Results 1-69 of 69 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023(De)unionization, Trade, Unemployment, and Wage DifferentialsJuin-Jen Chang ; Li-Wen Hung; Shin-Kun Peng SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 90(1), 121-155
22023Innovation, Firm Size Distribution, and Gains from TradeChen, Yi-Fan; Wen-Tai Hsu; Shin-Kun Peng Theoretical Economics 18(1), 341-380
32022Trade, Emissions, and Regulatory (Non-)compliance: Implications of Firm HeterogeneityChang, Juin-Jen ; Yi-Ling Cheng; Shin-Kun Peng Review of International Economics 30(1), 57-82
42021The Market structures in Trade Intermediation with Heterogeneous Manufacturing FirmsChen, Yi-Fan; Shin-Kun Peng ; Tsung-Sheng TsaiInternational Review of Economics & Finance 75, 501-523
52021Symmetric Tax Competition and Welfare with Footloose CapitalZeng, Dao-Zhi; Shin-Kun Peng JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 61(2), 472-491
62021Rural-urban Migration with Remittances and Welfare AnalysisHung, Li-Wen; Shin-Kun Peng REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 91(SI), 103629
72021Learning by Supplying and Competition ThreatChen, Yi-Fan; Alireza Naghavi; Shin-Kun Peng Review of World Economics 157(1), 121-148
82020Unskilled Migration with Remittance and Welfare AnalysisHung, Li-Wen; Shin-Kun Peng The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration (Switzerland : Springer International Publishing)
92020Unemployment with Trade and Firm HeterogeneityHung, Li-Wen; Shin-Kun Peng International Journal of Economic Theory 16(1), 62-81
102018Bottom-up approach for downscaling CO2 emissions in Taiwan: robustness analysis and policy implicationsLee, T-C; Peng, S-K ; Yeh, C-T; Tseng, C-YJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 61(4), 656-676
112017臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第48卷第1期,頁145-170
122017Relationship-Specific Investments and Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement with Heterogeneous SuppliersNaghavi, A; Peng, S-K ; Tsai, Y-YReview of International Economics 25(3), 626-648
132017Estimating Disparity in Welfare Gains from Trade between Firm Owners and WorkersChen, C-M; Peng, S-K ; Tsay, W-J
142017臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第47卷第2期,頁153-178
152017Entrepreneurship and Welfare Gains from TradeChen, C-M; Peng, S-K Academia Economic Papers 45(1), 1-46
162017Social Comparisons in Consumption, International Capital Flows and Tax CompetitionChang, J-J ; Cheng, Y-L; Peng, S-K International Journal of Economic Theory 13, 47-71
172017Understanding Consumption Behavior: Evidence from Consumers' Reaction to Shopping VouchersKan, K ; Peng, S-K ; Wang, PAmerican Economic Journal-Economic Policy 9(1), 137-153
182017學門發展趨勢與展望:法律學、政治學、經濟學人文與社會科學簡訊編輯部; 賴景昌 ; 彭信坤 ; 黃銘傑; 吳重禮 ; 黃舒芃 人文與社會科學簡訊 第18卷第4期,頁28-35
192016Social Comparisons in Consumption, International Capital Flows and Tax CompetitionChang, J-J ; Cheng, Y-L; Peng, S-K 
202016臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第46卷第2期,頁291-315
212016臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第47卷第1期,頁149-172
222015因應氣候變遷的都市產業轉型及政策 (Urban Industrial Transformation and Policies in Response to Climate Change)李叢禎; 彭信坤 都市與計劃 (CITY AND PLANNING) 第42卷第1期,頁39-57
232015臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第45卷第2期,頁105-129
242015臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 殷壽鏞臺灣經濟預測與政策 第46卷第1期,頁159-183
252014臺灣經濟最近情勢周雨田 ; 彭信坤 ; 張靜貞 ; 蔡文禎 ; 林常青 臺灣經濟預測與政策 第45卷第1期,頁141-164
262014Price Competition and Quality Differentiation with Multiproduct FirmsChen, Yi-Ling; Shin-Kun Peng JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 112(3), 207-223
272014Taxing Pollution: Agglomeration and Welfare ConsequencesBerliant, Marcus; Shin-Kun Peng ; Ping WangECONOMIC THEORY 55(3), 665-704
282014公共財與地方財政-美國底特律市破產之省思彭信坤 臺灣經濟預測與政策 第44卷第2期,頁171-189
292013Public Good Inputs, Housing Quality, and Locational StratificationPeng, Shin-Kun ; Ping Wang; Chia-Ming YuTAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 41(2), 195-217
302012Quality and Quantity Competition in a Multiproduct DuopolyCheng, Yi-Ling; Shin-Kun Peng SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 79(1), 180-202
312012The Organization of Production and TradeLu, Chia-Hui; Shin-Kun Peng ; Ping WangInternational Journal of Economic Theory 8(2), 179-195
322011Multiproduct Duopoly with Vertical DifferentiationCheng, Yi-Ling; Takatoshi Tabuchi; Shin-Kun Peng THE BERKELEY ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS 11(1), 16
332011International intellectual property rights: Effects on growth, welfare and income inequalityChu, Angus C.; Shin-Kun Peng JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS 33(2), 276-287
342010The Spillover Effects of R&D on Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan's Metropolitan AreasLiu, Hsiao-Lan; Hsin-Yi Lin; Shin-Kun Peng THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 45(3), 519-546
352009Intergenerational Human Capital Evolution, Local Public Good Preferences, and StratificationChen, Been-Lon ; Shin-Kung Peng ; Ping WangJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL 33(3), 745-757
362009A Normative Analysis of Housing-related Tax Policy in a General Equilibrium Model of Housing Quality and PricesPeng, Shin-Kun ; Ping WangJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS THEORY 11(5), 667-696
372009The Industrial Agglomeration with Urban Congestion CostPeng, Shin-Kun ; Jyh-Fa TsaiTAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 37(1), 53-78
382008Economic Geography with Tariff CompetitionMai, Chao-Cheng; Shin-Kun Peng ; Takatoshi TabuchiREGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 38(5), 478-486
392007Spatial Competition in Variety and Number of StoresPeng, Shin-Kun ; Takatoshi TabuchiJOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 16(1), 227-250
402006「區域研究及地理」學門學術研習營規劃案彭信坤 人文與社會科學簡訊 7(3), 136-139
412006Spatial Duopoly with ZoningLai, Fu-Chuan; Shin-Kun Peng ; Jyh-Fa TsaiTHE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 40(3), 515-530
422006Economic Integration and Agglomeration in a Middle Product EconomyPeng, Shin-Kun ; Jacques-François Thisse; Ping WangJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY 131(1), 1-25
432006Welfare Analysis of the Number and Locations of Local Public FacilitiesBerliant, Marcus; Shin-Kun Peng ; Ping WangREGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 36(2), 207-226
442005Sorting by foot: ‘travel-for’ local public goods and equilibrium stratificationPeng, Shin-Kun ; Ping WangCANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS-REVUE CANADIENNE D'ECONOMIQUE 38(4), 1224-1252
452004Spatial Monopoly with Product DifferentiationPeng, S-K SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL70(3), 646-660
462004Advanced Insights in Central Place TheoryPeng, S-K Urban Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Urban Economics (Amsterdam : Elsevier)
472004國內區域及地理學門專業期刊排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 人文與社會科學簡訊 5(2), 68-70
482004國內區域及地理學門專業期刊之排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 ; 何嘉綺都市與計畫 第31卷第1期,頁1-23
492004國內區域研究及地理學門專業期刊排序簡錦漢 ; 彭信坤 人文與社會科學簡訊 第5卷第2期,頁68-70
502002Production Externalities and Urban ConfigurationBerliant, Marcus; Shin-Kun Peng ; Ping WangJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY 104(2), 275-303
512000Adoption of a Product Innovation in the Presence of Vertical Product DifferentiationShieh, Shiou; Shin-Kun Peng TAIWAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 28(4), 471-493
522000Tariffs and Quotas in a Spatial Duopoly with a Land MarketPeng, Shin-Kun ; Chao-Cheng MaiTHE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 34(2), 233-250
531999臺灣經濟最近情勢-服務業彭信坤 臺灣經濟預測與政策 29(2), 20-24
541999Cooperation vs. Competition in a Spatial ModelMai, Chao-Cheng; Shin-Kun Peng REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 29(4), 463-472
551996廠商最適區位之中間解存在可能性的再探討彭信坤 經濟論文叢刊 24(2), 163-171
561996The Location of Governmental Facility  and Equilibrium urban ConfigurationPeng, S-K THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE30(3), 247-272
571995基礎建設之發展-交通建設陳國棟; 彭信坤 臺灣近代史-經濟篇 (南投市 : 臺灣省文獻會)
581995多運具競爭之車輛持有擴散模式蕭銘雄; 彭信坤 ; 李治綱國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 第5卷第1期,頁58-72
591993The Economic Effect of Urban Expansion and Capital Inflow on the Housing Market and Urban Land UsePeng, S-K ACADEMIA ECONOMIC PAPERS21(2), 305-329
601992The Effect of Government Taxation Policies on Spatial MonopolyPeng, S-K REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS22(2), 197-211
611991建設國家六年計畫-交通建設問題初評唐富藏; 彭信坤 
621991City Type, City Size and Trade Pattern In A Spatial EconomyPeng, S-K ENVIRONMENT PLANNING A23(11), 1639-1652
631991國家建設六年計劃-交通建設問題初評唐富藏; 彭信坤 臺灣經濟預測與政策 第22卷第1期,頁53-61
641991建立我國交通各部門總體供需估測模型之研究-運輸需求部分唐富藏; 彭信坤 
651984國貨國運政策之經濟性分析-定期船市場之探討彭信坤 臺灣經濟預測 15(2), 45-69
661984我國國輪船隊成長結構之探討彭信坤 航運與貿易 321, 151-18
671984我國國輪船隊成長結構之探討彭信坤 航運季刊 20(4), 29-43
681983航商對於船舶泊港及其裝卸量選擇之分析彭信坤 運輸計畫 12(4), 511-522
691980從公路運輸管制談遊覽車非法經營定期長途客運問題唐富藏; 彭信坤 運輸計畫 第9卷第1期,頁1-21