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Research Focus and Directions - Three Research Groups:

1. Climate Science:

  (1) Development of a climate model suite

  (2) Climate change and climate variability

  (3) Projection of future climate

  (4) Environmental impacts of climate change

2. Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

  (1) Physico-chemical interaction between urban air pollution and low cloud

  (2) Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategy Formulation for Heat Stress and Air Pollutants in Taiwan Society

  (3) Long-term observation of atmospheric composition in East Asia with implications for regional climate changes

3. Hydrospheric Science

  (1) Coral Reef Ecosystems Oceanography Survey (CREOS) and South East Asia Time-series Study (SEATS) in the South China Sea

  (2) Taiwan Watershed Ecology and Biogeochemistry Study (T-WEBS)

  (3) Trace metal marine biogeochemistry and Taiwan GEOTRACES study

  (4) Trace metal-Marine phytoplankton interaction: Ecological niche and community structure

  (5) Ocean Circulation and Hydrographic Distribution in the North Pacific Ocean and East Asian Marginal Seas: Variations, Dynamics, and Influences

Organization name
Research Center for Environmental Changes
Chinese Name
Start date