Results 1-46 of 46 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Cross Invariance, the Shapley Value, and the Shapley–Shubik Power IndexChun-Ting Chen; Wei-Torng Juang ; Ching-Jen SunSOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE 62(2), 397-418
22024Evolution of Preferences in Multiple PopulationsYu-Sung Tu; Wei-Torng Juang INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY 53(1), 211-259
32023Rules and mutation-Quantal response and equilibrium selectionWei-Torng Juang ; Hamid Sabourian
42023Rules and mutation-A theory of how efficiency and rawlsian egalitarianism/symmetry may emergeWei-Torng Juang ; Hamid Sabourian
52022Learning through Aspiration to Play the Mixed Equilibrium in Zero-sum GamesYuan, Kuo-Chih; Tzu-Hou Wang; Wei-Torng Juang Taiwan Economic Review 50(2), 217-249
62020A Model of Parallel ContestsJuang, Wei-Torng ; Guang-Zhen Sun; Kuo-Chih YuanInternational Journal of Game Theory 49(2), 651-672
72017金融機構集中度與金融網路穩定之分析 (Analysis on Concentration and Stability in Financial Networks)袁國芝; 莊委桐 臺灣銀行季刊 第68卷第2期,頁46-53
82016A Game Theoretical Analysis of Student Assignment Mechanisms under the 12-year Compulsory Education Program in TaiwanYuan, K-C; Wang, T-H; Juang, W-T TAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW(經濟論文叢刊) 44(2), 215-255
92015Evolutionarily Stable Preferences against Multiple MutationsTu, Y-S; Juang, W-T 
102015The Political Protest on the Social NetworkLin, J-F; Juang, W-T 
112015A Folk Theorem for Stochastic Evolutionary Game TheoryJuang, W-T 
122015A Folk Theorem for Stochastic Evolutionary Game TheoryJuang, W-T 
132015銀行放款緊縮決策分析林正峯; 袁國芝; 莊委桐 臺灣銀行季刊 第66卷第3期,頁132-164
142014不完全訊息下受歧視的少數族群分佈之分析(Analysis on the Demographic Distribution of the Discriminated Minority)王婉如.莊委桐 經濟論文叢刊(TAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW) 第42卷第3期,頁363-404
152009Heterogeneous Learning Rules in Competitive EnvironmentsWang, T-H; Juang, W-T 
162008Forward Induction Network Equilibrium and Heterogeneous Job Contact NetworksWu, S-Y; Juang, W-T 
172008The Rate of Profit Sharing after Expensing: A Study on High-Tech Firms in TaiwanWu, C-C; Juang, W-T 
182008Education, Social Mobility and WelfareWu, J-C; Juang, W-T 
192008A Dynamic Analysis of Internet Auctions with Reputation EffectHuang, C-Y; Juang, W-T 
202007Stochastic Stability: an Algorithmic AnalysisLiu, C-S; Juang, W-T 
212007A Dynamic Analysis of Auction with Reputation EffectsHuang, C-Y; Juang, W-T 
222007Evolutionary Game Theory: Why Equilibrium and Which EquilibriumJuang, Wei-Torng ; Sabourian, HamidFoundations of the Formal Sciences V, Infinite Games (London : College Publications)
232007Stochastic Stability: An Algorithmic AnalysisJuang, W-T 
242006Ultimatum: Evolution of Heterogeneous Preferences for FairnessWong, T. H.; Juang, W. T. 
252006Ultimatum: Evolution of Heterogeneous Preferences for FairnessWong, T. H.; Juang, W. T. 
262005Learning through Aspiration to Play the Mixed Equilibrium in Zero-Sum GamesWang, T-H; Juang, W. T. 
272005A Folk Theorem on Equilibrium SelectionWong, T. H.; Juang, W. T. 
282005Learning through Aspiration to Play the Mixed Equilibrium in Zero-Sum GamesWong, T. H.; Juang, W. T. 
292004Stability and Equilibrium Selection in Evolutionary Game TheoryJuang, W-T ; Sabourian, H
302004歧視現象之穩定性分析Juang, W-T 
312004A Folk Theorem on Equilibrium SelectionJuang, W-T ; Sabourian, H
322003The Economics of Physiognomy and PhrenologyChu, C-Y Cyrus; Juang, W-T ; Sabourian, H
332003On Spousal Age Gap: An Evolutionary ExplanationHuang, C-Y; Juang, W-T 
342003男女性別比率、夫妻年齡差距與社經角色關係之研究Juang, W-T 
352002Rule Evolution and Equilibrium SelectionJuang, W-T GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR 39(1), 71-90
362002When Stricter Evaluation Criteria Induce Poorer PerformanceJuang, W-T ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS 30(2), 183-205
372002Speculative and Inside TradingJuang, W-T 
382001Learning from PopularityJuang, W-T ECONOMETRICA 69(3), 735-747
392001A Folk Theorem on Equilibrium Selection in Knowledgeable GamesJuang, W-T 
402000Strategic Inside Trading with Uncertain Status of the InsiderJuang, W-T 
411999Revelation of Private Information in Sequential TradingJuang, W-T 
421999Learning from PopularityJuang, W-T 
431999Folk Theorem on Equilibrium Selection in Coordination GamesJuang, W-T 
441998Essays on Learning, Evolution and Equilibrium Selection in Economic SystemsJuang, W-T University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics and Politics, 200 p.
451997Evolution of Response Rules and Equilibrium SelectionJuang, W-T 
46-How Birds of a Feather Flock Together: A Segregation Analysis of NetworksLee, K-C; Juang, W-T