Results 1-55 of 55 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021性別、健康與老人照顧:歐盟國家的比較研究柯瓊芳 高雄市
22021族群資料的蒐集方法、趨勢與挑戰柯瓊芳 客家與族群研究的技藝 (新竹 : 國立陽明交通大學出版社)
42018Marital Power/Resource TheoryKo, Chyong-Fang The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (online : Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition.)
52017老人照護、性別角色與家庭功能:義大利與台灣的比較研究柯瓊芳 中央研究院週報1630期-知識天地
62017環境保護或經濟成長:越南與匈牙利的比較研究柯瓊芳 台灣東南亞學刊 第12卷第1期,頁113-136
72017都市化影響之下越南經濟發展與價值觀關係之探究蔡芬芳; 柯瓊芳 ; 張翰璧台灣東南亞學刊 第12卷第1期,頁79-112
82016Gender gaps in self-perceived quality of health in EU member states: Micro-macro linkagesKo, Chyong-Fang ; Yang, Meng-Li 
92016A comparative study of age, health and gender: Hungary and TaiwanKo, Chyong-Fang 
102015Gender gap in self-perceived health and health expectancy in EU member statesKo, Chyong-Fang 
112014Migrant Care Workers: A Comparative Study of Italy and Taiwan柯瓊芳 
122013移民趨勢以及一般民眾對於移民的態度: 義大利, 希臘, 西班牙與葡萄牙的比較分析柯瓊芳 
132012Work Attitudes and Social Protection:What Vietnamese and Swedes Can Learn From Each OtherKo, Chyong-Fang 跨界:大學與社會參與第2期 頁1-31
142012Marital power relations and family life in transnational marriages: A study of Asian-French couples residing in France(跨國婚姻中的權力關係與家庭生活:以法國的亞-法婚配伴侶為例)Ko, Chyong-Fang EurAmerica 42(2), 249-279
152011Work attitudes and social protection: What Vietnamese and Sweden can learn from each otherKo, Chyong-fang. 
162011歐盟會員國的移民趨勢以及一般民眾對於移民的態度: 義大利, 希臘, 西班牙與葡萄牙的比較分析柯瓊芳 
172011Acceptance of foreign workers: A comparative study of Austria and TaiwanKo, Chyong-fang. 
182011為愛走天涯: 跨國婚姻的跨國比較柯瓊芳 知識的饗宴七 (台北 : 中央研究院)
192010Value Identities and Power Relationships among Asian-French Couples Residing in FranceKo, Chyong-fang. 
202010Gender-Role Expectations in EU Member StatesKo, Chyong-fang. 
212010Do Economic Conditions Matter? A Cross-National Comparison of Attitudes toward Migrant WorkersKo, Chyong-Fang Vietnam Social Sciences Review 4(138): 80-91
222010Comparing familial lives of Vietnamese wives in Taiwan and USAKo, Chyong-fang. 
232009Do Economic Conditions Matter? A Cross-National Comparison of Attitudes toward Migrant Workers.Ko, Chyong-fang. 
242009Globalization and value hybridization: Female marriage migrants in Taiwan and the NetherlandsKo, Chyong-Fang Globalization of Cultural Pass-down (Taipei : Center for Cross-Cultural Studies, National Cheng Chu University)
252009Life Writing in Diaspora: Vietnamese Wives in Taiwan and the United StatesKo, Chyong-fang. 
292008Bring the family back? Comparing cultural values between foreign migrant brides in Taiwan and The Netherlands.Ko, Chyong-fang. 
302008Are We Getting the Right Foreign Spouses?柯瓊芳 ; 蔡毓智
312007台北市外籍與在地企業之區位聚集的比較研究柯瓊芳 ; 曾瑞鈴 調查研究 第22輯,頁7-37
322007印尼客家社會探析:以桃園地區客語印尼配偶為例張維安; 張翰璧; 柯瓊芳 ; 廖經庭
332007越南、印尼與台灣社會價值觀的比較研究柯瓊芳 ; 張翰璧台灣東南亞學刊 第4卷第1期,頁91-111
342007The Social Values and Attitudes toward Child Raising: A Comparatives Study of Taiwanese and VietnameseKo, Chyong-Fang Asia-Pacific Forum 37, 130-139
352007Ageing Population in East Asia: Impacts on Social Protection and Social Policy Reforms in Japan, Korea and TaiwanKo, Chyong-Fang ; Oh, Kyeung Mi; Ogawa, TetsuoThe Crisis of Welfare in East Asia (Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield)
362006The Social Values and Attitudes toward Child Raising: A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and VietnameseKo, Chyong-Fang 
372006Social Expenditures and Subjective Well-being: A Cross-National ComparisonKo, Chyong-Fang 
382006家庭的養老與育幼功能:中、日、台與歐盟社會的比較研究柯瓊芳 國立政治大學社會學報 第38期,頁1-24
392006都市發展與外商企業總部區位分佈模式之變遷:以台北市美歐日商為例柯瓊芳 ; 曾瑞鈴 研究台灣 第1期,頁109-150
402005Transnational marriage and social reproduction: A comparative study of Vietnamese and European spouses in Taiwan.Ko, Chyong-Fang ; Chang, Han-Pi
422005都市發展與企業總部區位分佈的變遷—以1993-2001台北市美歐日商為例曾瑞鈴 ; 柯瓊芳 
432005經濟與文化全球化下的語言與族群建構:以桃竹苗地區客家族群為例柯瓊芳 ; 張翰璧
442005經濟全球化下外商在都會區的空間分佈及其影響:以北台灣為例(2/2)曾瑞鈴 ; 柯瓊芳 行政院國家科學委員會
452005Transnational Marriage and Social Reproduction: Comparing Vietnamese and European Spouses in TaiwanChang, Han-Pi; Ko, Chyong-Fang New Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies (Taipei : CAPAS, Academia Sinica)
462004Globalization and the Local Impacts of Industrial Locations: Spatial Patterns of Foreign and Domestic Firms Operating in TaiwanTzeng, Rueyling ; Ko, Chyong-Fang 
472004Country report: Taiwan, Republic of ChinaKo, Chyong-Fang ISA, RC-11 Newsletter, Autumn 2004: 12-16
482004外商在台北市的區位分佈:聚集與歷史背景之探討曾瑞鈴 ; 柯瓊芳 東吳社會學報 第16期,頁61-97
492003經濟全球化下外商在都會區的空間分佈及其影響:以北台灣為例(1/2)曾瑞鈴 ; 柯瓊芳 行政院國家科學委員會
502003Is the 21st century world economy a passport to development or to sexual exploitation?Ko, Chyong-fang ; Chang, Han-piCrises and resistance in the 21st century world-system (Westport, Conn. : Praeger Press)
512003人口の高齢化と中国の社会保障改革柯瓊芳 ; 小川哲生アジアの社会保障 (東京 : 東京大学出版会)
522002Mapping Global Manufacturing and Services in TaiwanTzeng, Rueyling ; Ko, Chyong-Fang 
531995中西都會區之發展與面臨的問題曹俊漢; 柯瓊芳 台北市
541994中美老人的健康狀況與照護模式曹俊漢; 柯瓊芳 台北市
55-Marital Power/Resource TheoryKo, Chyong-Fang Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition