Money’: Shell Money and Trading Networks among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1212002The “Community of Communities”: Rethinking ‘Community’ in Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1232002「社群群」(The Community of Communities):所羅門群島Langalanga人「社群」的再思考郭佩宜 「社群」研究的省思 (臺北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
1242001External Gazes and Cultural Representation: Langalanga People and Their ‘Artificial Islands’Guo, Pei-Yi 
1252001Landscape, History and Migration among the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-yi University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology
1262000The “Community of Communities”: Historical Studies on Settlements of the Langalanga, Solomon IslandsGuo, Pei-Yi 
1271993土阪村東部排灣族生命儀禮的初步探討郭佩宜 國立台灣大學, 人類學系