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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Transfiguring Ethos and World-Making Tactics: Alan Chadwick as Radical ProphetChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
22023Agrarianism, Spirituality, and the Ecopoetics of Hope: A Conversation in Taiwan with Norman Wirzba(農本傳統、靈性與希望生態詩學:諾曼.維茲巴之訪談錄)Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena ; Norman WirzbaReview of English and American Literature(英美文學評論) 42, 217-242
32023科技部專題研究計畫「重探美國有機文學與農業運動」期中報告周序樺 國科會
42022IntroductionSlovic, Scott; Shiuhhuah Serena Chou Lagoonscapes: The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities 2(2), 183-188
52022Afterword: Re-worlding Ethos and TacticsChou, Shiuhhuah Geo-Spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the Anthropocene
62022Geo-spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the AnthropoceneChou, Shiuhhuah Serena ; Soyoung Kim; Rob WilsonNew York
72022Chapter 17 - Cultivating NatureChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Cambridge Critical Concepts: Nature and Literary Studies (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press)
82022Afterword: Re-worlding as Hope in the AnthropoceneChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Geo-Spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the Anthropocene (New York : Palgrave Macmillan)
92021Editor's Note: Towards a Worlding of Sinophone Literature and Environmental HumanitiesChou, Shiuhhuah Tamkang Review, 51(2)
102020Beneath the Pacific Redwoods: No Hoe Gardening and Re-worlding through Organic MindfulnessChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
122020湯亭亭處理中國傳統文化素材的方法(1991)周序樺譯 華美:華美及離散華文文學論文集,頁151-170
132020Reworlding Asia: Towards Alchemies of Planetary RegenerationChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
142020種種看.公民有機.仙覓那里與希望政治周序樺 英美文學學會電子報 2020,頁19-30
152019No Hoe Gardening: The Mindful Quest for Organic Alchemy in Contemporary CountercultureChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
162019No Hoe Farming: Organic Alchemy and/as Georgic in Wendy Johnson’s Gardening at the Dragon’s GateChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
172019PrefaceChou, Shiuhhuah Serena The Sound of Silence
182019No Hoe Gardening: The Transnational Quest for Organic Mindfulness in the American Food MovementChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
192019科技部專題研究計畫「美國有機農業與1970年代反文化運動」期末報告周序樺 科技部
202019科技部專題研究計畫「亞際淑世:亞洲/海洋/寰宇的匯聚」(自由型國際合作加值方案) 期末報告周序樺 科技部
212018Chinatown and beyond: Ava Chin, urban foraging, and a new American cityscapeChou, Shiuhhuah Serena ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 25(1), 5-24
222017‘An Accidental Porn Star’: David Mas Masumoto, Food Pornography, and the Politics of the Food MovementChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
232017Back to the city: Urban agriculture and the reimagining of agrarianism in Novella Carpenter’s Farm cityChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Neohelicon 44(2), 403-415
242017"An Accidental Porn Star": David Mas Masumoto, Food Pornography, and the Politics of the Food MovementChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Tamkang Review 48(1), 1-17
252017糧/良食運動:威爾•艾倫的非裔美國城市農事詩學周序樺 英美文學評論 第31卷,頁97-114
262016The wild hunt: Urban foraging and the alternative food movementChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Ecocriticism in Taiwan: Identities, environment, and the arts (Lanham, USA : Lexington Books)
272015Chinatown and beyond: Ava Chin, urban foraging, and the new American cityscapeChou, Shiuhhuah Serena 
282015Key readings in ecocriticismTsai, Robin Chen-hsing; Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena ; Redmer, GuyTaipei
292015Claiming the sacred: Indigenous knowledge, spiritual ecology, and the emergence of eco-cosmopolitanismChou, Shiuhhuah Serena Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 12(1), 71-84
302014Wu's The Man with the Compound Eyes and the Worlding of Environmental LiteratureChou, Shiuhhuah Serena CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16(4), Article 3
312014Claiming the Sacred: Indigenous Knowledge, Spiritual Ecology, and the Emergence of Eco-cosmopolitanismChou, Shiuhhuah Serena