Results 1-43 of 43 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022「自然非群性」的盧梭變奏:從共和帝國主義到共和邦聯陳嘉銘 帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向 (台北 : 聯經出版社)
22021政治賢能制與現代社會的政治儒家陳嘉銘 ; 周應龍
32021Rousseau's Practical Approach to Moral TruthChia-Ming Chen 
42021廖文奎的台灣民族主義的道德性陳嘉銘 廖文奎文獻選 (台北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心)
52021帝國與文明(II):世界秩序的多元想像曾國祥 ; 陳禹仲 ; 周家瑜; 陳嘉銘 ; 葉浩; 陳瑋芬; 藍弘岳 ; 蕭高彥中央研究院
62020誰關心人權?人權落實、道德基礎理論與意識形態敘事陳嘉銘 ; 周應龍
82020正義穩定性、道德情感與共同生活: 一個平等主義未來生活的想像陳嘉銘 ; 葉明叡臺灣民主季刊 第17卷第2期,頁1-41
92020Solidarity with Whom? The Boundary Problem and the Ethical Origins of Solidarity of the Health System in TaiwanMing-Jui Yeh; Chia-Ming Chen HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS 28, 176-192
112019道德基礎與憲政民主制度的穩定性陳嘉銘 ; 周應龍
122019Authority, Justice, and _x000B_the Confucian Democratic MotherlandChia-Ming Chen 
132019Instrument contra Human End: Self-determination as a Right to Protect PowerChia-Ming Chen GLOBAL POLICY 10(1), 137-143
142019Theorizing Democracy between National and International Politics: A Snapshot from East Asia IntroductionChia-Ming Chen ; Jean‐Marc CoicaudGLOBAL POLICY 10(1), 107-109
152018轉型正義與民主價值:轉型正義有助於民主嗎?臺灣意見調查初探陳嘉銘 ; 周應龍
162018轉型正義與民主價值:轉型正義有助於民主嗎?臺灣意見調查初探陳嘉銘 ; 周應龍
172018Instrument contra Human End: Self-Determination as a Right to Protect PowerChia-Ming Chen 
182018墜落到何方:消解政治與社會分離的大民主力場:托克維爾的奇詭民主(Strange Democracy)陳嘉銘 
192018墜落到何方:消解政治與社會分離的大民主力場:托克維爾的奇詭民主(Strange Democracy)陳嘉銘 
202018帝國與文明:普遍價值之批判性反思 (AS-107-TP-C03)曾國祥 ; 陳正國 ; 葉浩; 陳嘉銘 ; 周家瑜; 蕭高彥中央研究院
212017The Effects of Confucian Morals on Democracy: A Case of ‘Maternal’ DemocracyChia-Ming Chen 
222017愚公移山?高等教育學費政策的第三種想像陳俊宏; 陳嘉銘 
232016Taiwan’s ‘Coming Dawn’ DemocracyChia-Ming Chen 
242015International Ethics Necessitated by Constitutional Self-determinationChia-Ming Chen 
252015人們尋求以惡還惡,若非如此即是奴隸陳嘉銘 中研院法學期刊 第17期,頁313-333
262015Searching for Constitutional Authority in the Sunflower MovementChia-Ming Chen Hong Kong Law Journal 45(1), 211-228
272014The Eclipsed Politics of Democratic Foundings in the Sunflower MovementChia-Ming Chen 
282014死刑的政治權威能否證立?陳嘉銘 政治與社會哲學評論 第50期,頁1-57
292013「有了公民就什麼都有了」?:論盧梭的自由、愛國主義 和實現共和的弔詭陳嘉銘 
302013Justice and Beneficence in the International Relations: On Adam Smith's Concept of Impartial SpectatorChen, Chia-Ming 
322012Adam Smith on the Impartial Spectator in International RelationsChen, Chia-Ming 
332011Democracy’s Two Bodies, Vanity and Fear of Death: A Realistic Reading of RousseauChen, Chia-Ming 
362011書評 Public Philosophy in a New Key, Volume 1: Democracy and Civic Freedom; Volume 2: Imperialism and Civic Freedom〔公共哲學新調—卷一:民主與公民自由;卷二:帝國主義與公民自由〕by James Tully〔詹姆斯.杜利〕陳嘉銘 臺灣民主季刊, 8(1), 177-189
372011從四個城邦的隱喻談死刑存廢陳嘉銘 思想, 第17卷,頁143-149
382010全球「制度體系」的神話:消極義務、基本結構與全球正義陳嘉銘 政治與社會哲學評論 第35卷, 頁1-51
392010The Assumption of Rawlsian Concept of Institution in Pogge's Account of Human RightsChen, Chia-Ming 
402009What is a People? From a Transnational PerspectiveChen, Chia-Ming 
412009Transnational Moral Conflicts and Ethical PeoplehoodChen, Chia-Ming University of Chicago, Department of Political Science
422008Peoples, Nations and StatesChen, Chia-Ming 
432008Sovereignty as a Politics of Mediating Modern Experiences of Disagreements: A Critique of Grotius’s Liberal Paradigm of SovereigntyChen, Chia-Ming