| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2024 | 中央研究院語言學研究所成所二十周年慶祝論文集(Linguistic diversity, but unity in research : celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | 曾淑娟 ; 齊莉莎編 | 台北 | | | |
2 | 2024 | 台灣華語3至6歲兒童語音習得跨域研究 | 曾淑娟 | 中央研究院語言學研究所成所二十週年慶祝論文集(Linguistic diversity, but unity in research : celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) (Taipei : Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
3 | 2024 | On the history and development of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica | Zeitoun, E.; S.-C. Tseng | 中央研究院語言學研究所成所二十週年慶祝論文集(Linguistic diversity, but unity in research : celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) (Taipei : Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
4 | 2023 | Model-assisted Lexical Tone Evaluation of three-year-old Chinese-speaking Children by also Considering Segment Production | Tseng, S.-C. ; Y.-F. Liu; X.-L. Lu | | | | |
5 | 2023 | Word-level and syllable-level predictability effects on syllable duration in Taiwan Mandarin | Wang, S.-F.; S.-C. Tseng | | | | |
6 | 2023 | 中文哪個聲調最難習得?兒童語音語料庫及聲調預測模型研究 | 曾淑娟 | | | | |
7 | 2023 | Syllable contraction in Taiwan Mandarin: How a wide range of factors shape phonetic variability | Wang, S.-F.; S.-C. Tseng | | | | |
8 | 2023 | Tone variability in speech acquisition: Evidence from multi-level judgement results and tone model prediction | Tseng, Shu-Chuan | | | | |
9 | 2023 | Form and Function of Connectives in Chinese Conversational Speech | Wu, N.-H.; S.-C. Tseng | Dialogue and Discourse 14(1), 88-124 | | | |
10 | 2022 | Accuracy or acceptability in evaluating speech intelligibility in Chinese-speaking children aged 3 to 6? | Tseng, Shu-Chuan | | | | |
11 | 2022 | Topic Development and Boundary Cues in Hakka Conversational Discourse | Tseng, Shu-Chuan ; Hsiao-chien Liu | International Journal for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing(中文計算語言學期刊) 27(1), 27-52 | | | |
12 | 2021 | Segment and Tone Production in Continuous Speech of Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Children | Tseng, Shu-Chuan ; Yi-Fen Liu | | | | |
13 | 2021 | Classifying Speech Intelligibility Levels of Children in Two Continuous Speech Styles | Lin, Yeh-Sheng; Tseng, Shu-Chuan | | | | |
14 | 2021 | 六堆客語「過」構式之語法化研究 | 劉曉蒨; 賴惠玲; 曾淑娟 | 新編六堆鄉土誌:語言篇 (高雄 : 高雄師範大學客家文化研究所) | | | |
15 | 2021 | Phonetic fusion in Chinese conversational speech | Tseng, Shu-Chuan | Chinese Language and Discourse Online | | | |
16 | 2020 | Word Use and Word-level Reduction in Story-telling Speech of Chinese-speaking Hearing and Hard of Hearing Children | Liu, Y.-F.; S.-C. Tseng | Disfluencies in Spontaneous Speech | | | |
17 | 2019 | Automatic detection of fillers in Mandarin conversational speech | Lin, Y.-S.; H.-H. Huang; S.-C. Tseng ; H.-H. Chen | The third International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (LPSS 2019) (Academia Sinica : National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics and Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
18 | 2019 | ILAS Chinese spoken language resources | Tseng, S.-C. | The third International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (LPSS 2019) (Academia Sinica : National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics and Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
19 | 2019 | Use of words in story-telling data of Chinese-speaking hearing and hearing-impaired children | Liu, Y.-F.; S.-C. Tseng | Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech with an additional special day on (Dis)Fluency in Children’s Speech (Budapest : University of Budapest) | | | |
20 | 2019 | Prosodic encoding in Mandarin spontaneous speech: Evidence for clause-based advanced planning in language production | Chen, A. C.-H.; S.-C. Tseng | Journal of Phonetics 76, 100912 | | | |
21 | 2018 | A Corpus-based Computational Approach to Collecting and Analyzing Child Speech | Tseng, S.-C. | | | | |
22 | 2018 | Grouping conversational markers across languages by exploiting large comparable corpora and unsupervised segmentation | Prévot, L.; Stali, M.; S.-C. Tseng | | | | |
23 | 2018 | Grouping conversational markers across languages by exploiting large comparable corpora and unsupervised segmentation | Prévot, L.; Stali, M.; S.-C. Tseng | The 11th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (Miyazaki : European Language Resources Association) | | | |
24 | 2018 | Computational modeling of Chinese tones | Chiew Pheng Phua; Shu-Chuan Tseng | 漢語與漢藏語前沿研究 : 丁邦新先生八秩壽慶論文集(Frontiers in the study of sinitic and sino-tibetan languages : festschrift in honor of professor Ting Pang-Hsin on his 80th birthday) (Shanghai : Social Science Academic Press) | | | |
25 | 2017 | Chinese demonstratives and their spoken forms in a conversational corpus | Tseng, S.-C. | 音声研究 (Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan) 第 21巻第3号,頁41-52 | | | |
26 | 2017 | Phonetic Characteristics of Filled Pauses: A Preliminary Comparison between Japanese and Chinese | Maekawa, K.; K. Nishikawa; S.-C. Tseng | | | | |
27 | 2016 | Disfluent speech | Shu-Chuan Tseng | Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill) | | | |
28 | 2016 | 臺灣客語「過」趨向結構:探討語法化之語音面向 | 劉曉蒨; 曾淑娟 | | | | |
29 | 2016 | /kwo/ and /y/ in Taiwan Mandarin: Social Factors and Phonetic Variation | Shu-Chuan Tseng | Language and Linguistics 17(3), 383-405 | | | |
30 | 2016 | Deriving disyllabic word variants from a Chinese conversational speech corpus | Y.-F. Liu; S.-C. Tseng ; R. Jang | JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 140(1), 308-321 | | | |
31 | 2015 | Tones produced by Chinese-speaking children with hearing impairment and normal hearing | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
32 | 2015 | Empirical evidence for grammatical constituency: Pitch variation in online spontaneous speech production | Chen, A. C.-H.; S. -C. Tseng | | | | |
33 | 2015 | 消失中的閩南語─數位典藏計畫之台灣社會語音研究 | 曾淑娟 | 中研院週報知識天地, 3-6 | | | |
34 | 2015 | Processing units in conversation: A comparative study of French and Mandarin data | Prévot, L.; S.-C. Tseng ; K. Peshkov; A. C.-H. Chen | Language and Linguistics 16(1), 69-92 | | | |
35 | 2015 | Language and Linguistics. Special Issue: Language and Computation: A Synergy | Lai, H.-l.; S.-C. Tseng | Taipei | | | |
36 | 2014 | Chinese disyllabic words in conversation | Shu-Chuan Tseng | Chinese Language and Discourse 5(2), 231-251 | | | |
37 | 2014 | Phone boundary annotation in conversational speech | Liu, Y.-F.; S.-C. Tseng ; R. Jang | | | | |
38 | 2014 | Phone boundary annotation in conversational speech | Liu, Y.-F.; S.-C. Tseng ; R. Jang | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (Reykjavik : European Language Resources Association (Thomson Reuters CPCI)) | | | |
39 | 2013 | A quantitative comparative study of prosodic and discourse units, the case of French and Taiwan Mandarin | Prévot, Laurent; Tseng, Shu-Chuan ; Chen, Alvin C. -h.; Peshkov, Klim | | | | |
40 | 2013 | A usage-based perspective on the comparison between complement constructions in Hakka and Mandarin Chinese | Liu, H. -c.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Lai, H. -l. | | | | |
41 | 2012 | 以中研院語言典藏資料為基的「說」類動詞跨語言考察 | 魏培泉; 陳昭容 ; 江敏華; 蕭素英 ; 曾淑娟 ; 齊莉莎 | | | | |
42 | 2012 | Conceptual planning in conversational Mandarin: pitch variation in prosodic phrasing | Chen, A. C. -H.; Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
43 | 2011 | Speech production of Mandarin-speaking children with hearing impairment and normal hearing | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
44 | 2011 | Acoustic characteristics of vowels and plosives/affricates of Mandarin-speaking hearing-impaired children | Tseng, S. -C. ; Kuei, K.; Tsou, P. -C. | Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 25(9), 784-803 | | | |
45 | 2010 | Contextual effects in recognizing reduced words in spontaneous speech | Tseng, S. -C. ; Lee, T. -L. | | | | |
46 | 2010 | A socio-phonetic analysis of Taiwan Mandarin interview speech | Tseng, S. -C. ; Huang, Y. -R. | | | | |
47 | 2010 | Assessing sentence repetition and narrative speech data produced by hearing-impaired and normally hearing children | Tseng, S. -C. ; Tsou, P. -C.; Kuei, K.; Lee, C. -W. | | | | |
48 | 2010 | Coping imbalanced prosodic unit boundary detection with linguistically motivated prosodic features | Liu, Y. -F.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Jang, J. -S. R.; Chen, C. -H. A. | | | | |
49 | 2010 | Directional complements in Taiwan Mandarin natural speech | Tseng, S. -C. | Language and Linguistics 11(3), 469-501 | | | |
50 | 2009 | Measuring Vowel Space of Chinese-speaking Hearing-impaired Children | Tseng, S. -C. ; Tsou, P. -C.; Kuei, K. | | | | |
51 | 2009 | An Acoustic Study on the Stops and Affricates Produced by Chinese-speaking Hearing-impaired Childre | Tseng, S. -C. ; Kuei, K.; Tsou, P. -C. | | | | |
52 | 2009 | Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech | Tseng, S. -C. | Taipei | | | |
53 | 2009 | Spontaneous Mandarin Speech Recognition with Disfluencies Detected by Latent Prosodic Modeling (LPM) | Lin, C. -K.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Lee, L. -S. | Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (Taipei : Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
54 | 2009 | Linguistic patterns detected through a prosodic segmentation in spontaneous Taiwan Mandarin speech | Liu, Y. -F.; Tseng, S. -C. | Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech (Taipei : Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica) | | | |
55 | 2008 | 「古往今來」語言的足跡 | 曾淑娟 | | | | |
56 | 2008 | Linguistic analysis using spoken corpora | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
57 | 2008 | Spoken corpora and analysis of natural speech | Tseng, S. -C. | Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6(2), 1-26 | | | |
58 | 2007 | On spontaneous Taiwan Mandarin speech | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
59 | 2007 | Disfluency in spontaneous Taiwan Mandarin speech | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
60 | 2006 | Linguistic markings of units in spontaneous Mandarin | Tseng, Shu-Chuan | | | | |
61 | 2006 | Spontaneous Mandarin speech recognition with disfluencies detected by latent prosodic modelling | Lin, C. -K.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Lee, L. -S. | | | | |
62 | 2006 | A preliminary study for spontaneous speech understanding and processing: prosodic units in Mandarin Chinese | Liu, Y.; Tseng, S. -C. ; He, Y. -F.; Huang, Y. -R.; Lee, T. -L. | | | | |
63 | 2006 | Discourse functions of duration in Mandarin: resource design and implementation | Tseng, Shu-Chuan ; Dafydd, Gibbon | | | | |
64 | 2006 | Linguistic markings of units in spontaneous Mandarin | Tseng, S. -C. | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4272 (Springer Verlag : Berlin-Heidelberg.) | | | |
65 | 2006 | Repairs in Mandarin Conversation. | Tseng, S. -C. | Journal of Chinese Linguistics 34(1), 80-120 | | | |
66 | 2005 | Syllable Contractions in a Mandarin Conversational Dialogue Corpus. | Tseng, S. -C. | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10(1), 63-83 | | | |
67 | 2005 | Monosyllabic Word Merger in Mandarin | Tseng, S. -C. | Language Variation and Change 17(3), 231-256 | | | |
68 | 2005 | Contracted Syllables in Mandarin | Tseng, S. -C. | Language and Linguistics 6(1), 153-180 | | | |
69 | 2005 | Important and new features with analysis for disfluency Interruption point (IP) detection in spontaneous Mandarin speech | Lin, C. -K.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Lee, L. -S. | | | | |
70 | 2005 | Mandarin Topic-oriented Conversations | Tseng, S. -C. | International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 10(2), 201-218 | | | |
71 | 2004 | Processing Spoken Mandarin Corpora | Tseng, S. -C. | Traitement automatique des langues 45(2), 89-108 | | | |
72 | 2004 | Spontaneous Mandarin production. Results of a corpus-based study | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
73 | 2004 | Prolongation in spontaneous Mandarin | Lee, T. -L.; He, Y. -F.; Huang, Y. -J.; Tseng, S. -C. ; Eklund, Robert | | | | |
74 | 2003 | Repairs and repetitions in Spontaneous Mandarin | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
75 | 2003 | Mandarin Conversational Dialogue Corpus | Tseng, S. -C. | Spontaneous Speech: Data and Analysis (Tokyo : National Institute for Japanese Language) | | | |
76 | 2003 | Features of contracted syllables in spontaneous Mandarin | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
77 | 2003 | Taxonomy of spontaneous speech phenomena in Mandarin Con-versation | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
78 | 2001 | Toward a large spontaneous Mandarin dialogue corpus | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
79 | 2001 | A word- and turn-oriented approach to exploring the structure of Mandarin dialogues | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
80 | 2001 | Highlighting utterances in Chinese spoken discourse | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
81 | 2000 | Repair patterns in spontaneous Chinese dialogs: morphemes, words, and phrases | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
82 | 2000 | Modelling speech repairs in German and Mandarin Chinese spo-ken dialogues | Tseng, S. -C. | | | | |
83 | - | 台灣華語3至6歲兒童語音習得跨域研究 | 曾淑娟 | 中央研究院語言學研究所成所20週年慶祝論文集 | | | |