Results 1-156 of 156 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Resistencia a la ‘unificación’(Why have the Taiwanese Resisted 'Unification' with China?)Wu, Jieh-min Vanguardia Dossier 87, 41-45
22022Rival Partners: How Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Guangdong Officials Forged the China Development ModelWu, Jieh-min Cambridge, MA
32022The War over Identities: How China Has Transformed the Meanings of Taiwan IndependenceWu, Jieh-min 
42022Sunflower Occupy Movement (Taiwan)Wu, Jieh-min The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, 2nd Edition (New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell)
52022The Hong Kong-Taiwan Nexus in the Shadow of ChinaWu, Jieh-min The Asia-Pacific Journal 20(16), Number 7, 5733
62022灰色地帶的戰爭吳介民 銳實力製造機: 中國在台灣、香港、印太地區的影響力操作與中心邊陲拉鋸戰 (台灣 : 左岸文化)
72022「九二共識」的式微:比較兩次台灣總統選舉吳介民 ; 廖美銳實力製造機: 中國在台灣、香港、印太地區的影響力操作與中心邊陲拉鋸戰 (台灣 : 左岸文化)
82022不只是銳實力吳介民 銳實力製造機: 中國在台灣、香港、印太地區的影響力操作與中心邊陲拉鋸戰 (台灣 : 左岸文化)
92022銳實力製造機: 中國在台灣、香港、印太地區的影響力操作與中心邊陲拉鋸戰吳介民 ; 黎安友台灣
102022The War over Identities: The Changing Meaning of Taiwan Independence over TimeWu, Jieh-min 
112022烏克蘭情勢吳介民 ; 林政宇
122021Taiwan Success Story: A Global Value Chain PerspectiveWu, Jieh-min 
162021How The CCP Penetrates Taiwan And Hong KongAndrew J. Nathan; Wu, Jieh-min ; Ma, Ngok
182021More than Sharp Power: Chinese influence operations in Taiwan, Hong Kong and beyondWu, Jieh-min 
192021China’s Influence and the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-PacificAndrew J. Nathan; Wu, Jieh-min 
202021China’s influence on Taiwan’s elections: The impact of the "1992 Consensus" on presidential electionsWu, Jieh-min ; Liao, MeiChina’s influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific (Abingdon, Oxon : New York, NY)
212021China's influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-PacificFong, Brian; Wu, Jieh-min ; Andrew NathanAbingdon, Oxon; New York, NY
222021More than sharp power: Chinese influence operations in Taiwan, Hong Kong and beyondWu, Jieh-min China’s influence in the Centre-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific (Abingdon, Oxon : New York, NY)
232021中国(チャイナ)ファクターの政治社会学—台湾への影響力の浸透川上桃子; 吳介民 東京
242021台湾における「中国ファクター」:その作用と反作用吳介民 ; 川上桃子中国(チャイナ)ファクターの政治社会学:台湾への影響力の浸透 (東京 : 白水社)
252021「戰狼主旋律」變形入台:解析關西機場事件的中國虛假資訊鏈江旻諺; 吳介民 戰狼來了:關西機場事件的假新聞、資訊戰 (台北 : 新自然主義)
262021國產疫苗緊急使用授權爭議與因應路徑簡國龍; 廖美; 吳介民 記疫
272020Taishang, China, and Global Value Chains(keynote speech)Wu, Jieh-min 
282020Taishang, China, and Global Value ChainsWu, Jieh-min 
292020The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and CounteractionsWu, Jieh-min ; Tsai, Hung-jengInsidious Power: How China Undermines Global Democracy (UK : Eastbridge Books)
302020東亞資本主義中的台商、越南與中國--書評:《全球生產壓力鏈:越南台商、工人與國家》。王宏仁著,2019。臺北市:臺大出版中心吳介民 臺灣社會學刊 第66期,頁203-222
312020回應王宏仁教授評論《尋租中國》吳介民 臺灣社會學刊 第66期,頁231-237
332019Populism and Geopolitics: Taiwan in the Shadow of ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
342019「我們NGO」:太陽花運動中的網絡關係與社運團結許恩恩; 吳介民 ; 李宗棠; 施懿倫台灣社會學 第38期,頁1-61
352019Taiwan’s Sunflower Occupy Movement as a Transformative Resistance to the “China Factor"Wu, Jieh-min Take Back Our Future: An Eventful Sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement (Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press)
362019尋租中國:台商、廣東模式與全球資本主義吳介民 台北
382019中国のシャープパワーと、台湾・中国における地政学と経済関係の変化(中國銳實力與中台地緣政治經濟關係的變化)吳介民 愛知大學國際問題研究所紀要 第153號,頁1-17
402018The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and Counter-ActionsWu, Jieh-min ; Hung-jeng Tsai
412018The Making of Taiwanese National Identity: Indigenization, the China Factor, and the Anxiety of “To-Be-UnifiedWu, Jieh-min 
422018新版導論吳介民 沒有安全感的強國:從鎖國、開放到崛起,中國對外關係70年
442017The China Factor in Taiwan: Incentive Structure, Impact Assessment, and Counter-ActionsWu, Jieh-min ; Hung-Jeng Tsai
452017Taiwan’s Sunflower Occupy Movement as a Transformative EventWu, Jieh-min 
462017中國因素作用力與反作用力吳介民 吊燈裡的巨蟒:中國因素作用力與反作用力 (台北 : 左岸)
472017Migrant Citizenship Regimes in Globalized China: A Historical-Institutional Comparison (全球化生產下民工公民身分差序體制:比較中國沿海三個區域)Wu, Jieh-min Rural China 14(1), 128-154
482017吊燈裡的巨蟒:中國因素作用力與反作用力吳介民 ; 蔡宏政; 鄭祖邦台北
492016台灣近年集體抗爭的總體樣貌分析2012-2014林政宇; 吳介民 ; 廖美
502016在中心與邊陲之間的「積極邊陲者」:以太陽花佔領行動為例施懿倫; 吳介民 ; 許恩恩
512016解釋太陽花運動中的社運團結許恩恩; 吳介民 ; 李宗棠; 施懿倫
542016「九二共識」的生成與民意支持的變動吳介民 ; 廖美
552016Notes on the Tensions between Taiwanese Nationalism and Chinese Irredentism​Wu, Jieh-min 
562016佔領,打破命定論吳介民 ; 廖美照破:太陽花運動的振幅、縱深和視域 (台北 : 左岸文化)
572016政治ゲームとしてのビジネス―台湾企業の政治的役割をめぐって吳介民 チャイナ・リスクといかに向きあうか-日韓台の企業の挑戦 (《怎麼面對中国風險:台日韓企業的挑戰》) (東京 : 東京大學出版會)
582016The China Factor in Taiwan: Impact and ResponseWu, Jieh-min Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (Routledge)
592015The Sunflower Movement as a Social Resistance to the China Factor: A Long Durée Perspective​Wu, Jieh-min 
602015中國因素的在地協力機制:一個分析架構吳介民 台灣社會研究通訊 83(4-11)
612015To Be or Not To Be: 統獨意願與預期的落差與世代效應吳介民 ; 廖美
622015從統獨到中國因素:政治認同變動對投票行為的影響吳介民 ; 廖美台灣社會學 第29期,頁87-130
632015『太陽花運動』への道―台湾市民社会の中国要因に対する抵抗吳介民 日本台湾学会報 第17号, 1-37
642015The Origins and Transformation of the Growth Alliance in GuangdongWu, Jieh-min 
652015Rediscovering the China Factor: Overview of the China Impact in TaiwanWu, Jieh-min 
672015港台的抵抗運動為何呈現趨同性?吳介民 文化研究 第十八期(2014年春季號),頁170-177
692015Path to the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan: the China Factor and Implications for Hong KongWu, Jieh-min 
702015Taiwan after the Colonial Century: Bringing China into ForegroundWu, Jieh-min Comparatizing Taiwan (London and New York : Routledge)
712014Business as United Front Work: The Taiwanese Collaborators in the Cross-Strait Government-Business RelationsWu, Jieh-min 
722014China Factor and Resistance from Taiwan’s Civil SocietyWu, Jieh-min 
732014「中國因素」氣旋下的台港公民抵抗運動吳介民 東亞地區的合作與和平 (台北 : 前衛)
742014Comparing the Social Movements in Hong Kong and TaiwanWu, Jieh-min 
752014The Origins and Transformation of the Growth Coalition in Guangdong: A Taiwanese PerspectiveWu, Jieh-min 
762014秩序繽紛的年代:1990-2010(2014年新版)吳介民 ; 范雲; 顧爾德台北
772014Local Developmental State in Crisis: Transforming the EOI Strategy in Guangdong, ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
822013跨國治理場域:兩岸間的身分政治競賽吳介民 ; 曾嬿芬權力資本雙螺旋:台灣視角的中國/兩岸研究 (台北 : 左岸)
832013權力與資本的雙螺旋運動吳介民 權力資本雙螺旋:台灣視角的中國/兩岸研究 (台北 : 左岸)
842013權力資本雙螺旋:台灣視角的中國/兩岸研究吳介民 台北
852013Type of Political Risks in Investing China and Reverse Political Effects in TaiwanWu, Jieh-min 
862013台灣民主、中國因素、與兩岸公民社會平台吳介民 兩岸四地政治文化與公民社會 (新加坡 : 世界科學出版社)
872013中文版導論:與脆弱的強權為鄰吳介民 尋求安全感的中國,黎安友、施道安合著, 頁7-19
882013China’s Authoritarian Capitalism and Differential Migrant CitizenshipWu, Jieh-min 
892013反動的修辭 (Albert O. Hirschman, The Rhetoric of Reaction, the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1991)赫緒曼著; 吳介民譯 台北
902013中文版導論:如何破解反動的修辭吳介民 反動的修辭,赫緒曼(Albert Hirschman)著, 頁45-57
912012第三種中國想像吳介民 台北
932012「九二共識」:中國因素的選舉效應吳介民 文化、民主與兩岸關係的東亞觀點 (臺北 : 東吳大學與松慧出版社)
952012中國因素與兩岸公民社會對話吳介民 文明的呼喚:尋找兩岸和平之路 (台北 : 左岸)
972012「海峡を越えたガバナンスの場」におけるシティズンシップ政治吳介民 ; 曾嬿芬中國21 Vol.36,頁13-34
992011永遠的異鄉客?公民身分差序與中國農民工階級吳介民 台灣社會學 第21期,頁51-99
1002011Taiwan after the Colonial Century: Bringing China into ForegroundWu, Jieh-min 
1012010秩序繽紛的年代:1990-2010吳介民 ; 范雲; 顧爾德台北
1022010The Chinese State, Suppressed Consumption and Structures of Inequality in Two EpochsSelden, Mark; Wu, Jieh-min 
1032010第三種中國想像吳介民 秩序繽紛的年代:1990-2010 (台北 : 左岸)
1042010Rural Migrant Workers and China's Differential Citizenship: A Comparative-Institutional AnalysisWu, Jieh-min One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China (Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press)
1072009「中國模式」或多重複雜的制度形構?中國研究專題導論吳介民 台灣社會學 第18 期,頁1-3
1082008Politics of Dual Membership: Regulating Taiwanese Migration to ChinaTseng, Yen-Fen; Wu, Jieh-min 
1092008Comparing Three Migrant Citizenship Regimes in Globalized ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
1102008優游兩岸、還是雙重曖昧?遷移中國之台灣人成員身分的跨國化曾嬿芬; 吳介民 
1112008生活在台灣:選舉民主及其不足吳介民 ; 李丁讚跨戒:流動與堅持的台灣社會 (台北 : 群學)
1122007兩岸社會交流:「跨海峽治理場域」中的公民身份政治吳介民 ; 曾嬿芬兩岸開放二十年:回顧與展望 (台北 : 遠景基金會)
1132007Migrant Citizenship Regimes in China’s Southeast Developing RegionWu, Jieh-min 
1142007State and Capital in the Making of Chinese Migrant Citizenship Regimes,” paper presented at “International Conference on Globalization and Development in Chinese Economic RegionWu, Jieh-min 
1152007State and Capital in Chinese Migrant Citizenship RegimesWu, Jieh-min 
1162006夾縫中的公民身分:成員身分跨國化的政治曾嬿芬; 吳介民 
1172006Chinese Migrant Workers under Differential Citizenship: A Comparative-Institutional AnalysisWu, Jieh-min 
1182006跨海峽新社會研究綱領芻議Wu, Jieh-min 
1192006Alien Nationals: Chinese Migrant Labor under Differential CitizenshipWu, Jieh-min 
1212005Taiwanese Business Associations in China: a Contested Terrain for Symbolic SovereigntyWu, Jieh-min 
1232005「關係政治學」:台商在中國的生存策略與倫理處境吳介民 危機時代、認識中國 (高雄 : 春暉出版社)
1242005台海上空的粉紅色幽靈吳介民 台灣社會研究季刊 第57期,頁219-234
1252005現代性、宗教、與巫術:一個地方公廟的治理技術李丁讚; 吳介民 台灣社會研究季刊 第59期,頁143-184
1262005傳遞共通感受:林合社區公共領域修辭模式的分析吳介民 ; 李丁讚台灣社會學 第9期,頁119-163
1272004Beyond the Blue-Green Tango: Social Movement vs. National Security in the 320 Referendum DisputeWu, Jieh-min Issues and Studies 40(3/4), 342-353
1282004傳遞共通感受:公共領域修辭模式的分析吳介民 ; 李丁讚
1292004The Contested ‘Status Quo’: Toward a Social Perspective吳介民 
1302004鄉土文學論戰中的社會想像:文化界公共領域的集體認同形塑吳介民 公共領域在台灣:困境與契機 (台北 : 桂冠)
1332003公民投票作為一種批判性的公眾力量吳介民 政治與社會哲學評論 第7期,頁177-237
1352002Whose Village? A Case Analysis of Class Relations in Coastal ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
1362002“Imminent Collapse or Tolerable Instability?” A review of Gordon Chang’s The Coming Collapse of ChinaWu, Jieh-min Issues and Studies, 38(2), 248-250
1372002Imminent Collapse or Tolerable Instability?Wu, Jieh-min Issues and Studies 38(2), 248-250
1382002解除克勞塞維茲的魔咒:分析台灣當前社會改革運動的困境吳介民 台灣社會學 第4期,頁159-198
1402001虛擬產權與中國經濟的『關係法則』吳介民 兩岸三地經濟之社會文化分析 (台北 : 生智)
1412001State Policy and Guanxi Network Adaptation in China: Local Bureaucratic Rent-SeekingWu, Jieh-min Issues and Studies 37(1), 20-48
1422000State Policy and Guanxi Network Adaptation: A Case Study of Local Bureaucratic Rent-Seeking in ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
1432000Fictive Ownership and Paths to Privatization in Rural ChinaWu, Jieh-min 
1442000壓榨人性空間:身分差序與中國式多重剝削吳介民 台灣社會研究季刊 第39期,頁1-44
1452000Launching Satellites: Predatory Land Policy and Forged Industrialization in Interior ChinaWu, Jieh-min China's Regions, Polity and Economy: A Study of Spatial Transformation in the Post-Reform Era (Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press)
1491999‘Fish Do Not Thrive in Clean Water’: How Chinese Local Cadres Manipulate Property RightsWu, Jieh-min 
1501999Guanxi across the Balance Sheet and the Taiwan Strait: Political Connections, Economic Structure, and Chinese SocietiesWu, Jieh-min 
1511998中文版導論:解析中國的戰略意圖吳介民 長城與空城計:中國尋求安全的戰略,黎安友與陸伯彬(Andrew Nathan and Robert Ross)合著,何大明譯, xx-xx
1521998中國鄉村快速工業化的制度動力:地方產權體制與非正式私有化吳介民 台灣政治學刊 第3卷第1期,頁3-63
1531997經貿躍進,政治僵持?後冷戰時代初期兩岸關係的基調與變奏吳介民 台灣政治學刊 第1期,頁211-255
1541995A Tale of Two Villages: Deconstructing the Developmentalist Image of Chinese Local IndustrializationWu, Jieh-min 
1551995Strange Bedfellows: An Inquiry into the Pseudo-Joint-Venture Relationship between the Local Authorities and Foreign Capital in the Pearl River DeltaWu, Jieh-min 
1561990政體轉型期的社會抗議:台灣1980年代吳介民 國立台灣大學, 政治學研究所碩士論文