Results 1-71 of 71 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023北極政治與區域治理冷則剛 分裂的世界?:21世紀全球區域化崛起 (臺北市 : 聯經出版社)
22023Human Security and South Korea’s Connections with the Nordic CountriesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Amber Sop Hyun Kim
32023中國的多邊外交:台灣學術社群研究之比較分析冷則剛 ; 賴潤瑤問題與研究 第62卷第1期,頁47-84
42022中國的多邊外交冷則剛 ; 賴潤瑤
52022Politics of Urban Cultural Preservation and Regeneration: The Case of South Korea and TaiwanPark, Byung-Bae; Tse-Kang Leng ; Kuan-Hsuan WuJournal of Contemporary East Asia Studies 11(2), 300-328
72021Politics of Cultural Preservation and Memory in South Korea and TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang ; Byungbae Park; Kuan-Hsuan Wu
82021The Red Culture and Political Economy of Museums in ShanghaiLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rong-Yi ChenChina Review 21(3), 247-270
102020Partnership on the Ice: Power Politics and Economic Engagement in Sino-Russian Arctic DiplomacyLeng, Tse-Kang ; Zhu-Cheng Zhao政治學報 第70期,頁1-39
112020Arctic Diplomacy and East AsiaLeng, Tse-Kang 
122019Taiwan and the Evolution of Cross-Straits RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
132019Asian Responses to the Nordic DiplomacyLeng, Tse-Kang 
142019政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集冷則剛 ; 吳文欽 ; 吳玉山 ; 吳親恩 台北
152019林繼文的兩岸關係研究吳文欽 ; 冷則剛 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
162019Museum Politics and Local Transformation in ChinaLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rong-Yi Chen
182018Sino-Russia Relationship and Arctic Diplomacy: Power Politics and Economic EngagementLeng, Tse-Kang ; Zhao Zhu-Cheng
192018China’s Arctic Diplomacy: Global and Regional AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
202018IntroductionLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rumi AoyamaDecoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
212018Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rumi AoyamaSingapore
222017Governing Local Cultural Heritages: Tianjin and Nanjing in Comparative AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rung-yi Chen
242017Local State Adaptation and Grassroots Participation: Tianjin and Nanjing’s Preservation of Cultural Relics in Comparative AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rung-yi Chen
252016Hedging, Strategic Partnership, and Taiwan’s Relations with Japan under the Ma Ying-jeou AdministrationLeng, Tse-Kang ; Nien-chung Chang LiaoPacific Focus 31(3), 357-382
262016Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in ChinaLeng, Tse-Kang Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China (London : Routledge)
272016Local Governance, Community Development, and Cultural Preservation: A Comparative Study of Four Ethnic Chinese CitiesLeng, Tse-Kang 
282016China’s Arctic Diplomacy: Global and Regional AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang 
292016Taiwan and Economic GlobalizationLeng, Tse-Kang Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (London : Routledge)
302016Rethinking Local State Dynamics and Social Empowerment in TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang 
312016世代正義的政策意涵分析黃寄倫; 冷則剛 ; 林煥笙台灣經濟預測與政策 第46卷第2期,頁185-207
322016China’s Grand Strategy and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
332016The Taipei-Beijing-Washington Triangle: the Taiwanese AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Rethinking the Triangle: Washington-Beijing-Taipei (Singapore : World Scientific)
342015Culture Policy: Political Indoctrination and Market DevelopmentLeng, Tse-Kang 
352015Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the Context of China’s Grand StrategyLeng, Tse-Kang 
362015地方治理、文化保存與文化產業發展——南京市與台北市比較研究冷則剛 ; 賴名倫中國城市研究 第八輯,頁211-232
372014大學城發展與歷史保存:以美國維吉尼亞莎城為例冷則剛 中國名城 第12期,頁59-66
382014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Lanham, ML, USA
392014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
402014Local Governance and Cultural industry in China: The Case of NanjingLeng, Tse-Kang Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
412014北極圈治理與全球能源安全冷則剛 ; 林煥笙
422013中國大陸對外關係與全球化冷則剛 ; 陳玉文政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
432013台灣政治學的發展:議題、方法與評鑑吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
442013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 台北
452013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
462013Paradox of Political Realism: The Taiwanese and Chinese Perceptions on the Rise of China ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang Journal of Contemporary China Studies 2(2):
472013Local States, Institutional Changes, and Innovations Systems: Beijing and Shanghai ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-hwanJournal of Contemporary China 22(80): 219-236
482013The Inclusive Taipei-Beijing-Washington Triangle: The Taiwanese AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang 
492012Political Realism and the Rise of China: The Taiwanese PerspectiveLeng, Tse-Kang 
502012知識經濟與區域發展:以上海楊浦為例冷則剛 ; 陳蓉怡中國學 第二輯,頁284-299
522012中國大陸對外關係與全球化冷則剛 ; 陳玉文
542012Local Governance and Cultural Industry in China: The Case of NanjingLeng, Tse-Kang 
552012Production of Space and Space of Production: High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and ShanghaiWang, Jenn-hwan; Leng, Tse-Kang Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 1(1), 47-73
562011Coping with China in Hard Times: Taiwan in Global and Domestic AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Pacific Focus 26(3), 360-384
572011The Rise of China and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
582011兩岸政經互動冷則剛 中國大陸暨兩岸關係研究 (台北市 : 巨流圖書)
592011High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai: The Production of Space and Space of ProductionWang, Jenn-hwan; Leng, Tse-Kang 
602011Cross-Strait Relationship and Community-Building in East AsiaChu, Yun-han; Leng, Tse-Kang 
612011The Chinese model and the Developmental State in Transition: Comparing the Yangtze Delta Region and TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang 
632010Coping with China in Hard TimesLeng, Tse-Kang 
642010The “Silicon Valley Model” and China's Local Governance: Comparing Beijing and ShanghaiLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-hwan
652010Globalization, Developmental State, and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
662010State Power and Dynamism of Cross-Strait Economic RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
672010Dynamics of Local Governance in China during the Reform EraLeng, Tse-Kang ; Chu, Yun-hanNew York
692009Local States, Institutional Changes, and Innovations Systems: Beijing and Shanghai ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-Hwan
702009Centrally-Administered Municipalities: Locomotives of National DevelopmentLeng, Tse-Kang China's Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-National Hierarchy (London : Routledge)
712009國家、全球化,與兩岸關係冷則剛 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)