| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2023 | Recording Response Codability Live: An Investigation of its Usefulness and Possible Interference | Meng-Li Yang | 調查研究—方法與應用 第51期,頁9-56 | | | |
2 | 2022 | Exploring the Effects of the Numbers and Wordings of Middle Response Categories | Meng-Li Yang | | | | |
3 | 2021 | An Examination of the Effectiveness of Attention Check Items in Web Surveys | Meng-Li Yang | | | | |
4 | 2020 | How do we learn to get success together through crowdfunding platform? From the perspectives of system learning and multi-motivations | Wen-Shan Lin; Hong-Ren Chen; Meng-Li Yang | TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 52, 101428 | | | |
5 | 2019 | Assessing the Accuracy of Interviewers’ Records of Respondents’ Response Codability | Meng-Li Yang | | | | |
6 | 2019 | Respondents’ Manifestations of Extraversion in Survey Interviews: Their Relationships with the Extreme Response Style and Attitude Strength | Meng-Li Yang | 調查研究--方法與應用 第42期,頁125-164 | | | |
9 | 2018 | 勞動年紀的主婦就業與家人健康的關係 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
10 | 2018 | Respondents’ Manifestations of Extraversion in Survey Interviews: Their Relationships with the Extreme Response Style and Attitude Strength | Meng-Li Yang | | | | |
11 | 2017 | Acquiescent Answers: The Respondent’s Intention to Help | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
12 | 2016 | Gender gaps in self-perceived quality of health in EU member states: Micro-macro linkages | Ko, Chyong-Fang ; Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
13 | 2016 | Exploring the Effectiveness of Using the Amount of Interviewer’s Extra Efforts as an Indicator of the Respondent’s Attitude Strength | Meng-Li Yang | | | | |
14 | 2015 | 國民幸福指數調查暨主觀幸福感研究 | 于若蓉 ; 廖培珊; 杜素豪 ; 楊孟麗 ; 謝淑惠; 蔡明璋 ; 王千文 | 行政院主計總處, 258 p. | | | |
15 | 2015 | 訪問氣氛跟資料品質的關係 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
16 | 2014 | 調查資料串連加值與方法研究--台灣社會變遷基本調查跨年資料串連 | 于若蓉 ; 章應華; 杜素豪 ; 廖培珊; 楊孟麗 | 科技部 | | | |
17 | 2014 | 量化分析者的互動新園地—介紹SRDA「 程式分享交流平台」 | 楊孟麗 | 人文與社會科學簡訊 第15卷第4期,頁84-93 | | | |
18 | 2013 | The Effect of Rapport in Standardized Interviews on Data Quality | Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
19 | 2012 | Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge? | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
20 | 2012 | 台灣地區基因體意向調查與資料庫建置之規畫(Ⅱ) | 于若蓉 ; 張苙雲; 廖培珊; 楊孟麗 | 國科會人文處,23p. | | | |
21 | 2012 | Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge? | Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
22 | 2012 | Strategies of Promoting the Use of Survey Research Data Archive. | Yang, Meng-Li | IASSIST Quarterly, 36(1), 16-21 | | | |
23 | 2012 | 社會變遷脈絡下之教育的健康效應:趨勢和居間機制 | 張苙雲; 楊孟麗 ; 謝幸燕 | 台灣的社會變遷1985~2005:社會階層與勞動市場篇,台灣社會變遷基本調查系列三之3 (台北 : 中央研究院社會科學研究所) | | | |
24 | 2011 | Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers | Chang, Fu; Chen, Jeng-Cheng; Liu, Chan-Cheng; Liu, Chia-Hsiung; Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | | | | |
25 | 2011 | Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers | Chang, Fu; Chen, Jeng-Cheng; Liu, Chan-Cheng; Liu, Chia-Hsiung; Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | | | | |
26 | 2011 | 訪員特質對樣本完訪與訪談品質的影響:華人家庭動態資料庫的分析 | 于若蓉 ; 楊孟麗 | 國科會人文處 | | | |
27 | 2011 | Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes? Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan | Yu, Ruoh-Rong ; Liu, Yu-Sheng; Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
28 | 2011 | Effects of Identifiers in Mail Surveys | Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | Field Methods 23(3), 243 - 265 | | | |
29 | 2011 | Exploring the Relationship between Telephone Interviewers’ Psychological Traits and Performance | Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | 調查研究—方法與應用 25, 7-46 | | | |
30 | 2011 | 訪問品質與訪問速度及訪問次序的關係 | 楊孟麗 | 調查研究—方法與研究 25, 47-89 | | | |
31 | 2010 | 大學生的心理健康、學習與人生目標 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
32 | 2010 | The Cross-Time Relationship between Educational Achievement and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Adolescents: Evidence from Taiwan | Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
33 | 2010 | 打工對於畢業後的職業回報之影響 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
34 | 2010 | Interviewers' Traits and Survey Outcomes: Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan | Yu, Ruoh-Rong ; Yang, Meng-Li ; Liu, Yu-Sheng | | | | |
35 | 2010 | Three Experiments in a Web Survey | Yang, Meng-Li ; Wang, Li-Yun; Wang, Wei-Lin | | | | |
36 | 2009 | Exploring the relationship between interviewer personality and interviewer performance | 楊孟麗 ; 于若蓉 | | | | |
37 | 2009 | 訪員訪問時間與訪問品質關係的探討:主觀指標與客觀指標 | 楊孟麗 | 國科會 | | | |
38 | 2008 | The Interviewer Effect When There is an Education Gap with the Respondent: Evidence from a Survey on Biotechnology in Taiwan | Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | Social Science Research 37(4), 1321-1331 | | | |
39 | 2008 | I'll Tell You What I Really Think if You Don't Know Who I Am: The Effect of Identifying Codes in Mail Survey | Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | | | | |
40 | 2008 | Exploring factor analysis for incomplete ordinal data. | 王鴻龍; 陳俊如; 楊孟麗 | | | | |
41 | 2008 | I'll tell you what I really think if you don't know my name: The effect of identifying codes on mail survey | Yu, Ruoh-Rong ; Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
42 | 2008 | 青少年的心理健康與學習成就的成長模式—九年一貫教改的效果 | 楊孟麗 | 國科會 | | | |
43 | 2008 | Education expansion and health disparities between educational groups | 張苙雲; 楊孟麗 | | | | |
44 | 2007 | 不完整資料在因素分析上的處理方法之研究。 | 王鴻龍; 楊孟麗 ; 林定香; 陳俊如 | | | | |
45 | 2007 | Estimating nonresponse bias in a college student web census with late respondents. | Yang, Meng-Li ; Peng, Samuel S. | | | | |
46 | 2007 | 教育指標與教育發展 | 楊孟麗 ; 王麗雲 | | | | |
47 | 2007 | 研擬問卷題目 | 楊孟麗 | 調查研究方法, 第四章第一節,頁134-158 | | | |
48 | 2007 | 調查研究中的信度與效度 | 楊孟麗 | 調查研究方法第六章, 頁239-276 | | | |
49 | 2006 | Evidence for gender inequality in Health: differential exposure hypothesis or differential vulnerability hypothesis? | Chen, Duan-Rung; Chang, Ly-Yun; Yang, Meng-Li | | | | |
50 | 2006 | Interviewer Effect in Taiwan Genomic Survey | Yang, Meng-Li ; Yu, Ruoh-Rong | | | | |
51 | 2005 | 基因科技在醫學的應用:台灣人民在21世紀的初期看法 | 楊孟麗 ; 于若蓉 ; 杜素豪 ; 胡克威; 廖培珊; 傅祖壇; 江福松; 沈志陽 | | | | |
52 | 2005 | 教育成就的價值與青少年的心理健康 | 楊孟麗 | 中華心理衛生學刊 第18卷第2期,頁75-99 | | | |
53 | 2005 | 在訪問過程中提供相關資訊對於受訪者態度的影響 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
54 | 2004 | Educational Achievement and Family Structure:Evidence from Two Cohorts of Adolescents in Taiwan | 楊孟麗 ; 關秉寅 | | | | |
55 | 2004 | Family in the Making of Educational Inequality:A Comparative analysis of Taiwan and the US. | Tam, Tony; Yang, Meng-Li ; Kuan, Ping-Yin | | | | |
56 | 2004 | Mental Health Inequality in the Adolescent Society:Family Background and the Paradox of Academic Success in Taiwan | 楊孟麗 ; 譚康榮 | | | | |
57 | 2004 | 投票意願與經濟不景氣:台灣的情形 | 楊孟麗 | 選舉研究 第10卷第2期,頁159-191 | | | |
58 | 2004 | 親子之間對青少年情況之評量的一致性 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
59 | 2004 | Educational Achievement and Family structure:A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and the US. | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
60 | 2004 | 階層線性模式在教育研究上的應用 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
61 | 2004 | 教育成就的價值與青少年心理健康 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
62 | 2004 | TEPS資料庫在教育研究上的應用 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
63 | 2003 | 「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」心理計量報告:TEPS2001分析能力測驗 | 楊孟麗 ; 譚康榮 ; 黃敏雄 | 「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」心理計量報告:TEPS2001分析能力測驗,106 | | | |
64 | 2003 | 心理計量報告:TEPS 2001 分析能力測驗 | 楊孟麗 ; 譚康榮; 黃敏雄 | | | | |
65 | 2003 | 家庭結構對學生學習的影響 | 關秉寅; 楊孟麗 | | | | |
66 | 2003 | 青少年的學業與心理衛生 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
67 | 2002 | 選民不投票原因的探討 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
68 | 2002 | 利用多層模組瞭解題題目無反應的機制 | 楊孟麗 | | | | |
69 | 2002 | 利用多層線性模式瞭解題題目無反應 | 楊孟麗 | 調查研究 第12卷,頁50-90 | | | |