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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12019美國各州政經與社會需求因素對社會福利支出之影響研究鄭麗嬌 全球管理與經濟 第15卷第1期,頁1-16
22019Effects of Training Needs and Core Competency Investigation on Strategic Planning for TrainingLee-Joy Cheng ; Seng-Lee WongInternational Journal of Business and Strategy 20(2), 1-33
32017Factors influencing state welfare expenditure levels in the United StatesLee-Joy Cheng International Journal of Business and Strategy 18(2), pp.1-24
42014影響美國各州兒童收養補助政策差異因素之研究(1/2)鄭麗嬌 科技部
52013政黨屬性、州際競爭與美國各州SCHIP政策關係之研究鄭麗嬌 國科會
62013Examining administrative effect on changes in TANF caseloads in the United StatesCheng, Lee-Joy ; Wong, Seng-LeeADMINISTRATION IN SOCIAL WORK 37(1), 39-58
72012超越形式化性別平等:美國女性政經影響力與女性權益關係之研究鄭麗嬌 社會政策與社會工作學刊 第16卷第1期,頁59-86
82012絕對多數政黨對弱勢團體政策需求回應之研究:美國TANF個案 (2/2)鄭麗嬌 國科會
92011絕對多數政黨對弱勢團體政策需求回應之研究:美國TANF個案 (1/2)鄭麗嬌 國科會
102011Elucidating the relationship between satisfaction and citizen involvement in public administrationWong, Seng-Lee; Liu, Hsiang-Te; Cheng, Lee-Joy PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW 13(4), 595-618
112010影響美國各州社會福利受助案數異動因素之研究 (2/2)鄭麗嬌 國科會
122009影響美國各州社會福利受助案數異動因素之研究 (1/2)鄭麗嬌 國科會
132009Relationships between economics, welfare, social network factors and net migration in the United States. International MigrationCheng, Lee-Joy INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION 47(4), 157-185
142008美國各州生育防制政策與少女墮胎率及生子率關係之研究鄭麗嬌 國科會
152008The Effect of State Pregnancy Prevention Policy on Teen Abortion and Birth Rates in the U.S.Cheng, Lee-Joy Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy 14(1), 1-22
162008影響美國私部門先期採納產假制度因素之研究鄭麗嬌 績效與策略研究 第5卷第2期,頁1-15
182007美國各州社經與福利因素影響州民人口遷移之研究鄭麗嬌 國科會
192006美國各州財政結構、社會結構與TANF方案執行結果之結構關係研究鄭麗嬌 社會政策與社會工作學刊 第10卷第2期,頁117-144
202006An Analysis of the Relationship between Women's Autonomy, State's Pro-choice Attitude and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Effectiveness in the United StatesCheng, Lee-Joy Journal of Accounting, Finance and Management Strategy 2(1), 57-81
212006美國育嬰休假政策之探討鄭麗嬌 政大勞動學報 第20期,頁49 -96
222006美國社會救助方案施行成效之研究鄭麗嬌 國科會
232005Evaluation of Policy Outcomes in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in the United StatesCheng, Lee-Joy International Journal of Business and Strategy 6(1), 102-146
242004「歐美女性權益與地位之研究」學術研討會紀實鄭麗嬌 婦研縱橫 69,頁119-126
252004美國各州防制少女懷孕方案績效之比較研究鄭麗嬌 國科會
262003家庭假政策之評估研究—美國FMLA個案分析鄭麗嬌 中國行政評論 第12卷第2期,頁91-116
272003美國「家庭與醫療假法」實施成效之影響評估鄭麗嬌 國科會
282003The Effects of Policy Instruments on Policy Outcomes: A Case Study of the U.S. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ProgramCheng, Lee-Joy Social Policy & Social Work 7(1). 215-246
291995中西社會福利政策與制度鄭麗嬌 台北市
301993The Nature of Policy Studies: An Empirical Study of Educational Policy Research in the United States, 1970-1989Lee-Joy Cheng Taipei