Results 1-210 of 210 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12020The effects of income on happiness in East and South Asia: Societal values matter?Lim, Hock-Eam; Daigee Shaw ; Pei-shan Liao ; Hongbo DuanJOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES 21, 391-415
22017Revisiting the Income-Happiness Paradox: The Case of Taiwan and MalaysiaLim, H-E; Shaw, D ; Lian, P-SINSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIES 9(4), 53-69
32017The Role of Civil Society in Air Pollution Control and Management in Taiwan and Mainland ChinaChang, C-T; Liu, X; Shaw, D 
42017Addressing the Endogeneity Problem when Estimating the Demand for Climate and Air QualityShaw, D ; Huang, J-C; Zhao, M-Q; Hsu, T-Y; Lin, C-Y; Tsai, M-C; Chien, Y-L
52017Housing Prices, Wages, and the Value of Climate and Air Quality in TaiwanShaw, D 
62016臺灣土壤及地下水汙染整治法之損害賠償責任制度分析Shaw, D 
72016Estimating the Amenity Value of Climate and Air Quality in TaiwanShaw, D 
82016Estimating the Amenity Value of Climate Air Quality in TaiwanShaw, D 
92016跨世代議題的經濟與政策意涵蕭代基 ; 顧林臺灣經濟預測與政策 第46卷第2期,頁243-257
102016Valuing Environmental Resources through Demand for Related CommoditiesHuang, J-C; Shaw, D ; Chien, Y-L; Zhao, M-QAMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 98(1), 231-253
112015Policies for Transitioning to a Green Economy: Experiences from TaiwanShaw, D 
132015于宗先院士及台灣經濟發展政策李誠; 蕭代基 ; 吳中書; 王健全台北市
142015Policies for transitioning to a green economy: Experiences from TaiwanDaigee Shaw ; Eric Yan
152015運用家戶震災預防行為與意願模型擬定風險溝通策略郭彥廉; 林彥伶; 蕭代基 中華防災學刊 第7卷第1期,頁73-80
162015加重生產者責任,升級食品安全,重建MIT品牌黃德秀; 蕭代基 經濟前瞻 第157期,頁34-38
172015扭轉人類永續發展危機--淺談綠色經濟蕭代基 ; 黃德秀經濟前瞻 第157期,頁39-44
182014Environmental Quality and Life Satisfaction: Subjective Versus Objective Measures of Air QualityPei-Shan Liao ; Daigee Shaw ; Yih-Ming LinSocial Indicators Research 124, 599–616
202014Can Stricter Environmental Tax Foster Structural Change and Intergenerational Equity?Eric Yan; Daigee Shaw 
212014全球綠色經濟發展之新思維: 綠經濟VS綠色經濟蕭代基 
222014The Dualism of Economic and Environmental Crises under Global Financial MonopolyDaigee Shaw ; Eric Yan
232014The dualism of economic and environmental crises under global financial monopolyDaigee Shaw ; Eric Yan
252014Intertemporal Efficiency, Tax Reform and Structural Transformation: A Solution for the Dilemma between Productivity Improvement and Strong SustainabilityDaigee Shaw ; Eric Yan
262013Sustainability of a Knowledge-based Growth Paradigm: A Stronger Version derived from the Constraints of Environment and Technological DevelopmentYan, E; Shaw, D 
272013Environmental Taxes and SustainabilityShaw, D 
282013Sustainability of a Knowledge-based Growth Paradigm: A Stronger Version derived from the Constraints of Environment and Technological DevelopmentYan, E; Shaw, D 
292013The Economics of Catastrophes under a Knowledge- based Growth Paradigm in the Age of Global Warming and Innovation SlowdownYan, E; Shaw, D 
302013The Value of Micro-risk Reduction in Death (Lives Saved) Versus the Value of Life Years Saved revisitedShaw, D ; Liu, Y-H
312013Sustainable Transition in the Face of three Malthusian Constraints: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Technological BreakthroughsShaw, D 
322013Perspectives and Challenges of Green Tax Reform in TaiwanShaw, D ; Chen, PThe Green Fiscal Mechanism and Reform for Low Carbon Development: East Asia and Europe (London : Routledge)
332012Cost-effective Reserve Network Dynamic Planning Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation under the Climate ChangeShaw, D ; Chien, Y-L; Wang, T-H; Lee, P-F; Ko, C-Y
342012To Mitigate or to Adapt? An Integrated Assessment of Taiwan’s Climate PolicyShaw, D ; Hung, C-M; Hope, C; Soh, T; Lee, Y-Y; Yang, C-K
352012氣候變遷調適策略蕭代基 臺灣經濟論衡 第10卷第7期,頁51-55
362011Green Fiscal Reform in the Low Carbon Pathway for TaiwanShaw, D ; Chen, P
372011Measuring the Benefits and Costs of the Proposed Kuokuang Petrochemical ComplexShaw, D ; Lin, H-I
382011Climate Change and HealthShaw, D 
392011氣候變遷對經濟產業體系之衝擊蕭代基 ; 盧虎生; 王京明; 張四立全球風險環境的形構:氣候變遷對台灣總體安全的衝擊 (台北市 : 兩岸交流遠景基金會)
402011氣候變遷與社經發展情境之分析與評估許晃雄; 蕭代基 ; 陳筆全球風險環境的形構:氣候變遷對台灣總體安全的衝擊 (台北市 : 兩岸交流遠景基金會)
412011氣候變遷之調適策略蕭代基 ; 黃德秀全球風險環境的形構:氣候變遷對台灣總體安全的衝擊 (台北市 : 兩岸交流遠景基金會)
422011氣候變遷與全球風險環境的形構陳泰然; 趙恭岳; 蕭代基 ; 鄒倫全球風險環境的形構:氣候變遷對台灣總體安全的衝擊 (台北市 : 兩岸交流遠景基金會)
432011Compensation in Siting Hazardous Facilities: A Radioactive Waste Repository in TaiwanShaw, D ; Huang, T-HFacility Siting in the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press)
442011A Challenge to Sustainable Development: the Dual Crisis of the Energy and the EconomyShaw, D ; Chen, PThe Impact of the Economic Crisis on East Asia: Policy Responses from Four Economies (Aldershot, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing)
452011The Impact of the Economic Crisis on East Asia: Policy Responses from Four EconomiesShaw, D ; Liu, B-JAldershot, UK
462010The Green Tax and Carbon Trading ApproachShaw, D ; Hung, C-M; Lo, S-F
472010Using Regional Economic Impact Analysis to Decide Public Promotion of Seismic Retrofit in the Northern TaiwanKuo, Y-L; Lin, H-C; Shaw, D ; Cheng, M-C; Kao, C-M
482010北部地區地震損失經濟影響分析蕭代基 ; 郭彥廉; 林幸君; 張銘城
492010台灣民眾地震減災整備行為研究郭彥廉; 林彥伶; 蕭代基 
522010未來兩年影響臺灣經濟的七大關鍵課題─後危機時代經濟政策建言蕭代基 ; 王儷容台北市
532010Climate Change and Global Environmental RiskChen, G; Chao, K-Y-C; Shaw, D ; Tzou, LReshaping the Global Risk Environment -- Impact of Climate Change on Taiwan’s Overall Security (Taipei : Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation)
542010Diagnosis and Assessment of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development ScenarioHsu, H-H; Shaw, D ; Chen, PReshaping the Global Risk Environment -- Impact of Climate Change on Taiwan’s Overall Security (Taipei : Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation)
552010Adaptive Strategies for Climate ChangeShaw, D ; Huang, T-HReshaping the Global Risk Environment -- Impact of Climate Change on Taiwan’s Overall Security (Taipei : Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation)
562010Impacts of Climate Change on the EconomyShaw, D ; Lur, H-S; Wamg, K; Chang, S-LReshaping the Global Risk Environment -- Impact of Climate Change on Taiwan’s Overall Security (Taipei : Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation)
572009台灣震災社經脆弱度指標研究郭彥廉; 蕭代基 ; 林彥伶
592009Economic Assessment of Climate Change’s effects on Ecosystem in TaiwanShaw, D ; Chien, Y-L; Lee, P-J; Wang, T-H; Lee, S-N
642009The Challenge of Sustainable Development – A Double Crisis for Energy, the Environment and the EconomyShaw, D 
672009後金融海嘯時代的節能減碳政策蕭代基 ; 陳筆
692009Life Cycle Assessment of Rice Straw Bio-energy Using Energy Analysis Method for Various Thermo Treatment TechnologiesShie, J-L; Chang, C-Y; Chen, C-S; Tsou, F-J; Shaw, D ; Chang, C-F; Chen, Y-H; Yang, S-Y; Kuo, J-T; Kuan, W-H
702009台灣能源稅制的建構與規劃黃耀輝; 蕭代基 ; 李淑媛海峽兩岸能源經濟與政策 (台北市 : 中華經濟研究院)
712009轉型的挑戰:當前我國經濟的問題與對策蕭代基 ; 陳筆台北市
722009中國大陸可能耗竭資源產權與價格制度之變遷蕭代基 ; 孟凡強中國大陸經濟轉型與結構調整 (台北市 : 中華經濟研究院)
732009海峽兩岸能源經濟與政策柏雲昌; 蕭代基 台北市
742008都會區震災社會易損性因子分析郭彥廉; 謝雯惠; 蕭代基 ; 廖楷民
752008Education Alone is not Enough – Inducing Environmental-friendly Behavior using Economic IncentivesShaw, D 
762008台北都會區震災社經易損性因子研究郭彥廉; 謝雯惠; 吳俊伯; 廖楷民; 蕭代基 ; 林舒予
772008新時代、新思維、新氣象:對2008年新政府經濟政策的期待蕭代基 台北市
7820082008年新政府就任後之政策建言蕭代基 ; 張榮豐台北市
832007洪水風險交易制度之建構與分析蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷
852007台灣經濟展望及面臨重要課題蕭代基 ; 王健全
862007最佳的、次佳的與不佳的再生能源發展政策蕭代基 經濟前瞻 11, 35-37
872007The Challenges for Designing Renewable Energy Development PoliciesShaw, D 
882006Principle of Interest-Pay-Say in Community-Based Environmental ManagementShaw, D ; Chang, C-T
902006台灣種植可行能源作物之環境成本效益分析蕭代基 ; 廖宜彥; 吳再益
912006Environmentally Sustainable Development in TaiwanShaw, D 
922006補償對鄰避現象的影響-以烏坵低放射性廢料場址為例蕭代基 ; 黃德秀
932006臺灣地區綠色國民所得帳環境價值矩陣建置之研究蕭代基 ; 錢玉蘭; 劉錦龍; 黃宗煌臺北市
942006Theoretically Consistent Total Willingness to Pay for Water Quality: The Case of TaiwanHuang, J-C; Shaw, D ; Chien, Y-L
952006Estimation of Choice Probabilities and Quantities Demanded from Endogenous SamplesShaw, D 
962006Progress of Green Accounting in TaiwanShaw, D 
982005土壤及地下水污染整治法中損害賠償責任制度之經濟分析蕭代基 ; 許銘志
992005紀念劉大中先生學術演講集 (三)蕭代基 ; 于宗先臺北市
1012005淡水河流域洪災損失機率風險分析蕭代基 ; 黃星翔; 洪銘堅; 盧孟明; 羅以倫
1032005臺灣環境保護與永續發展的展望蕭代基 紀念劉大中先生學術演講集 (三) (臺北市 : 財團法人劉大中先生教育文化紀念基金會)
1042005Visions of the Future for Facility SitingShaw, D Facility Siting and the Management of Legitimate Claims (Aldershot : Edward Elgar)
1052005Green Net National Product and Reference PointsHung, C-M; Shaw, D 
1062005Risk Perception of Flood and Landslide Victims in TaiwanHo, M-C; Shaw, D ; Lin, S-Y
1072005Managing Conflict in Facility Siting: An International ComparisonLesbirel, S-H; Shaw, D Taipei
1082005Analysis of Upstream Catch and Global Warming on the Grey Mullet Fishery in Taiwan: A Game Theoretic ApproachHung, C-M; Shaw, D 
1092005Evolution and Evaluation of Recycling Programs in TaiwanShaw, D 
1102005Modeling Flood Loss and Risk Perception: The Case of Typhoon Nari in TaipeiShaw, D ; Huang, H; Shaw, M-O
1112004Economic Growth and Air Quality in ChinaShaw, D ; Pang, A; Hung, M-F; Cen, W
1132004資源回收管理制度之經濟分析蕭代基 ; 吳澤欣; 黃德秀
1142004Economic Growth and Air Quality in ChinaShaw, D ; Pang, A; Hung, M-F; Cen, W
1152004Economic Growth and Environmental Kuznets Curve in Taiwan: A Simultaneity Model AnalysisHung, M-F; Shaw, D Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies: From Theory to Empirics
1182003我國石油稅制綠色改革陳小玲; 蕭代基 ; 張四立
1192003臺灣地區綠色國民所得帳理論體系及編算模式研究報告蕭代基 ; 周嫦娥; 廖肇寧; 洪志銘; 黃星翔臺北市
1202003有害事業廢棄物管理之有效對策-保證金制度葉繼開; 蕭代基 
1212003Will Global Warming Cause Heat Stress?Mendelsohn, R; Shaw, D Global Warming and the Asian Pacific (Aldershot : Edward Elgar)
1222003Global Warming and the Asian PacificChang, C-C ; Mendelsohn, R; Shaw, D Cheltenham
1232003Green National Accounting in TaiwanShaw, D ; Chou, C-E; Liao, C-N; Hung, C-M; Huang, H-H
1252002建立自然資源保育與利用之雙贏制度蕭代基 環保月刊 2(6), 65-71
1282002環境保護之成本效益分析-理論、方法與應用蕭代基 ; 鄭蕙燕; 吳珮瑛; 錢玉蘭; 溫麗琪臺北市
1292002臺灣社會問題研究瞿海源; 蕭代基 ; 楊國樞臺北市
1302002二十世紀臺灣空氣汙染問題與對策之變遷蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷臺灣社會問題研究 (臺北市 : 巨流圖書公司)
1312002臺灣環境保護與永續發展的展望蕭代基 臺灣的未來 (臺北市 : 華泰書局)
1322002Assessing Alternative Policies for Reducing Household Waste in TaiwanShaw, D ; Tsai, Y-M
1332002A Trading Ratio System for Trading Water Pollution Discharge PermitsHung, M-F; Shaw, D 
1342001A Trading Ratio System for Trading Water Pollution Discharge PermitsHung, M-F; Shaw, D 
1352001二十世紀台灣空氣污染問題與政策之變遷蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷
1362001台灣家戶對飲用水水質改善行為的選擇蕭代基 ; 范譽騰
1372001都市固體廢棄物減量之經濟分析蕭代基 ; 蔡月蜜
1382000河川水質監測站網多目標規劃甯蜀光; 張乃斌; 蕭代基 
1392000自然資源地方自治制度芻議蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷; 郭彥廉
1402000自然資源地方自治制度芻議蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷; 郭彥廉
1412000水權交易之規劃與對策─流域管理組織蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷; 郭彥廉
1422000Eco-efficiency 環境效率?生態效率?或環經效率?李育明; 蕭代基 
1432000Evolution of Recycling Programs in TaiwanChang, C-T; Shaw, D 
1442000A General Model of Starting Point Bias in Double-Bounded Dichotomous Contingent Valuation SurveysChien, Yu-Lan; Huang, Cliff; Shaw, Daigee 
1452000A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sea-level Rise Protection in TaiwanShaw, D ; Shih, S-M; Lin, E-Y; Kuo, Y-L
1462000Health Effects and the Value of Air Pollution Reduction in TaiwanBautista, G; Ygrubay, A; Shaw, D ; Angeles, M-DEnvironmental Valuation: A Worldwide Compendium of Case Studies (Earthscan)
1472000Emergency Relief Measures and Rehabilitation Policies in the Aftermath of the 921 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) EarthquakeShaw, D 
1481999Economic Growth and Environmental Kuznets Curve in Taiwan: A Simultaneity Model AnalysisHung, M-F; Shaw, D 
1491999海平面上升對臺灣海岸的影響與社會成本分析蕭代基 ; 施學銘; 林元興; 郭彥廉
1501999台灣經濟決策系列:空氣污染防制蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷
1511999流域水汙染總量管制:排放交易制度設計與成本有效性評量洪鳴丰; 蕭代基 ; 張乃斌
1521999高屏溪流域水質管理策略分析甯蜀光; 張乃斌; 蕭代基 
1531999台灣四十年來空氣汙染問題與對策蕭代基 ; 張瓊婷
1541999環境經濟及政策之研討教材Munasinghe, M; 蕭代基 臺北市
1551999溫室氣體排放減量的效益與成本分析-總計畫蕭代基 全球變遷通訊雜誌 21, 22-26
1561999The Impact of Climate Variation on US AgricultureMendelsohn, R; Nordhaus, W; Shaw, D The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy (Cambridge University Press)
1571999Overview: Challenges and Policy Issues in Siting FacilitiesLesbirel, H; Shaw, D 
1581999Siting Low Level Radioactive Waste Repositories in TaiwanShaw, D 
1591998Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control in TaiwanHung, M-F; Shaw, D 
1601998模糊集合理論在量化留川水效益之研究陳鶴文; 張乃斌; 蕭代基 
1611998氣候變遷與空氣品質對死亡率之影響蕭代基 ; 李隆安; 潘文涵; 賴靜瑤
1621998環境經濟與政策蕭代基 環境與人 (臺北市 : 遠流出版社)
1631998永續發展的意義與政策方向蕭代基 經濟前瞻 13(2), 44-49
1641998綠色稅制改革-OECD最新環境稅報告蕭代基 ; 葉淑琦臺北市
1651998Will Global Warming Cause Heat Stress?Mendelsohn, R; Shaw, D 
1661998Pollution Control Policy Reform in TaiwanShaw, D Industrial Development and Policies in Taiwan (Taipei : Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
1671997水汙染防治的經濟工具及其執行制度蕭代基 ; 洪鳴丰; 蔡玫芬
1681997經濟政策對環境之影響蕭代基 臺灣經濟預測與政策 28(1), 121-132
1691996空氣汙染物對人體健康影響之交互作用李隆安; 蕭代基 ; 傅祖壇; 潘文涵; 賴靜瑤
1701996An Economic Framework for Analysing Facility Siting Policies in Taiwan and JapanShaw, D Energy, Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives (Aldershot : Edward Elgar)
1711996The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia PacificMendelsohn, R; Shaw, D Taipei
1721996Comparative Analysis of Siting Experience in AsiaShaw, D Taipei
1731996What is the Value of Reduced Morbidity in Taiwan?Alberini, A; Krupnick, A; Liu, J-T; Shaw, D ; Fu, T-T; Cropper, M; Harrington, WThe Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific (Aldershot : Edward Elgar)
1741996Acute Health Effects of Major Air Pollutants in TaiwanShaw, D ; Fu, T-T; Li, L-A; Pan, W-H; Liu, J-TThe Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific (Aldershot : Edward Elgar)
1751996汙染性設施之設置與民眾信心之建立蕭代基 臺灣經濟預測與政策 27(1), 39-51
1761995空氣汙染物之交互作用李隆安; 蕭代基 ; 傅祖壇; 潘文涵; 賴靜瑤
1771995減緩氣候變遷的整合性影響評估模式:效益面蕭代基 ; 洪鳴丰
1781995水汙染防治費之制度規畫與執行策略蕭代基 ; 駱尚廉; 蔡妙姍; 魏文宜
1791995經濟誘因與產業汙染防治制度蕭代基 臺灣產業發展與政策 (臺北市 : 中華經濟研究院)
1801995空氣污染防費制度之檢討蕭代基 永續發展 7, 4-7
1811995自然資源保育與利用制度之檢討蕭代基 臺灣經濟預測與政策 26(1), 33-49
1821995由相剋到相生:經濟與環保的共生策略蕭代基 臺北市
1831995Pollution Control Policy Reform in Taiwan: Economic Incentive ProgramsShaw, D 
1841994空氣汙染防治對家庭清潔之效益─趨避行為法之應用蕭代基 ; 陳淑華一九九三年中國經濟學會年會論文集 (中國經濟學會)
1851994From Free Markets to Controlled MarketsShaw, D 
1861993永續發展的意義-經濟學的觀點蕭代基 臺灣經濟預測與政策 24(1), 43-56
1871993由「天道無私」談起-評<永續發展的意義>蕭代基 經濟前瞻 8(3), 157-158
1881993Estimation of Choice Probabilities and Quantities Demanded from Endogenous SamplesShaw, D ; Kuo, C-Y
1891993The Impact of Climatic Variation on AgricultureShaw, D ; Mendelsohn, R
1901992無過失責任制與庇古稅制對環境汙染防治效率之影響蕭代基 國科會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學 2(1), 35-44
1911991染整業廢水排放費率與成本函數之研究駱尚廉; 蕭代基 
1921991現階段水資源管理之困境及其解決方案:水權交易制度芻議郭翡玉; 蕭代基 水的關懷:河川環境與水源保護研討會論文集 (台北市:時報文化)
1931991土壤環境保護政策之檢討蕭代基 農業金融論叢 25, 299-308
1941991一般化內生分層抽樣與估計方法蕭代基 ; 郭秋雲
1951991A New Choice-based Sampling Strategy and Estimator for Discrete Choice Models: Choice-based Systematic SamplingShaw, D 
1961990工業區汙水處理廠成本函數與排放費率分析駱尚廉; 蕭代基 
1971990應用於間斷選擇模式之新擇基抽樣與估計方法」蕭代基 經濟論文 18(2), 37-60
1981989美國空氣淨化法之自由化改革-排放權交易制度蕭代基 美國月刊 4(1), 51-60
1991988轉型期之資源與環保政策蕭代基 經濟前瞻 3(4), 42-44
2001988環境經濟學與政策黃宗煌; 陳明健; 劉錦添; 鄭欽龍; 薛立敏; 蕭代基 臺北市
2011988環境保護與投資意願蕭代基 經濟前瞻 3(3), 8-11
2021988On -site Samples' Regression: Problems of Non-Negative Integers, Truncation, and Endogenous StratificationShaw, D JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS 37, 211-223
2041987遊憩區之經營管理:經濟與行銷原則之應用蕭代基 ; 高明瑞
2061987污染稅之原則與課征方法蕭代基 經濟前瞻 2(3), 18-19
2071986核能發電社會成本評估方法蕭代基 ; 薛立敏
2091986公營遊樂區收費政策與辦法蕭代基 臺灣林業 12(6), 1-3
2101978東南亞綠色寶庫-熱帶森林蕭代基 今日經濟 134, 25-33