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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Diaspora and a Suppressed Past: The Difficult Academic Career of Colonial TaiwaneseChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
22023A Connected Oriental Philology: The Meeting of National Traditions at the Discovery of DunhuangChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
32023The Dissertations of the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth CenturiesChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
42023Writing and Reading Today: The History of the Humanities TomorrowChang, Ku-ming Kevin History of Humanities 8(2). 177-311
52022Globalization of Higher Education and World University Rankings: What Would Come NextChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
62022Situating Oriental Studies: A Return to PhilologyChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
72022The Rise of Multiple Authorship in Scientific PublicationsChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
82021IntroductionChang, Ku-ming Kevin ; Alan RockeHistory of Universities: Volume XXXIV/1: A Global History of Research Education: Disciplines, Institutions, and Nations, 1840-1950 (Oxford : Oxford University Press)
92021Field, Ears, and Laboratory: Training Language Scholars, 1920-1940Chang, Ku-ming Kevin History of Universities: Volume XXXIV/1: A Global History of Research Education: Disciplines, Institutions, and Nations, 1840-1950 (Oxford : Oxford University Press)
102021For the Love of the Truth: The Dissertation as a Genre of Scholarly Publication in Early Modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 5(1), 113-166
112021臺灣 COVID-19 防疫紀錄張谷銘 研下知疫:COVID-19的人文社會省思 (臺北 : 中央研究院出版中心)
122020Philologie ou linguistique ? Réponses transcontinentalesChang, Ku-ming Kevin Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines 37, 65-91
132019From University to Court: The Shift of Stahl’s Positions on Alchemy ModerationChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
142019Medical Theses and Dissertation Abstracts in the Knowledge Production and Communication in Eighteenth CenturyChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
152019Stahl, Georg ErnstChang, Ku-ming Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences (Cham : Springer)
162019PhlogistonKu-ming Kevin Chang Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences (Springer, Cham)
172017Henry Sweet, A Handbook of PhoneticsKu-ming Chang 
182017Academia Sinica and Universities, 1928-TodayKu-ming Chang 
192017Multiple Paths from Philology to Language Sciences, 1880-1960Ku-ming Chang 
202017“Beyond Physical Page: The Latest Practice of Scientific PublicationKu-ming Chang 
212017“Ceaseless Generation”: Republican China’s Rediscovery and Expansion of Domestic VitalismChang, Ku-ming Kevin Asia Major 30(2), 101-131
222016Philology 與史語所:陳寅恪、傅斯年與中國的「東方學」張谷銘 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第87本第2分,頁375-460
232016Dongfang Xue: European Philology in Republican ChinaChang, Ku-ming Kevin Geschichte der Germanistik: Historische Zeitschrift für die Philologien 49/50, 5-22
242015Phlogiston and Chemical Principles: The Development and Formulation of Georg Ernst Stahl’s Principle of InflammabilityChang, Ku-ming Kevin Bridging Traditions, Alchemy, Chemistry and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era (Kirksville, MO : Truman State University Press)
252014Communications of Chemical Knowledge: Georg Ernst Stahl and the Chemists at the French Academy of Sciences in the First Half of the Eighteenth CenturyChang, Ku-ming Kevin Osiris Volume 29: Chemical Knowledge in the Early Modern World (Chicago : University of Chicago Press)
262014Philology or Linguistics? Transcontinental ResponsesChang, Ku-ming Kevin World Philology (Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press)
272011Alchemy as Studies of Life and Matter: Reconsidering the Place of Vitalism in Early Modern ChymistryChang, Ku-ming Kevin Isis 102(2), 322-329
282010Eloge: Allen George Debus, 16 August 1926–6 March 2009Karen H. Parshall; Ku-ming Kevin Chang ISIS 101, 159-182
292010"The Great Philosophical Work" : Georg Ernst Stahl’s Early Alchemical TeachingChang, Ku-ming Kevin Chymia: Science and Nature in Early Modern Europe (1450-1750) (Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
302010Collaborative Production and Experimental Labor: Two Models of Dissertation Authorship in the Eighteenth CenturyChang, Ku-ming Kevin Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41, 347-355
312008“Audience, Translation, and Credit for Published Knowledge: Laboratory and Models of Authorship of the Early Modern Dissertation.”Chang, Ku-ming Kevin 
322008Philology or Linguistics: Intersection of European and Chinese Schools of Learning around the Founding of the Institute of History and PhilologyChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
332008The Great Philosophical Work: Georg Ernst Stahl's Early Alchemical TeachingChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
342007Languages and Translation of Knowledge: The Introduction of Medical Dissertations to the Popular Book Market in Early Modern GermanyChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
352007The Role of the Dissertation in the Communication of Knowledge of Early Modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
362007Academic Publication, Scientific Communication and the Early Modern UniversityChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
372007From Vitalistic Cosmos to Materialistic World: The Lineage of Johann Joachim Becher and Georg Ernst Stahl and the Shift of Early Modern Chymical CosmologyChang, Ku-Ming Kevin Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry (Sagamore Beach, MA : Science History Publications)
382007Toleration of Alchemists as Political Question: Transmutation, Disputation, and Early Modern Scholarship on AlchemyChang, Ku-ming Kevin Ambix 54(3), 245-273
392007Kant's disputation of 1770: the dissertation and the communication of knowledge in early modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin Endeavour 31(2), 45-49
402007Georg Ernst Stahl's Alchemical Publications: Anachronism, Reading Market, and A Scientific Lineage RedefinedChang, Ku-Ming Kevin New Narratives in Eighteenth-Century Chemistry: Contributions from the First Francis Bacon Workshop 21-23 April 2005 (Dordrecht : Springer)
412006The Role of the Dissertation in the Communication of Knowledge in Early Modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
422006From Vitalistic Cosmos to Materialistic Globe: Reconsidering the Chymical Lineage of J. J. Becher and G. E. StahlChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
432006Balsamic Pills: The Alchemical Background and Commercial Value of the Stahlian Equivalent of Universal MedicineChang, Ku-Ming 
442006From Vitalistic Earth to Materialistic Globe: Reconsidering the Chymical Lineage of J. J. Becher and G. E. StahlChang, Ku-Ming 
452006From Vitalistic Earth  to Materialistic Globe: Johann Joachim Becher and Georg Ernst Stahl on Subterranean Physics and Chemistry of MineralsChang, Ku-Ming 
462005Invited paper, Alchemy in the Works of Georg Ernst Stahl: Views of Alchemy in Transition and the Context of Their PublicationsChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
472004The Active and the Passive: Soul, Matter, and the Transformation of the Vital Principle in Eighteenth-Century VitalismChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
482004From Oral Disputation to Written Text: The Transformation of the Dissertation in Early Modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin History of Universities 19, 129-187
492004Motus Tonicus: Georg Ernst Stahl's Formulation of Tonic Motion and Early Modern Medical ThoughtChang, Ku-ming Kevin Bulletin of the History of Medicine 78(4), 767-803
502003Legitimacy and Social Order: Johann Franz Buddeus' Dissertation on Toleration and AlchemyChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
512002Medicine for Ladies: The Introduction of Georg Ernst Stahl's Gynecological Work to the Popular Book MarketChang, Ku-ming Kevin 
522002The Matter of Life: Georg Ernst Stahl and the Reconceptualizations of Matter, Body, and Life in Early Modern EuropeChang, Ku-ming Kevin University of Chicago, History
532002Fermentation, Phlogiston, and Matter Theory: Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Georg Ernst Stahl's Zymotechnia FundamentalisChang, Ku-ming Kevin Early Science and Medicine7, 31-64
541998The 'Artists of Fire' and the Dennis I. Duveen CollectionChang, Ku-ming Kevin Messenger Magazine, Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries36, 23-24
55-Impagination: Media, Forms, and Circulation of Writing and publicationsKu-ming Kevin Chang Boston
56-IntroductionKu-ming Kevin Chang ; Anthony Grafton; Glenn MostImpagination: Media, Forms, and Circulation of Writing and Publications (Boston : Brill)
57-Beyond the Physical Page: Scientific Impagination in the Age of the InternetKu-ming Kevin Chang Impagination: Media, Forms, and Circulation of Writing and Publications (Boston : Brill)