Results 1-58 of 58 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Do Good Carefully: The Long-term Effects of Low-dose DDT Exposure in Early Childhood on Education, Marriage and EmploymentChang, Simon; Kamhon Kan HEALTH ECONOMICS 32(4), 807-821
22021Estimating the Critical Parameter in Almost Stochastic Dominance from Insurance DeductiblesYi-Chieh Huang; Kamhon Kan ; Larry Y. Tzeng; Kili C. WangManagement Science 67(8), 4742-4755
32021Quantile Structural Treatment Effects: Application to Smoking Wage Penalty and its DeterminantsHsu, Yu-Chin ; Kamhon Kan ; Tsung-Chih LaiECONOMETRIC REVIEWS 40(2), 128-147
42021Educated to be Trusting? Evidence from EuropeKan, Kamhon ; Tat-Kei LaiEconomics Letters 203, 109867
52020哪類孩子最受教?從政大校務資料看學生表現李浩仲; 李文傑; 連賢明; 王平; 簡錦漢 經濟論文叢刊 第48卷第2期,頁139-185
62020An Experimental Study on the Effects of Democracy on Tax ComplianceHsu, Li-Chen; Kamhon Kan Academia Economic Papers 48(3), 309-339
72019Variations of Wealth Resemblance by Family Relationship Types in Modern Chinese FamiliesChu, C. Y. Cyrus; Kamhon Kan ; Jou Chun LinPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116(14), 6548-6553
82018The Effects of Education on Fertility: Evidence from TaiwanKan, K ; Lee, M-JECONOMIC INQUIRY 56(1), 343-357
92017Strategic Motives Drive Proposers to Offer Fairly in Ultimatum Games: An fMRI StudyChen, Y-H; Chen, Y-C; Kuo, W-J; Kan, K ; Yang, C-C ; Yen, N-SScientific Reports 7(1), 527
102017Understanding Consumption Behavior: Evidence from Consumers' Reaction to Shopping VouchersKan, K ; Peng, S-K ; Wang, PAmerican Economic Journal-Economic Policy 9(1), 137-153
112016Scientific Linkages and Firm Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Taiwanese Electronics FirmsChen, J-R; Kan, K ; Tung, I-HResearch Policy 45(7), 1449–1459
122015An Experimental Study on Dividing Gains through PoliticsLi-Che Hsu; Kamhon Kan ; C.C. Yang ; Chun-Lei YangSCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 62(5), 546-566
132015Intergenerational Income Mobility in Taiwan: Evidence from TS2SLS and Structural Quantile RegressionKan, Kamhon ; I-Hsin Li; Ruei-Hua WangB E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 15(1), 1-28
142014Money, Random Matching and Endogenous Growth: A Quantitative AnalysisChu, Angus C.; Kamhon Kan ; Ching-Chong Lai ; Chih-Hsin LiaoJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL 41, 173-187
152014The Impact of Global Budgeting on Treatment Intensity and OutcomesKan, Kamhon ; Shu-Fen Li; Wei-Der TsaiInternational Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics 14(4), 311-337
162013Comparing China and India: A factor accumulation perspectiveKan, Kamhon ; Ping WangJOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS 41(3), 879-894
172012臺灣經濟最近情勢陳宜廷 ; 簡錦漢 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 林常青 ; 周雨田 臺灣經濟預測與政策 第42卷第2期,頁157-179
182012The Development Patterns of India and China: A Perspective with the CES Production FunctionKan, K ; Wang, YOxford Handbook of the Indian Economy (New York : Oxford University)
192012Interlinked Contracts: An Empirical StudyKoo, Hui-Wen; Chen-Ying Huang; Kamhon Kan ECONOMICA 79(314), 350-377
202012Lose Weight for A Raise Only if Overweight: Marginal Integration for Semi-linear Panel ModelsKan, Kamhon ; Moung-Jae LeeJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS 27(4), 666-685
212011The Effects of Employment Protection on Labor Turnover: Empirical Evidence from TaiwanKan, Kamhon ; Yen-Ling LinECONOMIC INQUIRY 49(2), 398-433
222009The Labor Market Effects of National Health Insurance: Evidence from TaiwanKan, Kamhon ; Yen-Ling LinJOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 22(2), 311-350
232007Cigarette Smoking and Self-ControlKan, K JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS 26(1), 61-81
242006Residential Mobility and Social CapitalKan, K JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 61(3), 436-457
252006Entrepreneurship and Risk AversionKan, Kamhon ; Wei-Der TsaiSMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 26(5), 465-474
262005Parenting Practices and Children's Education OutcomesKan, Kamhon ; Wei-Der TsaiECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW 24(1), 29-43
272004The Dynamics and Volatility of Commercial and Residential Property Prices: Theory and EvidenceKamhon Kan ; Sunny Kai-Sun Kwong; Charles Ka-Yui LeungJOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 44(1), 95-124
282004國內區域研究及地理學門專業期刊排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 人文與社會科學簡訊 第5卷第2期,頁68-70
292004國內區域及地理學門專業期刊排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 人文與社會科學簡訊 5(2), 68-70
302004Obesity and Risk KnowledgeKan, Kamhon ; Wei-Der TsaiJOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS 23(5), 907-934
312004國內區域及地理學門專業期刊之排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 ; 何嘉綺都市與計畫 第31卷第1期,頁1-23
322003Residential Mobility and Job Changes under UncertaintyKan, K JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 54(3), 566-586
332003A Sample Selection Model with Endogenous Health Knowledge: Egg Consumption in the USAKan, K ; Yen, S-THealth, Nutrition and Food Demand (Wallingford : CABI Publishing)
342002Residential Mobility with Job Location UncertaintyKan, K JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 52(3), 501-523
352002The Microeconometrics of Housing: A SurveyKan, Kamhon ; Wei-Der TsaiURBAN AND PLANNING 29(2), 337-354
362002Household Demand for Fats and Oils: Two-step Estimation of a Censored Demand SystemYen, Steven T.; Kamhon Kan ; Shew-Jiuan SuAPPLIED ECONOMICS 34(14), 1799-1806
372001Health Risk Perception and Betelnut Consumption in TaiwanFu, T-T; Kan, K ; Liu, J-TThe Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developed Countries (Northampton : Edward Elgar)
382001Rational Cessation and Re-Initiation of Cigarette Smoking: Evidence from TaiwanKan, K ; Tsai, W-DThe Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developed Countries (Northampton : Edward Elgar)
392001健康風險認知與香菸消費行為-臺灣的實證研究傅祖壇; 劉錦添; 簡錦漢 ; 賴文龍經濟論文 第29卷第1期,頁91-118
402001On Expressive Voting: Evidence from the 1988 U.S. Presidential ElectionKan, Kamhon ; C.C. YangPUBLIC CHOICE 108(3/4), 295-312
412000Joint Estimation of Consumer Preferences and Willingness-to-pay for Food SafetyHuang. Chung L.; Kamhon Kan ; Tsu-Tan FuACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS 28(4), 429-449
422000Dynamic Modeling of Housing Tenure ChoiceKan, K JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 48(1), 46-69
432000The Nature of Two-Directional Intergenerational Transfers of Money and Time: An Empirical StudyIoannides, Y-M; Kan, K The Economics of Reciprocity, Giving and Altruism (New York : Edward Elgar)
442000Demand for Food Safety in TaiwanFu, T-T; Huang, C-L; Kan, K Food Security in Asia: Economics and Policies (Northampton : Edward Elgar)
452000Informal Capital Sources and Household Investment: Evidence from TaiwanKan, K JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 62(1), 209-232
461999Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Food Safety in Taiwan: A Binary-Ordinal Probit Model of AnalysisHuang, Chung L.; Kamhon Kan ; Tsu-Tan FuJOURNAL OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS 33(1), 76-91
471999An Empirical study of Search in the Housing MarketKan, K ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS 27(2), 165-190
481999A limited information estimator for the multivariate ordinal probit modelFu, Tsu-Tan; Lung-An Lee; Yih-Ming Lin; Kamhon Kan APPLIED ECONOMICS 32(14), 1841-1851
491999Expected and Unexpected Residential MobilityKan, Kamhon JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 45(1), 72-96
501999臺灣經濟最近情勢-對外貿易簡錦漢 臺灣經濟預測與政策 29(2), 9-10
511998The design of payment systems for physicians under global budget-an experimental studyChinn-Ping Fan; Kong-Pin Chen ; Kamhon Kan Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 34(2), 295-311
521998Credit Spread of Government BondsKan, K APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 8(3), 301-313
531998The Design of Payment Systems for Physicians Under Global Budget: An Experimental StudyFan, Chinn-Ping; Kong-Pin Chen; Kamhon Kan JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOIR AND ORGANIZATION 34(2), 295-311
541997Analysis of Housewives' Grocery Shopping Behavior in Taiwan: An Application of the Poisson Switching RegressionKan, Kamhon ; Tsu-Tan FuJOURNAL OF APPLIED AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECONOMICS 29(2), 397-407
551996Segmented Trend Modelling of the US GNP SeriesBianchi, Marco; Kamhon Kan APPLIED ECONOMICS 28(5), 531-536
561996Structural Estimation of Residential Mobility and Housing Tenure ChoiceLoannides, Yannis M.; Kamhon Kan JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 36(3), 335-363
571996Empirical Evidence on Consumption Smoothing and Intergenerational TransfersKan, K SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 63(1), 76-94
58-Too Many Men, Too-short Lives: The Effect of the Male-biased Sex Ratio on MortalityChang, Simon; Kamhon Kan ; Xiaobo ZhangJOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES