Results 1-65 of 65 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Long Arm of the Regime: Who Signs Extradition Agreements with China?Wu, Chien-Huei ; Li, Howard Jyun-Syun; Lo, Mao-Wei; Wu, Wen-Chin International Relations of The Asia-pacific 24(1), 101-129
22023The EU’s Proposed Anti-coercion Instrument: Legality and EffectivenessWu, Chien-Huei JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE 57(2), 297-316
32023WHO Approves? Relative Trust, the WHO, and China’s COVID-19 VaccinesSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Chien-Huei Wu ; Wen-Chin Wu The Review of International Organizations 18, 499-521
42022WHO approves? Relative trust, the WHO, and China’s COVID-19 vaccinesSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Tung, Hans H.; Wu, Chien-Huei ; Wu, Wen-Chin The Review of International Organizations 18, 499-521
52022Multilateralism in Peril: The Uneasy Triangle of the US, China and the EUWu, Chien-Huei ; F. Giumelli; F. GaenssmantelUK
62022A Marriage of Convenience: A Critique of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on InvestmentWu, Chien-Huei Age of Ferment: Developments in Asian–European Trade Relations (Tokyo, Japan : The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS))
72022No Room to Move: Public Opinion in Taiwan Offers Few Options on ChinaPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wu, Wen-Chin; Wu, Chien-Huei Global Asia 17(3), 1-4
82021Is Currency Undervaluation a Subsidy: US Law and Practice and the WTO CompatibilityWu, Chien-Huei ; Lo, Mao-WeiJournal of World Trade 55(6), 1017-1038
92021Treaty Validity after Diplomatic Cut-off: The Case of Taiwan-Panama Free Trade AgreementWu, Chien-Huei ; Liao, Po-HsiangIndiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 28(1), 293-324
102021Between the High Ideals and Reality: Managing COVID-19 Vaccine NationalismLukasz GRUSZCZYNSKI; Wu, Chien-Huei European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12(3), 711-719
112021From USHKPA to HKHRDA and HKAA: The Turnings of U.S.-China Policy and the End of Hong Kong's Full AutonomyLo, Mao-Wei; Wu, Chien-Huei UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 25(2), 93-156
122021Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and BeyondWu, Chien-Huei New York
132021Sovereignty Fever: The Territorial Turn of Global Cyber OrderWu, Chien-Huei Heidelberg Journal of International Law 81(3), 651-676
142020Brexit in the Eyes of East: How Will It Reshape EU/UK Trade Relations with East Asia?Wu, Chien-Huei European Foreign Affairs Review 25(3), 357-378
152020Breaking State-Centric Shackles in the WHO: Taiwan as a Catalyst for a New Global Health OrderLin, Ching-Fu; Liu, Han-Wei; Wu, Chien-Huei Virginia Journal of International Law Online 61, 100-114
162020Reimagining the Administrative State in Times of Global Health Crisis: An Anatomy of Taiwan’s Regulatory Actions in Response to the COVID-19 PandemicLin, Ching-Fu; Wu, Chien-Huei ; Wu, Chuan-FengEuropean Journal of Risk Regulation 11(2), 256-272
172020International Trade, Public Health, and Human RightsWu, Chuang-Feng; Wu, Chien-Huei Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights (Oxford University Press)
182019Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU-Asia Trade and Investment RelationsWu, Chien-Huei ; Frank GaenssmantelRoutledge, UK
192019ASEAN at the Crossroads: Trap and Track between CPTPP and RCEPWu, Chien-Huei Journal of International Economic Law, jgz032
202019Reclaiming the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership through the EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: Taking Stock and Moving ForwardWu, Chien-Huei 60 Years of European Integration: Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons
212019Toward an EU-Taiwan bilateral investment treaty: A roadmapWu, Chien-Huei China’s Three-Prong Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Tracks (Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press)
222019The EU’s Engagement with the Asia PacificWu, Chien-Huei Research handbook on the European Union’s engagement with international organisations (Cheltenham, UK : Northampton, MA)
232019里斯本下的歐盟對外關係:法律與政策吳建輝 台北
242019國際投資法對內國管制權限之規範:公法取向的貢獻?吳建輝 月旦法學雜誌 第287期,頁192-209
252018Global Economic Governance in the Wake of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Is China Remaking Bretton Woods?Wu, Chien-Huei The Journal of World Investment & Trade 19(3), 542-569
262018史特勞斯堡之路:歐盟加入歐洲人權公約之法律問題吳建輝 東吳法律學報 第29卷第3期,頁129-178
272018Reclaiming the comprehensive strategic partnership through the EU-China partnership and cooperation agreement: Taking stock and moving forwardWu, Chien-Huei European Integration and Global Power Shifts: What Lessons for Asia? (Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press)
282017Right to water in the shadow of trade liberalizationWu, Chien-Huei ; Huang, Helen Hai-NingThe regulation of the global water services market (Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press)
292016Human rights in ASEAN context: Between universalism and relativismWu, Chien-Huei Legal thoughts between the East and the West in the multilevel legal order: A liber amicorum in honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma (Berlin, Germany : Springer)
302016In search of coherence: Navigating the WTO in the universe of international lawWu, Chien-Huei International economic law and governance: Essays in honour of Mitsuo Matsushita (Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press)
312016From fragmentation to coherence: A constitutionalist take on the trade and public health debatesWu, Chien-Huei Fragmentation vs the constitutionalisation of international law: A practical inquiry (London, UK ; New York, NY : Routledge)
322015Dance with the dragon: Closer economic integration with China and deteriorating democracy and rule of law in Taiwan and Hong Kong?Wu, Chien-Huei Hong Kong Law Journal 45(1), 275-294
332015Key Issues Regarding the EU's Concurrent Imposition of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Chinese Coated Fine Papers: Analogue Country, Market Economy Treatment, Individual Treatment, and Double RemedyWu, Chien-Huei Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy 10(1), 263-305
342015Aggressive Legalism: China's Proactive Role in Renewable Energy Trade Disputes?Wu, Chien-Huei ; Yang, Kuei-ChihOil, Gas & Energy Law 13(3)
352015Key Issues Regarding the EUs Concurrent Imposition of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Chinese Coated Fine Papers: Analogue Country, Market Economy Treatment, Individual Treatment, and Double RemedyWu, Chien-Huei Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy 10(1): 263-305
362015歐盟對外經貿協定在歐盟法秩序之效力吳建輝 歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展 (台北 : 臺大出版中心)
372015在區域主義蔓延之際重省歐盟與土耳其關稅聯盟吳建輝 第十五屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會論文集 (台北 : 國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心)
382014One Country Two State Immunity Doctrines: A Pluralistic Depiction of the Congo CaseWu, Chien-Huei National Taiwan University Law Review 9(2), 197-232
392013Legal Aspects of the WTO/IMF Relationship RevisitedWu, Chien-Huei Reflections on the Constitutionalisation of International Economic Law: Liber Amicorum for Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (Leiden : Brill)
402013歐盟對外經貿協定的多重面向與治理模型吳建輝 歐債陰影下歐洲聯盟新財經政策 (台北 : 臺大出版中心)
412013歐盟做為全球環境行為者:以其在氣候變化綱要公約之參與為例吳建輝 歐美研究 43(1), 27-87
422013Access to Raw Materials: the EU’s Pursuit of Trade Disciplines on Export ControlWu, Chien-Huei The EU's Role in Global Governance--The Legal Dimension (Oxford : Oxford University Press)
432013The Evolution of EU-ASEAN Relations: Legal Framework and Policy ChangeWu, Chien-Huei National Taiwan University Law Review 8(2), 329-372
442012歐盟對外經貿法之發展:法律與政策變遷吳建輝 歐美研究 42(4), 753-839
452012國際組織之可課責性:以世界衛生組織與其H1N1新流感決策為例吳建輝 2011科技發展與法律規範雙年刊——健康、科學與人權 (台北 : 中央研究院法律學研究所)
462012Beyond Liberalisation: Health-Related Aspects of EU External Economic AgreementsWu, Chien-Huei European Foreign Affairs Review 17, 511-532
472012試論2004/24/EC歐盟傳統草藥製品指令之管制結構與其適法性吳建輝 第十二屆國際經貿法學發展學術研討會論文集 (台北 : 國際經貿組織暨法律研究中心)
482012Beyond European Conditionality and Chinese Non-Interference: Articulating EU-China-Africa Trilateral RelationsWu, Chien-Huei China, the European Union and Global Governance (Cheltenham, UK :  Edward Elgar Publishing)
492012刑事司法互助在歐洲聯盟法之發展吳建輝 司法新聲 第103期季刊,頁7-25
502012WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution.Wu, Chien-Huei Leiden, Boston
512012歐洲化的外部經貿法面向:以印度與巴基斯坦對於歐盟普遍性優惠待遇之回應為例吳建輝 歐洲化之衝擊 (台北 : 五南)
522012A New Landscape in the WTO: Economic Integration among China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and MacaoWu, Chien-Huei European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Vol. 3, pp.241-270) (Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London : Springer)
532011專家與公民社會在生物科技爭端的角色:以歐洲法院、歐洲專利局與世界貿易組織爭端解決機制為核心吳建輝 歐盟與美國生物科技政策 (台北 : 中央研究院歐美研究所)
542011Foreign Direct Investment as Common Commercial Policy: EU External Economic Competence after LisbonWu, Chien-Huei EU External Relations Law and Policy in the Post-Lisbon Era (Heidelberg, Dordrecht, New York : TMC Aser/Springer)
552011專家審議委員會在衛生法制之角色——以毒品審議委員會與管制藥品審議委員會為例王韻茹; 吳建輝 兩岸當代重要衛生法議題研究 (台北 : 元照出版社)
562010EU’s Participation in the WHO and FCTC: A Good Case for "EU as a Global Actor"?Wu, Chien-Huei Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy 5(2), 467-496
572010Mutual Recognition of Arbitral Awards among Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Macau: Regulatory Framework and Judicial DevelopmentWu, Chien-Huei Contemporary Asia Arbitration 3(1), 65-97
582010Reducing Tobacco Growing in Taiwan and Government Interaction: Challenges and OpportunitiesLo, Chang-fa; Lin, Tsai-yu; Chang, Fong-ching; Wu, Chuan-feng; Yang, Pei-kan; Wu, Chien-Huei ; Chi, Chung; Chan, Chi-wei; Huang, Yun-ya; Lee, Tsung-ling; Wang, Pei-ju; Yang, Shih-yu; Yeh, Eric Yi-hsinAsian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy 5(1), 207-247
592010The ASEAN Economic Community under the ASEAN Charter; Its External Economic Relations and Dispute Settlement MechanismsWu, Chien-Huei European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2010 (Vol. 1, pp.331-357) (Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, N : Springer)
602008Mission (Im)possible: Could the WTO Save Chinese Courts?Wu, Chien-Huei National Taiwan University Law Review 3(2), 61-110
612008How Does TRIPS Transform Chinese Administrative Law?Wu, Chien-Huei Global Jurist 8(1), art 6
622008One Country, Two Systems, and Three Memberships: Legal and Economic Integration between China and its two SARsWu, Chien-Huei Global Jurist 7(3), art 7
63-Economic Cooperation in the Shadow of Contested SovereigntyWu, Chien-Huei ; Lin, Ching-Fu; Liu, Han-Wei
64-Switching Diplomatic Recognition between Taiwan and China: Economic and Social ImpactWu, Chien-Huei 
65-Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU-Asia Economic DisputesGaenssmantel, Frank; Wu, Chien-Huei