Results 1-56 of 56 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Believe in the Ideal, Not the Idol: Constitutional Literacy and Constitutional Idolatry in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Constitutional Studies
22023TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation: Comparative Perspectives (Hart)
32023給臺灣制憲的備忘錄:以程序面為中心林建志 中研院法學期刊 第33期,頁145-222
42023Constitutional Unamendability and Democracy in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Law and Democracy (Edward Elgar)
52023Constitutional Amendments in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Asian Comparative Constitutional Law: Volume II - Constitutional Amendments (Oxford : Hart)
62023Liberal DemocraciesChien-Chih Lin Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments (UK ; New York, NY : Routledge)
72023The Cannon of “Constitutional Unamendability” and “Basic Structure Doctrine” in Global Constitutional StudiesChien-Chih Lin ; Wen-Chen ChangGlobal Canons in an Age of Uncertainty
82022Responsive Judicial Review in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin HONG KONG LAW JOURNAL
92022TaiwanYen-Tu Su ; Chien-Chih Lin ; Jau-Yuan HwangThe International Review of Constitutional Reform 2021 (Austin, TX : The Program on Constitutional Studies, University of Texas at Austin)
102022A Constitutional Contingency: A Reply to Zhaoxin JiangChien-Chih Lin ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW
112022Constitutional Conforming Interpretation in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
122022Ultimate Economic Conflict between China and Democratic Countries: An Institutional AnalysisC.Y. Cyrus Chu; Po-Ching Lee; Chien-Chih Lin ; Chang-fa LoUnited Kingdom
132022The Pros and Cons of Taiwan's Constitutional Court Procedure ActChien-Chih Lin US-Asia Law Institute Perspectives
142022The Impact of Constitutional Courts in AsiaChien-Chih Lin Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
152022The Birth of the Constitution of the Republic of ChinaChien-Chih Lin Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia (United Kingdom : Hart)
162021Constitutional Convergence in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin 
172021大敵當前:叛亂犯再上訴破壞社會秩序?──釋字第二七二號解釋檔案林建志 奉命釋法:大法官與轉型正義
182021Believe in the Ideal, not the Idol: Is Constitutional Idolatry Happening in Taiwan?Chien-Chih Lin Blog of International Association of Constitutional Law
192021Undemocratic Constitutional Law in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Democracy and the Rule of Law in China’s Shadow (Hart)
202021憲法解釋之理論與實務 第十一輯林建志 臺北
212021Modernization as a Judicial Function in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin The Way to Law: In Commemoration of the IIAS's 10th Anniversary (研之得法-中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集) (研之得法-中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集) (Taipei : Angle Publishing)
222021Judicial Behavior Research in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin ; Tom GinsburgHigh Courts in Global Perspective: Evidence, Methodologies, and Findings (U.S. : University of Virginia Press)
232021Global Constitutionalism in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Global Constitutionalism 10(2), 275- 289
242020Taiwan’s Constitutional Court, Adultery and the Renaissance of Judicial ActivismChien-Chih Lin ConstitutionNet
252020認真對待大法官解釋:論大法官解釋之落實林建志 臺大法學論叢 第49卷第4期,頁1777-1843
262020Proportionality in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Proportionality in Asia (Cambridge University Press)
272019Proportionality in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
282019Global Constitutionalism as a Fortress Besieged: Through the Lens of TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
292019(Book Review) Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing ConstitutionsChien-Chih Lin JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 12(2), 413-418
302019迎接司法國的到來?以釋字第748號解釋為例林建志 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 第48卷第3期,頁873-965
312019Compliance of the TCC DecisionsChien-Chih Lin 
322019The Evolution of Proportionality in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
332019(review essay) Dialogic Judicial Review and Its Problems in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 17(2), 701-713
342019Global Constitutionalism as a Fortress BesiegedChien-Chih Lin 
352019書評:《威權體制下的法律動員:後殖民時期的香港》Legal Mobilization under Authoritarianism: The Case of Post-Colonial Hong Kong林建志 臺灣民主季刊 第16卷第1期,頁163-170
362018The 70th Anniversary of the Taiwan Constitutional Court: The Evolution of Proportionality in Taiwan Constitutional JurisprudenceChien-Chih Lin I-CONnect Symposium
372018Undemocratic Constitutional Law in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Blog of International Association of Constitutional Law
382018Towards an Analytical Framework of Constitutionalism in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin 
392018Civil Constitutionalism and the lack thereof in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
402018Towards Juristocracy? The Case of TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
412018Do Justices' Scholarly Backgrounds Affect the Writing of Separate OpinionsChien-Chih Lin ; Han-wei Ho; Shao-Man Lee
422018Judicial Behavior Research in East AsiaChien-Chih Lin ; Tom Ginsburg
432018(Book Review) The Constitution of Taiwan: A Contextual AnalysisChien-Chih Lin ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 16(2), 702-706
442017Analysis: J.Y. Interpretation No. 748, The Same-Sex Marriage Case in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Blog of International Association of Constitutional Law
452017An Inter-court Struggle for Judicial SupremacyChien-Chih Lin ; Ching-Fang HsuUniversity of Pennsylvania East Asia Law Review 11(2), Article 3
462016The Judicialization of Politics in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin Asian Journal of Law and Society 3(2), 299-326
472016We the Taiwanese PeopleChien-Chih Lin 
482016Pace of Constitutional Transition Matters: The Judicialization of Politics in Indonesia and KoreaChien-Chih Lin UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 20(2), 275-316
492015Pace of Constitutional Transition MattersChien-Chih Lin 
502014Survival of the Fittest(?): The Endurance of the ROC Constitution and the Constitution of JapanChien-Chih Lin AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 62(3), 775-806
512014The Judicialization of Politics in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin 
522014Majoritarian Judicial Review: The Case of TaiwanChien-Chih Lin National Taiwan University Law Review 9(1), 103-160
532013Survival of the Fittest(?):The Endurance of ROC Constitution and the Constitution of JapanChien-Chih Lin 
542012The Birth and Rebirth of the Judicial Review in TaiwanChien-Chih Lin National Taiwan University Law Review 7(1), 167-222
552010Unpatriotic Heretics or Conscientious ObjectorsChien-Chih Lin National Taiwan University Law Review 5(1), 201-227
56-Constitutional Convergence in East AsiaPo Jen Yap; Chien-Chih Lin