Results 1-191 of 191 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Right on the Faultline: Ukraine and TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
22022Bringing the Strategic Triangle Back: The Role of Small and Medium States in US-PRC RivalryWu, Yu-Shan New Asian Disorder: Rivalries Embroiling the Pacific Century (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press)
32022The Mongolian Semi-Presidential Constitution and Its Democratic PerformanceSumaadii, Mina; Yu-Shan Wu Central Asian Survey 41(1), 100-117
52021Medium and Small Countries on the Geostrategic Faultline: Hegemonic Rivalry and the PandemicWu, Yu-Shan 
62021Revisiting Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism at a Critical JunctureWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan: Environmental, Political and Social Issues (New York, USA : Nova Science Publishers)
72021How the Rising Power Treats Small States in Power Transition: Evidence from China–Serindia Relations During the Sixth and Seventh CenturiesWan,, Xiao; Yu-Shan Wu 
82021從比較共產主義看中共百年吳玉山 政治學報 第71期,頁1-31
92021超越川普的川普主義吳玉山 思想 第42期,頁67-75
122020斯拉夫的世界:東西競逐與歷史重現吳玉山 認識全球──臺大全球通識講座 (臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心)
132020From Semi-presidentialism to Parliamentarism: The Case of Mongolia米娜; 吳玉山 
142020Caught in the Bipolar Rivalry: Two Logics that Determine the Behaviors of Medium and Small CountriesWu, Yu-Shan 
152020國安危機與自由主義的存續吳玉山 思想 第40期,頁1-25
162020不均衡戰略三角與兩岸關係的比較性研究吳玉山 資訊時代下的世界新秩序、新典範與新治理 (新北市 : 致知學術)
172020Caught in the Bipolar Rivalry: The Peculiar Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
182020Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relations: A Synthetic PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(2), 168-186
202019維繫傳統、與時俱進:半世紀來東亞所課程的變與不變褚填正; 吳玉山 從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
212019從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究吳玉山 ; 王信賢台北市
222019導論:周雖舊邦、其命維新吳玉山 ; 王信賢從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
232019東亞所的創建與中國大陸研究:政治與學術的互動吳玉山 ; 褚填正從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與臺灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
242019自由主義的危機—獨立機制的崩壞吳玉山 臺灣與民主的距離 (台北市 : 聯經)
252019五四的時代意義──從當代自由主義的危機談起吳玉山 再現、傳承與超越:五四運動一百年:2019海峽兩岸暨香港人文社會科學論壇 (桃園市 : 國立中央大學)
262019兩強間中小國家的抉擇:一個理論的視角吳玉山 左右逢源還是左右為難?中小型國家在兩強間的抉擇 (台中市 : 奇果創新國際)
272019Setting the Stage for Constitutional Development: May Fourth and Its AftermathWu, Yu-Shan 
282019左右逢源還是左右為難?中小型國家在兩強間的抉擇吳玉山 ; 楊三億台中市
292019林繼文的半總統制研究吳玉山 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
302019政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集冷則剛 ; 吳文欽 ; 吳玉山 ; 吳親恩 台北
322019Bringing the Strategic Triangle Back: The Role of Small and Medium States in US-PRC RivalryWu, Yu-Shan 
332018Caught between Two Great Powers: A Comparative Framework across Time and SpaceWu, Yu-Shan 
342018東亞所的創建與中國大陸研究─政治與學術的互動吳玉山 ; 褚填正東亞研究 第49卷第2期,頁1-28
352018Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relation: A Synthetic PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
362018自由主義國際秩序的內外挑戰—從福山的論述談起吳玉山 從歷史的終結到民主的崩壞—法蘭西斯.福山講座 (台北市 : 聯經)
372018Modes of Exit from Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
382018The History-Informed IR Study on the Resurgence of ChinaWu, Yu-Shan Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
392018The DPP Ascendancy and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan’s Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges (Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan)
402018總統直選與半總統制憲政運作吳玉山 總統直選與民主臺灣 (新北市 : 致知)
41201801.故院長講座. 王世杰院長講座「多重社會分歧下的政黨競爭:一個比較的視野」吳玉山 
422018The Impact of Elections and Political Succession on Cross-Strait Relation: An Integrated PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
432018中國再起:歷史與國關的對話吳玉山 台北市
442018歷史與國關吳玉山 中國再起:歷史與國關的對話 (台北市 : 台灣大學人文社會高等研究院,東亞儒學研究中心)
452017半總統制下的權力三角:總統、國會、內閣沈有忠; 吳玉山 台北市
462017半總統制權力三角的邏輯吳玉山 半總統制下的權力三角:總統、國會、內閣 (台北市 : 五南)
472017Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategies of Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace (Oakland, CA, USA : University of California Press)
492017Constitutional Divergence in East Asia: Causes and ConsequencesWu, Yu-shan ; Yu-chung ShenRoutledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
502017優勢政黨與民主:亞洲經驗的省思孫采薇; 吳玉山 台北市
512017亞洲優勢政黨的研究議程吳玉山 優勢政黨與民主:亞洲經驗的省思 (台北市 : 巨流)
522017Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategic Choice by Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan 
542016半總統制與策略性修憲吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第69期,頁1-26
552016Strategic Choice of Small and Medium Countries Caught in Great Power Competition: Comparing East Asia and Eastern EuropeWu, Yu-Shan 
562016Revisit Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism at a Critical JunctureWu, Yu-Shan 
572016The Resurgence of China in Historical PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
582016Cross-Strait Dialogue and PoliciesWu, Yu-Shan Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (London : Routledge)
592016我國半總統制憲法的困局與抉擇吳玉山 台灣民主之反思與前瞻 (台北市 : 臺灣民主基金會)
612016Heading towards Troubled Waters? The Impact of Taiwan’s 2016 Elections on Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan American Journal of Chinese Studies 23(1), 59-75
622016Heading towards Troubled Waters? The Impact of Taiwan’s 2016 Elections on Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
632015Semi-presidentialism in Taiwan: Dilemma and ChoiceWu, Yu-Shan 
642015Power Position and Taiwan Policy: How Beijing Responds to Taipei’s Stimuli During the Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao Periods陳冠吾; 吳玉山 
652015半總統制跨洲比較:亞洲與歐洲的對話廖達琪; 沈有忠; 吳玉山 高雄市
662015Introduction: Momentum towards Divergence in Semi-Presidentialism吳玉山 半總統制跨洲比較:亞洲與歐洲的對話 (中山大學出版社 : 高雄市)
682015Russia and China SecurityWu, Yu-Shan Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security (London : Routledge)
692015Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategic Choice by Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan 
702015TPP, RCEP and Asia’s Strategic GameWu, Yu-Shan 
712015Rejuvenation of the Party-State: The Virtues and Limits of an Age-based Political SystemWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 51(1), 99-128
722015Teaching and Research in International Relations in Taiwan: A First Cut at the 2014 Survey of AcademicsCheng, Tun-jen; Min-hua Huang; Yu-Shan Wu ; Tzong-ho Bau; Szue-chin Philip Hsu
732014Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and The Peculiar Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait: In the Shadow of Power (London, UK : Routledge)
742014從認同到經濟:台灣政治競爭的軸線轉換吳玉山 知識饗宴系列十 (台北 : 中央研究院)
752014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Lanham, ML, USA
762014Comparing Development Models in Mainland China and Taiwan: A Macro Analytical FrameworkWu, Yu-Shan Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
772014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
78201403.知識饗宴系列10電子書江博明; 王寳貫; 余淑美; 洪上程; 梁博煌; 廖運範; 嚴宏洋; 朱雲漢; 吳玉山 ; 李建良; 石守謙 ; 胡曉真 台北市
792014Revisit Paradigm Shift in Taiwan’s PoliticsWu, Yu-Shan 
802014Drawing an Age Line: Rejuvenation or Exclusion?Wu, Yu-Shan 
812014Comparing Career-driven Constitutional Changes in Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
822013兩岸關係研究的開展與侷限吳玉山 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
832013台灣政治學的發展:議題、方法與評鑑吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
842013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 台北
852013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
862013From Identity to Distribution: Paradigm Shift in Taiwan Politics: A First CutWu, Yu-Shan 
882013Comparing Taiwan and the CEE Trio: The Impact of Social and Institutional FactorsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy special issue: 103-127
892013What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and the Strategic TriangleWu, Yu-Shan ; Dittmer, LowellMobile Horizons: Dynamics across the Taiwan Strait (Berkeley, CA : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California)
902013From Identity to Economy: Shifting Politics in TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Global Asia 8(1), 114-119
912013Comparing Taiwan and the CEE Trio: The Impact of Social and Institutional Factors on DemocracyWu, Yu-Shan 
922013美中爭霸與兩岸關係吳玉山 探索兩岸和平協議的多元角度觀察 (香港 : 中國評論學術出版社)
932012Review of Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization, and the Next World OrderWu, Yu-Shan American Journal of Chinese Studies 19(2), 145-146
942012Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and Domestic CompetitionWu, Yu-Shan 
962012Party System and Power Distribution in Semi-presidentialism: Taiwan and BeyondWu, Yu-Shan 
972012孫中山思想、民國百年與兩岸發展模式——一個總體的分析架構吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第52期,頁1-42
982012權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制吳玉山 權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制 (台北市 : 五南)
992012半總統制:全球發展與研究議程吳玉山 權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制 (台北市 : 五南)
1002012The Evolution of Semi-Presidentialism in TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
1012012權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制沈有忠; 吳玉山 台北市
1022011Sun Yat-Sen Thought, Centennial of the ROC, and Development Models in Taiwan and Mainland China: A Macro Analytical FrameworkWu, Yu-Shan 
1032011The Evolution of the KMT's Stance on the One-China Principle: National Identity in FluxWu, Yu-Shan Taiwanese Identity in the 21st Century: Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives (London : Routledge)
1042011「兩場革命」與中國模式吳玉山 思想 第18期,頁197-218
1052011In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing ConsensusHsu, S. Philip; Wu, Yu-Shan ; Zhao, SuishengLondon
1062011What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and Strategic Triangle IIIDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
1072011半總統制:全球發展與研究議程吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第47期,頁1-32
1082011Taiwan: Democratic Consolidation under President-ParliamentarismWu, Yu-Shan ; Tsai, Jung-HsiangSemi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan)
1092011Clustering of Semi-Presidentialism: A First CutWu, Yu-Shan Semi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan)
1102011Semi-Presidentialism and DemocracyElgie, Robert; Moestrup, Sophia; Wu, Yu-Shan UK
1112011Exploring the Power-Sharing Mode of Semi-PresidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
1122011Strategic Triangle, Change of Guard, and Ma's New CourseWu, Yu-Shan The Changing Dynamics of the Relations among China, Taiwan, and the United States (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
1132011Russia and the CIS in 2010: Post-Crisis TestsWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 51(1), 64-75
1142011權力轉移理論:悲劇預言?吳玉山 國際關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
1152010Power Transition, Strategic Triangle, and Alliance ShiftWu, Yu-Shan 
1162010Behind Ma's New CourseDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
1172010Semi-Presidentialism: Global Development and Research AgendaWu, Yu-Shan 
1182010Asymmetric Triangles and the Washington-Beijing-Taipei RelationshipWomack, Brantly; Wu, Yu-Shan China among Unequals: Asymmetric Foreign Relations in Asia (Singapore : World Scientific Press)
1202010Theoretical Approaches in the Study of Cross-Strait Political RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
1212010What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and Strategic TriangleDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
1222010Russia and the CIS in 2009: Pillar of the System ShakenWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 50(1), 76-88
1232009Strategic Triangle, Change of Guard, and Ma's New CourseWu, Yu-Shan 
1242009權力不對稱與兩岸關係研究吳玉山 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
1252009重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論吳玉山 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
1262009十年的知識薪傳:重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論吳玉山 中國大陸研究 第52卷第3期,頁113-127
1272009重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論包宗和; 吳玉山 台北
1282009島內政治與兩岸關係吳玉山 中外名學者論21世紀初的中國 (香港 : 中文大學出版社)
1292009Modes of Democratic Failure in Semi-presidentialism: Plunge into Breakdown or Slide into AuthoritarianismWu, Yu-Shan 
1302009台灣研究的四部曲:與中國間切不斷的關係吳玉山 政治學新探:中華經驗與西方學理 (香港 : 中文大學出版社)
1322009解釋俄羅斯的民主倒退吳玉山 臺灣民主季刊 第6卷第1期,頁199-205
1332009Russia's Foreign Policy Surge: Causes and ImplicationsWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 45(1), 117-162
1342008Study of Semi-Presidentialism: A Holistic ApproachWu, Yu-Shan 
1352008Taiwan: Democratic Consolidation under Presidential SupremacyWu, Yu-Shan ; Tsai, Jung-hsiang
1362008Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy: How Significant is Russia's Power Transfer?Wu, Yu-Shan 
1372008Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan The Politics of Modern Taiwan: Critical Issues in Modern Politics (London : Routledge)
1392008Review of ‘The Transformation of Chinese Socialism’Wu, Yu-Shan China Review International 15(1), 132-136
1402007Robust Competition Checks State Exploitation: The Post-Communist ExperienceWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy 3(2), 183-187
1412007Taiwan's Developmental State: After the Economic and Political TurmoilWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 47(6), 977-1001
1422007Asymmetric Triangles and the Washington-Beijing-Taipei RelationshipWomack, Brantly; Wu, Yu-Shan 
1432007顏色革命的許諾與侷限吳玉山 台灣民主季刊 第4卷第2期,頁67-112
1442007Semi-Presidentialism-Easy to Choose, Difficult to Operate: The Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Semi-Presidentialism Outside Europe: A Comparative Study (London : Routedge)
1452007宏觀中國:後極權資本主義發展國家-蘇東與東亞模式的揉合吳玉山 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北 : 五南)
1462007黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策徐斯儉 ; 吳玉山 台北市
1472007Taiwan's Developmental StateWu, Yu-Shan 
1482006爭取樞紐:戰略三角模型在國內政治中的運用吳玉山 四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十壽辰,下卷 (台北 : 允晨)
1492006政權合法性與憲改模式:比較臺灣與歐洲後共新興民主國家吳玉山 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
1502006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 台北
1512006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
1522006政治如何影響經濟:談中國大陸的政經循環吳玉山 知識饗宴系列二 (台北 : 中央研究院)
1532006President-Parliamentary Incongruence and Possibility to Exit under Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
1542006Two Views from Abroad: How the Hong Kong Experience Looks Elsewhere-From Taiwan: The Bridge Leads Both WaysWu, Yu-Shan Hong Kong Journal 3
155200603.知識饗宴系列02電子書賴明詔; 沈志陽; 李定國; 沈元壤; 劉炯朗; 邢義田 ; 劉翠溶 ; 陳永發; 朱雲漢; 吳玉山 ; 何大安; 周英雄台北市
1562006Leadership Coalitions and Economic Transformation in Reform China: Revisiting the Political Business CycleDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan China's Deep Reform: Domestic Politics in Transition (Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield)
1572006Domestic Political Competition and Triangular Interactions Among Washington, Beijing and Taipei: The U.S. China PolicyWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 42(1), 1-46
1582006政權合法性與憲改模式:比較臺灣與歐洲後共新興民主國家吳玉山 問題與研究 第45卷第1期,頁1-28
1602005Domestic Political Competition and Triangular Interactions Among Washington, Beijing and Taipei: the U.S. China PolicyWu, Yu-Shan 
1612005Appointing the Prime Minister under Incongruence: Taiwan in Comparison with France and RussiaWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy 1(1), 103-132
1632005Leadership Coalitions and Economic Change in Reform China: Revisiting Political Business CyclesDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
1652005From Romantic Triangle to Marriage? Washington-Beijing-Taipei Relations in Historical ComparisonWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 41(1), 113-159
1662005Two Chinas?Wu, Yu-Shan Commentary 119(1), 10
1672005Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan The China Journal 53, 35-60
1682004Taiwanese Nationalism and Its Implications: Testing the Worst-Case ScenarioWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 44(4), 614-625
1692004From Romantic Triangle to Marriage? Washington-Beijing-Taipei Relations in Historical ComparisonWu, Yu-Shan 
1702004Jiang and After: Technocratic Rule, Generational Replacement and Mentor PoliticsWu, Yu-Shan The New Chinese Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities after the 16th Party Congress (The China Quarterly Special Issues) (New York : Cambridge University Press)
1712004Review of 'The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths and Reality'Wu, Yu-Shan Europe-Asia Studies 56(1), 178-179
1722004Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
1732003中國大陸經濟改革總體策略之研究吳玉山 中國大陸研究方法與成果 (台北 : 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心)
1742003Triangular Interactions under Semi-Presidentialism: A Typological ExpositionWu, Yu-Shan 
1752003Institutions and Policies Must Bear the Responsibility: Another Case of Nonantagonistic ContradictionWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 39(2), 24-40
1762003探入中國大陸經改策略之研究:一個比較的途徑吳玉山 中國大陸研究 第46卷第3期,頁1-30
1782003Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990’sWu, Yu-Shan The Political and Economic Reforms of Mainland China in a Changing Global Society (Taipei : College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University)
1792003Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990'sWu, Yu-Shan 
1802003Chinese Economic Reform in Comparative PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 38-39(4/1), 93-138
1812003Jiang and After: Technocratic Rule, Generational Replacement, and Re-emergence of GerontocracyWu, Yu-Shan 
1822002仍是現實主義的傳統:九一一與布希主義吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第17輯,頁1-32
1832002半總統制多黨體系下總統組閣抉擇之研究:民國九十年國會大選後台灣的憲政發展吳玉山 台灣的未來 (台北 : 華泰出版社)
1842002鄧小平與江澤民路線之比較吳玉山 新世紀的中國 (台北 : 政治大學國際關係研究中心)
1852002Appointing the Prime Minister: President vs. ParliamentWu, Yu-Shan 
1862002Cordon Chang's The Coming Collapse of China and the Question of MethodologyWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 38(2), 235-238
1872002Slowing Down of the NICs: Still a Valid Strategy of Development?Wu, Yu-Shan 
1882002Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990'sWu, Yu-Shan 
1902002Taiwan in 2001: Stalemated on All FrontsWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 42(1), 29-38
1912002半總統制下內閣組成與政治穩定:比較俄羅斯、波蘭與中華民國吳玉山 俄羅斯學報 第2期,頁229-265