Results 1-64 of 64 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022梁漱溟的印度文化詮釋——評論與反思何建興 文化詮釋與諸傳統之交涉 (台北市 : 中央研究院中國文哲研究所)
22022Can the World Be Indeterminate in All Respects?Chien-hsing Ho Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy
32022The Notion of Apoha in Chinese BuddhismChien-hsing Ho Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21, 283-298
42021融合哲學的意義與價值何建興 中國文哲研究通訊 第31卷第3期,頁159-171
52021Causation and Ontic IndeterminacyChien-hsing Ho Res Philosophica 98(1), 43-61
62020Paradoxical Language in Chan BuddhismChien-hsing Ho Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic (Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature)
72019Ontic Indeterminacy: Chinese Madhyamaka in the Contemporary ContextChien-hsing Ho Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98(3), 419-433
82018The Nonduality of Motion and Rest: Sengzhao on the Change of ThingsChien-hsing Ho Dharma and Dao: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy (Dordrecht: Springer)
92017Paradoxical Language in Chan BuddhismChien-hsing Ho Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic (Dordrecht: Springer)
102016Interdependence and Nonduality: On the Linguistic Strategy of the Platform SūtraHo, Chien-hsing Philosophy East and West 66(4), p.1231-1250
112016Causation and Ontic Indeterminacy: A Chinese Madhyamaka PerspectiveHo, Chien-hsing 
122015Resolving the Ineffability ParadoxChien-hsing Ho Comparative Philosophy without Borders (London : Bloomsbury Academic)
132015Resolving the Ineffability ParadoxHo, Chien-hsing 
142015在哲學探究的道路上何建興 人文與社會科學簡訊 第16卷第3期,頁98-101
152014The Way of Nonacquisition: Jizang’s Philosophy of Ontic IndeterminacyChien-hsing Ho A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism (Hamburg : Hamburg University Press)
162014書評:《空性與方法:跨文化佛教哲學十四論》何建興 中國文哲研究集刊, 第45卷,頁207-214
172014Interdependence and Nonduality: On the Linguistic Strategy of the Platform SūtraHo, Chien-hsing 
182014Emptiness as Subject-Object Unity: Sengzhao on the Way Things Truly AreChien-hsing Ho Nothingness in Asian Philosophy (New York : Routledge)
192014Meaning, Understanding, and Knowing-what: An Indian Grammarian Notion of Intuition (pratibhā)Ho, Chien-hsing Philosophy East and West 64(2), p.404-424
202014Emptiness as Subject-Object Unity: Sengzhao on the Way Things truly AreHo, Chien-hsing 
212013Ontic Indeterminacy and Paradoxical Language: A Philosophical Analysis of Sengzhao’s Linguistic ThoughtHo, Chien-hsing Dao, A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12(4), p.505-522
222013Why Things are (Moving and) not Moving in Time: Sengzhao on ChangeHo, Chien-hsing 
232012The Notion of Apoha in Chinese BuddhismHo, Chien-hsing 
242012Meaning, Reference and SuperimpositionHo, Chien-hsing 
252012One Name Infinite Meanings: Jizang’s Thought on Meaning and ReferenceHo, Chien-hsing Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39(3), p.436-452
262012Ontic Indeterminacy and Paradoxical Language: A Philosophical Analysis of Sengzhao’s Linguistic ThoughtHo, Chien-hsing 
272012The Nonduality of Speech and Silence: A Comparative Analysis of Jizang’s Thought on Language and BeyondHo, Chien-hsing Dao, A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11(1), p.1-19
292011The Way of Nonacquisition: Jizang’s Philosophy of Ontological IndeterminacyHo, Chien-hsing 
302011The Nonduality of Speech and Silence: A Comparative Analysis of Jizang’s Thought on Language and BeyondHo, Chien-hsing 
312010Meaning, Understanding, and Knowing-what: An Indian Linguistic-philosophic Notion of IntuitionHo, Chien-hsing 
322010Nāgārjuna's Critique of LanguageHo, Chien-hsing Asian Philosophy 20(2), p.159-174
332009Dharmakīrti on Nonconceptual PerceptionHo, Chien-hsing 
342009One Name, Infinite Meanings: An Analysis of Jizang’s Thought on Meaning and ReferenceHo, Chien-hsing 
352009Bhartṛhari on Preconceptual PerceptionHo, Chien-hsing 
372008The Finger Pointing toward the Moon: A Philosophical Analysis of the Chinese Buddhist Thought of ReferenceHo, Chien-hsing Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35(1), p.159-177
392007Consciousness and Self-awarenessHo, Chien-hsing Asian Philosophy 17(3), p.213-230
402007學位論文寫作要領---兼談宗教哲學方法何建興 世界宗教學刊 第9期,頁153-171
412007Language and Intuition: An Indian Grammarian PerspectiveHo, Chien-hsing 
422006Consciousness and Self-awareness: A Buddhist Epistemological PerspectiveHo, Chien-hsing 
432006Saying the UnsayableHo, Chien-hsing Philosophy East and West 56(3), p.409-427
442006The Finger Pointing toward the Moon: A Philosophical Analysis of the Chinese Buddhist Thought of ReferenceHo, Chien-hsing 
472005神作為語言的終極意指-羅摩孥闍論神性實在的可說性何建興 揭諦學刊 第8期,頁57-91
482004意識、目擊識與純粹意識何建興 正觀雜誌 第31期,頁5-76
492004法上《正理滴論廣釋.現量品》譯註何建興 世界宗教學刊 第4期,頁105-134
502004商羯羅論不可說者的言說何建興 國立台灣大學哲學論評 第27期,頁1-40
522003「不可說」的弔詭何建興 世界宗教學刊 第2期,頁89-110
552002陳那邏輯理論探析何建興 佛學研究中心學報 第7期,頁27-47
562002佛教量論的宗教意義何建興 揭諦學刊 第4期,頁35-60
592001陳那論感官知覺及其對象何建興 正觀雜誌 第17期,頁4-31
621999Sense Experience and Language in the Indian Classical Buddhist, Nyāya and Grammarian PhilosophiesHo, Chien-hsing University of Delhi. Department of Philosophy Ph.D.
631996How Not to Avoid Speaking - A Free Exposition of Dignaga's Apoha DoctrineHo, Chien-hsing Journal of Indian Philosophy 24(5), p.541-562
641995What do we see? An Essay on Dignāga’s Concept of the Object of PerceptionHo, Chien-hsing University of Delhi. Department of Philosophy