Results 1-57 of 57 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12018The Revisit of Twin-Hub Trade Pattern in East AsiaKuo, C-C; Huang, D-S ; Yang, T-H
22018Modelling the Profitability of Container Shipping Lines: Theory and Empirical EvidenceWu, W-M; Huang, D-S TRANSPORT POLICY 72, 159-170
32018全球經貿組織重整與保護主義再起黃登興 2018年經濟年鑑,頁5-11
42017Asymmetric Globalization and SpecializationLee, C-T; Huang, D-S INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE 52, 402-408
52017Country Heterogeneity and Home-Market Effects under FTA: With Special Reference to AECHuang, Y-Y; Huang, D-S ; Tsay, C-LASIA-PACIFIC FORUM 64, 1-21
62016Technology Advantage and Home-Market Effect: A Poisson QuasiMaximum Likelihood EstimationHuang, D-S ; Huang, Y-YTAIWAN ECONOMIC FORECAST AND POLICY 46(2), 1-44
72016Who’s in The Forbes Global 2000? The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, and Economic DevelopmentPeng, S-S ; Huang, D-S ; Yang, T-H; Sun, Y-CREVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 20(1), 101-112
82015Who’s in The Forbes Global 2000? The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, and Economic DevelopmentPeng, S-S ; Huang, D-S ; Yang, T-H; Sun, Y-C
92015Trade and Market Integration with Heterogeneous LaborLee, C-T; Huang, D-S ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS 22(4), 428-448
102015台灣人口變遷的特徵及其產業發展意涵黃登興 ; 蔡青龍「于宗先院士公共政策研討會」會議專書 (台北 : 中央研究院經濟研究所、中華經濟研究院)
112015台灣薪資停滯現象解析—全球化貿易與投資夥伴黃登興 社會科學論叢 第9卷第1期,頁33-58
122014Who’s in The Forbes Global 2000? The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, and Economic DevelopmentShi-Shu Peng ; Deng-Shing Huang ; Tzu-Han Yang; Ying-Chih Sun
132014Big vs. Small under Free Trade: Market Size and Size Distribution of FirmsHuang, Y-Y; Huang, D-S International Review of Economics & Finance 34, 175-189
142013東南亞經貿整合之歷程、現況與前瞻黃登興 東南亞區域整合--台灣觀點 (台北 : 中華經濟研究院)
152012Who's in The Forbes Global 2000? The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, Economic Development, and State CapitalismPeng, S-S ; Huang, D-S ; Yang, T-H; Sun, Y-C
162012研究越南配偶小吃店的背景與設計黃登興 ; 蔡青龍; 蕭新煌 ; 鄭冠榮台灣越南配偶的族裔經濟 (台北 : 中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心)
172012台灣越南配偶的族裔經濟黃登興 ; 蔡青龍; 蕭新煌 台北
182012Who's in The Forbes Global 2000? The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, Economic Development, and State CapitalismPeng, S-S ; Huang, D-S ; Yang, T-H; Sun, Y-C
192012勾勒越南配偶小吃店的整體特徵黃登興 ; 蔡青龍; 蕭新煌 臺灣越南配偶的族裔經濟 (臺北市 : 中央研究院)
202012東南亞的外人直接投資與經濟發展總覽黃登興 臺灣東南亞學學刊 第9卷第1期,頁25-52
212012族裔微型經濟的經營:人力、資本與網絡蔡青龍; 鄭冠榮; 黃登興 臺灣越南配偶的族裔經濟 (臺北市 : 中央研究院)
222012外人直接投資與經濟發展:越南經驗黃登興 臺灣東南亞學學刊 第9卷第1期,頁55-78
232012The 2008 Financial Crisis and Taiwan EconomyHuang, D-S VIETNAM SOCIAL SCIENCE REVIEW
242011海外投資與外資黃登興 中華民國發展史‧經濟發展 (台北市 : 聯經出版社)
252011經濟學理中的脈絡元素黃登興 傳播研究與實踐 第1卷第2期,頁123-129
262008Market-Driven Trading Blocs in East Asia: Empirical Evidence from 1980 to 2000Huang, D-S JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 23(2), 272-296
272008The Evolution of Rural Development under Industrialization: Theroy and Experience of TaiwanHuang, D-S ; Huang, Y-YAgricultural Industrialization and Rural Development of Taiwan and Viet Nam Comparative Studies (Hanoi : Vienam Institute for Northeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Science)
282007Taiwan’s Trade and FDI Relations with Vietnam: A Perspective from TaiwanDeng-Shing Huang ; H. H. Michael Hsiao 
292007Taiwan's Trade and FDI Relations with Vietnam: A Perspective from TaiwanHuang, D-S ; Hsiao, H-H-MEconomic Cooperation Between Vietnam and Taiwan in the Context of East Asian Economic Integration (Hanoi : Vienam Institute for Northeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Science)
302006我的區域經濟研究黃登興 亞太研究論壇 31, 155-157
312006Mathematical Model of Business GroupsFeenstra, R-C; Huang, D-S ; Hamilton, G-GEmergent Economics, Divergent Paths: Economic Organization and International Trade in South Korea and Taiwan (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press)
322001The Organization of the Taiwanese and South Korean Economies:? A Comparative Equilibrium AnalysisFeenstra, Robert C.; Hamilton, Gary G.; Huang, D. S. Networks and Markets (New York : Russell Sage)
332000Intra-Industry Trade between Taiwan and ASEAN-5 in Agro-Food Sector: Patterns and DeterminantsChang, C-C ; Young, Y-J; Huang, D-S ; Fu, T-T
342000區域經濟整合趨勢下東南亞與臺灣的經貿發展黃登興 東南亞的變貌 (臺北市 : 中央研究院東南亞區域研究計畫)
352000雁行產業發展模式在亞洲地區的驗證黃登興 東南亞區域研究通訊 12, 6-29
362000區域內貿易結構與經濟依存關係:臺灣與東亞實證分析黃登興 ; 張靜貞 自由中國之工業 第90卷第11期,頁1-48
372000從全球經濟局勢看東南亞經濟前景黃登興 東南亞投資 15, 1-8
382000The Implications of ASEAN Free Trade Area on Agricultural Trade: The Case of Taiwan and the ASEAN CountriesChang, C-C ; Huang, D-S ; Wu, C-HFood Security in Asia: Economics and Policies (Northampton : Edward Elgar)
391999A Quantitative Assessment of the Effect of Sub regional Trading Groups in the APEC RegionHuang, D-S ; Hu, C-T
401999金融秩序、匯率制度與金融風暴黃登興 金融財務 1, 51-67
411999東協自由貿易區域組織對我國農貿易的影響傅祖壇; 張靜貞 ; 黃登興 
421999產業內貿易的形成:臺灣紡織業的驗證黃登興 自由中國之工業 89(7), 1-30
431999東亞國家出口競爭對象的更迭-1980-1998年間實證分析黃登興 自由中國之工業 91(8), 31-51
441998金融風暴與東協自由貿易區的未來黃登興 經濟情勢暨評論季刊 4(1), 38-49
451998Financial Liberalization for A Small Open Economy with An Existing TariffHuang, D-S 
461998從臺灣的經貿角度看東協卅年的發展與前景黃登興 東南亞經貿雙月刊 68, 1-7
471998The Implication of ASEAN Free Trade Area on Agricultural Trade: The Case of Taiwan and the ASEAN CountriesChang, C-C ; Huang, D-S ; Wu, C-HThe Taipei International Conference on East Asian Food Security Issues in the 21st Century (Taipei : Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica)
481998The Implications of ASEAN Free Trade Area on agricultural Trade: the Case of Taiwan and the ASEAN countriesChang, C-C ; Huang, D-S ; Wu, C-H
491998金融風暴與區域性經濟整合的前景黃登興 東南亞經貿月刊 9, 1-7
501997Business groups and Trade in East Asia: Part 1, Networked EquilibriaHuang, D-S ; Feenstra, R-C; Hamilton, G-G
511996On the Predication of Trade Diversion under Intra-Industry Trade with an Application to NAFTA and TaiwanHuang, D-S 
521995Trade Creation and Trade Diversion and Transport CostsHuang, D-S ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS 23(3), 255-263
531993Transport Costs and the Welfare Effect of Customs UnionHuang, D-S 
541993全民健康保險的最適補貼黃登興 經濟論文 21(1), 63-85
551992資金市場區隔下的最適關稅黃登興 經濟論文 20(1), 47-58
561990Is Capital Account First Strategy Harmful for a General Unemployment Economy?Huang, D-S JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY 3(1), 215-229
57-市場規模、廠商規模與城鄉失業黃登興 ; 黃幼宜經濟論文