Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024R&D Investments and Location Choices with Three FirmsWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai International Review of Economics & Finance 92, 1448-1459
22023COVID-19 大流行以來公衛與經濟相關學術文獻之擇要回顧賴孚權 ; 陳為政; 陳嘉雯 ; 蔡明宏經濟論文叢刊 第51卷第3期,頁285-357
32023Access Pricing and Investment in Next-Generation Networks under Duopolistic Competition (雙占競爭下的下一代網路接續定價及投資)Wen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy 35(1), 47-75
42022An Urban Configuration with Online CompetitionFu-Chuan Lai The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 23(2), 639-662
52022Price Discrimination under Online-Offline CompetitionWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai Economics Letters 216, 110602
62021Welfare Comparisons under Vertical and Horizontal Mergers with Directly-Channelled Digital GoodsWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai Fair Trade Quarterly(公平交易季刊) 29(1), 111-143
72020Spatial Cournot CompetitionFu-Chuan Lai Spatial Economics Volume I -- Theory (Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham)
82020Spatial Cournot Competition in Two Intersecting Circular MarketsWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai The Annals of Regional Science 64(1), 37-56
92019Privatization Neutrality with Quality and SubsidiesHorn-In Kuo; Fu-Chuan Lai ; K.L. Glen UengThe Japanese Economic Review 71, 405-419
102018Downs Meets d'Aspremont and Company: Convergence versus Differentiation in Politics and the MediaWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai ; Wing SuenInternational Journal of Industrial Organization 60, 96-125
112017經濟學賴孚權 ; 陳欽賢; 洪福聲; 謝智源臺北
122016Spatial Cornet Competition in a Circular City with More than Two DispatchesChia-Hung Sun; Jyh-Fa Tsai; Fu-Chuan Lai Japanese Economic Review
132016Prices, Locations, and Welfare when an Online Retailer Competes with Heterogeneous Brick-and-Mortar RetailersWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai Journal of Industrial Economics
142016Where to locate in a circular city with a foreign market?Wen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai ; Chia-Ming YuJournal of Social Sciences and Philosophy
152015Spatial Cournot competition in a linear–circular marketWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai The Annals of Regional Science 54(3), 819-834
162015A Hotelling model with productionWen-Chung Guo; Fu-Chuan Lai ; Dao-Zhi ZengMATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES 73, 40-49
172014Land use and rent gradients with a monopoly vendor and two central business districtsFu-Chuan Lai ; David Merriman; Jyh-Fa TsaiThe Annals of Regional Science 53(3), 745-760
182011區域經濟學賴孚權 ; 姚仁德; 余家銘; 孫嘉宏台北市
192006Subsidized parking and neighborhood nuisances: A supplementLai, Fu-Chuan Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 12(2), 125
202001Sequential locations in directional marketsLai, Fu-Chuan Regional Science and Urban Economics 31(5), 535-546