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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023The Threshold: The Rhetoric of Historiography in Early Medieval ChinaZeb Raft Cambridge MA
22021Early Medieval HistoriesZeb Raft Literary Information in China: A History (New York : Columbia University Press)
32019A New Approach to Biography in Early Medieval China: The Case of Zuo SiZeb Raft Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 55, 41-81
42019Two Words, and Two Kinds of Poetry, in the Work of Liu ZhangqingZeb Raft Archiv orientalni 87(1), 99-142
52018Editing and Publication in Fifth Century China: A Case StudyZeb Raft 
62018Problems in Literary History: The Yuanjia Era (424-453)Zeb Raft 
72018Echoes in the Shishuo xinyuZeb Raft 
82018Digital Editions for Early Medieval Chinese TextsZeb Raft 
92018Audiences in the Shishuo xinyuZeb Raft 
102017A New Approach to Chinese Biography: The Case of Zuo SiZeb Raft 
112017The Idea of Publication in Early Medieval China, As Seen in the Wen xuan Commentary of Li ShanZeb Raft ICLP
122016Literary and Historical Approaches to Documents in the Song shu 宋書 — Workshop ReportRaft, Zeb American Council of Learned Societies, 6 p.
132016Translation as a Means to the Discovery of Poetic Argumentation: An Experiment with the Tang Poet Liu ZhangqingRaft, Zeb Journal of Oriental Studies 49(1), 73-108
142015The Space of Separation: The Early Medieval Tradition of Four-Syllable ‘Presentation and Response’ PoetryZeb Raft A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture (Leiden : Brill)
152012The Limits of Translation: Method in Arthur Waley's Translations from the ChineseZeb Raft Asia Major 25(2), 79-128
162011《古詩紀》編纂背景一探——與 《古詩類苑》的關係雷之波 中國文哲研究通訊 21(3), 213-233
172010The Beginning of Literati Poetry – Four Poems from First-century BCE ChinaZeb Raft T'oung Pao 1-3, 74-124
182010Sound and Sense: A Musical Look at Chinese Poetry in 1916Zeb Raft TranscUlturAl 1(3), 94-112
192007Four Syllable Verse in Medieval ChinaZeb Raft Harvard University, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, 538 p.