Results 1-30 of 30 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Chapter 11. Shu, Sympathy, and Global Justice: A Critique of the Doctrine of TianxiaRoy Tseng The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy (London : Bloomsbury)
22023Two ways of Reading All-Under-Heaven: Realistic versus IdealisticRoy Tseng 
32023Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian LiberalismRoy Tseng Albany, NY
52022帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向曾國祥 ; 劉佳昊台北
62022導論:在帝國主義之前曾國祥 ; 劉佳昊帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向 (台北 : 聯經出版社)
72022文明帝國vs.野蠻帝國:從社會情感觀點重建柏克的全球政治思想曾國祥 帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向 (台北 : 聯經出版社)
82021文明論自由主義:亞當斯密、弗格森與柏克曾國祥 行政院科技部
92021帝國與文明(II):世界秩序的多元想像曾國祥 ; 陳禹仲 ; 周家瑜; 陳嘉銘 ; 葉浩; 陳瑋芬; 藍弘岳 ; 蕭高彥中央研究院
102021評蕭高彥教授《探索政治現代性》曾國祥 政治與社會哲學評論 第74期,頁301-314
112020Political meritocracy versus ethical democracy: The Confucian political ideal revisitedRoy Tseng Philosophy and Social Criticism 46(9), 1033-1052
132019The May Fourth and New Confucianism: A Fusion of Culture Conservatism and Political ProgressivismRoy Tseng 
142019Confucian Res Publica: A Dialogue between New Confucianism and British IdealismRoy Tseng 
152019Democratic Meritocracy vs. Ethical Democracy: The Confucian Political Ideal RevisitedRoy Tseng 
162019關鍵突破研究計畫:「公民哲學」鄧育仁 ; 黃冠閔 ; 曾國祥 ; 林遠澤中央研究院
172019The Endless Pursuit of Self-Perfection: A Hidden Dialogue between Mou Zongsan and F. H. BradleyRoy Tseng Philosophy East and West 69(3), 828-848
182019政治學門推動研究計畫曾國祥 行政院科技部委託
212018Human Rights and the Prospect of Confucian Liberalism: A Rejoinder to Anti-Liberal ConfucianismRoy Tseng 
222018政治學門學術研習營課程規劃案 (MOST 107-2420-H-002-007-MY3-P10709)曾國祥 ; 孫煒; 陳欣之; 寇健文; 黃旻華科技部人文社會科學研究中心
232018Toward a Confucian LiberalismRoy Tseng 
242018天道、人道、政道:唐君毅與英國觀念論者的哲學對話 (MOST 107-2410-H001-092-MY3)曾國祥 行政院科技部
252018Toward a Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan in Dialogue with the New Hegelians (book manuscript)Roy Tseng 
262018帝國與文明:普遍價值之批判性反思 (AS-107-TP-C03)曾國祥 ; 陳正國 ; 葉浩; 陳嘉銘 ; 周家瑜; 蕭高彥中央研究院
272018麥可˙歐克秀曾國祥 新北市
282017Democracy and the Politics of Innovation: A Hegelian Reading of Mou Zongsan’s Political ThoughtRoy Tseng 
292017The Endless Pursuit of Self-Perfection: A Hidden Dialogue between Mou Zongsan and F. H. BradleyRoy Tseng 
302017Returning to Democracy: Mou Zongsan and His Contemporary Confucian CriticsRoy Tseng