OrgUnit's Researchers Outputs

Results 1-151 of 151 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024From hyperbolic to parabolic parameters along internal raysChen, Yi-Chiuan ; Kawahira, TomokiTRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 377(7), 4541-4583
22024A complex case of Vojta's general abc conjecture and cases of Campana's orbifold conjectureJi Guo; Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 377(7), 4961-4991
32024Automorphism groups of cyclic orbifold vertex operator algebras associated with the Leech lattice and some non-prime isometriesKoichi Betsumiya; Ching Hung Lam ; Hiroki ShimakuraIsrael Journal of Mathematics 259( 2), 621-650
42024Divisibility of polynomials and degeneracy of integral pointsRousseau, Erwan; Turchet, Amos; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN 388(2), 1969-1999
52024Extra automorphisms of cyclic orbifolds of lattice vertex operator algebrasChing Hung Lam ; Hiroki ShimakuraJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228(2), 107454
62023Convexity of shock polarsVolker Elling Convexity of shock polars, 24
72023A lattice theoretical interpretation of generalized deep holes of the Leech lattice vertex operator algebraLam, Ching Hung ; Miyamoto, MasahikoForum of Mathematics, Sigma 11, e86
82023Cousin Complexes via Total FractionsHuang, I-Chiau JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA 227(9), 107375
92023Unitary forms for holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24Lam, Ching Hung Letters in Mathematical Physics 113(2), 28
102023Heat kernel asymptotics for Kohn Laplacians on CR manifoldsChin-Yu Hsiao ; Weixia ZhuJournal of Functional Analysis 284(2), 109755
112022Functional calculus and Quantization commutes with reduction for Toeplitz operators on CR manifoldsAndrea Galasso; Chin-Yu Hsiao arXiv:2112.11257 [math.FA]
122022A truncated second main theorem for algebraic tori with moving targets and applicationsGuo, Ji; Sun, Chia-Liang; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SECOND SERIES 106(4), 3670-3686
132022Toeplitz operators on CR manifolds and group actionsAndrea Galasso; Chin-Yu Hsiao The Journal of Geometric Analysis 33, 21
142022Stability of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili multi-line solitonsDerchyi Wu arXiv:2205.07432 [math.AP]
152022Representation theory of a semisimple extension of the Takiff superalgebraShun-Jen Cheng ; Kevin CoulembierINTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES 2022(18), 14454-14495
162022Positive mass theorem and the CR Yamabe equation on 5-dimensional contact spin manifoldsJih-Hsin Cheng ; Hung-Lin ChiuAdvances in Mathematics 404(Part B), 108446
172022Existence of singular rotationally symmetric gradient Ricci solitons in higher dimensionsK.M. Hui arXiv:2107.13685 [math.DG]
182022Existence of hypercylinder expanders of the inverse mean curvature flowK.M. Hui Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
192022Theta functions and adiabatic curvature on an elliptic curveChing-Hao Chang; Jih-Hsin Cheng ; I-Hsun TsaiThe Journal of Geometric Analysis 32(3), 84
202022On Pisot's d-th root conjecture for function fields and related GCD estimatesJi Guo; Chia-Liang Sun; Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 231, 401-432
212022Shock polars for non-polytropic compressible potential flowVolker Elling COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 21(5), 1581-1594
222022Van der Waals shock polars with multiple or supersonic critical pointsVolker Elling PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 34, 036110
232022Barotropic Euler shock polarsVolker W. Elling ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK 73, 67
242022Blocks and characters of D(2|1;ζ)-modules of non-integral weightsChih-Whi Chen; Shun-Jen Cheng ; Li LuoTransformation Groups
252022The Ru-Vojta result for subvarietiesM. Ru; Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 18(01), 61-74
262021Blocks and characters of G(3)-modules of non-integral weightsChen, Chih-Whi; Cheng, Shun-Jen ; Luo, LiJournal of Algebra 588, 574-616
272021Asymptotic behaviour of singular solution of the fast diffusion equation in the punctured Euclidean spaceKin Ming Hui ; Jinwan ParkarXiv:2007.06830 [math.AP]
282021G-invariant Szegő kernel asymptotics and CR reductionChin-Yu Hsiao ; Rung-Tzung HuangCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 60, 47
292021Shock polars for ideal and non-ideal gasesVolker W. Elling Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916, A51
302021Equivariant Kodaira embedding of CR manifolds with circle actionChin-Yu Hsiao ; Xiaoshan Li; George MarinescuMichigan Mathematical Journal 70(1), 55-113
312021Schellekens' list and the very strange formulavan Ekeren, Jethro; Lam, Ching Hung ; Möller, Sven; Shimakura, HirokiAdvances in Mathematics 380, 107567
322021Coefficient rings of numerical semigroup algebrasHuang, I-Chiau ; Raheleh, JafariSEMIGROUP FORUM 103, 899-915
332021An algebraic approach to residuesI-Chiau Huang Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie 64(112) no.1, 49-62
342021Nonspecial varieties and generalized Lang-Vojta conjecturesErwan Rousseau; Amos Turchet; Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 9 , e11
352021On the dth Roots of Exponential Polynomials and Related Problems Arising from the Green–Griffiths–Lang ConjectureGuo, Ji; Sun, Chia-Liang; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, 5201-5218
362021Arithmetic Satake compactifications and algebraic Drinfeld modular formsUrs Hartl; Chia-Fu Yu arXiv:2009.13934 [math.AG]
372021Polarized superspecial simple abelian surfaces with real Weil numbersJiangwei Xue; Chia-Fu Yu arXiv:2009.02729 [math.NT]
382021Dieudonné's Determinants and Structure of General Linear Groups Over Division Rings RevisitedChun-Yi Lin; Chia-Fu Yu BULLETIN 16(1), 21-47
392021Greatest common divisors of integral points of numerically equivalent divisorsJulie Tzu-Yueh Wang ; Yu YasufukuAlgebra & Number Theory 15(1), 287-305
402020On the singularities of the Bergman projections for lower energy forms on complex manifolds with boundaryChin-Yu Hsiao ; George MarinescuarXiv:1911.10928 [math.CV]
412020Szegő kernel asymptotics on some non-compact complete CR manifoldsChin-Yu Hsiao ; George Marinescu; Huan WangarXiv:2012.11457 [math.CV]
422020Bergman-Szegő kernel asymptotics in weakly pseudoconvex finite type casesChin-Yu Hsiao ; Nikhil SavalearXiv:2009.07159 [math.CV]
432020On the second coefficient of the asymptotic expansion of Boutet de Monvel--SjöstrandChin-Yu Hsiao ; Wei-Chuan ShenarXiv:2012.15456 [math.CV]
442020On the coefficients of the equivariant Szegő kernel asymptotic expansionsChin-Yu Hsiao ; Rung-Tzung Huang; Guokuan ShaoarXiv:2009.10529 [math.CV]
452020Tilting modules for classical Lie superalgebrasShun-Jen Cheng ; C.-W. Chen; K. CoulembierJournal of the London Mathematical Society 103(3), 870-900
462020The direct scattering problem for the perturbed Gr(1, 2)≥0 Kadomtsev–Petviash-vili II solitonsDerchyi Wu Nonlinearity 33(12). 6729
472020S1-equivariant Index theorems and Morse inequalities on complex manifolds with boundaryHsiao, Chin-Yu ; Huang, Rung-Tzung; Li, Xiaoshan; Shao, GuokuanJournal of Functional Analysis 279(3), 108558
482020The 1/k-Eulerian Polynomials of Type BMa, Shi-Mei; Ma, Jun; Yeh, Jean; Yeh, Yeong-Nan The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(3), P3.27
492020Inertia groups and uniqueness of holomorphic vertex operator algebrasChing Hung Lam ; Hiroki ShimakuraTransformation Groups 25, 1223-1268
502020A Holomorphic vertex operator algebra of central charge 24 with the weight one Lie algebra F4,6A2,2Lam, Ching Hung ; Lin, XingjunJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224(3), 1241-1279
512020On the Sobolev quotient of three-dimensional CR manifoldsJih-Hsin Cheng ; A. Malchiodi; P. YangPreprint
522020G-equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifolds of high codimensionKevin Fritsch; Hendrik Herrmann; Chin-Yu Hsiao arXiv:1810.09629
532020Zero-memory limit for a viscoelasticity model with Riemann dataTai-Ping Liu ; S. CoxPreprint
542020Theta functions and adiabatic curvature on a torusJih-Hsin Cheng; Chang, C.-H. ; Tsai, I-H.Preprint
552020On superspecial abelian surfaces over finite fields IIJ. Xue; T.-C. Yang; C.-F. Yu arXiv:1801.09374
562020Torus equivariant Szegő kernel asymptotics on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifoldsHendrik Herrmann; Chin-Yu Hsiao ; Xiaoshan LiarXiv:1808.01927
572020Reduction of the moduli schemes of abelian varieties with definite quaternion multiplicationC.-F. Yu arXiv:1306.1400v3
582020Unit groups of maximal Orders in totally definite quaternion algebras over real quadratic fieldsQun Li; Jiangwei Xue; C.-F. Yu Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
592020Global behaviour of solutions of the lubrication equation with porous medium Van der Waals interactionsK.M. Hui Preprint
602020Vortex cuspsVolker Elling Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, A17
612020On counting certain principally polarized superspecial abelian surfaces over $F_p$Jiangwei Xue; Chia-Fu Yu Proceedings of Automorphic forms automorphic representations and related topics
622020Szegő kernels and equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifoldsHendrik Herrmann; Chin-Yu Hsiao ; Xiaoshan LiarXiv:1710.04910
632020On superspecial abelian surfaces and type numbers of totally definite quaternion algebrasJiangwei Xue; C.-F. Yu Indiana Univ. Math. J.
642020Global behaviour of solution of a nonlinear fourth order parabolic equationK.M. Hui Preprint
652020On counting certain abelian varieties over finite fieldsJ. Xue; C.-F. Yu Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 37, 205-228
662020Submanifolds in Cauchy Riemann GeometryCheng Jih-Hsin Journal of Mathematical Study 53(4), 471-492
672020Greatest common divisors with moving targets and consequences for linear recurrence sequencesGrieve, Nathan; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373(11), 8095-8126
682020Classification of extremal vertex operator algebras with two simple modulesGrady, J. Connor; Lam, Ching Hung ; Tener, James E.; Yamauchi, HiroshiJournal of Mathematical Physics 61(5), 052302
692020Stratifying Lie Strata of Hilbert Modular VarietiesChia-Fu Yu ; Ching-Li Chai; Frans OortTaiwanese Journal of Mathematics 24(6), 1307-1352
702020微分幾何學--重力研究的好幫手鄭日新 數學傳播 第44卷第4期,頁27-33
712020Approximation algorithms for constructing required subgraphs using stock pieces of fixed lengthLichen, Junran; Li, Jianping; Lih, Ko-Wei ; Yu, XingxingJournal of Combinatorial Optimization RESTRICTED ACCESS
722020Mass formula and Oort's conjecture for supersingular abelian threefoldsValentijn Karemaker; Fuetaro Yobuko; Chia-Fu Yu arXiv:2002.10960 [math.NT]
732020Catalan-like number sequences and Hausdorff moment sequencesChoi, Hayoung; Yeh, Yeong-Nan ; Yoo, SeongukDiscrete Mathematics 343(5), 111808
752020EKOR strata for Shimura varieties with parahoric level structureXu Shen; Chia-Fu Yu ; Chao ZhangarXiv:1910.07785 [math.AG]
762020Hecke eigensystems of automorphic forms (mod p) of Hodge type and algebraic modular formsYasuhiro Terakado; Chia-Fu Yu arXiv:2006.14342 [math.NT]
772020Plane graphs of maximum degree Δ ≥ 7 are edge‐face (Δ + 1)‐colorableWang, Yiqiao; Hu, Xiaoxue; Wang, Weifan; Lih, Ko‐Wei Journal of Graph Theory 95(1), 99-124
782020The Chevalley-Gras formula over global fieldsLi, Jianing; Yu, Chia-Fu Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 32(2), 525-543
792020Spinor class number formulas for totally definite quaternion ordersJiangwei Xue; Chia-Fu Yu arXiv:1909.11858 [math.NT]
802019Transitions and anti-integrable limits for multi-hole Sturmian systems and Denjoy counterexamplesChen, Yi-Chiuan Transactions of Mathematics and Its Applications 3(1), tnz002
8120191/k-Eulerian Polynomials and k-Inversion SequencesTing-Wei Chao; Jun Ma; Shi-Mei Ma; Yeong-Nan Yeh Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(3), P3.35
822019Equidistribution theorems on strongly pseudoconvex domainsHsiao, Chin-Yu ; Shao, GuokuanTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 37(2), 1113-1137
832019The smallest eigenvalues of random kernel matrices: asymptotic results on the min kernelLu-Jing Huang; Yin-Ting Liao; Lo-Bin Chang; Chii-Ruey Hwang Statistics and Probability Letters 148, 23-29
842019The Ascent-Plateau Statistics on Stirling PermutationsShi-Mei Ma; Jun Ma; Yeong-Nan Yeh Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(2), P2.5
852019Solution of the tangential Kohn Laplacian on a class of non-compact CR manifoldsHsiao, Chin-Yu ; Yung, Po-LamCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 58, 71
862019Vanishing time behavior of solutions to the fast diffusion equationK.M. Hui ; Soojung KimarXiv:1811.04410 [math.AP]
872019Existence of self-similar solutions of the inverse mean curvature flowK.M. Hui Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 39(2), 863-880
882019Heat kernel asymptotics, local index theorem and trace integrals for Cauchy-Riemann manifolds with S1 actionJih-Hsin Cheng; Chin-Yu Hsiao ; I-Hsun TsaiMémoires de la Société mathématique de France 162, 1-139
892019From Cantor to semi-hyperbolic parameters along external raysChen, Yi-Chiuan ; Kawahira, TomokiTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 372(11), 7959-7992
902019Counting Permutations by Simsun SuccessionsLin, Yen-Chi Roger; Ma, Shi-Mei; Yeh, Yeong-Nan Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 23(3), 515-527
912019Cyclic orbifolds of lattice vertex operator algebras having group-like fusionsLam, Ching Hung Letters in Mathematical Physics 110, 1081-1112
922019Connected Sum of CR Manifolds with Positive CR Yamabe ConstantCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Chiu, Hung-Lin; Ho, Pak TungThe Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, 298-311
932019Colouring of generalized signed triangle-free planar graphsJiang, Yiting; Liu, Daphne Der-Fen; Yeh, Yeong-Nan ; Zhu, XudingDiscrete Mathematics 342(3), 836-843
942019Simple proofs for the derivative estimates of the holomorphic motion near two boundary points of the Mandelbrot setY-C Chen ; T KawahiraJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 473(1), 345-356
952019Reverse orbifold construction and uniqueness of holomorphic vertex operator algebrasLam, Ching Hung ; Shimakura, HirokiTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 372(10) 7001-7024
962019Factorizations in Numerical Semigroup AlgebrasI-Chiau Huang ; Raheleh JafariJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223(5), 2258-2272
972019γ-positivity and partial γ-positivity of descent-type polynomialsMa, Shi-Mei; Ma, Jun; Yeh, Yeong-Nan Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 167, 257-293
982019Level-Rank Duality for Vertex Operator Algebras of types B and DJiang, Cuipo; Lam, Ching Hung Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica NEW SERIES 14(1), 31-54
992019Numerical semigroup algebrasHuang, I-Chiau ; Kim, Mee-KyoungCommunications in Algebra 48(3), 1079-1088
1002019Chow’s Theorem for Semi-abelian Varieties and Bounds for Splitting Fields of Algebraic ToriYu Chia Fu Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 35, 1453-1463
1012019Linear bounds on characteristic polynomials of matroidsWang, Suijie; yeh, Yeong-nan ; Zhou, FengweiMathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 168(3), 505-518
1022019Parafermion vertex operator algebras and $ W$-algebrasArakawa, Tomoyuki; Lam, Ching Hung ; Yamada, HiromichiTransactions of the American Mathematical Society 371(6), 4277-4301
1032019Triple points and sign of circulationElling, Volker Physics of Fluids 31(12), 126106
1042019Generalized Cornu-type spirals and their Darboux parametric deformationsRosu, Haret C.; Mancas, Stefan C.; Hsieh, Chun-Chung Physics Letters A 383(23), 2692-2697
1052019Chains in CR geometry as geodesics of a Kropina metricCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Marugame, Taiji; Matveev, Vladimir S.; Montgomery, RichardAdvances in Mathematics 350, 973-999
1062019On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type for cyclic orbifold vertex algebrasAdamović, Dražen; Lam, Ching Hung ; Pedić, Veronika; Yu, NinaJournal of Algebra 539, 1-23
1072019Greatest common divisors of analytic functions and Nevanlinna theory on algebraic toriLevin, Aaron; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2020(767), 77-107
1082019Modular representations of exceptional supergroupsCheng, Shun-Jen ; Shu, Bin; Wang, WeiqiangMathematische Zeitschrift 291, 635-659
1092019David-Barton type identities and alternating run polynomialsMa, Shi-Mei; Ma, Jun; Yeh, Yeong-Nan Advances in Applied Mathematics 114, 101978
1102019Asymptotic GCD and divisible sequences for entire functionsJi Guo; Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 371(9), 6241-6256
11120193-dimensional Griess Algebras and Miyamoto InvolutionsLam, Ching Hung ; Yamauchi, HiroshiBulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica NEW SERIES 14(2), 119-147
1122019Context-free grammars, generating functions and combinatorial arraysZhu, Bao-Xuan; Yeh, Yeong-Nan ; Lu, QinglinEuropean Journal of Combinatorics 78, 236-255
1132019Variety of unsymmetric multibranched logarithmic vortex spiralsVolker Elling ; Manuel V. GnannEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS 30(1), 23-38
1142019Reduced unit groups in totally definite quaternion algebras over real quadratic fieldsQun Li; Jiangwei Xue; C.-F. Yu RIMS Kôkyûroku No.2100 (Analytic and Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms), 80-93
115201971 holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24Lam, Ching Hung ; Shimakura, HirokiBulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica NEW SERIES 14(1), 87-118
1162019Boltzmann collision operator for the infinite range potential: A limit problemJiang, Jin-Cheng; Liu, Tai-Ping Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 36(6), 1639-1677
1172019Piecewise analytic bodies in subsonic potential flowVolker Elling Communications in Partial Differential Equations 44(8), 691-707
1182019Heat Kernel Asymptotics, Local Index Theorem and Trace Integrals for Cauchy-Riemann Manifolds with S1 Action (Memoires de la Societe Mathematique de France 162)Cheng, Jih-Hsin ; Hsiao, Chin-Yu ; Tsai, I-HsunFrance
1192018UMBILICITY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF PANSU SPHERES IN THE HEISENBERG GROUPJih-Hsin Cheng ; Hung-Lin Chiu; Jenn-Fang Hwang; Paul YangJournal fur reine und angewandte Mathematik 738, 203-235
1202018Existence of hypercylinder expanders of the inverse mean curvature flowK.M. Hui (preprint)
1212018Optimal Variance Reduction for Markov Chain Monte CarloLu-Jing Huang; Yin-Ting Liao; Ting-Li Chen ; Chii-Ruey Hwang SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 56(4), 2977-2996
1222018A subspace theorem for subvarietiesRu, Min; Wang, Julie Algebra & Number Theory 11(10), 2323-2337
1232017Supercharacters of queer Lie superalgebrasCheng, Shun-Jen Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 061701
1242017On fields of definition of components of the Siegel supersingular locusYu, Chia-Fu Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145(12), 5053-5058
1252017Szegő kernel expansion and equivariant embedding of CR manifolds with circle actionHerrmann, Hendrik; Hsiao, Chin-Yu ; Li, XiaoshanAnnals of Global Analysis and Geometry 52, 313-340
1262017Contact Spinc Structure, Embeddability of CR Structure, and Positivity of the MassJih-Hsin Cheng Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians ALM37, 23-35
1272017Szegő kernel asymptotics and Kodaira embedding theorems of Levi-flat CR manifoldsHsiao, Chin-Yu ; Marinescu, GeorgeMathematical Research Letters 24(5), 1385-1451
1282017$\mathbb{Z}_3$-orbifold construction of the Moonshine vertex operator algebra and some maximal 3-local subgroups of the MonsterChen, Hsian-Yang; Lam, Ching Hung ; Shimakura, HirokiMathematische Zeitschrift 288, 75-100
1292017Asymptotic large time behavior of singular solutions of the fast diffusion equationHui, Kin Ming ; Kim, SoojungDiscrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems 37(11), 5943-5977
1302017Letter to the editors in chiefLiu, Tai-Ping ; Yu, Shih-HsienKinetic & Related Models 11(1), 215-217
1312017Notes on Locally Free GroupsYu, Chia-Fu Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica NEW SERIES 12(2), 125-139
1322017A positive mass theorem in three dimensional Cauchy-Riemann geometryCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Malchiodi, A.; Yang, P.Advances in Mathematics 308, 276-347
1332016Umbilic hypersurfaces of constant sigma-k curvature in the Heisenberg groupCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Chiu, H.-L.; Hwang, J.-F.; Yang, P.Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 55(3), 66
1342016Character Formulae for Queer Lie Superalgebras and Canonical Bases of Types A/CCheng, Shun-Jen ; Kwon, Jae-Hoon; Wang, WeiqiangCommunications in Mathematical Physics 352, 1091-1119
1352016Compressible vortex sheets separating from solid boundariesVolker Elling DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 36(12), 6781-6797
1362016GCD Bounds for Analytic FunctionsPasten, Hector; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh International Mathematics Research Notices 2017(1), 47-95
1372015有朋自遠方來--專訪Nigel Hitchin教授鄭日新 ; 夏杼; 何南國數學傳播 第39卷第4期,頁3-16
1382014Flows and a tangency condition for embeddable CR structures in dimension 3Jih-Hsin Cheng Methods and Applications of Analysis 21(3), 337-356
1392014Uniformization of spherical CR manifoldsCheng, J. -H. ; Chiu, H. -L.; Yang, P.Advances in Mathematics 255, 182-216
1402014Asymptotics of spectral function of lower energy forms and Bergman kernel of semi-positive and big line bundlesChin-Yu Hsiao ; George MarinescuCOMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY 22(1), 1-108
1412013Uniqueness of generalized p-area minimizers and integrability of a horizontal normal in the Heisenberg groupCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Hwang, Jenn-Fang Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 50, 579-597
1422012On the Optimal Transition Matrix for Markov Chain Monte Carlo SamplingChen, Ting-Li ; Chen, Wei-Kuo; Hwang, Chii-Ruey ; Pai, Hui-MingSIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50(5), 2743-2762
1432009有朋自遠方來--專訪深谷賢治(Kenji Fukaya) 教授劉太平; 鄭日新 ; 江孟蓉數學傳播 第37卷第1期,頁3-12
1442009The prescribed p-mean curvature equation of low regularity in the Heisenberg groupCheng, Jih-Hsin Science in China Series A: Mathematics 52, 2604-2609
1452007Surfaces of prescribed p-mean curvature in the Heisenberg groupJih-Hsin Cheng Proceedings of the 4th ICCM II, 40-58
1462003Monopoles and contact 3-manifoldsCheng, Jih-Hsin ; Chiu, Hung-LinSelected Topics in Cauchy-Riemann Geometry (S. Dragomir ed.), Quaderni di Matematica(math. DG/9905066) 9, 99-123
1472002Deformation of fillable CR structuresJih-Hsin Cheng arXiv:math/0202051 [math.DG]
1482000專訪 Rick Schoen 教授李瑩英; 鄭日新 ; 蔡宜洵數學傳播 第24卷第4期,頁58-62
149-A remark on Chevalley's ambiguous class number formulasC.-F. Yu arXiv:1412.1458
150-Geometric quantization on CR manifoldsChin-Yu Hsiao ; Xiaonan Ma; George MarinescuarXiv:1906.05627 [math.CV]
151-Polarized simple superspecial abelian surfaces with Weil numbers: a surveyJiangwei Xue; C.-F. Yu preprint