| 公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
1 | 2024 | 從另類到跨域:史語所生命醫療史研究室的發展 (1992-2023) | 陳韻如 | 挑戰與新生──中央研究院歷史語言研究所九十五周年所慶論文集 (台北 : 中央研究院歷史語言研究所) | | | |
2 | 2023 | 六朝唐宋沉香的藥用與物質知識變遷 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
3 | 2023 | 從另類到跨域:史語所生命醫療史研究室的發展 (1992-2023) | 陳韻如 | | | | |
4 | 2023 | When Exotica Become Drugs: Medicinal Use and Material Knowledge of Agarwood (chenxiang) in China (4th-13th Centuries) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
5 | 2023 | The Development of the Research Center on the History of Health and Healing, 1992-2023 | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
6 | 2023 | 美國出版英文專書的經驗分享(一):從面談到簽約 | 陳韻如 | 「歷史學柑仔店」網站 | | | |
7 | 2023 | Good Formulas: Empirical Evidence in Mid-Imperial Chinese Medical Texts | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | Seattle | | | |
8 | 2022 | The Material and Sensory Dimensions of Agarwood (chenxiang) in Middle-Period China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
9 | 2022 | Publishing with Proof: Empirical Evidence in Medicine in Song China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
10 | 2022 | The Material and Sensory Dimensions of Aromatic Drugs in Song China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
11 | 2022 | Yin, Yang and Five Agents (Wuxing) in the Basic Questions and Early Han (202 BCE-220 CE) Medical Manuscripts | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine (Abingdon, Oxon : New York, NY) | | | |
12 | 2022 | 五代的文武僧庶 | 山口智哉; 李宗翰; 劉祥光; 陳韻如編著 | 桂林 | | | |
13 | 2022 | 八世文官家族的餘暉(孫拙) | 陳韻如 | 五代的文武僧庶 (桂林 : 廣西師範大學出版社) | | | |
14 | 2022 | 庶姓家庭的崛起與衰落(龐令圖) | 陳韻如 | 五代的文武僧庶 (桂林 : 廣西師範大學出版社) | | | |
15 | 2021 | The Quest for Efficiency: Knowledge Management in Medical Formularies | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 80(2), 347-380 | | | |
16 | 2021 | 宋代醫書中個人經驗記載的興起:以南宋《普濟本事方》為例 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
17 | 2021 | 庶姓家庭的崛起與衰落:龐令圖墓志 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
18 | 2021 | 宋代士大夫參與地方醫書刊印新探 | 陳韻如 | 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第九十二本第三分,頁437-507 | | | |
19 | 2021 | 大疫流行,國家在哪:淺談宋代(960-1279)政府的抗疫措施 | 陳韻如 | 「歷史學柑仔店」網站 | | | |
20 | 2021 | 書籍出版、論證策略、與作者形象的展示:以南宋《普濟本事方》為例 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
21 | 2021 | 五代武人之文 | 山口智哉; 李宗翰; 劉祥光; 陳韻如 ; 柳立言編著 | 桂林 | | | |
22 | 2020 | The Quest for Efficiency: Knowledge Management in Formularies of Song China (960-1279) | 陳韻如 | | | | |
23 | 2020 | Review of Shen Gua's Empiricism By Ya Zuo. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2018. xiii + 333 pp. $49.95, £39.95 (cloth) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | Journal of Chinese History 4(2), 591-594 | | | |
24 | 2019 | 印刷時代的知識流通:兩宋士大夫對醫書刊印的贊助 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
25 | 2019 | 從朝廷到士大夫─兩宋時醫書的刊刻及其刊刻者身份的變遷 | 陳韻如 | | | | |
26 | 2019 | Setting New Criteria for Trustworthy Experience-based Evidence in Song China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
27 | 2019 | Setting New Criteria for Trustworthy Experience-based Evidence in Song China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
28 | 2018 | Preface (1196) to Easy and Simple Formulas (Yijian fang) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
29 | 2018 | To be Informative or Handy: Presenting Drug Knowledge in Song China (960-1279) | Yun-ju Chen | | | | |
30 | 2015 | Zhang (“Miasma”), Heat, and Dampness: The Perception of the Environment and the Formation of Written Medical Knowledge in Song China (960-1279) | Ruth Yun-ju Chen | PhD diss., University of Oxford, Faculty of Oriental Studies | | | |
31 | 2009 | 漢唐之間醫書中的房事疾病與性別 | 陳韻如 | 國立臺灣大學歷史研究所碩士論文 | | | |