Results 1-87 of 87 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Understanding social connections within the Bismarck Archipelago through petrographic and motif analyses of Mussau Lapita pottery assemblagesChiu, Scarlett ; Yuyin Su; David Killick; Patrick Vinton Kirch; Glenn Summerhayes; Jim Specht; Wallace AmbroseTerra Australis
22021Ceramic assemblages of the Mussau IslandsPatrick Vinton Kirch; Scarlett Chiu Talepakemalai: Lapita and its Transformations in the Mussau Islands of Near Oceania (Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press)
32021巴布亞新幾內亞Mussau群島Lapita陶器岩象分析邱斯嘉 科技部, 46 p.
42021透過來源分析討論西南太平洋史前Lapita社會網絡:由新喀里多尼亞的遺址群談起邱斯嘉 ; 蘇郁尹考古人類學刊 第94期,頁1-45
52020Long-distance Lapita pottery transfers and ancient social relationships: A case study from the St. Maurice-Vatcha (KVO003) Lapita site on Île des Pins, New Caledonia (Southern Melanesia)Scarlett Chiu ; David Killick; Christophe Sand; Yuyin SuJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports 34(Part A), 102641
62020Petrographic and chemical analyses of sherds from the Kurin Lapita site (Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia), ca. 3000–2700 BPScarlett Chiu ; David Killick; Christophe Sand; Yu-yin Su; Jeffrey R. Ferguson; Jiunn-Hsing ChaoJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33, 102542
72019Measuring social distances with shared Lapita motifs: current results and challengesScarlett Chiu Debating Lapita: Distribution, Chronology, Society and Subsistence (Canberra, Australia : Australian National University Press)
82018巴布亞新幾內亞 Mussau 群島 Lapita 陶器岩相切片 初步分析結果邱斯嘉 ; 蘇郁尹
92017透過來源分析來尋找古代社會網絡:由新喀里多尼亞的Lapita遺址群談起邱斯嘉 科技部
102017由新喀里多尼亞Lapita陶器流傳模式來研究史前南島語族群體之社會網絡邱斯嘉 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會
112017新喀里多尼亞松島Vatcha遺址Lapita 陶器岩相分析初步成果張詩雅; 蘇郁尹; 邱斯嘉 
122017Stressing differences while appearing to be the same: a case study from Lapita pottery motif analysisScarlett Chiu ; Nicholas Hogg; Yu-yin Su; Shih-Ya Chang
132016Searching for Ancient Social Networks: A Case from New Caledonian Lapita Pottery Assemblages (搜尋古代社群網絡—— 從新喀里多尼亞的案例談起)Scarlett Chiu 數位人文 : 在過去、現在和未來之間 (數位人文研究叢書第六冊) (台北 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心)
142016Plotting out Lapita social networks: a case study of Lapita decorative motifsScarlett Chiu ; Nicholas Hogg
152016Connection and Competition: some early insights gained from petrographic studies of New Caledonian Lapita potteryScarlett Chiu ; David Killick; Christophe Sand; William R. DickinsonArchaeology in Oceania 51(2), 141-149
162016太平洋史前Lapita 陶器紋飾資料的探勘邱斯嘉 科技部, 36 p.
172015Analysis of Lapita pottery motifs: A new method using automated sequencingScarlett Chiu ; Li-wen Fu; Yuyin Su; Chiung-min Tsai
182015Identifying Lapita motifs based on Pattern Recognition technology: preliminary resultsMan-Fong Cheng; Chao-Lung Ting; Ray-I Chang; Yu Jyun Wang; Shu-Yu Lin; Jan-Ming Ho ; Yu-yin Su; Scarlett Chiu 
192015Lapita styles and occupation history: the Makue Lapita design assemblage and its affinitiesJean-Christophe Galipaud; Scarlett Chiu 
202015Measuring social distances with shared motifs: current results and challengesScarlett Chiu 
212015The Ceramic Sequence of Talepakemalai, Mussau: Five Centuries of Pottery Production and UsePatrick Vinton Kirch; Scarlett Chiu 
222015基於內容型態辨識技術的考古碎片重建系統-以Lapita紋飾陶器為例鄭雯方; 丁肇隆; 何建明; 張瑞益; 林書宇; 王佑鈞; 蘇郁尹; 邱斯嘉 
232015Connection and Competition: some early insights gained from petrographic studies of New Caledonian Lapita potteryScarlett Chiu ; David Killick; Bill Dickinson; Christophe Sand
242015IntroductionChristophe Sand; Scarlett Chiu ; Nicholas HoggThe Lapita Cultural Complex in time and space: expansion routes, chronologies and typologies. Archeologia Pasifika, volume 3 (Noumea, New Caledonia : Institute of Archaeology of New Caledonia and the Pacific and the Center for Archaeological Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica)
252015Re-dating Lapita Settlement of the Movement into Remote OceaniaPeter J. Sheppard; Scarlett Chiu ; Richard WalterJournal of Pacific Archaeology 6(1): 26-36
262015Where Do We Go from Here? Social Relatedness Reflected by Motif AnalysisScarlett Chiu The Lapita Cultural Complex in time and space: expansion routes, chronologies and typologies. Archeologia Pasifika, volume 3 (Noumea, New Caledonia : Institute of Archaeology of New Caledonia and the Pacific and the Center for Archaeological Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica)
272015Lapita Ceramic Vessel Forms of the Talepakemalai Site, Mussau Islands, Papua New GuineaPatrick V. Kirch; Scarlett Chiu ; Yuyin SuThe Lapita Cultural Complex in time and space: expansion routes, chronologies and typologies. Archeologia Pasifika, volume 3 (Noumea, New Caledonia : Institute of Archaeology of New Caledonia and the Pacific and the Center for Archaeological Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica)
282015The Lapita Cultural Complex in time and space: expansion routes, chronologies and typologies. Archeologia Pasifika, volume 3Chiu, Scarlett ; Sand, Christophe; Hogg, NicholasNoumea, New Caledonia
292014Searching for ancient social networks: a case from New Caledonian Lapita pottery assemblagesScarlett Chiu 
302014Mapping Ancient Social NetworksScarlett Chiu 
312014Paradise for Petrographers: Tracking Movements of Lapita Pottery (1200-900 cal BCE) between New Caledonia, Isle des Pins, the Loyalty Islands and VanuatuKillick, D.; Chiu, S. ; Sand, C.; Dickinson, W.R.
322014從考古證據推測史前社會關係網絡: 從新喀里多尼亞的案例來談邱斯嘉 
332013歷史遺產數位典藏: 建置 Lapita 陶器研究專用之線上數位資料庫Scarlett Chiu 考古學與永續發展研究 (台北 : 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心考古學研究專題中心)
342013考古學與永續發展研究邱斯嘉 ; 臧振華 台北市
352013史前交易體系: 從新喀里多尼亞的Lapita 陶器來看邱斯嘉 國家科學委員會, 32 p.
362013Exchange spheres identified by using both chemical compositional and petrographic analysis: a case study from six Lapita sites of New CaledoniaScarlett Chiu ; David Killick; William R. Dickinson; Jeffrey R. Ferguson; Michael D. Glascock; Yuh-chang Sun; Jiunn-hsing Chao; Yi-lin Chen; Christophe Sand
372012太平洋史前Lapita陶器線上數位資料庫的建立與運用邱斯嘉 ; 郭潔; 蘇郁尹數位人文要義: 尋找類型與軌跡 (台北 : 國立臺灣大學)
382012Where Do We Go from Here? Social Relatedness Reflected by Motif AnalysisScarlett Chiu 
392011Comment on P. Sheppard's "Lapita Colonization across the Near/Remote Oceania Boundary" by Peter J. SheppardChiu, Scarlett CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY, 52(6), 821-822
402011應用地理空間資訊系統分析臉面紋飾在太平洋史前Lapita文化叢不同文化區塊之分佈情形邱斯嘉 ; 郭潔; 蘇郁尹2011數位典藏地理資訊論文選集 (台北 : 臺灣大學地理環境資源學系)
412011太平洋史前Lapita陶器線上數位資料庫的建立與運用邱斯嘉 ; 郭潔; 蘇郁尹
422011應用地理空間資訊系統分析臉面紋飾在太平洋史前Lapita文化叢不同文化區塊之分佈情形邱斯嘉 ; 郭潔; 蘇郁尹
432011以實驗考古學的方法來釐清關於陶器製作中陶土與摻和料研究方面的問題結案報告邱斯嘉 國家科學委員會,26p.
442011Digital preservation of the past: the establishment of the online database for the study of Lapita potteryScarlett Chiu 
452011Determining the provenances of Lapita pottery excavated from six New Caledonian sites using petrography, INAA, and ICPMS analysesScarlett Chiu ; William R. Dickinson; David Killick; Jeffrey R. Ferguson; Michael D. Glascock; Jiunn-hsing Chao; Yi-lin Chen; Christophe Sand
462011Introducing the internet-based database for the study of Lapita potteryScarlett Chiu 
472011貝殼摻和料對陶器性質之影響王冠文 ; 王宇祥; 邱斯嘉 
482011What can Lapita pottery tell us about the stories of Austronesian expansion? Stylistic analysis using the online Lapita pottery databaseScarlett Chiu 
492011The way of doing things: what can Lapita pottery tells us about the stories of Austronesian expansionScarlett Chiu 
502010Lapita pottery of the Reef – Santa Cruz Islands, Southeastern SolomonScarlett Chiu Lapita. Ancêtres calédoniens (Paris, France : Musée du quai Branly)
512010Lapita pottery of the Reef – Santa Cruz Islands, Southeastern SolomonScarlett Chiu Lapita. Ancêtres calédoniens (Paris, France : Musée du quai Branly)
522010Lapita-scape: Research Possibilities Using the Digital Database of Lapita PotteryScarlett Chiu 
532010Characterizing Geochemical compositions of New Caledonian Lapita pottery via Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)Chiu, S. ; Yi-lin Chen; Jiunn-hsing Chao; William R. Dickinson; Christophe Sand
542010陶土與摻和料的考古學實驗研究初探邱斯嘉 ; 陳以琳
552010Review of ‘The Growth and Collapse of Pacific Island Societies: Archaeological and Demographic Perspectives. Patrick Vinton Kirch and Jean-Louis Rallu, eds’邱斯嘉 臺灣人類學刊, 第8卷第1期,頁94-96
562009Pots and potters: Lapita pottery and its implications on social identities邱斯嘉 
572009地理資訊系統在太平洋史前Lapita陶器線上數位資料庫中的初步應用及未來可能發展方向  詹偉倫; 郭潔; 邱斯嘉 2009數位典藏地理資訊論文選集 (台北 : 數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫)
582009Finding possible New Caledonian Lapita pottery sources: evidences gathered from petrographic and INAA chemical compositional analyses(從岩象切片及儀器中子活化分析(INAA)結果推論新喀里多尼亞史前Lapita陶器的可能產地分布範圍)Chiu, S. ; Y-L Chen; William R. Dickinson; Jeffrey R. Ferguson; Michael D. Glascock; Christophe Sand
592009地理資訊系統在太平洋史前Lapita陶器線上數位資料庫中的初步應用及未來可能發展方向(Integrating GIS into the online Lapita pottery database: preliminary results and future applications)詹偉倫; 郭潔; 邱斯嘉 
602009以實驗考古學的方法來釐清關於陶器製作中陶土與摻和料研究方面的問題(第1 年) 期中進度報告邱斯嘉 行政院國家科學委員會,15p.
622009Review of ‘Symmetry Comes of Age: The Role of Pattern in Culture by Dorothy K. Washburn and Donald W. Crowe, edsChiu, S. Museum Anthropology, 32(1): 61-63
632009從考古的證據看太平洋文化的起源與變遷邱斯嘉 群島之洋:人類學的大洋洲研究 (臺北市 : 臺灣商務)
642008陶器與古代社會研究: 以西南太平洋新喀里多尼亞13A遺址與索羅門群島三個Lapita遺址所出土之 Lapita 陶器研究為例邱斯嘉 
652008A brief introduction to the prehistory of Oceania.Chiu, S. 
672008西南太平洋法屬新喀里多尼亞島群史前Lapita 陶器之化學與礦物分析(Chemical and Petrographic Analyses of New Caledonian Lapita Pottery)邱斯嘉 行政院國家科學委員會,39p.
682007Morphological characteristics of Lapita pottery: Case studies of ceramic assemblages collected from Site 13A, New Caledonia, and RF-2, Solomon IslandsChiu, S. 
692007太平洋史前 Lapita 陶器線上數位資料庫初步建構結果:95年度工作總結報告邱斯嘉 
702007Detailed analysis of Lapita Face Motifs: Case Studies from Reef/ Santa Cruz Lapita Sites and New Caledonia Lapita Site 13AChiu, S. Oceanic Explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific Settlement, Terra Aistralis 26 (Camberra : Australian National University E Press)
712007From Southeast Asia to the Pacific: historical and theoretical background to Austronesian origins and to the Lapita dispersal in Western OceaniaChiu, S. ; C. SandFrom Southeast Asia to the Pacific: Archaeological Perspectives on the Austronesian Expansion and the Lapita Cultural Complex (台北 : 中研院人社中心考古學專題中心)
722007IntroductionChiu, S. ; C. SandFrom Southeast Asia to the Pacific: Archaeological Perspectives on the Austronesian Expansion and the Lapita Cultural Complex (台北 : 中研院人社中心考古學專題中心)
732007From Southeast Asia to the Pacific: Archaeological Perspectives on the Austronesian Expansion and the Lapita Cultural Complex(東南亞到太平洋:從考古學證據看南島語族擴散與Lapita文化之間的關係)Chiu, S. ; Sand, C.台北
742007Detailed analysis of Lapita Face Motifs: Case Studies from Reef/ Santa Cruz Lapita Sites and New Caledonia Lapita Site 13AChiu, S. Oceanic Explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific Settlement, Terra Aistralis 26 (Camberra : Australian National University E Press)
752007下一步該往何處去?針對島嶼東南亞的南島語族研究提出相關考古議題 (What next? Pressing archaeological questions in Austronesian studies in Island Southeast Asia)劉益昌 ; Chiu, Scarlett ; Sand, Christophe東南亞到太平洋 : 從考古證據看南島語族擴散與Lapita文化之間的關係 (From Southeast Asia to the Pacific : archaeological perspectives on the Austronesian expansion and the Lapita cultural complex) (台北 : 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心考古學研究專題中心)
762006Technical style: a multimethodic approach to look at Austronesian expansionsChiu, Scarlett ; Liu, Yi-Chang ; W.-F. Lu
772006西南太平洋史前 Lapita 陶器研究: 以所羅門群島及法屬新喀里多尼亞為例邱斯嘉 
782005The Ever-changing Lapita Face Motifs: Case Studies from Reef/Santa Cruz Sites and New Caledonia Site 13A.Chiu, S. 
792005A review of Pacific archaeological studies in relation to the Austronesian-speaking populations of Taiwan.邱斯嘉 
802005Reef/Santa Cruz and its relation to New Caledonia: preliminary results of motif comparisons.Chiu, S. 
812005Lapita人臉裝飾的意義:從所羅門群島及新喀里多尼亞之Lapita陶器比對結果來談 (Meanings of the Lapita face motifs: results generated from comparing Lapita pottery assemblages excavated from the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia)邱斯嘉 行政院國家科學委員會,25p.
822004Meanings of a Lapita face: materialized social memory in ancient house societiesChiu, S. 
842003Social and economic meanings of Lapita pottery: a New Caledonian caseChiu, S. Pacific Archaeology: assessments and prospects: Proceedings of the International Conference for the 50th anniversary of the first Lapita excavation (Nouméa, New Caledonia : Département Archéologie, Service des Musées et du Patrimoine de Nouvelle-Calédonie)
852003Social and economic meanings of Lapita pottery: a New Caledonian caseChiu, S. Pacific Archaeology: assessments and prospects: Proceedings of the International Conference for the 50th anniversary of the first Lapita excavation (Nouméa, New Caledonia : Département Archéologie, Service des Musées et du Patrimoine de Nouvelle-Calédonie)
862003The Socio-economic Functions of Lapita Ceramic Production and Exchange: A Case Study from Site WKO013A, Koné, New Caledonia邱斯嘉 University of California at Berkeley,  Department of Anthropology, 440 p.
872002Compositional analysis of Lapita pottery and related wares from WKO013A, Koné, New CaledoniaChiu, S.