| 公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
1 | 2006 | 讀:黃一農《兩頭蛇:明末清初的第一代天主教徒》(新竹:清華大學,2005) | 祝平一 | 新史學 第17卷第2期,頁251-255 | | | |
2 | 2003 | 說地:中國人認識大地形狀的故事 | 祝平一 | 台北 | | | |
3 | 2000 | 評介:韓琦,《中國科學技術的西傳及其影響》(石家莊:河北人民出版社,1999) | 祝平一 | 漢學研究 第18卷第2期,頁427-431 | | | |
4 | 1996 | 評介Thomas Laqueur, Making Sex | 祝平一 | 新史學 第7卷第4期,頁223-231 | | | |
5 | 2005 | 評介 Fa-ti Fan, British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire and Cultural Encounter (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004) | 祝平一 | 新史學 第16卷第3期,頁181-186 | | | |
6 | 2023 | 言說天主:明、清之際天學脈絡中的邏輯與類比 | 祝平一 | 譬類以明:華人傳統類思維新探 (台北 : 政大出版中心) | | | |
7 | 1998 | 臺灣漁業史資料選編:統計篇(一)‧明治─大正 | 祝平一 ; 鄭麗玲; 許全義 | 台北市 | | | |
8 | 1995 | 簡介Morris J. Vogel, The Invention of the Modern Hospital, Boston 1870-1903 | 祝平一 | 新史學 第6卷第2期,頁223-230 | | | |
9 | 2002 | 簡介Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome: A Descriptive Catalogue (New York & London: M. E. Sharpe, 2002) | 祝平一 | 中國文哲研究集刊 第21期,頁455-457 | | | |
10 | 2013 | 第四屆國際漢學會議論文集-衛生與醫療 | 祝平一主編 | 台北市 | | | |
11 | 2013 | 瘟疫與社會:以清代的痧症為例 | 祝平一 | 健康與社會:華人衛生新史 (台北 : 聯經出版事業公司) | | | |
12 | 2015 | 疫病、文本與社會:清代痧症的建構 | 祝平一 | 中國史新論.醫療史分冊 (臺北 : 中央研究院、聯經出版事業公司) | | | |
13 | 1990 | 漢代的相人術 | 祝平一 | 台北市 | | | |
14 | 1996 | 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻 | 鐘鳴旦; 杜鼎克; 黃一農; 祝平一 | 台北市 | | | |
15 | 2008 | 巴別塔之磚:讀Liam Brockey, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007) 隨想 | 祝平一 | 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 第62期,頁191-196 | | | |
16 | 2013 | 導讀(與祝平一合著) | 劉士永 ; 祝平一 | 健康與社會:華人衛生新史 (台北 : 聯經出版社) | | | |
17 | 2001 | 塑身美容、廣告與台灣九○年代的身體文化 | 祝平一 | 文化與權力──台灣新文化史 (台北 : 麥田出版社) | | | |
18 | 2003 | 反西法:《定曆玉衡》初探 | 祝平一 | 相遇與對話:明末清初中西文化交流國際學術研討會論文集 (北京 : 宗教文化出版社) | | | |
19 | 2013 | 健康與社會:華人衛生新史 | 祝平一 | 台北市 | | | |
20 | 2010 | 中國史新論.科技與中國社會分冊 | 祝平一 | 台北市 | | | |
21 | 2020 | テキストの鏡影——抜粋本と清初の暦算学 | 祝平一 | 医学•科学•博物 東アジア古典籍の世界 (東京 : 勉誠出版社) | | | |
22 | 2019 | Western Learning, Examinations, and Neo-Confucianism: A Study of Astronomy in Ying Huiqian’s Xingli dazhong (性理大中) | Ping-yi Chu | East-West Encounter in the Science of Heaven and Earth (天と地の科学 : 東と西の出会い) (Kyoto, Japan : Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) | | | |
23 | 1999 | Western Astronomy and Evidential Study: Tai Chen on Astronomy | Chu, Ping-Yi | Current Perspectives in the History of Science in East Asia (Seoul : Seoul National University Press) | | | |
24 | 2023 | Struggles over the Historical Memory of a Heterodoxy: Chinese Commentaries on the Nestorian Stele | Ping-Yi Chu | Time and Language: New Sinology and Chinese History (Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press) | | | |
25 | 1999 | Shigehisa Kuriyama(栗山茂久), The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine讀後 | 祝平一 | 新史學 第10卷第4期,頁145-158 | | | |
26 | 2010 | Scientific Texts in Contest, 1600-1800 | Chu, Ping-Yi | Looking at it from Asia: the Processes that Shaped the Sources of History of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) (Netherlands : Springer) | | | |
27 | 2018 | Sage: An Unreadable Sign | Ping-yi Chu | Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication. Festschrift for Michael Lackner (Munich : Iudicium) | | | |
28 | 2012 | Review of “History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia III: The Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773), edited by Luis Saraiva and Catherine Jami, Singapore; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2008,” | Chu, Ping-Yi | EASTM,forthcoming | | | |
29 | 2001 | Review of Science in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections and Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections. By Nathan Sivin | Chu, Ping-Yi | Journal of Asia Studies 60(2), 538-540 | | | |
30 | 2022 | Review of Francesca Bray and Jongtae Lim, Science and Confucian Statecraft in East Asia (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019) | Ping-Yi Chu | East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 54, 147-160 | | | |
31 | 2013 | Review of Florence C. Hsia, Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, xv+273 pp. $45. ISBN: 9780226355597) | Chu, Ping-Yi | Annals of Science 70(4), 562-564 | | | |
32 | 2012 | Review of "Dagmar Schäfer, The Crafting of the 10,000 Things: Knowledge and Technology in Seventeenth-Century China (344 pp., illus., bibli., index. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2011)" | Chu, Ping-Yi | Isis 103(2), 407-408 | | | |
33 | 2020 | Philological Arguments as Religious Suasion: Liu Ning and His Study of Chinese Characters | Ping-yi Chu | Powerful Arguments: Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China (Leiden : Brill) | | | |
34 | 2001 | Le Prime Reazioni All'astronomia Occidentale | Chu, Ping-Yi | Storia della Scienza (Rome : Institvto della Enciclopedia Italiana) | | | |
35 | 2010 | Larissa N. Heinrich. The Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body between China and the West (Duham and London, Duke University Press, 2008, Pp. 222 (Paperback) | Chu, Ping-Yi | EASTS 4(2), 355-357 | | | |
36 | 2008 | Anjing Qu, Science and Technology Awards in Modern China (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke ji jiang li zhi du) (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke xue ji shu shi yan jiu cong shu, 329 pp., tables, bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong Education Press [Shandong jiao yu chu ban she], 2005 | Chu, Ping-Yi | Isis 99(2), 444-445 | | | |
37 | 2011 | Adoption and Resistance: Zhang Yongjing [張雍敬] and Ancient Chinese Calendrical Methods | Chu, Ping-Yi | Science between Europe and Asia: Historical Studies on the Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation of Knowledge (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York : Springer) | | | |
38 | 2018 | A Mirror to the Calendar: Cut, Paste and Spread the European Calendrical Learning | Ping-yi Chu | History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia V: Visual and Textual Representations in Exchanges Between Europe and East Asia 16th – 18th Centuries (Singapore : World Scientific) | | | |