Results 1-98 of 98 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Inclusiveness in Governance: Why Is the Chinese Authoritarian Regime Not Democratizing?Hsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi ChouThe Volatility and Future of Democracies in Asia (London and New York : Routledge)
22021Not a Zero-Sum Game: State–Society Interaction and Anti-Incinerator Campaigns in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien ; Chin-chih WangEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
32021Cellularized Civil Society: Public Participation in Community GovernanceHsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi ChouEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
42021Measuring State–Society Interactions in China’s Evolutionary Governance: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)Hsu, Szu-chien ; Chun-chih ChangEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
52021Evolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under AuthoritarianismHsu, Szu-chien ; Kellee S. Tsai; Chun-chih ChangCambridge, MA, USA
62020IntroductionHsu, Szu-chien ; Anne-Marie Brady; J. Michael ColeInsidious Power: How China Undermines Global Democracy (Manchester, UK : Eastbridge Books)
72020Insidious Power: How China Undermines Global DemocracyHsu, Szu-chien ; J. Michael ColeManchester, UK
82018Will Democracy Identity Strengthen Defense Commitment?: Taiwan as a CaseHsu, Szu-chien ; Shiau-chi Shen
92018The Political Consequences of Deliberative Democracy and Electoral Democracy in China: An Empirical Comparative Analysis from Four CountiesMa, Deyong; Szu-chien Hsu China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China 18(2), 1-31
102018有限民主治理與威權鞏固:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算為例(2008-2015)徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠遠景基金會季刊 第19卷第2期,頁83-120
112017Why is Chinese Authoritarian Regime not Democratizing and What is its Future Prospect?Hsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi Chou
122017The China Factor and Taiwan’s Civil Society Organizations in the Sunflower Movement: The Case of the Democratic Front against the Cross-Strait Service Trade AgreementHsu, Szu-chien Taiwan’s Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou: From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers (London and New York : Routledge)
132017Domestic Motivation and the Case of the East China Sea ADIZ: Diversion or Mobilization?Hsu, Hsiao-chi; Szu-chien Hsu Asian Perspective 41(3), 455-480
142016Authoritarianism with Compromised Resilience: Fragmented State Implementation and Strategic NGO Responses in Guangdong’s Social Management ReformHsu, Szu-chien ; Christina ChenThe China Review
152016導論:後極權轉型的極限徐斯儉 習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限 (台北 : 左岸時事)
162016習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限徐斯儉 台北
172016消失中的威權韌性──習近平時期的國家社會關係徐斯儉 ; 王占璽習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限 (台北 : 左岸時事)
182016Measuring State–Society Relations in the Governance of China: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)Hsu, Szu-chien ; Chun-chih Chang
192016Cellularized Civil Society: CSOs and Public Participation in Community GovernanceHsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi Chou
202016“Enlisted Participation" in China's Public Governance: An Institutional Arrangement of the "Authoritarian Resilience"Hsu, Szu-chien Mainland China Studies (中國大陸研究) 59(1), 101-129
212015A Tale of Two Party States: Comparing Authoritarianism across the Taiwan StraitHsu, Szu-chien China’s Transition from Communism―New Perspectives (London and New York : Routledge)
222015Cellularized Civil Society: CSOs and Public Participation in Community Governance徐斯儉 ; 周睦怡
232015Measuring State–Society Relations in the Governance of China: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)徐斯儉 ; 張鈞智
242015From Contention to Cooperation: Interactive State-Society Relations in the Anti-incinerator Contention in Guangzhou and Beijing徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
252015太陽花運動與中國因素:民主、 全球化與中國印象徐斯儉 ; 沈筱綺
262015Can Consultation Replace Election in Generating Authoritarian Legitimacy? Comparing Survey Data from Four Counties in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien ; Deyong Ma
272015Constructing a “Common Field” Across the Taiwan Strait via Environmentalism? Case Studies of Cross-Strait Environment NGO ExchangesHsu, Szu-chien International Relations and Diplomacy 3(8), 565-577
282015From Contention to Cooperation: Interactive State-Society Relations in the Anti-incinerator Contention in Guangzhou and BeijingHsu, Szu-chien ; Chin-chih Wang
292015The China Factor and Taiwan’s CSOs in the Sunflower Movement: The Case of Democratic Front against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement徐斯儉 
302014順德與溫嶺參與式預算的初步比較:制度設計與社會賦權徐斯儉 ; 張瓊分
312014Domestic Motivation and the Case of East China Sea ADIZ徐斯儉 ; 徐筱琦
322014Whither the Local Autonomy under the “China Model”? The Political Economy of China’s 2008 Stimulus PackageHsu, Szu-chien ; Hans H. TungChinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
332013辯證中的變與不變:台灣對中共黨國體制的研究徐斯儉 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
342013A Tale of Two Party States: Comparing Authoritarianism across the Taiwan StraitHsu, Szu-chien 
362013Constructing a ‘Common Field’ across the Taiwan Strait via Environmentalism? Case Studies of Cross-Strait Environment NGO ExchangesHsu, Szu-chien 
372012民主治理下的國家社會關係:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算改革為例徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
382012兩岸公民民社會伙伴關係之機會與限制:以環境人權團體交流為例徐斯儉 ; 徐銘謙
392012Replacing Contestation with Inclusiveness: The Political Logic of Authoritarian Survival in China徐斯儉 ; 周睦怡
402012「異卵雙生」:兩岸威權政治比較徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
412012Power Parity and Peace among Big Powers in Northeast Asia: A Quantitative Study 1918-2011Hsu, Szu-chien ; Liao, Hsiao-chuan
422012Did A Social Movement Change the Authoritarian State? Anti-Waste-Incinerator Contention and Policy Change on Urban Waste Management in Guangzhou徐斯儉 
432012威權政體治理改革中的國家社會關係:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算改革為例徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
462011Political Participation of “Non-rebellious Opposition”: A Case Study of Anti-waste-incinerator Contention under Autocratic Governance in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien 
472011Wither the Local Autonomy under the “China Model”? The Political Economy of China's 2008 StimulusHsu, Szu-chien ; Tung, Hans H.
482011「找到彼此」:後極權中國下的社會發展趨勢徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
492011Is Cross-Strait Relation Moving toward Stable Peace? A Civil Society Dialogue on Common Political IdentityHsu, Szu-chien 
502011Strengthening the Soft Discipline Constraint: Limited Reform in Curbing Leading Cadres’ PowerHsu, Szu-chien In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (London : Routledge)
512011在治理改革中走向民主:浙江溫嶺鄉鎮人大參與式預算之個案研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠中國大陸研究 第54卷第1期,頁1-28
522010Is Cross-Strait Relation Moving toward Stable Peace? A Civil Society Dialogue on Common Political IdentityHsu, Szu-chien 
532010Local Governments' Integrated Circuit (IC) Industry Bases and Innovation Outcomes: Governance beyond Industrial PolicyHsu, Szu-chien ; Lu, Dylan E.
542010「黨國」還是「共和國」?-中共政治變遷的一個內在邏輯徐斯儉 政治科學論叢 第45期,頁37-67
552010在治理改革中走向民主:浙江溫嶺參與式預算之個案研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
572009半導體產業中的國家角色:台灣與中國的比較徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩
582009Advantages and Limitations of President Ma’s Cross-Strait Negotiation: CECA/ECFA as an ExampleHsu, Szu-chien 
592009台灣基層預算中的「民主赤字」:三個鄉鎮預算貪腐案例研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
602009市場化國家資本主義1990-2005:中國兩個地級城市個案研究徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩中國大陸研究 第52卷第2期,頁97-136
612009The Domestic Origin of China's Rise and Its International ImpactHsu, Szu-chien Rise of China: Beijings Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific (New York : Routledge)
622008Enlisted Participation in China's Public Governance: Situating the Transition of the "Authoritarian Resilience"Hsu, Szu-chien 
632008Strengthening the Soft Discipline Constraint: Limited Reform in Curbing Leading Cadres' PowerHsu, Szu-chien 
642007Will “Intra-Party Democracy” Democratize China: The Case of Direct Election Experiment for Township Party SecretaryHsu, Szu-chien 
652007Institutionally-Induced Identity Politics in Taiwan: The Challenge of Nationalism to DemocracyHsu, Szu-chien 
662007軟紀律約束:中共強化監督之政改的內在限制徐斯儉 中國大陸研究 第50卷第2期,頁35-60
672007Institutional Evolution or Institutional Involution? From 'Work Report and Appraisal System' to 'Supervision Law' of the People's Congress in PRCHsu, Szu-chien 
682007軟紀律約束:改革中共黨國體制的內在限制徐斯儉 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北市 : 五南)
692007The Perceptions of 'Democracy' in China and Their ImplicationsHsu, Szu-chien ; Hsiao, Yi-Ching
702007黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策徐斯儉 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北市 : 五南)
712007黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策徐斯儉 ; 吳玉山 台北市
722006Reforming the Party and the State Under Hu JintaoHsu, Szu-chien China into the Hu-Wen Era: Policy Initiatives and Challenges (Singapore : World Scientific Publishing)
732006The Domestic Origin of China's Rise and Its International Impact: The Party-State Developmental SyndicateHsu, Szu-chien 
742006地緣政治與中共對美國之外交戰略徐斯儉 ; 楊念祖地緣政治與中共外交戰略 (台北市 : 大屯)
762006Institutional Selectivism: How Local Political Reforms Respond to Social Demands in Chinese PoliticsHsu, Szu-chien 
782005計畫外崛起的蘇州半導體產業:1996-2000徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩
792005中國大陸政治改革的爭議:一個文獻的回顧徐斯儉 中國大陸研究方法與成果 (台北市 : 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心)
802005Reforming the Party and the State under Hu JintaoHsu, Szu-chien 
812005A Taiwan Realism徐斯儉 帝國夾縫中的台灣國際研討會論文集 (台北市 : 文建會)
822004中國大陸城市基層民主與城市治理的民主化意涵徐斯儉 中國大陸城市基層民主研究 (台北市 : 遠景基金會)
832004A Taiwan RealismHsu, Szu-chien 
852004Electoral Institutions, Political Participation, and Grassroots Democracy in Rural ChinaHsu, Szu-chien 
862004Escalation and De-escalation across the Taiwan Strait-A Taiwan PerspectiveHsu, Szu-chien 
872004中國政治情勢:政治制度改革徐斯儉 中國大趨勢:2003-2004 (台北 : 新新聞文化事業股份有限公司)
882004中國大陸政治改革的爭議:一個文獻的回顧徐斯儉 中國大陸研究 第47卷第1期,頁1-40
902004書評 Across in Taiwan Strait: Democracy: The Bridge between Mainland China and Taiwan【跨越台灣海峽:民主:中國大陸與台灣之間的橋樑】 edited by Bruce Herschensohn【布魯斯‧赫胥森(編)】(Lanham , Maryland: Lexington Books, 2002, Hardcover, 98 pp., ISBN 0739103423)徐斯儉 台灣民主季刊, 第1卷第1期,頁201-204
912004和平穩定的兩岸關係徐斯儉 二0一0台灣 (台北市 : 行政院研究發展考核委員會)
932004“有序參與”與中國農民權益保障徐斯儉 中國農民權益保護 (北京 : 中國經濟出版社)
942003導論:退化的極權主義與中國未來發展林佳龍; 徐斯儉 未來中國:退化的極權主義 (台北市 : 時報出版社)
952003退化極權政體下的有限改革徐斯儉 未來中國:退化的極權主義 (台北市 : 時報出版社)
972002十六大前後中國的政治改革的動向徐斯儉 胡錦濤時代的挑戰 (台北市 : 新新聞文化事業股份有限公司)
982002Comparing Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan and East-Central EuropeHsu, Szu-chien Political Changes in the Czech Republic and Taiwan: Comparison (Prague : Institute of Political science, Charles University)