| 公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
1 | 2008 | 驛動的心:人口遷徙、心理成本、及健康不平等 | 林季平 | | | | |
2 | 2002 | 都市化、階層化和資訊化之關連 | 章英華 ; 林季平 | | | | |
3 | 2007 | 變遷社會下的原住民社會流動 | 林季平 ; 劉千嘉 | | | | |
4 | 2008 | ”臺灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估研討”調查研究之過程與結果 | 章英華 ; 林季平 ; 劉千嘉 | | | | |
5 | 2008 | 臺灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估研究問卷調查之抽樣與執行 | 章英華 ; 林季平 ; 劉千嘉 | | | | |
6 | 2008 | 臺灣原住民的遷移與社會經濟地位之變遷 | 章英華 ; 林季平 ; 劉千嘉 | | | | |
7 | 2007 | 臺灣原住民的遷移與社會經濟地位之變遷 | 章英華 ; 林季平 | | | | |
8 | 2009 | 臺灣原住民的遷徙:鵬飛抑或蓬飛 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
9 | 2010 | 臺北都會區人口遷徙的社會及經濟區隔及變遷 | 林季平 | | | | |
10 | 2010 | 臺北市非典型就業勞動力:家戶、勞動要素與空間區位之探討 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 ; 李碧涵; 王麗蓉 | | | | |
11 | 2010 | 社會發展政策計畫總報告 | 林季平 | | | | |
12 | 2010 | 社會發展政策統計與調查資料:勞動就業 | 林季平 ; 柯音如 | | | | |
13 | 2007 | 社會指標及政策規劃:社會發展政策統計與調查資料庫研究規劃 | 林季平 | | | | |
14 | 2003 | 由網路與非網路求職者之差異探討網路對勞工流動的影響 | 林季平 ; 柯音如 | | | | |
15 | 2006 | 政府統計資料庫與社會發展指標 | 林季平 | | | | |
16 | 2008 | 影響臺灣原住民族遷徙的區位因素探討 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
17 | 2006 | 影響參加全民健保的社會經濟不均等要素 | 林季平 | | | | |
18 | 2006 | 家族遺傳疾病對參與基因資料庫意願的影響 | 黃奕嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
19 | 2002 | 嘉義地區原住民就業狀況及其歸因 | 林穎寬; 林季平 | | | | |
20 | 2002 | 嘉義原住民勞工人力資源配置的城鄉差異及歸因 | 林穎寬; 林季平 | | | | |
21 | 2003 | 台灣近年來失業與再就業問題的探討 | 林季平 | | | | |
22 | 2005 | 台灣職業訓練資源配置與公共職業訓練方案的回應 | 林季平 ; 黃奕嘉 | | | | |
23 | 2004 | 台灣的跨國遷徙及移入的勞動人口特質 | 張家榮; 林季平 | | | | |
24 | 2009 | 台灣的失業勞工流動及再就業:初級、回流、及連續遷徙分析 | 林季平 | | | | |
25 | 2007 | 台灣的原住民遷徙及社會流動 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
26 | 2004 | 台灣未納保人口的空間分布特質分析 | 林季平 | | | | |
27 | 2004 | 台灣未納保人口特質及未納保原因的初步分析 | 林季平 ; 林昭吟 | | | | |
28 | 2006 | 台灣失業勞工的回流及連續流動:2000-2004年人力運用擬追蹤調查資料分析 | 張立群; 林季平 | | | | |
29 | 2003 | 台灣失業勞工流動的變遷:1981-2000年人力運用擬-追蹤調查分析 | 林季平 | | | | |
30 | 2003 | 台灣失業勞工流動的變遷:1981-2000年人力運用擬-追蹤調查分析 | 林季平 | | | | |
31 | 2003 | 台灣失業勞工流動的變遷:1981-2000年人力運用擬-追蹤調查分析 | 林季平 | | | | |
32 | 2006 | 台灣失業勞工流動及再就業:人力運用及國內遷徙擬-追蹤調查分析 | 張立群; 林季平 | | | | |
33 | 2020 | 台灣原住民的族群關係結構、族群認同來源、及人口動態過程 | 林季平 | | | | |
34 | 2006 | 台灣原住民的回流及連續遷徙 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
35 | 2006 | 台灣原住民的初級及重覆遷徙 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
36 | 2007 | 台灣原住民母體變化於執行調查時之意涵:2000年普查資料與2007年戶政資料之應用 | 章英華 ; 林季平 ; 劉千嘉 | | | | |
37 | 2017 | 台灣原住民之族群婚配及族群認同來源 | 林季平 | | | | |
38 | 2000 | 台北縣的人口成長與地區發展特性 | 章英華 ; 林季平 | | | | |
39 | 2009 | 原漢區域分布與遷徙差異:2000年普查資料之分析 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 ; 章英華 | | | | |
40 | 2020 | 原住民部落及社區發展及福祉:社會及區域連結的研究 | 林季平 | | | | |
41 | 2024 | 原住民系統所屬架構下的疾病傳播路徑及遷徙流動方向 | 林季平 | | | | |
42 | 2008 | 原住民族重複遷徙與社會流動 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
43 | 2011 | 原住民族的移徙與社會流動:變遷與發展 | 劉千嘉; 林季平 | | | | |
44 | 2002 | 勞工流動及資訊流動: 網路對工作異動的影響 | 林季平 ; 柯音如 | | | | |
45 | 2002 | 人力運用調查及擬-追蹤調查資料庫 | 林季平 | | | | |
46 | 2014 | Workload and Wage Gain as Determinant Indicators of Constructing a Composite Index Reflecting Worker Well-Being: Evidence from Taiwan Record-Linkage Data of Manpower Surveys | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
47 | 2000 | Working and Living Conditions of Thai Contract Workers in Taiwan: A Study on Individual Outcomes of Labour Migration | Tsay, C. L.; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
48 | 2024 | Why Data Science and Open Science Are Key to Build Smart Big Data: An Example Based on a Decade Research on Hard-to-Reach Population in Taiwan | Ji-Ping Lin | | | | |
49 | 2019 | Using kinship big network data to overcome mistrust in recruiting the hard-to-reach populations: the case of Formosan endangered language survey | Ji-ping Lin | | | | |
50 | 2024 | Unraveling Migration Dynamics of Hard-to-reach Population: A Research Based on Population Dynamics Data of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Ji-Ping Lin | | | | |
51 | 2018 | TIPD -- Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data | Ji Ping Lin | | | | |
52 | 2016 | TIPD (Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data): Construction Methods and Sharing Contents | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
53 | 2016 | TIPD (Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data): Construction Methods and Sharing Contents | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
54 | 2008 | The Survey Research on “Social Change and Policy Assessments of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: Implementation, Results, and Implications, | Ji-ping Lin | | | | |
55 | 2011 | The Socio-geography of Insomnia and Unemployment and Its Impact on Obesity in 2005 Taiwan | Chen, Duan-Rung; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
56 | 2013 | The Impact of Migration on the Language Loss of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples: A Case Study on Kanakanavu and Saaroa | Chang, Ying-Hwa ; Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liu, Tsai-Hsiu; Li, Paul Jen-Kuei | | | | |
57 | 2006 | The dynamics of Taiwan’s regional human capital transformation in the context of contending political economy between Taiwan and China | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
58 | 2005 | The Dynamics of Labor Migration in Taiwan: Evidence from the 1990 and 2000 Taiwanese Population Censuses | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
59 | 2005 | The Dynamics of Labor Migration in Taiwan: Evidence from the 1990 and 2000 Taiwanese Population Censuses | 林季平 | | | | |
60 | 2017 | Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) as Archival Collections | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
61 | 2023 | Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data (TICD) as Effective Gateway to Access Hard-to-reach Population | Lin, Ji-ping | | | | |
62 | 2010 | Social Simulation: investigating population-scale phenomena from the bottom up | Voss, Alex; Turner, Andy; You, Jing-Ya; Yen, Eric; Chen, Hsin-Yen; Lin, Simon; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
63 | 2010 | Scalable Social Simulation: Investigating population-scale phenomena using commodity computing | Voss, Alex; Turner, Andy; You, Jing-Ya; Yen, Eric; Chen, Hsin-Yen; Lin, Simon; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
64 | 2004 | Sample Attrition and Statistical Estimation Effectiveness of Matched Cross-sections: An Analysis Based on the 1981-2000 Quasi-longitudinal Manpower Utilization Survey | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
65 | 2000 | Return Immigration and the Reversal of Brain Drain in Taiwan: A Preliminary Analysis Based on the 1990 Population Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Tsay, C. L. | | | | |
66 | 2001 | Return Immigration and the Reversal of Brain Drain in Taiwan: A Preliminary Analysis Based on the 1990 Population Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Tsay, C. L. | | | | |
67 | 1999 | Return and Onward Migrations and Their Determinants of the Young Labor Force in Taiwan: Evidence from the Data of the1990 Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liaw, K. L. | | | | |
68 | 1999 | Re-employment of Involuntary Job Leavers in Taiwan: An Analysis of Micro Data | Tsay, C. L.; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
69 | 2001 | Primary Migration of The Taiwanese Young Labor Force in the Context of Economic Restructuring and Globalization: An Explanation Based on the Data of the 1990 Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liaw, K. L. | | | | |
70 | 2001 | Primary Migration of The Taiwanese Young Labor Force in the Context of Economic Restructuring and Globalization: An Explanation Based on the Data of the 1990 Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liaw, K. L. | | | | |
71 | 1998 | Primary Migration of The Taiwanese Young Labor Force in the Context of Economic Restructuring and Globalization: An Explanation Based on the Data of the 1990 Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liaw, K. L. | | | | |
72 | 2012 | Population Policy in Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
73 | 2018 | Open Science as Foundation of Overcoming Replicability Issues in Social Sciences: The Case of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
74 | 2024 | Open Data and Open Science as Effective Ways to Revive Hard-to-reach Population: A Decade Research Applies to Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Ji-Ping Lin | | | | |
75 | 2006 | Network Structure and GIS Mapping on Job History Patterns among Large-scale Hospital Directors in Taiwan | Chen, Duan-Rung; Lin, Ji-Ping ; Wen, Tzai-Hung | | | | |
76 | 2018 | Multiculturalism and social inclusion: Changing migration policies and possible changes in Taiwan | Ji-ping Lin ; Chyong-fang Ko | | | | |
77 | 2018 | Multiculturalism and Social Inclusion: Changing Migration Policies and Possible | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
78 | 2019 | Migration Dynamics, Poverty, and Inequality: A Research based on Population Dynamics Data of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
79 | 2009 | Migration and Development in the Context of Contending Political Economy: The Case of Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
80 | 2013 | Micro Discrete Events and Macro Continuous Social Outcomes: Migration Flows Analysis and Scientific Computing Challenges for Social Scientists | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
81 | 2013 | Mapping Taiwan Population Redistribution Dynamics in the Context of Immigration Impact | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
82 | 2022 | Lifetime Migration Trajectory and Life Histories of the Hard-to-Reach Population: A Preliminary Study Based on Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
83 | 1998 | Labour Migration and Allocation of Human Resources: the Cases of Return and Onward Movements | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Tsay, C. L. | | | | |
84 | 1999 | Labor Migration, Settlement System and Socioeconomic Development in Taiwan: 1600-1990 | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
85 | 2000 | Labor Migration in Taiwan, 1600-2000 | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
86 | 2001 | Labor Migration in Taiwan as A Gendered Process: Do Migrants Earn More than Non-migrants? | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
87 | 2005 | Involuntary Job Turnover and Labor Market Transitions in Taiwan | 林季平 | | | | |
88 | 2012 | Individual Discrete Choice Events As a Foundation for the Study on Aggregate Continuous Social Outcomes: A Simulation Study of Impact Analysis in The Context of International Migration Impact on Internal Migration in Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
89 | 2002 | Impact of Foreign Labor on the Internal Mobility of Domestic Labor in Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
90 | 2001 | Impact of Foreign Labor on the Internal Mobility of Domestic Labor | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
91 | 2001 | Impact of Foreign Labor on the Internal Mobility of Domestic Labor | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
92 | 2002 | Immigration “Pushes” and Domestic Labor “Flights”: Impact of Foreign Labor on Manpower Redistribution of Taiwan | 林季平 | | | | |
93 | 2002 | Immigration “Pushes” and Domestic Labor “Flights”: Impact of Foreign Labor on Manpower Redistribution of Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
94 | 2018 | Human Development Index and Policy Implication for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: A Study Based on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
95 | 2024 | How digital technologies empower the marginalized population and promote sustainable developments in Taiwan: The case of Taiwan Indigenous People | Ji-Ping Lin | | | | |
96 | 2012 | Environmental Disasters and Health Status of Environmental Migrants: The Case of Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
97 | 2011 | Environmental Changes and the Health Status of Environmental Migrants: A Case Study of the Impact of 2009 Typhoon Morakok on Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
98 | 1999 | Economic Restructuring and Labor Market Dynamics: Intra- and Inter-industrial Labor Mobility in Taiwan | Tsay, C. L.; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
99 | 2013 | Dynamics of Migration and Development: Taiwan, 1600-2010 | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
100 | 1997 | Determinants of Fast Repeat Migrations of the Labour Force: Evidence from the Linked National Survey Data of Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liaw, K. L.; Tsay, C. L. | | | | |
101 | 2017 | Data Science as Foundation of Innovating Demographic Research: Theory, Methods, and Implementation Using TIPD Big Open Data as Example | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
102 | 2017 | Data Science as a Foundation towards Open Data and Open Science: The Case of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
103 | 2016 | Data Science as a Foundation of Integrating and Enriching Administrative Data: The Case of Constructing Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data (TIPD) Based on Taiwan Household Registration Administrative Data | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
104 | 2015 | Contemporary Population Geography of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: A Revival of Research from Integration and Enrichment of Modern Administration Micro Records & Construction of TIPD Data Bank | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Bow-Wen Tsai; Ming-Cheng Li; Hsin-Hsien Liao | | | | |
105 | 2017/6/28 | Contemporary Population Geography of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: A Missing Link of Population Studies Based on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
106 | 2016 | Construction of Synthetic Indicators for Measuring the Level of Social Integration and Identity: Evidence from Utilizing Micro Genealogy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
107 | 2015 | Construction of Micro Genealogy as “Social DNA Sequencing” for The Study of Social Assimilation and Integration: An Approach Using High Performance Computing (HPC) Applied to Cumulated Micro Data Sets of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
108 | 2015 | Construction of Micro Genealogy as “Social DNA Sequencing” for The Study of Assimilation and Integration: An Approach Using High Performance Computing (HPC) Applied to Cumulated Micro Data Sets of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
109 | 2021 | Computational Archives of Population Dynamics and Migration Networks as a Gateway to Get Deep Insights into Hard-To-Reach Populations: Research on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
110 | 2011 | Characterization and Destination Choice of American and Japanese Immigrants in Taiwan: Evidence from Taiwan Population Census | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Liu, Chien-Chia | | | | |
111 | 2016 | Characterization and Comparison of Quality of Life between Indigenous and Non-indigenous Peoples in Taiwan Based on Human Development Index Constructed from Micro Data | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
112 | 2010 | Are domestic labor “flights” pushed by foreign labor: evidence from Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
113 | 2017 | An Infrastructure and Application of Computational Archival Science to Enrich and Integrate Big Digital Archival Data: Using Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data (TIPD) as Example | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
114 | 2002 | An Examination on ADL among Taiwanese Elderly with GIS | Lin, Ji-Ping ; Chen, C. N. | | | | |
115 | 2003 | An Analysis of the NHI Uninsured Population in Taiwan: the Evidence and the Policy | Llin, Chao-Yin; Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
116 | 2016 | Aging, Labor Migration, Elderly Migration, and Labor Shortages: Issues and Challenges in Taiwan | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
117 | 2010 | A Taiwanese History of Migration and The Appraisal of Migration Theories: 1600-2000 | Lin, Ji-Ping | | | | |
118 | 2009 | A Rise of New Urban Working Poor?: A Spatial Analysis of Occupation, Atypical Work and Income in Taipei City | Lee, Bih-Hearn Virginia; Lin, Ji-Ping ; Wang, Lih-Rong Lillian; Liu, Chien-chia | | | | |