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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12016從政策訊號觀點論美國「亞洲再平衡」策略: 2012-2016黃偉峰 
22016Identity mobilization, path dependence, and EU governance after BrexitHuang, David W. F. 
32016The role of European Parliament in the EU's external agreementsHuang, David W. F. 
42016IntroductionHuang, David W. F. Asia Pacific counties and the U.S. rebalancing strategy (New York : Palgrave Macmillan)
52016Asia Pacific countries and the US rebalancing strategyHuang, David W. F. New York
62016Balancing signals in the US rebalancing strategy to AsiaHuang, David W. F. Asia Pacific counties and the U.S. rebalancing strategy (New York : Palgrave Macmillan)
72015The European Parliament’s role in trade agreements and TTIPHuang, David W. F. 
82015歐盟全球角色中的對美關係:「競爭性合作」的再詮釋黃偉峰 歐洲聯盟的全球角色 (臺北 : 臺灣大學出版中心)
92015Do ‘hematic turn’ and‘audit explosion’ of EU cohesion policy reduce regional disparities?Huang, David W. F. 
102015EU actorness and its negotiation of TTIP with the USHuang, David W. F. 
112015The European Parliament’s role in trade agreements and TTIPHuang, David W. F. 
122015Democracy Reclaims Free Trade: European Parliament and Policy StakeholdersDavid W. F. Huang ; Wolfgang PapeLondon
132014The evolving role of European Parliament in trade negotiationsDavid W. F. Huang 
142014Balancing Signals in the US Rebalancing Strategy toward AsiaDavid W. F. Huang 
152014The Evolving Role of European Parliament in EU Trade Negotiation after the Lisbon Treaty: A Preliminary AssessmentDavid W. F. Huang 
162013Mobilizing Regions through the 2014-2020 EU’s Cohesion PolicyHuang, David W. F. 
172013歐盟對外簽署自由貿易協定之文本分析與類型研究黃偉峰 歐債陰影下歐洲聯盟新財經政策 (台北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心)
182013「歐盟」暨「歐洲自由貿易協會」對外談判自由貿易協定之比較研究黃偉峰 行政院國家科學委員會
192013Explaining the Variation of WTO-Plus and WTO-Extra Policy Coverage Rates: The EU’s and EFTA’s Free Trade Agreements ComparedHuang, David W. F. 
202013歐盟對外簽署自由貿易協定之文本分析與類型研究黃偉峰 政治科學論叢 55, 頁 85-118
212013On spillover effect of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement: perspectives from the European model of functional integrationHuang, David W. F. New Dynamics in Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations: How far can the rapprochement go? (New York, USA : Routledge)
222012Trade, Development or Regional Security? Understanding the Decision to Establish the EU's Delegation Offices in Third CountriesHuang, David W. F. 
232012A Post-functionalist Perspective on EU Governance after the Lisbon TreatyHuang, David W. F. 
252012歐體/歐盟陰影下的「歐洲自由貿易協會」(EFTA) 的FTA政策變遷:路徑依賴邏輯之探討黃偉峰 行政院國家科學委員會
262012歐洲化之衝擊黃偉峰 台北市
272012緒論:檢視「歐洲化」之現象黃偉峰 歐洲化之衝擊 (台北市 : 五南圖書出版股份有限公司)
282012歐洲化課題之各類硏究方法及取向黃偉峰 歐洲化之衝擊 (台北市 : 五南圖書出版股份有限公司)
292011清議論壇下的合作行動:「亞太經濟合作會議」(APEC)之行動計畫初探黃偉峰 中央研究院亞太研究中心
302011What does APEC do to promote human security in the Asia Pacific? A Preliminary AnalysisHuang, David W. F. 
312011論『雙邊自由貿易協定』對『亞太經濟合作會議』的組織運作之衝擊黃偉峰 人文及社會科學集刊 第23卷第4期,頁399-445
322011Applying EU’s Functional Integration Model to Political Reconciliation between China and TaiwanHuang, David W. F. 
332011歐洲自由貿易區之「共同體化」:弱勢建制組織調適問題之研究黃偉峰 行政院國家科學委員會
352011論歐洲化課題之各類研究取向及其限制黃偉峰 歐美研究 第41卷第2期,頁393-463
362011Lobbying for a ‘US-Taiwan FTA’ in the US Congress: Which ‘Fast track? What Target?’Huang, David W. F. The Future of United States, China and Taiwan Relations(New York, NY : Palgrave MacMillan)
372011Talk Shop in Action: An Analysis of APEC Member Economies' Participations in APEC ProjectsHuang, David W. F. 
382010How to reap the peace dividend of economic Integration between China and Taiwan? A lesson from Europe IntegrationHuang, David W. F. 
402009Lobbying beyond TIFA: Agenda Setters, Procedural Actors, and Veto Players in the US Trade Policy FormationHuang, David W. F. 
412009從歐美經驗論立法院在兩岸經貿協商之監督角色黃偉峰 台灣民主季刊 第6卷第1期,頁185-98
422009Taiwan in 2006: Sociopolitical Orientation in the Context of Democratic ConsolidationHuang, David W. F. Human Beliefs and Values in East and Southeast Asia in Transition : 13 country profiles on the basis of the AsiaBarometer Surveys of 2006 and 2007 (Tokyo : Akashi Shoten)
432008'One China Policy' in Theory and Practice: EU and US Roles ComparedHuang, David W. F. 
442008試探兩岸和解下台灣參與國際組織之法理基礎黃偉峰 台灣國際法季刊 第5卷第4期,頁 63-94
452008美國新任總統的對台政策黃偉峰 國際商情雙週刊 第255期
462008Change and Continuity in Taiwan's Cross-Strait Policy since May 20, 2008Huang, David W. F. 
472008Containing the PTA WildfireDavid Huang ; Cédric DupontChina, Asia and the New World Economy (Oxford : Oxford University Press)
482007歐洲聯盟的組織與運作(2版)黃偉峰 台北市
492007歐洲議會黃偉峰 歐洲聯盟的組織與運作 (初版) (台北市 : 五南)
502006Did the 2004 “Peace Referendum” Contribute to the Consolidation of Taiwan’s Democracy?Huang, Wei-Feng Taiwan Journal of Democracy 2(2), 143-176
512006The Impact of Political Trust on Third Party Voting in Britain黃偉峰 Political Studies
522004相對剝奪感與經濟投票理性:1992年與1997年「英國選舉研究」資料之檢證黃偉峰 選舉研究
532004從選票區位結構試探影響2004年「和平公投」之相關因素黃偉峰 台灣民主季刊 1(3): 73-98
542004歐盟執委會駐外代表團之分析黃偉峰 問題與研究 43(2): 141-170
552004The Standard Contrast of the EU and APEC Institutions Reexamined黃偉峰 Journal of European Integration
562004The relevance of European integration model to East AsiaHuang, Wei-Feng Europa und die globalisierung (Vienna : Verlag Österreich)
572003歐洲聯盟的組織與運作(初版)黃偉峰 台北市
582003歐盟政治研究中理論方法之分類與比較黃偉峰 人文及社會科學集刊 第15卷第4期,頁539-594
592003剖析歐洲聯盟正在成型的治理體系黃偉峰 歐美研究 33(2): 291-344
602003Political Knowledge, On-line Processing, and Voting Fall off between National and European Parliament Elections黃偉峰 European Journal of Political Research
612003On Institution Building of the European Union and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation黃偉峰 Journal of European Integration
622003歐洲議會黃偉峰 歐洲聯盟的組織與運作 (2版) (台北市 : 五南)
632002On institution building of the European Union and Asia-Pacific economic cooperationHuang, David W. F. 
642002Explaining consistency of economic voting in the 1992 and 1997 British general electionsHuang, David W. F. 
652002Northeast Asian regionalism: Learning from the European experienceDent, Christopher; David W. F. Huang, Eds. London
672002左派、右派、或是第三條路?英國主要政黨意識型態之區隔,1979-1997黃偉峰 理論與政策 16, 1: 1-25
682001On scope of EU external relations: A theoretical frameworkHuang, David W. F. 
692001Political trust and Third Party voting in the 1979, 1987, and 1997 British general electionsHuang, David W. F. 
702001Theorizing antigovernment tactical voting: Some evidence from the 1987, 1992, and 1997 British general electionsHuang, David W.F. British Elections and Parties Review 11: 136-152
712001歐盟整合模式與兩岸主權爭議之解析黃偉峰 歐美研究社會學研究所, 1: 129-173
722000Regional integration in Europe and East Asia: Assessing the role of idea and epistemic communitiesHuang, David W. F. 
752000「知識社群」研究取向如何應用在歐洲與東亞經濟暨貨幣整合?方法論的困境及其解決之道黃偉峰 問題與研究 39, 5: 47-69
7620001999年歐洲議會選舉之經驗觀察與理論意涵黃偉峰 台灣政治學刊 第4期,頁149-208
772000歐盟共同區域政策的發展與其對區域性動員之影響黃偉峰 歐洲聯盟經貿政策 (台北 : 中央研究院歐美研究所)
781999ERDF and British attitudes toward European integration, 1992-96Huang, David W. F. 
791999Structural funds, Pro-European opinions, and turnout in European Parliament election: Evidence from British election studiesHuang, David W. F. 
801999'Independents', 'switchers' and voting for Third Parties in Britain 1979-92Huang, David W.F. British Elections & Parties Review 9: 105-118
811999由國際經驗看公民投票黃偉峰 公民投票與台灣前途 : 公投研討會論文集(台北 : 前衛)
831998On economic voting of the 1992 and 1997 British general electionsHuang, David W. F. 
841998英國浮動選民與第三黨投票取向之研究黃偉峰 歐美研究 28(4): 1-61
851998Understanding Parliamentary origins of the universalist type of welfare stateHuang, David W.F. 政治學報 Chinese Political Science Review: 15-42
861998從公民投票經驗之比較研究檢證其基本假設--美英法瑞義為例黃偉峰 選舉研究 5(1): 1-36
871998邁向唐寧街十號:一九九七年英國大選工黨勝選因素初探黃偉峰 歐美研究 28(1):137-192
881997National electoral cycles and 'expressive' tactical voting in the British local electionsHuang, David W. F. ; Mclean, Iain
891997次級選舉理論與歐洲議會選舉:英國經驗資料之檢證黃偉峰 歐美研究 27 (4):199-232
901996解讀美國總統大選之預測黃偉峰 美歐季刊 11 (12): 93-121
911996Electoral reform is no panacea: An assessment of Japan's electoral system after the 1994 reformHuang, David W.F. Issue & Studies 32 (10): 109-139
921995Rational voters with an exit option : testing Hirschman's and Tiebout's hypothesesHuang, David W. F. Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Faculty of Politic, UK, 308 p.
931995Is there a trade-off between exit and vote-An empirical testHuang, David W. F. Contemporary Political Studies; 1995, v.2, p.660-675 (Belfast : Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom)
94-資訊處理模式與次級選舉之投票行為:以歐洲議會選舉為例Huang, Wei-Feng 行政院國科會
95-Exploring assertiveness of the European Parliament in free trade negotiationsDavid W.F. Huang PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS