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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12013近代中國醫院的誕生梁其姿 健康與社會:華人衛生新史 (台北 : 聯經出版事業公司)
2201101.故院長講座. 王世杰院長講座「疾病為甚麼有歷史?」梁其姿 
32010The Evolution of the idea of chuanran contagion in Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century (Durham : Duke University Press)
42010Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth CenturyLeung, Angela Ki Che ; Furth, CharlotteDurham, North Carolina
52009Hospitals and yiyuan in the Canton/Hong Kong region in the late Qing and early Republican periodAngela Ki Che Leung 
62009Hospitals and yiyuan in the Canton/Hong Kong region in the late Qing and early Republican periodAngela Ki Che Leung 
72009Leprosy in China: A HistoryLeung, Angela Ki Che New York
102008從癩病史看中國史的特色梁其姿 從醫療看中國史 (臺北 : 聯經出版事業公司)
112008The business of vaccination in 19th century CantonLeung, Angela Ki Che Late Imperial China 29(1) Supplement, 7-39
122007醫療史與中國「現代性」問題梁其姿 中國社會歷史評論 第8卷,頁1-18
132007評: Sarah Schneewind, Community Schools and the State in Ming China, (Stanford U Press, 2006)Leung, Angela Ki Che Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,464-468
152006The li/lai body: a redeemable body梁其姿 
162006Medicine for Women in Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Leiden
172006評A. Kleinman and J. L. Watson eds, SARS in China: Prelude to Pandemic? (Stanford University Press 2006)Leung, Angela Ki Che Pacific Affairs, 79(2), 309-311
182006Recent trends in the study of medicine for women in Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Medicine for Women in Imperial China (Leiden : Brill)
192006Dignity of the nation, gender equality, or charity for all? Options for the first modern Chinese women doctorsLeung, Angela Ki Che The Dignity of Nations, Equality, Competition, and Honor in East Asian Nationalism (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press)
90202006Introduction (in special issue on Chinese history)Leung, Angela Ki Che Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales6, 1253-1257
222005The Chinese Leper and the Modern WorldLeung, Angela Ki Che 
232005The li/lai body: a condemned body梁其姿 
242005Recent trends in the study of medicine for women in Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che 
252005婦女與社會李貞德 ; 梁其姿 北京
262005導言李貞德 ; 梁其姿 婦女與社會(北京:中國大百科全書出版社),頁1-10
272005The introduction of segregation in modern China :the case of leprosariaLeung, Angela Ki Che Les nouvelles pratiques de santé, XVIIIe-XXe siècles (Paris : Belin)
282005從癩病史看中國史的特色梁其姿 「從醫療看中國史」學術研討會會議手冊 (台北 : 中央研究院歷史語言研究所)
292005「序言」、「前近代中國的女性醫療從業者」梁其姿 臺灣學者中國史研究論叢.婦女與社會 (北京 : 中國大百科全書出版社)
302004The evolution of the idea of chuanran contagion in Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che 
312004評 Elisabeth Hsu ed., Innovations in Chinese Medicine. (Cambridge University Press 2001)Leung, Angela Ki Che Isis, 95(1), 108-109
322003The ideas of “contagion” and corresponding practices in Ming-Qing ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che 
332003The ideas of “contagion” and corresponding practices in Ming-Qing China”Angela Ki Che Leung 
342003The ideas of “contagion” and corresponding practices in Ming-Qing ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che 
352003中西傳統的公共衛生與疫疾的防預梁其姿 2003,春之煞:SARS流行的科學和社會文化回顧 (台北 : 聯經)
362003L’instruction me'dicale et sa vulgarisation dans la Chine des Ming et des QingLeung, Angela Ki Che Education et instruction en Chine (Paris :  Peeters)
372003評 L. Conrad and D. Wujastyk eds, Contagion: perspectives from pre-modern societiesLeung, Angela Ki Che Medical History, 47(4), 545-546
382003Medical instruction and popularization in Ming Qing ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Late Imperial China 24(1), 130-152
392003麻風隔離與近代中國梁其姿 歷史研究 2003年05期,頁3-14
402003Medical Learning from the Song to the MingLeung, Angela Ki Che The Song-Yuan-Ming Transition in Chinese History (Harvard University Asia Center : U.S.A.)
412002The introduction of segregation in China – the case of leper houses in Southeastern provinces (XVII-XXth centuries)Leung, Angela Ki Che 
422002方土與疾病: 元至清醫家的看法梁其姿 性別與醫療:中研院第三屆國際漢學會議論文集 (台北 : 中研院)
432002Leprosy in Ming-Qing China: Social reactionsLeung, Angela Ki Che 
442002明代社會中的醫藥梁其姿 法國漢學(北京中華書店)第6輯(科技史),頁345-461
452001La medicina nella societa MingLeung, Angela Ki Che Storia della Scienza. Estratto dal volume II. Cina, India, Americhe (Roma : Enciclopedia Italiana)
462001宋元明的地方醫療資源初探梁其姿 中國社會歷史評論 第3卷,頁219-237
472001Hygiène et santé publique dans la Chine pré-moderneLeung, Angela Ki Che Les hygienistes: enjeux, modeles et pratiques (Paris : Belin)
482000Prostitution in Modern Shanghai: Two Recent StudiesLeung, Angela Ki Che Nan Nu2(1), 180-187
491999中國麻風病概念演變的歷史梁其姿 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第70本第2分,頁399-438
501999Gender, ‘science’, and nationalism: women doctors of the late Qing and early Republican PeriodAngela Ki Che Leung 
511999Gender, ‘science’, and nationalism: women doctors of the late Qing and early Republican PeriodAngela Ki Che Leung 
521999《三字經》裡歷史時間的問題梁其姿 時間、歷史與記憶 (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
531999Women practicing medicine in Pre-modern ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Chinese Women in the Imperial Past: New Perspectives (Leiden : Brill Academic Publishers)
541997Medical ethics in ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers)
551996Variolation and vaccination in Late Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Vaccinia, Vaccination, Vaccinology. Jenner, Pasteur and their Successors (Paris : Elsevier)
561996Variolation and vaccination in Late Imperial ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Vaccinia, Vaccination, Vaccinology. Jenner, Pasteur and their Successors (Paris : Elsevier)
571996Variolisation et vaccination dans la Chine premoderneLeung, Angela Ki Che L’aventure de la vaccination (Paris : Fayard)
581995Relief Institutions for Children in 19th-century ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che Chinese Views of Childhood (Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press)
591994清代的惜字會梁其姿 新史學 第5卷第2期,頁83-115
601994Elementary Education in the Lower Yangtze Region in the 17th and 18th centuriesLeung, Angela Ki Che Education and society in late imperial China, 1600-1900 (Berkeley : University of California Press)
611993Diseases of the Premodern Period in ChinaLeung, Angela Ki Che The Cambridge world history of human disease (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press)
621993貧窮與窮人觀念在中國俗世社會中的歷史演變梁其姿 人觀、意義與社會(論文集) (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
631993貧窮與窮人觀念在中國俗世社會中的歷史演變梁其姿 人觀、意義與社會(論文集) (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
641993「私立大專院校之發展-制度轉型之研究」研究計畫簡述林南; 伊慶春 ; 章英華 ; 梁其姿 ; 蔡勇美
651993To Chasten Society: The Development of Widow Homes in the Qing,1773-1911Leung, Angela Ki Che Late Imperial China 14(2), 1-32
661992私立大專院校之發展—制度轉型之研究林南; 伊慶春 ; 章英華 ; 蔡勇美; 梁其姿 
671990明清時代の地域ェリ-トと社會Leung, Angela Ki Che 中国-社会と文化 5,頁158-171
681990Ming Qing Philanthropy in the Lower Yangzi Region, Ca 1600-1850Angela Ki Che Leung 
691990Ming Qing Philanthropy in the Lower Yangzi Region, Ca 1600-1850Angela Ki Che Leung 
701989清代慈善機構與官僚層的關係梁其姿 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 第66期,頁 85-103
711989La culture populaire en Chine pré-moderneLeung, Angela Ki Che Critique (France : Paris)
721987Organized medicine in Ming-Qing China:State and Private Medical Institutions in the Lower Yangtze RegionLeung, Angela Ki Che Late Imperial China 8(1), 134-166
731987明清預防天花措施的演變梁其姿 國史釋論:陶希聖先生九秩榮慶祝壽論文集 (台北 : 食貨出版社)
741987明清預防天花措施之演變梁其姿 國史釋論:陶希聖先生九秩榮慶祝壽論文集 (台北 : 食貨出版社)
751986明末清初民間慈善活動的興起—以江浙地區為例梁其姿 食貨月刊 第15卷第7、8期,頁52-79
761985L’accueil des enfants abandonnés dans La Chine du Bas-Yangzi aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sièclesLeung, Angela Ki Che Études chinoises 4(1), 15-54
771984十七、十八世紀長江下游之育嬰堂梁其姿 中國海洋發展史論文集 (第一輯) (台北 : 中央研究院三民主義研究所)
781984心態歷史梁其姿 史學評論 第7期,頁75-97
791984Autour de la naissance: la mère et L’enfant en Chine aux XVIe et XVIIe SièclesLeung, Angela Ki Che Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 76, 51-69
801984Sexualité et Sociabilité dans le Jin Ping Mei, roman érotique chinois de la fin du XVIe siècleLeung, Angela Ki Che Social Science Information 23(4-5), 653-676
811983L’amour en Chine. Relation et pratiques sociales aux Xlle et XIVe sièclesLeung, Angela Ki Che Archives des Sciences Sociales des religions 56(1), 59-76
821982Entraide spontanée, entraide provoquée en Chine rurale : l'intervention communiste (1943-1944)Leung, Angela Ki Che Annales: Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations 37(3), 407-433