Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 1990 | 評論布魯克(Christopher N. L. Brooke) 著《中古的婚姻觀念》(The Medieval Idea of Marriage) | 李貞德 | 新史學 第1卷第4期,頁163-168 | | | |
2 | 2002 | 評介Robin Briggs, Witches and Neighbors: The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft | 李貞德 | 新史學 第13卷第2期,頁231-237 | | | |
3 | 2000 | 評介Clarissa W. Atkinson, The Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Middle Ages | 李貞德 | 新史學 第11卷第1期,頁201-208 | | | |
4 | 2001 | 評介Christiane Klapisch-Zuber ed., A History of Women in the West II: Silences of the Middle Ages | 李貞德 | 理論與文化:西洋史研究通訊 第3期,頁81-87 | | | |
5 | 1999 | 評介Anne Llewellyn Barstow, Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts(獵殺女巫:以女性觀點重現的歐洲女巫史) | 李貞德 | 新史學 第10卷第3期,頁205-210 | | | |
6 | 1992 | 評Caroline Walker Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women(神聖的饗宴與神聖的禁食:食物對中古婦女的宗教意義) | 李貞德 | 新史學 第3卷第4期,頁187-193 | | | |
7 | 2005 | 從逸樂到危險的妓女論述——評賀蕭《危險的逸樂:二十世紀上海的妓女》 | 李貞德 | 中國時報,開卷版 | | | |
8 | 2003 | Review: Mann, Susan and Yu-Yin Cheng (eds.), Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2001. xiii + 310 pp | Lee, Jen-Der | T'oung Pao,89(4/5), 486-490 | | | |
9 | 2006 | Review: Chinese Visions of Family and State , 1915-1953 . By Susan L. Glosser. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003, 275pp | Lee, Jen-Der | Gender and Society,20(2), 288-289 | | | |