
第 1 到 889 筆結果,共 889 筆。

12023北極政治與區域治理冷則剛 分裂的世界?:21世紀全球區域化崛起 (臺北市 : 聯經出版社)
22023Human Security and South Korea’s Connections with the Nordic CountriesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Amber Sop Hyun Kim
32023政治經濟發展:台灣與東亞國家經驗的檢視吳親恩 ; 林奕孜問題與研究 第62卷第2期,頁1-54
42023Stand Up Like a Taiwanese!’: PRC Coercion and Public Preferences for ResistanceJa Ian Chong; David W. F. Huang; Wen-Chin Wu Japanese Journal of Political Science 24(2), 208-229
52023Experts or Politicians? Citizen Responses to Vaccine Endorsements across Five OECD CountriesBarceló, Joan; Greg Chih-Hsin Sheen; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu Public Opinion Quarterly 87(1), 142-155
62023Party Identification, Ambivalence, and the Issue of Vaccine Procurement in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu Journal of Asian and African Studies 58(2), 232-248
72023霸權與挑戰:國際關係理論的詮釋吳玉山 ; 傅澤民問題與研究 第62卷第1期,頁1-45
82023中國的多邊外交:台灣學術社群研究之比較分析冷則剛 ; 賴潤瑤問題與研究 第62卷第1期,頁47-84
92023中共政治法規的本質:辯證邏輯與制度化視野蔡文軒 中國大陸研究 第66卷第1期,頁109-130
102023China's Hong Kong Affairs Bureaucracy: Factional Politics and Policy ConsistencyTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Chih-We YuChina: An International Journal 21(1), 70-87
122023Agent Politics of Chinese Think Tanks and Cultural Industry Governance in China’s “New Era”Tsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Gang Li; Weiqing SongCritical Asian Studies 55(1), 20-39
132023The Recruitment Process for Grassroots Cadres in a Chinese County: The CCP Organization Department and Its Alarm FunctionTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Gang TianModern China 49(1), 63-92
142023“Beautiful Countryside Construction,” Policy Inspection Teams, and Grassroots Political Participation in ChinaTian, Gang; Wen-Hsuan Tsai Journal of Contemporary China 32(144), 951-962
152023WHO Approves? Relative Trust, the WHO, and China’s COVID-19 VaccinesSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Chien-Huei Wu ; Wen-Chin Wu The Review of International Organizations 18, 499-521
162023Distributive Unfairness, National Pride, and Willingness to Fight: Evidence From TaiwanWu, Wen-Chin Journal of Asian and African Studies
172022/8/3Central-Local Relations and Party Politics in China under Xi JinpingTsai, Wen-Hsuan Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs 8, 9-13
182022影響臺灣威權時期政治案件判決的因素:事件類型、選舉與重大政經事件吳親恩 ; 彭士芬
192022The Appointment of Chinese Ambassadors under Xi Jinping吳文欽 ; 張廖年仲; 劉明浩
202022香港最低工資政策:發展型福利資本主義的轉向?吳親恩 ; 練暐妍政治學報 第74期,頁65-106
212022Personalization of Power and Social Welfare Spending under Dictatorships: A Cross-Country AnalysisLai, Ding-yi; Wen-Chin Wu ; Jen-Der LueInternational Journal of Social Work and Social Welfare 1(1), 1-31
222022China’s Beautiful Countryside Construction, Policy Inspection Group, and Grassroots Political Participation蔡文軒 ; Gang Tian
232022Do Elections Foster Sustainable Development in Autocracies?賴定佾; 吳文欽 ; 陳蓉怡
242022WHO approves? Relative trust, the WHO, and China’s COVID-19 vaccinesSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Tung, Hans H.; Wu, Chien-Huei ; Wu, Wen-Chin The Review of International Organizations 18, 499-521
252022Aiding Digital Repression: The Effects of Chinese Communication Aid on Media Freedom吳文欽 
262022一個人或一個時代:習近平執政十週年的檢視吳玉山 ; 寇健文; 王信賢臺北市
272022習近平現象吳玉山 一個人或一個時代:習近平執政十週年的檢視 (臺北市 : 五南)
282022「黨政融合」與習近平中國的集權化領導蔡文軒 一個人或一個時代:習近平執政十週年的檢視 (臺北市 : 五南)
292022從比較共產主義看中共百年吳玉山 一個人或一個時代:習近平執政十週年的檢視 (臺北市 : 五南)
312022The Role of China’s County-level Research Offices in Policy AdaptationTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Gang TianJournal of Chinese Political Science 27, 661-679
322022Vaccine Nationalism among the Public: A Cross-country Experimental Evidence of Own-country Bias towards COVID-19 VaccinationBarceló, Joan; Greg Chih-Hsin Sheen; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu Social Science & Medicine 310, 115278
332022Image of China among the Taiwanese Public: Results from Two List ExperimentsWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin
342022Autocracy and Human CapitalChang, Eric C. C.; Wen-Chin Wu World Development 157, 105929
352022When do Diplomatic Protests Boomerang? Foreign Protests against US Arms Sales and Domestic Public Support in TaiwanKagotani, Koji; Wen-Chin Wu International Studies Quarterly 66(3), sqac043
362022A Supplement to Heilmann’s “Experimentation Under Hierarchy”: The Politics of Chinese Industrial Innovation in the Xi EraLin, Ruihua; Wen-Hsuan Tsai China Perspectives 2022/3, 43-52
372022霸權與挑戰:國際關係理論的詮釋吳玉山 ; 傅澤民
392022政治經濟發展吳親恩 ; 林奕孜
422022中國的多邊外交冷則剛 ; 賴潤瑤
442022Politics of Urban Cultural Preservation and Regeneration: The Case of South Korea and TaiwanPark, Byung-Bae; Tse-Kang Leng ; Kuan-Hsuan WuJournal of Contemporary East Asia Studies 11(2), 300-328
452022Distributive Unfairness, National Pride, and Willingness to Fight: Evidence from TaiwanWu, Wen-Chin 
462022框構『科創』:習近平中國對臺統戰的敘事分析林瑞華; 蔡文軒 
472022Chinese Foreign Aid and Media CensorshipLai, Ding-Yi; Wen-Cheng Lin; Wen-Chin Wu 
492022Intra-executive Conflicts as a Way to Build Political Trust: Evidence from European Semi-Presidential CountriesWu, Chin-en ; Huang-Ting Yan
512022Right on the Faultline: Ukraine and TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
522022Air Quality Governance in China: Authoritarian Environmentalism and the Coal-to-Gas Switch CampaignChou, Chelsea C.; Terry Chih-Sung Teng; Chin-en Wu ; Kuan-Chen LeeAir Pollution Governance in East Asia (London : Routledge)
532022Vaccine Nationalism Among the Public: Experimental Evidence of Country-of-Origin Bias towards COVID-19 VaccinationBarceló, Joan; Greg Chih-Hsin Sheen; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu 
542022China’s Overseas Development Program and Gender Equality in AfricaLin, Wen-Cheng; Wen-Chin Wu 
552022Chinese Foreign Aid and Media CensorshipLai, Ding-Yi; Wen-Cheng Lin; Wen-Chin Wu 
562022Punishing Environmental Offenders: Court Decisions of Environmental Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
572022Bringing the Strategic Triangle Back: The Role of Small and Medium States in US-PRC RivalryWu, Yu-Shan New Asian Disorder: Rivalries Embroiling the Pacific Century (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press)
582022Fast Track Promotion for Grassroots Cadres: The Xuandiaosheng System in Xi Jinping’s ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoIssues & Studies 58(1), 2150018
592022既見林又見樹:臺灣金融機構搶案及其他犯罪防治的多元視角吳重禮 ; 潘競恒; 蔡藹玲公共行政學報 第62期,頁123-132
602022黨派立場、意識形態與選區經濟利益交織下的美國國會貿易政治:以「跨太平洋夥伴協定」為例吳文欽 歐美研究 第52卷第1期,頁1-41
612022China’s Cloud Governance: The Big Data Bureau and COVID-19 Crisis ManagementLin, Ruihua; Hsin-Hsien Wang; Wen-Hsuan Tsai China Review 22(1), 135-158
622022The Mongolian Semi-Presidential Constitution and Its Democratic PerformanceSumaadii, Mina; Yu-Shan Wu Central Asian Survey 41(1), 100-117
632022Contemporary Chinese Martial Arts and the Manipulation of Cultural PositioningLin, Zhengwei; Wen-Hsuan Tsai Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies 11(1), 107-123
642022The Chinese Communist Party Celebrates Its Centennial: Xi Jinping Asserts His Authority over Cadres and the MassesTsai, Wen-Hsuan Past as Prologue: Studying Party History for Xi’s New Era (Party Watch Annual Report 2021) (Washington, DC, USA : Center for Advanced China Research)
652022Regime Types and Winner-Loser Gaps in Support for Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chun-Ying ; Chin-en WuDemocratization 29(6), 1157-1175
662022Power Sharing and Media Freedom in DictatorshipsSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu Political Communication 39(2), 202-221
672022Active vs. Passive Ambivalent Voters: Implications for Interactive Political Communication and ParticipationChingching Chang ; Chung-li Wu Communication Research
702021社經背景、投票選擇與對民主改革之支持度—民主轉型期立委選舉之觀察吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第18卷第4期,頁1-42
712021What Can Comparative Authoritarianism Tell Us About China Under Xi Jinping (and Vice Versa)?Tung, Hans H.; Wen-Chin Wu Issues & Studies 57(4), 2150013
722021Citizen Journalism Reduces the Credibility Deficit of Authoritarian Government in Risk Communication Amid COVID-19 OutbreaksSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu PLoS ONE 16(12), e0260961
732021Inclusiveness in Governance: Why Is the Chinese Authoritarian Regime Not Democratizing?Hsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi ChouThe Volatility and Future of Democracies in Asia (London and New York : Routledge)
742021Distributive Unfairness, National Pride, and Willingness to Fight: Evidence from TaiwanWu, Wen-Chin 
752021The Institutional Changes of Communist Youth League, Critical Juncture, and the China’s Political Development蔡文軒 
762021領導調研、政策行銷,與習近平『系統觀念』的建構蔡文軒 ; 魏嬿婨
772021民族主義、普遍化信任及中國對美國影響的態度傅澤民; 潘欣欣; 吳文欽 中國新外交:台日韓三方比較視野 (臺北市 : 五南圖書)
782021Institutional Changes, Influences and Historical Junctures in the Communist Youth League of ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoThe China Quarterly 248(Supplement S1), 161-180
792021The Impact of Han Kuo-yu’s Populist Rhetoric in the 2018 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election (韓國瑜民粹論述對2018年高雄市長選舉的影響)Nathan F. Batto 選舉研究 第28卷第2期,頁47-94
802021Medium and Small Countries on the Geostrategic Faultline: Hegemonic Rivalry and the PandemicWu, Yu-Shan 
812021WHO Approves? The WHO’s Credibility and Support for China’s COVID-19 Vaccines: Survey Evidence from TaiwanSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Chien-hui Wu; Wen-Chin Wu 
832021誰相信陰謀論?臺灣民眾相信新冠肺炎陰謀論因素探析黃琝戩; 吳文欽 ; 沈智新; 童涵浦
842021Politics of Cultural Preservation and Memory in South Korea and TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang ; Byungbae Park; Kuan-Hsuan Wu
852021兩岸關係對2016年和2020年總統選舉的影響方淇; 吳重禮 2020年總統選舉:新時代的開端 (臺北市 : 五南圖書)
862021Will the U.S. Come to Taiwan’s Defense? Analysis of Public Opinion from both Taiwan and the United StatesWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin; Chingching Chang
872021The Dual Elite Recruitment Logic in Xi Jinping’s ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
882021Measuring State–Society Interactions in China’s Evolutionary Governance: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)Hsu, Szu-chien ; Chun-chih ChangEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
892021Evolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under AuthoritarianismHsu, Szu-chien ; Kellee S. Tsai; Chun-chih ChangCambridge, MA, USA
902021Cellularized Civil Society: Public Participation in Community GovernanceHsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi ChouEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
912021Not a Zero-Sum Game: State–Society Interaction and Anti-Incinerator Campaigns in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien ; Chin-chih WangEvolutionary Governance in China: State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism (Cambridge, MA, USA : Harvard University Asia Center)
922021The Red Culture and Political Economy of Museums in ShanghaiLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rong-Yi ChenChina Review 21(3), 247-270
932021Revisiting Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism at a Critical JunctureWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan: Environmental, Political and Social Issues (New York, USA : Nova Science Publishers)
942021How the Rising Power Treats Small States in Power Transition: Evidence from China–Serindia Relations During the Sixth and Seventh CenturiesWan,, Xiao; Yu-Shan Wu 
952021The 26th World Congress of the International Political Science AssociationWu, Chin-en 
972021疫情訊息透明度與防疫政策成效評估吳文欽 研下知疫:COVID-19 的人文社會省思 (臺北市 : 中央研究院出版中心)
982021國防體系政治支持和司法廉潔的實證分析吳重禮 政策與人力管理 第12卷第1期,頁1-15
992021從比較共產主義看中共百年吳玉山 政治學報 第71期,頁1-31
1002021政府危機處理與施政評價:論領導人印象對防疫表現評估的影響方淇; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第25卷第1期,頁1-50
1012021The Chinese Communist Party’s Control of Online Public Opinion: Towards Networked AuthoritarianismTsai, Wen-Hsuan The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies (London : Routledge)
1022021Personalization of Power and Social Welfare Spending under DictatorshipsLai, Ding-yi; Jen-Der Lue; Wen-Chin Wu 
1032021How Policies Are Adapted: The Roles of Local Think Tanks in China’s New EraTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Ruihua LinChina Review 2(2), 153-176
1042021社會距離與兩岸關係認知:臺灣民眾統獨立場的實證分析方淇; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第28卷第1期,頁103-148
1052021Campaign Finance in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
1062021超越川普的川普主義吳玉山 思想 第42期,頁67-75
1082021犯罪防治與循證公共政策的對話:以1982-2020年臺灣金融機構搶案為個案的初探分析吳重禮 ; 潘競恒; 蔡藹玲公共行政學報 第60期,頁97-130
1092021Introduction: Populism in Asian DemocraciesLee, Sook Jong; Chin-en Wu ; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
1102021Populism in Taiwan: A Bottom-Up ModelWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han ChuPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
1112021Conclusion: Sources and Features of Asian DemocraciesWu, Chin-en ; Sook Jong Lee; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
1122021Populism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and ImpactsLee, Sook Jong; Chin-en Wu ; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayLeiden, Netherlands
1132021Ideological Education and Practical Training at a County Party School: Shaping Local Governance in Contemporary ChinaTian, Gang; Wen-Hsuan Tsai The China Journal 85, 1-25
1142021Intergenerational Mobility and Preference for Redistribution: Evidence from East AsiaLai, Ding-yi; Jen-Der Lue; Wen-Chin Wu Journal of Asian Public Policy 14(1), 45-62
1152021Hobbling Big Brother: Top-level Design and Local Discretion in China’s Social Credit SystemTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Hsin-Hsien Wang; Ruihua LinThe China Journal 86, 1-20
1162021The Long-Term Effects of State Repression on Political Behavior and Attitudes: Evidence from TaiwanChiou, Fang-Yi ; Ji Yeon HongJournal of East Asian Studies 21(3), 427-448
1172021Dual Elite Recruitment Logic and Political Manipulation under Xi JinpingKou, Chien-Wen; Wen-Hsuan Tsai Issues & Studies 57(04), 2150015
1182021Strategic Voting Revisited: The Case of the 2018 Taipei City Mayoral ElectionWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin; Chingching Chang Japanese Journal of Political Science 22(3), 175-191
1192021The Elephant in the Voting Booth? Assessing the Effect of the 2005 Taiwanese Electoral Reform in Reducing Vote-Buying and Local Factional PoliticsChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Chung-li Wu Asian Survey 61(4), 641-662
1202021Protesters on Trial: Examining Factors Influencing District Court Decisions in Social Protest Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu Social Movement Studies 21(6), 833-853
1212020聯合國可持續發展目標的跨國比較與分析吳文欽 ; 陳蓉怡; 賴定佾
1232020Reserve Cadres 2.0 and the Xuandiaosheng System During the Xi Jinping PeriodTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
1242020Citizen Journalism and Credibility of Authoritarian Government in Risk Communication Regarding the 2020 COVID-19 Outbreak: A Survey Experiment沈智新; 童涵浦; 吳文欽 
1252020社會信任何時會促進治理改革: 政權類型的作用吳親恩 ; 周廣宣
1262020政府危機處理與施政評價:論領導人印象對防疫表現評估的影響方淇; 吳重禮 
1272020政權類型與經濟改革吳親恩 ; 李晨心
1292020How Shall Small and Medium Powers in Asia Position Themselves? — The Case of TaiwanWu, Wen-Chin 
1302020斯拉夫的世界:東西競逐與歷史重現吳玉山 認識全球──臺大全球通識講座 (臺北市 : 國立臺灣大學出版中心)
1312020制度選擇與政府型態的反思:切中要點還是言過其實?吳重禮 臺灣民主季刊 第17卷第4期,頁145-154
1322020Partnership on the Ice: Power Politics and Economic Engagement in Sino-Russian Arctic DiplomacyLeng, Tse-Kang ; Zhu-Cheng Zhao政治學報 第70期,頁1-39
1332020Citizen Journalism and Credibility of Authoritarian Government in Risk Communication Regarding the 2020 COVID-19 Outbreak: A Survey Experiment吳文欽 ; 沈智新; 童涵浦
1342020Distributive Unfairness, National Pride, and Willingness to Fight: Evidence from TaiwanWu, Wen-Chin 
1362020The Acceptance and Rejection of Han Kuo-yu’s Populist Rhetoric, 2018-2020鮑彤 
1372020香港最低工資調整的政治經濟分析吳親恩 ; 練暐妍
1382020Social Media, Disinformation, and Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Taiwan Foundation for DemocracySocial Media, Disinformation and Democracy in Asia: Country Cases (South Korea : Asia Democracy Research Network)
1392020From Semi-presidentialism to Parliamentarism: The Case of Mongolia米娜; 吳玉山 
1402020Process Tracing of Policy Diffusion: An Analysis of “Institutional Isomorphism” in the Context of Chinese GovernanceTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
1412020How to Formulate Policies with Adaptability: The Roles and Functions of Local Think Tanks in the Xi Jinping EraTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Ruihua Lin
1422020Arctic Diplomacy and East AsiaLeng, Tse-Kang 
1432020Caught in the Bipolar Rivalry: Two Logics that Determine the Behaviors of Medium and Small CountriesWu, Yu-Shan 
1442020Nationalism, Generalized Trust, and Chinese Attitudes’ Toward American InfluenceFu, Ronan Tse-min; Hsin-Hsin Pan; Wen-Chin Wu 
1452020中央行政體制:國務院與全國人大蔡文軒 中國大陸概論 (臺北市 : 五南)
1462020Toward a Greener Island: Court Decisions of Environmental Lawsuits in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
1472020Dynastic Politics: Evidence from Local Elections in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. 
1482020Protesters on Trial: Examining Factors Influencing Court Decisions in Social Protest Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
1492020Preferential Trade Agreements, Democracy, and the Risk of Coups d’étatWu, Wen-Chin ; Fangjin YeSocial Science Quarterly 101(5), 1834-1849
1502020The KMT in PowerBatto, Nathan F. Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years (Boulder, CO, USA : Lynne Rienner Publishers)
1512020Review of The Taiwan Voter, edited by Christopher H. Achen and T.Y. Wang (2017)Batto, Nathan F. International Journal of Taiwan Studies 3(2), 363-366
1522020IntroductionHsu, Szu-chien ; Anne-Marie Brady; J. Michael ColeInsidious Power: How China Undermines Global Democracy (Manchester, UK : Eastbridge Books)
1532020Insidious Power: How China Undermines Global DemocracyHsu, Szu-chien ; J. Michael ColeManchester, UK
1542020Strengthening China’s Powerful Commission for Discipline Inspection under Xi Jinping, with a Case Study at the County LevelLiao, Xingmiu; Wen-Hsuan Tsai China Journal 84, 29-50
1552020臺中市長候選人的政見比較與選舉結果的實證分析李泰德; 吳重禮 政見研究方法論 (嘉義縣民雄鄉 : 國立中正大學政治學系)
1562020國安危機與自由主義的存續吳玉山 思想 第40期,頁1-25
1572020不均衡戰略三角與兩岸關係的比較性研究吳玉山 資訊時代下的世界新秩序、新典範與新治理 (新北市 : 致知學術)
1582020US Arms Sales, Diplomatic Protests, and Patriotism in TaiwanKagotani, Koji; Wen-Chin Wu 
1592020Capital Openness, Bilateral Investment Treaties, and Coups d’État: A Mediation AnalysisWu, Wen-Chin ; Fangjin Ye
1602020Caught in the Bipolar Rivalry: The Peculiar Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
1622020國際貿易與金融吳文欽 國際關係總論 (臺北市 : 揚智)
1632020Partisan Conflict and Citizens’ Democratic Attitudes: How Partisanship Shapes Reactions to Legislative BrawlsBatto, Nathan F. ; Emily BeaulieuThe Journal of Politics 82(1), 315-328
1642020Does Cross-Strait Tourism Induce Peace? Evidence from Survey Data on Chinese Tourists and Non-TouristsPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wen-Chin Wu ; Yu-Tzung ChangInternational Relations of the Asia-Pacific 20(1), 149-181
1652020Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relations: A Synthetic PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(2), 168-186
1662020Delegation of Committee Reports in the European ParliamentChiou, Fang-Yi ; Silje SL Hermansen; Bjørn HøylandEuropean Union Politics 21(2), 233-254
1672020Mobilizing Cadre Incentives in Policy Implementation: Poverty Alleviation in a Chinese CountyTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoChina Information 34(1), 45-67
1682020Penetrating the Grassroots: First-Secretaries-in-Residence and Rural Politics in Contemporary ChinaLiao, Xingmiu; Wen-Hsuan Tsai ; Zheng-Wei LinProblems of Post-Communism 67(2), 169-179
1692020A Mechanism of Coded Communication: Xinwen Lianbo and CCP PoliticsTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoModern China
1712019Social Media, Disinformation, and Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
1722019The Certainty of Uncertainty: Taiwanese Public Opinion on U.S.–Taiwan Relations in the Early Trump PresidencyWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei LinWorld Affairs 182(4), 350-369
1732019從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究吳玉山 ; 王信賢台北市
1742019維繫傳統、與時俱進:半世紀來東亞所課程的變與不變褚填正; 吳玉山 從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
1752019導論:周雖舊邦、其命維新吳玉山 ; 王信賢從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與台灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
1762019東亞所的創建與中國大陸研究:政治與學術的互動吳玉山 ; 褚填正從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與臺灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
1772019揉合於區域研究與學科導向的中國研究:以當代東亞所學術社群的英文著作為例蔡文軒 ; 寇健文從一所看一學科:政大東亞所與臺灣的中國大陸研究 (台北市 : 五南)
1782019Taiwan and the Evolution of Cross-Straits RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
1792019Is There a Social Desirability Bias in Taiwanese People’s Perceptions of China? Results from a List ExperimentLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu ; Chingching Chang
1802019自由主義的危機—獨立機制的崩壞吳玉山 臺灣與民主的距離 (台北市 : 聯經)
1812019五四的時代意義──從當代自由主義的危機談起吳玉山 再現、傳承與超越:五四運動一百年:2019海峽兩岸暨香港人文社會科學論壇 (桃園市 : 國立中央大學)
1822019Do Cohorts Matter? Cohort Analysis and Value-Difference Impressions of a Rising ChinaWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei LinPolitical Studies Review 17(4), 391-415
1832019Intermediate Agents in the Resistance Process: Petition Brokers and Social Governance in Contemporary ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu Liao; Chen, Chien-MinChina: An International Journal 17(4), 155- 167
1842019The Impending Rise of the “Tsinghua Clique”: Cultivation, Transfer, and Relationships in Chinese Elite PoliticsTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoJournal of Contemporary China 28(120), 948-964
1852019Please Be My Friend: The Taiwanese Public’s Ally Preferences between the United States and ChinaLin, Alex Min-wei; Chung-li Wu 選舉研究 第26卷第2期,頁87-112
1862019兩強間中小國家的抉擇:一個理論的視角吳玉山 左右逢源還是左右為難?中小型國家在兩強間的抉擇 (台中市 : 奇果創新國際)
1872019Xi Jinping’s Personality and Political Manipulation: The Dual Elite Recruitment Logic in Contemporary ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Chien-wen Kou; Jiun-yao Shih
1882019Asian Responses to the Nordic DiplomacyLeng, Tse-Kang 
1902019Setting the Stage for Constitutional Development: May Fourth and Its AftermathWu, Yu-Shan 
1912019左右逢源還是左右為難?中小型國家在兩強間的抉擇吳玉山 ; 楊三億台中市
1922019Income Inequality, Distributive Unfairness, and Support for Democracy: Evidence from East Asia and Latin AmericaWu, Wen-Chin ; Yu-Tzung ChangDemocratization 26(8), 1475-1492
1932019Social Constructionism and the Significance of Political Rumors in Contemporary China: Weapons of the WeakTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Zheng-Wei LinAsian Survey 59(5), 870-888
1942019Personalization of Power and Social Welfare Spending under DictatorshipsWen-Chin Wu ; Ding-Yi Lai; Jen-Der Lue
1952019Equality of Opportunity and Satisfaction with the Political System: The Mediating Role of Regime TypeChu, Yun-han; Chin-en Wu Inequality and Democratic Politics in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
1962019How do Bilateral Investment Treaties Reduce the Risk of Coups d’état in Dictatorships: A Mediation AnalysisWu, Wen-Chin ; Fangjin Ye
1972019林繼文的半總統制研究吳玉山 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
1982019Integrated Fragmentation and the Role of Leading Small Groups in Chinese PoliticsTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Wang ZhouThe China Journal 82, 1-22
1992019林繼文與選舉研究吳親恩 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
2002019政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集冷則剛 ; 吳文欽 ; 吳玉山 ; 吳親恩 台北
2012019林繼文的兩岸關係研究吳文欽 ; 冷則剛 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
2022019Coups and Democratization: A Mediation Analysis吳文欽 ; 黃彥棕 
2032019Air Pollution and Trust in Governments in ChinaWu, Chin-en ; Chih-sung Teng; Chelsea Chia-chen Chou; Kuan-Chen Lee
2052019Do the “Haves” Come Out Ahead? Resource Disparity in Public‐Land Usurpation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Social Science Quarterly 100(4), 1215-1227
2072019兩岸議題的幻想與現實:國會肢體衝突案例之分析蔡韻竹; 鮑彤 ; 林逸婷
2082019The Efficient Promotion of Policy Implementation: Institutionalized Mobilization and a Case of Poverty Alleviation in China’s H CountyTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
2092019Museum Politics and Local Transformation in ChinaLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rong-Yi Chen
2112019台灣各縣市貪腐資料時空再掃描——以地方法院判決資料為例廖興中; 徐明莉; 吳重禮 
2122019A Mechanism of Coded Communication: Xinwen Lianbo and CCP Politics蔡文軒 
2132019Social Mobility and Preference to Redistribution: Evidence from East AsiaLai, Ding-Yi; Jen-Der Lue; Wen-Chin Wu 
2152019How Taiwan Sees China: Evidence from a List ExperimentLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
2162019Electoral Prospects and Participation in Legislative BrawlsBatto, Nathan F. 
2172019Intermediate Agents in the Resistance Process: Petition Brokers and Social Governance in Contemporary ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu Liao
2182019Power-Sharing and Media Freedom under DictatorshipsSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans H. Tung; Wen-Chin Wu 
2192019Populism in AsiaWu, Chin-en 
2202019Assessing the Effects of Political Factors on Court Decisions in Corruption Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Asian Survey 59(2), 295-314
2212019Political Economy of Minimum Wage Policies in South Korea and Taiwan: Partisan versus Non-partisan Decision MakingKim, Dongryul; Chin-en Wu 
2222019Does Democracy Enhance Intergenerational Justice? –Evidence from the European UnionWu, Wen-Chin ; Chun-Chien Yang
2232019Bringing the Strategic Triangle Back: The Role of Small and Medium States in US-PRC RivalryWu, Yu-Shan 
2242019The Effect of Authoritarian Regime Types on the Progress of Transitional Justice in TaiwanChang Liao, Nien-chung; Wen-Chin Wu 
2252019Managing Irregular Petitions in China: Two Types of Social Control Strategy within the Authoritarian RegimeLiao, Xingmiu; Wen-Hsuan Tsai Journal of East Asian Studies 19(1), 1-18
2262019Cleavage Structure and the Demise of a Dominant Party: The Role of National Identity in the Fall of the KMT in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 4(1), 81-101
2272019Clientelistic State Corporatism: The United Front Model of “Pairing-up” in the Xi Jinping EraLiao, Xingmiu; Wen-Hsuan Tsai China Review 19(1), 31-56
2292019Female Electoral Success in Taiwan Using SNTV with Reserved Female Seats under Authoritarianism and DemocracyBatto, Nathan F. International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2(1), 111-137
2302019Model of behavioural strategies for coping with party ambivalenceChang, Chingching ; Wu, Chung-li Political Science 71(1), 17-39
2322018Caught between Two Great Powers: A Comparative Framework across Time and SpaceWu, Yu-Shan 
2332018東亞所的創建與中國大陸研究─政治與學術的互動吳玉山 ; 褚填正東亞研究 第49卷第2期,頁1-28
2342018揉合區域研究與學科導向的中國研究:以當代東亞所學術社群的英文著作為例蔡文軒 ; 寇健文東亞研究 第49卷第2期,頁53-82
2352018Populism in Taiwan: A Bottom-up ModelWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu
2372018Autocracy, Inequality, and Human CapitalWu, Wen-Chin ; Eric C. C. Chang
2402018Penetrating the Grassroots: First Secretaries-in Residence and Rural Politics in Contemporary蔡文軒 
2412018抗爭過程的仲介行為者:上訪掮客與當代中國的社會治理蔡文軒 ; 廖幸謬
2422018Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relation: A Synthetic PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
2432018Sino-Russia Relationship and Arctic Diplomacy: Power Politics and Economic EngagementLeng, Tse-Kang ; Zhao Zhu-Cheng
2442018Thriving of the ‘Tsinghua Clique’: The System of Cultivation/Transfer and Relationship MaintainingTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu Liao
2452018Gender Quotas and Upward Mobility in Elections in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 39(4), 451-466
2462018臺灣縣市政府貪腐現象的再檢視:以地方法院司法判決為例吳重禮 公共行政學報 第55期,頁109-121
2472018Please be My Friend: Taiwanese Public’s Perceptions of National Ally between the United States and ChinaLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
2482018Elite Heterogeneity and Media Freedom Under DictatorshipsSheen, Greg Chih-Hsin; Hans Hanpu Tung; Wen-Chin Wu 
2492018Do Ordinary People Dislike Dynastic Politicians? Evidence from TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. ; Ying-lung Chou
2502018The CCP’s Strategies for Managing Irregular Petitions and Sporadic TotalitarianismTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
2512018Will Democracy Identity Strengthen Defense Commitment?: Taiwan as a CaseHsu, Szu-chien ; Shiau-chi Shen
2522018自由主義國際秩序的內外挑戰—從福山的論述談起吳玉山 從歷史的終結到民主的崩壞—法蘭西斯.福山講座 (台北市 : 聯經)
2532018Why Study Political Dynasties? Popular Expectations of How Politicians from Political Families Will Perform in OfficeBatto, Nathan F. 
2542018Popular Perspectives on Dynastic Politicians in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. ; Ying-lung Chou; Chi Huang
2552018International Trade and Democratic Values – Evidence from the Asian Barometer SurveysTung, Hans; Wen-Chin Wu 
2562018Globalization and Democratic Citizenship of Youth in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Feng-Yu Lee; Wen-Chin Wu 
2572018Modes of Exit from Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
2582018The KMT Coalition Unravels: The 2016 Elections and Taiwan’s New Political LandscapeBatto, Nathan F. A New Era in Democratic Taiwan: Trajectories and Turning Points in Politics and Cross-Strait Relations (London : Routledge)
2592018Medical Politics and the CCP’s Healthcare System for State LeadersTsai, Wen-Hsuan Journal of Contemporary China 27(14), 942-955
2602018The Authority, Functions, and Political Intrigues of the General Office of the Chinese Communist PartyTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoThe China Journal 80, 46-67
2612018State of Democracy in Asia: Populism Report (Taiwan)Wu, Chin-en 
2622018Shrinking Civic Spaces in Asia (Taiwan)Wu, Chin-en 
2632018立委問政評鑑與連任成敗鮑彤 ; 蔡韻竹; 林逸婷
2642018Using Ecological Inference to Examine Split-Ticket Voting in Taiwan’s 2016 General ElectionBatto, Nathan F. 
2652018The History-Informed IR Study on the Resurgence of ChinaWu, Yu-Shan Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
2662018China’s Arctic Diplomacy: Global and Regional AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
2672018IntroductionLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rumi AoyamaDecoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives (Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan)
2682018Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rumi AoyamaSingapore
2692018Inequality, Human Capital, and Authoritarian PoliticsChang, Eric C. C.; Wen-Chin Wu 
2702018The DPP Ascendancy and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan’s Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges (Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan)
2712018Legacy Candidates in Taiwan Elections, 2001-2016: Just a Bunch of BulliesBatto, Nathan F. Asian Survey 58(3), 486-510
2722018The Political Consequences of Deliberative Democracy and Electoral Democracy in China: An Empirical Comparative Analysis from Four CountiesMa, Deyong; Szu-chien Hsu China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China 18(2), 1-31
2732018Partisan Conflict and Citizens’ Democratic Attitudes: How Partisan Support Shapes Reactions to Legislative BrawlsBatto, Nathan F. ; Emily A. Beaulieu
2742018The Certainty of Uncertainty: Taiwanese Public Opinion on US-Taiwan Relations in the Early Trump PresidencyLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
2752018有限民主治理與威權鞏固:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算為例(2008-2015)徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠遠景基金會季刊 第19卷第2期,頁83-120
2762018總統直選與半總統制憲政運作吳玉山 總統直選與民主臺灣 (新北市 : 致知)
277201801.故院長講座. 王世杰院長講座「多重社會分歧下的政黨競爭:一個比較的視野」吳玉山 
2782018The Impact of Elections and Political Succession on Cross-Strait Relation: An Integrated PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
2792018How ‘Networked Authoritarianism’ was Operationalized in China: Methods and Procedures of Public Opinion ControlTsai, Wen-Hsuan Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age: Internet, Media, and Public Opinion (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
2802018中國再起:歷史與國關的對話吳玉山 台北市
2812018歷史與國關吳玉山 中國再起:歷史與國關的對話 (台北市 : 台灣大學人文社會高等研究院,東亞儒學研究中心)
2822018Rethinking Coalition Size and Trade Policies in Authoritarian Regimes: Are Single-Party Dictatorships Less Protectionist?Wu, Wen-Chin Party Politics
2832017Controlled Fragmented Authoritarianism: Operations of the Chinese Communist Party’s “Deliberation and Coordination Agencies” and Xi Jinping’s Centralization Mechanism”Tsai, Wen-Hsuan 
2852017Social Divide and the Function of Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
2862017「清華幫」興盛的制度解釋:栽培/輸送體系與關係維繫蔡文軒 ; 廖幸謬
2872017婚姻狀況與統獨態度吳親恩 ; 徐德成
2882017How China Takes a Lead in Promoting Free Trade: Evidence from the RCEP Negotiations吳文欽 
2892017Governing Local Cultural Heritages: Tianjin and Nanjing in Comparative AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rung-yi Chen
2902017Air Pollution and Political Support in China: Evidence from the Wave 4 Asian Barometer Survey吳親恩 ; 鄧志松; 周嘉辰
2912017Uncle Sam in the Eyes of the Chinese Citizens – Evidence from the Asian Barometer Survey in China潘欣欣; 傅澤民; 吳文欽 
2922017Do Generations Matter? Cohort Effects and Postmaterialist Impressions of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
2932017侍從型國家統合主義:習近平時期「結對子」的統戰模式蔡文軒 ; 廖幸謬
2942017半總統制權力三角的邏輯吳玉山 半總統制下的權力三角:總統、國會、內閣 (台北市 : 五南)
2952017半總統制下的權力三角:總統、國會、內閣沈有忠; 吳玉山 台北市
2962017Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategies of Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace (Oakland, CA, USA : University of California Press)
2972017Equality, Equity and Regime Evaluation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
2982017Sources of Regime Legitimacy in East Asian SocietiesChu, Yun-han; Chin-en Wu 
2992017Why is Chinese Authoritarian Regime not Democratizing and What is its Future Prospect?Hsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi Chou
3022017Constitutional Divergence in East Asia: Causes and ConsequencesWu, Yu-shan ; Yu-chung ShenRoutledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
3032017Globalization, Growth Models, and Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en Routledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
3042017影響台灣民眾公平正義與發展機會評估的因素吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第14卷第3期,頁1-44
3052017Uncle Sam in the Eyes of the Chinese CitizensPan, Hsin-Hsin; Ronan Tse-min Fu; Wen-Chin Wu ; Min-Hua Huang
3062017Sub-Types of Semi-Presidentialism and Ethnic ViolenceLee, Feng-yu; Chin-en Wu 
3072017Framing Effects of Pro-Gay and Pro-Family Activism in TaiwanDai, Shih-chan; Chung-li Wu 
3082017Accounting for Legislative Candidate's Donation and SpendingTsai, Chia-hung; Nathan F. Batto ; Su-Feng Cheng; Ching-hsin Yu
3092017優勢政黨與民主:亞洲經驗的省思孫采薇; 吳玉山 台北市
3102017亞洲優勢政黨的研究議程吳玉山 優勢政黨與民主:亞洲經驗的省思 (台北市 : 巨流)
3112017Economic Growth Rate and Regime DynamicsWu, Chin-en 
3122017Preferential Trade Agreements, Democracy, and the Risk of Coups d’etatWu, Wen-Chin 
3132017Political Participation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Tzu-Ping LiuThe Taiwan Voter (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
3142017Enabling China’s Voice to Be Heard by the World: Ideas and Operations of the Chinese Communist Party’s External Propaganda SystemTsai, Wen-Hsuan Problems of Post-Communism 64(3-4), 203-213
3152017Preferential Trade Agreements, Democracy, and the Risk of Coups d’étatWu, Wen-Chin 
3162017民主化後的立法院議事攻防:以肢體衝突為例蔡韻竹; 鮑彤 ; 翁定暐
3172017Local State Adaptation and Grassroots Participation: Tianjin and Nanjing’s Preservation of Cultural Relics in Comparative AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang ; Rung-yi Chen
3182017The Enigma of Presidential Power: Parties, Policies, and Strategic Uses of Unilateral ActionChiou, Fang-Yi ; Lawrence RothenbergNew York, USA
3192017Assessing the Effects of Political Factors on Court Decisions in Corruption Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
3202017Storming the Podium: Parliamentary Brawls as a Dilatory Tactic in the Taiwanese LegislatureBatto, Nathan F. ; Yun-chu Tsai
3212017Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategic Choice by Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan 
3222017Distributive Fairness and Regime Support: Evidence from East Asia and Latin AmericaWu, Wen-Chin 
3232017Fairness of Income Distribution and Support for Democracy: Framing of Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
3242017Medical Politics of the Chinese Communist Party: The Operation of Biopower and the Healthcare System for Senior Cadres蔡文軒 
3252017The KMT as a Presidentialized Party: Party Leaders and Shifts in China DiscourseBatto, Nathan F. 
3262017Education, News Media and Information: Critical Democrats?Wu, Wen-Chin ; Yun-han Chu
3272017Partisan Divergence and Public Support for the Courts of TaiwanWu, Chung-li Japanese Journal of Political Science 18(1), 139-154
3282017The China Factor and Taiwan’s Civil Society Organizations in the Sunflower Movement: The Case of the Democratic Front against the Cross-Strait Service Trade AgreementHsu, Szu-chien Taiwan’s Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou: From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers (London and New York : Routledge)
3292017Think Tanks and Policy Influence in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
3302017Does China’s Middle Class Prefer (Liberal) Democracy?Wu, Wen-Chin ; Yu-tzung Chang; Hsin-Hsin PanDemocratization 24(2), 347-366
3312017Framing the Funeral: Death Rituals of Chinese Communist Party LeadersTsai, Wen-Hsuan The China Journal 77, 51-71
3322017Big Government Sentiment and Support for Protectionism in East AsiaWu, Wen-Chin International Political Science Review
3332017How Chinese Citizens Perceive Cross-Strait Relations: Survey Results from Ten Major Cities in ChinaPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wen-Chin Wu ; Yu-tzung ChangJournal of Contemporary China 26(106), 616-631
3342017Domestic Motivation and the Case of the East China Sea ADIZ: Diversion or Mobilization?Hsu, Hsiao-chi; Szu-chien Hsu Asian Perspective 41(3), 455-480
3352017A Model of Adaptive Mobilization: Implications of the CCP’s Diaoyan PoliticsTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Yen-lin ChungModern China 43(4), 397-424
3362017學門發展趨勢與展望:法律學、政治學、經濟學人文與社會科學簡訊編輯部; 賴景昌 ; 彭信坤 ; 黃銘傑; 吳重禮 ; 黃舒芃 人文與社會科學簡訊 第18卷第4期,頁28-35
3372016Why does Trade not Promote Democratization? Strategic Choice of Trade Openness in Authoritarian Regimes吳文欽 
3392016Hedging, Strategic Partnership, and Taiwan’s Relations with Japan under the Ma Ying-jeou AdministrationLeng, Tse-Kang ; Nien-chung Chang LiaoPacific Focus 31(3), 357-382
3402016台灣地方層級社會抗議之解析(1992-2008):一個政治機會結構的觀點蘇彥斌; 吳親恩 台灣政治學刊
3412016Sources and Implications of Malapportionment in Taiwan (立委選制票票不等值的源由與影響)Batto, Nathan F. 台灣政治學刊 第20卷第2期,頁263-307
3422016台灣賄選研究:以2002-2014地方議員選舉為例選舉為例吳親恩 ; 鄭子長; 林衍均
3432016社會抗爭的政治影響:土地開發、鄰避、生態與污染抗爭的探討吳親恩 ; 黃柔翡
3442016中國改革過程的風險調控:領導調研與政策擴散蔡文軒 ; 廖幸謬
3452016派系視角下的中共將領流動:以習近平時期為例蔡文軒 ; 王國臣2016中共解放軍研究學術論文集 (台北 : 國防大學政治作戰學院)
3462016Public Opinion and Partisan Conflict In Extremis: Parliamentary Brawls and Legislative ApprovalBatto, Nathan F. ; Emily Beaulieu
3472016Quality of Governance and Democratic LegitimacyPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wen-Chin Wu 
3482016Inequality and Support for DemocracyWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
3492016Authoritarian Nostalgia in Taiwan: Public Evaluations of the Chiang Ching-kuo Administration in Comparative Perspective王國臣; 邱師儀; 吳重禮 
3502016我國民主化後貪污犯罪的類型與趨勢:地方法院司法裁判書的實證研究楊和縉; 余致力; 吳重禮 
3522016國際貿易與金融吳文欽 國際關係總論(第四版) (台北市 : 揚智)
3532016尋找兩岸民主轉型的制度性因素:幹部預備軍的觀點蔡文軒 ; 陳蓉怡民主理論與中國政治發展 (上海 : 上海社會科學院出版社)
3542016Authoritarianism with Compromised Resilience: Fragmented State Implementation and Strategic NGO Responses in Guangdong’s Social Management ReformHsu, Szu-chien ; Christina ChenThe China Review
3562016Close Encounters of the First Time: Tourist Peace in the Cross-Strait RelationsPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wen-Chin Wu ; Yu-tzung Chang
3572016Parliamentary Brawls, Media Coverage, and Re-Election in Taiwan, 1987-2016Batto, Nathan F. ; Yun-chu Tsai; Ting-wei Weng
3582016Cognitive Madisonianism, Cross-Cutting Networks, and Partisan Ambivalence: Vote Choices in the 2016 Taiwanese Presidential and Legislative Yuan ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
3592016半總統制與策略性修憲吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第69期,頁1-26
3602016Strategic Choice of Small and Medium Countries Caught in Great Power Competition: Comparing East Asia and Eastern EuropeWu, Yu-Shan 
3612016Sources of Social Divide in Taiwan and its Impacts on the Function of DemocracyWu, Chin-en 
3622016Exit and Voice: Political Participation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
3632016Revisit Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism at a Critical JunctureWu, Yu-Shan 
3642016Inequality and Democratization: Micro-Level EvidenceWu, Wen-Chin ; Yu-Tzung Chang
3652016Procedural Fairness and Democratic Regime EvaluationWu, Chin-en 
3662016消失中的威權韌性──習近平時期的國家社會關係徐斯儉 ; 王占璽習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限 (台北 : 左岸時事)
3672016導論:後極權轉型的極限徐斯儉 習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限 (台北 : 左岸時事)
3682016習近平大棋局── 後極權轉型的極限徐斯儉 台北
3692016Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in ChinaLeng, Tse-Kang Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China (London : Routledge)
3702016Local Governance, Community Development, and Cultural Preservation: A Comparative Study of Four Ethnic Chinese CitiesLeng, Tse-Kang 
3712016The Mechanism of Policy diffusion among Local Governments in China: Implications of the CCP’s Diaoyan PoliticsTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
3722016Measuring State–Society Relations in the Governance of China: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)Hsu, Szu-chien ; Chun-chih Chang
3732016Cellularized Civil Society: CSOs and Public Participation in Community GovernanceHsu, Szu-chien ; Muyi Chou
3742016China’s Economic Weight on the Scale of Sino-US Confrontation: Evidence from the United Nations General Assembly Voting DataWu, Wen-Chin ; Hsin-Hsin Pan; Ronan Tse-Min Fu
3752016The KMT Coalition Unravels: The 2016 Elections and Taiwan’s New Political LandscapeBatto, Nathan F. 
3762016China’s Arctic Diplomacy: Global and Regional AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang 
3772016Access Points and Government Transparency: An Institutional Perspective吳文欽 
3782016The Resurgence of China in Historical PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan 
3792016Taiwan and Economic GlobalizationLeng, Tse-Kang Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (London : Routledge)
3802016Cross-Strait Dialogue and PoliciesWu, Yu-Shan Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (London : Routledge)
3812016我國半總統制憲法的困局與抉擇吳玉山 台灣民主之反思與前瞻 (台北市 : 臺灣民主基金會)
3822016Preferential Trade Agreements, Income Inequality, and Authoritarian SurvivalChang, Eric C. C.; Wen-Chin Wu Political Research Quarterly 69(2), 281-294
3832016Delicacies for a Privileged Class in a Risk Society: The Chinese Communist Party’s Special Supplies Food SystemTsai, Wen-Hsuan Issues & Studies 52(2), 1650005(29 pp)
3842016政黨競爭與藍綠衝突:議題演化的觀點吳重禮 ; 楊和縉; 黃俊翰台灣民主之反思與前瞻 (台北市 : 臺灣民主基金會)
3852016Parliamentary Brawls, Media Coverage, and Re-Election in Taiwan, 1987-2016Batto, Nathan F. ; Ting-wei Weng
3862016Delicacies for Privileged Class in a Risk Society: The Chinese Communist Party’s Special Supplies Food SystemTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
3872016選制改革對於投票穩定與變遷的影響:臺灣五次立委選舉的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第23卷第1期,頁63-105
3882016Partisan Politics and Redistricting in Taiwan, 2005-2007 (政黨政治與選區重劃:台灣經驗( 2005-2007年))Batto, Nathan F. 選舉研究 第23卷第1期,頁1-37
3902016Measuring Support for Democracy in ABSChang, Yutzung; Hsin-Hsin Pan; Wen-Chin Wu 
3912016Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and BeyondBatto, Nathan F. ; Chi Huang; Alexander C. Tan; Gary W. CoxAnn Arbor, MI, USA
3922016Presidents and Blank Votes in the Bolivian and Russian Mixed-Member SystemsBatto, Nathan F. ; Henry A. Kim; Natalia MatukhnoMixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
3932016Innovations in Candidate Selection MethodsYu, Eric Chen-hua; Kaori Shoji; Nathan F. Batto Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
3942016Executive Competition, Electoral Rules, and Faction Systems in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. ; Hsin-ta HuangMixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
3952016Introduction: Legislature-Centric and Executive-Centric Theories of Party Systems and Faction SystemsBatto, Nathan F. ; Gary W. CoxMixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
3962016China’s Economic Weight on the Scale of Sino-US Confrontation — Evidence from the United Nations General Assembly Voting DataWu, Wen-Chin ; Hsin-Hsin Pan; Ronan Tse-Min Fu
3972016Experience of Party Alternation and Winner-Loser Gap in Democratic Values among East Asian Countries?Wu, Chun-Ying; Chin-En Wu 
3982016The Psychological Cognition for Divided Government and Vote Choices in Taiwan: The 2016 Presidential and Legislative Yuan ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
3992016Gender Quotas and Career Paths in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. 
4002016Games Without Frontiers, War Without Tears? The Process of Campaigning in the 2016 Taiwanese General ElectionsWu, Chung-li American Journal of Chinese Studies 23(1), 25-40
4012016Heading towards Troubled Waters? The Impact of Taiwan’s 2016 Elections on Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan American Journal of Chinese Studies 23(1), 59-75
4022016Presidential Unilateral Action: Partisan Influence and Presidential PowerChiou, Fang-Yi ; Lawrence RothenbergPublic Choice 167(1), 145-171
4032016Rethinking Local State Dynamics and Social Empowerment in TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang 
4042016Heading towards Troubled Waters? The Impact of Taiwan’s 2016 Elections on Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
4072016培育無數新血的「政治學計量方法研習營」(IPM)陳陸輝; 吳親恩 人文與社會科學簡訊 第17卷第2期,頁110-117
4082016影響行政部門提案三讀通過之制度性因素:總統、官僚、與政 黨邱訪義 ; 李誌偉臺灣民主季刊 第13卷第1期,頁39-84
4092016“Enlisted Participation" in China's Public Governance: An Institutional Arrangement of the "Authoritarian Resilience"Hsu, Szu-chien Mainland China Studies (中國大陸研究) 59(1), 101-129
4102016中國大陸幹部任命制下的年齡困境及其解決途徑寇健文; 蔡文軒 中國政治科學年度評論 (中國上海 : 復旦大學出版社)
4112016世代正義的政策意涵分析黃寄倫; 冷則剛 ; 林煥笙台灣經濟預測與政策 第46卷第2期,頁185-207
4122016China’s Grand Strategy and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
4132016The Taipei-Beijing-Washington Triangle: the Taiwanese AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Rethinking the Triangle: Washington-Beijing-Taipei (Singapore : World Scientific)
4142016Concentrating Power to Accomplish Big Things: the CCP’s Pishi System and Operation in Contemporary ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xingmiu LiaoJournal of Contemporary China 26, 297-310
4152016How ‘Networked Authoritarianism’ was Operationalized in China: Methods and Procedures of Public Opinion ControlTsai, Wen-Hsuan Journal of Contemporary China 25, 731-744
4162015When Do Dictators Decide to Open the Trade Regime? — Inequality and Trade Openness in Authoritarian CountriesWen-Chin Wu INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY 59(4), 790-801
4172015Cross-Strait Relations as an ‘Easy’ Issue: China’s Impact on Evidence Provision in Negative Political Campaigning in TaiwanChen, Hsuan-Yun Ted; Chung-li Wu Taiwan and the ‘China Impact’: Challenges and Opportunities (London : Routledge)
4182015A Tale of Two Party States: Comparing Authoritarianism across the Taiwan StraitHsu, Szu-chien China’s Transition from Communism―New Perspectives (London and New York : Routledge)
4192015Disguised Protectionism under Authoritarianism: Why Do Some Dictatorships Have Lower but More Dispersed Tariffs?吳文欽 
4212015Autopsy of a Massacre: Candidate Appeals and Partisan Trends in Taiwan’s 2014 Mayoral Elections鮑彤 
4222015Cellularized Civil Society: CSOs and Public Participation in Community Governance徐斯儉 ; 周睦怡
4232015Measuring State–Society Relations in the Governance of China: Examining Extant Literature (2005–2015)徐斯儉 ; 張鈞智
4242015From Contention to Cooperation: Interactive State-Society Relations in the Anti-incinerator Contention in Guangzhou and Beijing徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
4252015民意與司法信任:司法體系公共支持的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 新世紀東亞的秩序與和平 (台北 : 東吳大學、前衛出版社)
4262015環保抗爭與綠黨得票有關嗎?2012年立委選舉政黨票的考察鄧志松; 黃嘉芳; 吳親恩 選舉研究 第22卷第2期,頁41-69
4272015Friend or Foe?: The Image of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
4282015Semi-presidentialism in Taiwan: Dilemma and ChoiceWu, Yu-Shan 
4292015Power Position and Taiwan Policy: How Beijing Responds to Taipei’s Stimuli During the Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao Periods陳冠吾; 吳玉山 
4302015太陽花運動與中國因素:民主、 全球化與中國印象徐斯儉 ; 沈筱綺
4322015儒家思想的正統觀與兩岸交流前景:「中國印象調查」的實證初探王國臣; 曹臻; 吳重禮 哲學與文化月刊 第496期,頁21-44
4332015How do Chinese Citizens Perceive the Cross-Strait Relations: Survey Results in 10 Major Cities of ChinaPan, Hsin-Hsin; Wen-Chin Wu ; Yu-tzung Chang
4342015Friend or Foe? The Image of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
4352015Winner-loser Status in Dual Elections and Satisfaction with DemocracyWu, Wen-Chin 
4362015Can Consultation Replace Election in Generating Authoritarian Legitimacy? Comparing Survey Data from Four Counties in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien ; Deyong Ma
4372015Fewer Rungs, More Political Families: Legacy Candidates in Taiwan ElectionsBatto, Nathan F. 
4382015Introduction: Momentum towards Divergence in Semi-Presidentialism吳玉山 半總統制跨洲比較:亞洲與歐洲的對話 (中山大學出版社 : 高雄市)
4392015半總統制跨洲比較:亞洲與歐洲的對話廖達琪; 沈有忠; 吳玉山 高雄市
4402015Constructing a “Common Field” Across the Taiwan Strait via Environmentalism? Case Studies of Cross-Strait Environment NGO ExchangesHsu, Szu-chien International Relations and Diplomacy 3(8), 565-577
4412015From Contention to Cooperation: Interactive State-Society Relations in the Anti-incinerator Contention in Guangzhou and BeijingHsu, Szu-chien ; Chin-chih Wang
4422015選舉制度改革對投票穩定與變遷的影響:台灣六次立委選舉的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 
4432015The Effect of Electoral Reform and Party Popularity on Re-Election Incentives in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. 
4442015民意與司法信任:司法體系公共支持的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 
4452015經濟發展vs.環境保護:台灣民眾「後物質主義價值」的城鄉差距吳重禮 南華社會科學論叢 第1期,頁35-62
4462015策略互動與實證分析:逆推統計法及其於外交政策研究的應用吳文欽 台灣政治學刊 第19卷第1期,頁99-145
4472015ECFA政治擴溢效應的實證分析林明萱; 吳重禮 問題與研究 54(2), 125-149
4482015年齡、就業情況與政治參與:東亞國家的觀察吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉政治學報 第59期,頁81-108
4502015The China Factor and Taiwan’s CSOs in the Sunflower Movement: The Case of Democratic Front against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement徐斯儉 
4512015Russia and China SecurityWu, Yu-Shan Routledge Handbook of Chinese Security (London : Routledge)
4522015Culture Policy: Political Indoctrination and Market DevelopmentLeng, Tse-Kang 
4532015Cross-Strait Economic Relations in the Context of China’s Grand StrategyLeng, Tse-Kang 
4542015Pivot, Hedger, or Partner: Strategic Choice by Lesser Powers Caught between HegemonsWu, Yu-Shan 
4552015地方治理、文化保存與文化產業發展——南京市與台北市比較研究冷則剛 ; 賴名倫中國城市研究 第八輯,頁211-232
4562015Political Opportunity, Resource Mobilization, and Local Protests in TaiwanSu, Yen-Pin; Chin-en Wu 
4572015Public Support and the Judiciary: Public Attitudes toward the Taiwanese Court SystemWu, Chung-li 
4582015How do Chinese Citizens Perceive the Cross-Strait Relations: Survey Results in 10 Major Cities of ChinaChang, Yutzung; Hsin-Hsin Pan; Wen-Chin Wu 
4592015中共「十八大」以來的政權調適:「學習型列寧體制」的運作與意涵蔡文軒 中共「十八大」菁英甄補與治理挑戰 (台北 : 印刻出版)
4602015TPP, RCEP and Asia’s Strategic GameWu, Yu-Shan 
4612015Rejuvenation of the Party-State: The Virtues and Limits of an Age-based Political SystemWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 51(1), 99-128
4622015Teaching and Research in International Relations in Taiwan: A First Cut at the 2014 Survey of AcademicsCheng, Tun-jen; Min-hua Huang; Yu-Shan Wu ; Tzong-ho Bau; Szue-chin Philip Hsu
4642015The Rationale for Supporting Nuclear Power: Analysis of Taiwanese Public Opinion SurveySu, Xiaochen; Chung-li Wu ; Yen-chieh Liao; Tai-De Lee; Chen TsaoInternational Relations of the Asia-Pacific 15(1), 147-176
4652015The CCP’s Neican/Pishi Model: A Unique Pattern of Policy-Making in an Authoritarian RegimeTsai, Wen-Hsuan Asian Survey 55(6) 1093-1115
4662014順德與溫嶺參與式預算的初步比較:制度設計與社會賦權徐斯儉 ; 張瓊分
4672014Sources of Social Divide in Taiwan and its Impacts on the Function of DemocracyWu, Chin-en 
4682014Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and The Peculiar Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait: In the Shadow of Power (London, UK : Routledge)
4692014Identifying Sources of Protectionism in East Asia: A Multi-Level AnalysisWu, Wen-Chin 
4702014法律千萬條,不如黃金一條?台灣民眾對於司法判決印象的影響因素吳重禮 ; 廖彥傑; 曹臻
4712014環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 2012 年立委選舉政黨票的考察鄧志松; 黃嘉芳; 吳親恩 
4722014台灣地方社會抗議運動發生頻率之解析(1992-2008):政治機會論的觀點蘇彥斌; 吳親恩 
4732014Domestic Motivation and the Case of East China Sea ADIZ徐斯儉 ; 徐筱琦
4742014Sources and Implications of Malapportionment in Taiwan鮑彤 
4752014從認同到經濟:台灣政治競爭的軸線轉換吳玉山 知識饗宴系列十 (台北 : 中央研究院)
4762014Taming the Tongue: Political Resource Inequalities and Court Decisions in Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen SuIssues & Studies 50(4), 157-189
4772014Threats, Acceptance, and Ambivalence in Cooperation: The Image of China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen Su; Hsiao-Chien TsuiEast Asia 31(4), 305-322
4782014立法院黨團協商:少數霸凌多數亦或是多數主場優勢邱訪義 ; 鄭元毓政治科學論叢 第62期,頁155-194
4792014大學城發展與歷史保存:以美國維吉尼亞莎城為例冷則剛 中國名城 第12期,頁59-66
4802014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Lanham, ML, USA
4812014Comparing Development Models in Mainland China and Taiwan: A Macro Analytical FrameworkWu, Yu-Shan Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
4822014Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative PerspectivesLeng, Tse-Kang ; Yu-Shan Wu Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
4832014Whither the Local Autonomy under the “China Model”? The Political Economy of China’s 2008 Stimulus PackageHsu, Szu-chien ; Hans H. TungChinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
4842014Local Governance and Cultural industry in China: The Case of NanjingLeng, Tse-Kang Chinese Models of Development: Global, Local and Comparative Perspectives (Lanham, ML, USA : Lexington Books)
4852014北極圈治理與全球能源安全冷則剛 ; 林煥笙
48620142014年台中市長候選人胡志強與林佳龍的政見比較吳重禮 ; 李泰德
4872014International Conflicts and Racial Issues: The Lessons of Pearl Harbor and 9/11Wu, Chung-li Pensee Journal 76(11), 169-183
488201403.知識饗宴系列10電子書江博明; 王寳貫; 余淑美; 洪上程; 梁博煌 ; 廖運範; 嚴宏洋; 朱雲漢; 吳玉山 ; 李建良; 石守謙 ; 胡曉真 台北市
4892014Sources and Implications of Malapportionment in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. 
4902014Revisit Paradigm Shift in Taiwan’s PoliticsWu, Yu-Shan 
4912014Drawing an Age Line: Rejuvenation or Exclusion?Wu, Yu-Shan 
4922014How the ‘Networked Authoritarianism’ was Operated in China: The Amalgamation of the CCP’s Historical Legacy and Internet TechnologyTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
4932014Xi Jinping’s Political Agenda of the ‘Chinese Dream’ and Priority Domestic Problems in ChinaTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
4942014The Carrot and the Stick: Taiwanese Impressions of ChinaWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen Su; Yen-chieh Liao; Chen Tsao
4952014The Blue-Green Divide and the Function of Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Feng-yu Lee
4962014A comparative Analysis of the Social Divide and Political Participation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Chun-Ying Wu
4972014Comparing Career-driven Constitutional Changes in Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
4982014Are Bourgeoisies Liberal? Class-based Party Support in East AsiaWu, Chun-Ying; Chin-en Wu 
4992014Education, Class, and Satisfaction with Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
5002014Explaining Patterns of Local Protests in Taiwan (1993-2008)Su, Yen-Pin; Chin-en Wu 
5012014The Role of the Legislative Yuan under Ma Ying-jeou: The Case of China-Policy Legislations and AgreementsDai, Shih-chan; Chung-li Wu Political Changes in Taiwan Under Ma Ying-jeou: Partisan Conflict, Policy Choices, External Constraints and Security Challenges (London : Routledge)
5022014分立政府與低收入戶家庭生活扶助:1996至2012年台灣經驗的實證分析吳重禮 ; 李奕廷; 劉自平; 陳慧玟國家與社會 第16期,頁41-81
5032013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5042013兩岸關係研究的開展與侷限吳玉山 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5052013政治經濟學:體制轉變與研究議題吳親恩 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5062013辯證中的變與不變:台灣對中共黨國體制的研究徐斯儉 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5072013中國大陸對外關係與全球化冷則剛 ; 陳玉文政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5082013台灣政治學的發展:議題、方法與評鑑吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5092013政治學的回顧與前瞻吳玉山 ; 林繼文; 冷則剛 台北
5102013從經濟合作到政治協議:ECFA擴溢效應的實證分析林明萱; 吳重禮 
5112013政治矛盾與投票抉擇:2012年總統暨單一選區立法委員選舉的實證分析游婷詠; 林明萱; 吳重禮 
5122013The Gap in Democratic Support among East Asian Countries: Democracy Preference and Democratic Value吳親恩 ; 巫俊穎
5132013Political Empowerment, Ethnic Attitudes, and Democratization in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
5142013台灣分立政府研究吳重禮 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5152013From Identity to Distribution: Paradigm Shift in Taiwan Politics: A First CutWu, Yu-Shan 
5162013亦敵亦友?台灣民眾的中國印象吳重禮 ; 劉自平
5182013政黨認同與投票穩定:2000年至2012年總統選舉的實證分析戴士展; 劉自平; 吳重禮 台灣選舉與民主化調查(TEDS):方法論之回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
5192013Paradox of Political Realism: The Taiwanese and Chinese Perceptions on the Rise of China ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang Journal of Contemporary China Studies 2(2):
5202013A Tale of Two Party States: Comparing Authoritarianism across the Taiwan StraitHsu, Szu-chien 
5212013Judicial Politics in Taiwan: Assessing the Impacts of Political Factors on Public-Land Usurpation LitigationWu, Chung-li 
5222013誰是泛藍、泛綠認同者?台灣民眾政黨認同的實證分析吳重禮 台灣的社會變遷1985-2005:傳播與政治行為 (台北 : 中央研究院社會學研究所)
5242013Cross-Cutting Networks and Political Participation: Lessons of the 2010 City Mayoral Elections in TaiwanLiu, Tzu-Ping; Dai, Shih-chan; Wu, Chung-li East Asia 30(2), 91-104
5252013Winner-loser Gap and Democratic LegitimacyLin, Tse-min; Wu, Chin-en ; Lee, Feng-yu
5262013Secret Codes of Political Propaganda: The Unknown System of Writing TeamsTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Kao, Peng-HsiangThe China Quarterly 214, 394-410
5272013美國總統款項否決權的爭議:論Clinton v. City of New York案件的始末及其影響李奕廷; 吳重禮 政治學報 第55期,頁
5282013Comparing Taiwan and the CEE Trio: The Impact of Social and Institutional FactorsWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy special issue: 103-127
5292013Constructing a ‘Common Field’ across the Taiwan Strait via Environmentalism? Case Studies of Cross-Strait Environment NGO ExchangesHsu, Szu-chien 
5302013Partisan and Personal Voting in SNTV: A Mixed Logit Model鮑彤 選舉研究 第20卷第1期,頁121-153
5312013Experimentation under Hierarchy in Local Conditions: Cases of Political Reform in Guangdong and SichuanTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
5322013What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and the Strategic TriangleWu, Yu-Shan ; Dittmer, LowellMobile Horizons: Dynamics across the Taiwan Strait (Berkeley, CA : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California)
5332013Measuring Cognitive Madisonianism: The 2012 Presidential and Legislative Yuan Elections in TaiwanChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li ; Liu, Tzu-Ping
5342013China's Impact on Negative Campaigning in TaiwanChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li 
5352013Why Does Taiwan Elect So Many Women? SNTV, Gender Quotas, and Party CompetitionBatto, Nathan F. 
5362013From Identity to Economy: Shifting Politics in TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Global Asia 8(1), 114-119
5372013The Inclusive Taipei-Beijing-Washington Triangle: The Taiwanese AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang 
5382013Local States, Institutional Changes, and Innovations Systems: Beijing and Shanghai ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-hwanJournal of Contemporary China 22(80): 219-236
5392013Assessing the Taiwanese Electoral Reform in Alleviating Problems Associated with Low Threshold of Exclusion under the Single Non-Transferable Vote: Vote-Buying and FactionalismChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li 
5402013A Step Backward: SNTV, MMM, and Female Representation in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. 
5422013Comparing Taiwan and the CEE Trio: The Impact of Social and Institutional Factors on DemocracyWu, Yu-Shan 
5432013美中爭霸與兩岸關係吳玉山 探索兩岸和平協議的多元角度觀察 (香港 : 中國評論學術出版社)
5442013The CCP's Learning System: Thought Unification and Regime AdaptationTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Dean, NicolaThe China Journal 69(1), 87-107
5452013Experimentation under Hierarchy in Local Conditions: Cases of Political Reform in Guangdong and SichuanTsai, Wen-Hsuan ; Dean, NicolaThe China Quarterly  
5462013Sprinting with Small Steps' towards Promotion: Solutions for the Age Dilemma in the CCP Cadre Appointment SystemKou, Chien-Wen; Tsai, Wen-Hsuan The China Journal  
5472012Political Realism and the Rise of China: The Taiwanese PerspectiveLeng, Tse-Kang 
5482012The Problems with ‘Cognitive Madisonianism’ in Taiwanese Electoral Studies: Adapting an Alternative Measurement of Fiorina’s Policy-Balancing Hypothesis陳宣運; 劉自平; 吳重禮 
5502012兩岸公民民社會伙伴關係之機會與限制:以環境人權團體交流為例徐斯儉 ; 徐銘謙
5512012Replacing Contestation with Inclusiveness: The Political Logic of Authoritarian Survival in China徐斯儉 ; 周睦怡
5522012民主治理下的國家社會關係:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算改革為例徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
5532012When Is Democracy Better for Economic Performance and When Is It Not: The Interaction Between Polity and Structural FactorsWu, Chin-en Studies in Comparative International Development 47(4), 365-388
5542012‘Sprinting with Small Steps’ towards Promotion: Solutions for the Age Dilemma in the CCP Cadre Appointment System寇健文; 蔡文軒 
5552012When the Party Label Isn't Enough: Personal Appeals in SNTV Elections鮑彤 
5562012The Dynamic Programs of Political Succession and Reform at the 18th National Party CongressTsai, Wen-Hsuan 
5572012選民的政治矛盾態度與分裂投票:2012年總統暨立法委員選舉的實證分析吳重禮 ; 李崑斌
5582012政黨認同與投票穩定:2000年至2012年總統選舉的實證分析戴士展; 劉自平; 吳重禮 
5592012分立政府與社會福利:2001至2012年台灣經驗的分析李奕廷; 劉自平; 陳宣運; 吳重禮 
5602012經濟投票與總統選舉:效度與內生問題的分析吳親恩 ; 林奕孜台灣政治學刊 第16卷第2期,頁175-231
5612012廢票會傳染?台灣選舉無效票之空間分析:1992-2008鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮選舉研究 第19卷第2期,頁71-100
5622012Power Parity and Peace among Big Powers in Northeast Asia: A Quantitative Study 1918-2011Hsu, Szu-chien ; Liao, Hsiao-chuan
5632012「異卵雙生」:兩岸威權政治比較徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
5642012The Party’s Disciples: CCP Reserve Cadres and the Perpetuation of a Resilient Authoritarian Regime蔡文軒 
5652012交叉壓力、意見表達與政黨認同:2008年立法委員選舉的實證分析劉自平; 吳重禮 ; 戴士展選舉研究 第19卷第2期,頁1-36
5662012Review of Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization, and the Next World OrderWu, Yu-Shan American Journal of Chinese Studies 19(2), 145-146
5672012Did A Social Movement Change the Authoritarian State? Anti-Waste-Incinerator Contention and Policy Change on Urban Waste Management in Guangzhou徐斯儉 
5682012威權政體治理改革中的國家社會關係:以浙江溫嶺參與式預算改革為例徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
5692012知識經濟與區域發展:以上海楊浦為例冷則剛 ; 陳蓉怡中國學 第二輯,頁284-299
5712012Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and Domestic CompetitionWu, Yu-Shan 
5722012Charge Me if You Can: Assessing Political Biases in Vote-buying Verdicts in Democratic Taiwan (2000-2010)Wu, Chung-li The China Quarterly 211, 786-805
5732012The Youth in the Context of Globalization: Foreign Exposure, Economic Openness and National PrideWu, Chin-en 
5742012Coordinative Advantages of State Resources under SNTV: The Case of TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. ; Kim, Henry A.Japanese Journal of Political Science 13(3), 355-377
5802012中國大陸對外關係與全球化冷則剛 ; 陳玉文
5812012Party System and Power Distribution in Semi-presidentialism: Taiwan and BeyondWu, Yu-Shan 
5822012Social Inequality and Regime Legitimacy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
5832012孫中山思想、民國百年與兩岸發展模式——一個總體的分析架構吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第52期,頁1-42
5842012政治因素對於賄選訴訟案件的可能影響:司法專業人士的觀點分析孫銘鴻; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第16卷第1期,頁121-187
5852012Differing Mandates and Party Loyalty in Mixed-Member Systems: Taiwan as a Baseline CaseBatto, Nathan F. Electoral Studies 31(2), 384-392
5862012Taming the Tongue: Politics and Judicial Verdicts in Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
5872012立法院積極議程設定之理論與經驗分析:第二至第六屆邱訪義 ; 李誌偉台灣政治學刊 第16卷第1期,頁3-60
5882012Local Governance and Cultural Industry in China: The Case of NanjingLeng, Tse-Kang 
5892012Production of Space and Space of Production: High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and ShanghaiWang, Jenn-hwan; Leng, Tse-Kang Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 1(1), 47-73
5902012A Comparative Analysis of the Wealth Divide and the Issue of Political InclusionWu, Chin-en ; Lee, Feng-yu
5912012The Presidential and Legislative Election Dynamics: 2012 vs. 2008Batto, Nathan F. 
5922012The Role of the Legislative Yuan under Ma Ying-jeou: The Case of China-Policy Legislations and AgreementsDai, Shih-chan; Wu, Chung-li 
5942012The Evolution of Semi-Presidentialism in TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan 
5952012權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制沈有忠; 吳玉山 台北市
5962012權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制吳玉山 權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制 (台北市 : 五南)
5972012半總統制:全球發展與研究議程吳玉山 權力在哪裡?從多個角度看半總統制 (台北市 : 五南)
5982012Social Bases of Taiwan’s Political Parties: Regionalism and Ethnicity under MMMWu, Chung-li ; Tsui, Hsiao-Chien; Liu, Tzu-Ping; Dai, Shih-chan
5992012Contagion Effect in Reverse? Interaction between the Nominal and List Tiers under Mixed Member Systems in Bolivia and RussiaBatto, Nathan F. ; Kim, Henry A.; Matukhno, Natalia
6002012Politics and Judicial Verdicts on Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
6012012Executive Competitition, Electoral Rules, and Faction Systems in TaiwanBatto, Nathan F. ; Huang, Hsin-ta
6022012Introduction: Legislative-centric and Executive-centric Theories of Party Systems and Factional SystemsBatto, Nathan F. ; Cox, Gary W.
6032012Partisan and Personal Voting in SNTV: A Mixed Logit ModelBatto, Nathan F. 
6042012研究文獻評閱與研究邱銘哲; 吳重禮 社會及行為科學研究法(一):總論與量化研究法 (台北市 : 東華)
6052012鞏固支持或資源拔樁?解析中央對地方補助款分配的政治因素王志良; 詹富堯; 吳重禮 政治科學論叢 第51期,頁51-90
6062012立法委員選舉的賄選誘因與效果:從SNTV到FPTP吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第9卷第1期,頁41-80
6072012Halfway Through: Regime Transition to Democratic ConsolidationWu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
6082012政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析——以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例吳重禮 ; 李伊婷; 孫煒臺灣民主季刊 第9卷第1期,頁1-40
6092012The Organizational Tragectory of the Kuomintang’s Party Nature in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
6102012Cross-Cutting Networks and Political Participation: Lessons of the 2010 City Mayoral Elections in TaiwanLiu, Tzu Ping; Wu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
6112012Are Taiwanese Legislative Elections Becoming More Party-Centric?Batto, Nathan F. 
6122012Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
6132011族群意識對台灣民主化之影響吳重禮 ; 崔曉倩台灣民主化的經驗與意涵 (台北 : 五南圖書)
6142011Coping with China in Hard Times: Taiwan in Global and Domestic AspectsLeng, Tse-Kang Pacific Focus 26(3), 360-384
6152011政治賦權與地方政府信任:2006年與2010年北、高市長選舉族群差異分析吳重禮 ; 劉自平; 戴士展
6162011兩岸經貿評估、政黨認同與投票選擇吳親恩 ; 林奕孜
6172011Political Contexts and Materialist/Postmeterialist Values: Four Cases of Taiwan in Comparative PerspectiveWu, Chung-li ; Liu, Tzu Ping
6182011Vote Decisions in SNTV Elections: The 2010 Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung City Council ElectionsBatto, Nathan F. 
6192011Political Participation of “Non-rebellious Opposition”: A Case Study of Anti-waste-incinerator Contention under Autocratic Governance in ChinaHsu, Szu-chien 
6202011The Evolution of the Kuomintang’s Electoral Factors and Party Platforms in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
6212011社會網絡、意見表達與政黨認同:2008年立法委員選舉的實證分析劉自平; 吳重禮 
6222011美國總統款項否決權的爭議:論Clinton v. City of New York案件的政治爭議李奕廷; 吳重禮 
6232011Wither the Local Autonomy under the “China Model”? The Political Economy of China's 2008 StimulusHsu, Szu-chien ; Tung, Hans H.
6242011The Rise of China and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
6252011Sun Yat-Sen Thought, Centennial of the ROC, and Development Models in Taiwan and Mainland China: A Macro Analytical FrameworkWu, Yu-Shan 
6262011年齡與選舉參與:2008年總統選舉的實證分析崔曉倩; 吳重禮 調查研究:方法與應用 第26期,頁7-44
6272011Is Cross-Strait Relation Moving toward Stable Peace? A Civil Society Dialogue on Common Political IdentityHsu, Szu-chien 
6282011政府融資角色之變化:產業結構轉變的影響吳親恩 ; 黃宗昊
6292011「找到彼此」:後極權中國下的社會發展趨勢徐斯儉 ; 王敬智
6302011The Role of Procedural Commitment in Informational Theory of Legislative OrganizationChiou, Fang-Yi ; Lawrence RothenbergJournal of Theoretical Politics 23(4), 532-558
6312011政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析:以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例吳重禮 ; 李伊婷
6322011選舉與無效票:一個空間角度的探討鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮
6332011Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li Election Studies 1 (2), 159-191
6342011The Incentives and Effectiveness of Vote Buying: A Comparison of SNTV and FPTP Voting SystemsWu, Chin-en 
6352011兩岸政經互動冷則剛 中國大陸暨兩岸關係研究 (台北市 : 巨流圖書)
6362011The Evolution of the KMT's Stance on the One-China Principle: National Identity in FluxWu, Yu-Shan Taiwanese Identity in the 21st Century: Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives (London : Routledge)
6372011From Authoritarianism to Nascent Democracy in Taiwan: Electoral Elements of the Kuomintang-Dominant RegimChu, Yun-han; Wu, Chung-li 
6382011Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
6392011Strengthening the Soft Discipline Constraint: Limited Reform in Curbing Leading Cadres’ PowerHsu, Szu-chien In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (London : Routledge)
6402011「兩場革命」與中國模式吳玉山 思想 第18期,頁197-218
6412011Partisan Swings, Nomination Errors, and the Government Advantage in SNTVBatto, Nathan F. 
6422011Political Empowerment and Ethnic Attitudes in Taiwan: Governmental Trust in the 2006 Municipal Mayoral ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
6432011High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai: The Production of Space and Space of ProductionWang, Jenn-hwan; Leng, Tse-Kang 
6442011Cross-Strait Relationship and Community-Building in East AsiaChu, Yun-han; Leng, Tse-Kang 
6462011In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing ConsensusHsu, S. Philip; Wu, Yu-Shan ; Zhao, SuishengLondon
6472011What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and Strategic Triangle IIIDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
6482011Clustering of Semi-Presidentialism: A First CutWu, Yu-Shan Semi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan)
6492011半總統制:全球發展與研究議程吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第47期,頁1-32
6502011The Chinese model and the Developmental State in Transition: Comparing the Yangtze Delta Region and TaiwanLeng, Tse-Kang 
6512011Taiwan: Democratic Consolidation under President-ParliamentarismWu, Yu-Shan ; Tsai, Jung-HsiangSemi-Presidentialism and Democracy (Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan)
6522011從台灣賄選案件探討政治因素對於司法審判之影響孫銘鴻; 吳重禮 
6532011Reverse Contagion Effect? Interaction between the Nominal and List Tiers under Mixed Member System in BoliviaBatto, Nathan F. ; Kim, Henry A.
6542011The Institutional Logic of Redistricting in Taiwan, 2005-2007Batto, Nathan F. 
6552011Semi-Presidentialism and DemocracyElgie, Robert; Moestrup, Sophia; Wu, Yu-Shan UK
6562011在治理改革中走向民主:浙江溫嶺鄉鎮人大參與式預算之個案研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠中國大陸研究 第54卷第1期,頁1-28
6572011Russia and the CIS in 2010: Post-Crisis TestsWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 51(1), 64-75
6582011Exploring the Power-Sharing Mode of Semi-PresidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
6592011Strategic Triangle, Change of Guard, and Ma's New CourseWu, Yu-Shan The Changing Dynamics of the Relations among China, Taiwan, and the United States (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
6602011權力轉移理論:悲劇預言?吳玉山 國際關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
6612010Power Transition, Strategic Triangle, and Alliance ShiftWu, Yu-Shan 
6622010族群、賦權與選舉評價:2004年與2008年總統選舉省籍差異的實證分析吳重禮 ; 崔曉倩臺灣民主季刊 第7卷第4期,頁137-182
6632010省籍通婚與中國人、台灣人認同:家庭成員影響力的變化吳親恩 ; 林政楠政治學報 第50期,頁41-82
6642010Redistricting for Partisan and Personal Advantage in Taiwan, 2006-2007Batto, Nathan F. 
6652010鞏固支持或資源拔樁?中央與地方府際關係對於補助款分配之影響王志良; 詹富堯; 吳重禮 
6662010Does Political Empowerment Matter? African American and White Employment Allocation in Municipal Private JobsWu, Chung-li Journal of Black Studies 41(2), 225-242
6672010Local Governments' Integrated Circuit (IC) Industry Bases and Innovation Outcomes: Governance beyond Industrial PolicyHsu, Szu-chien ; Lu, Dylan E.
6682010Is Cross-Strait Relation Moving toward Stable Peace? A Civil Society Dialogue on Common Political IdentityHsu, Szu-chien 
6702010Coping with China in Hard TimesLeng, Tse-Kang 
6712010Behind Ma's New CourseDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
6722010The Dynamics of Social Protests during Taiwan's Democratic ConsolidationWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
6732010Economic Evaluation, Income Distribution, and Orientation toward DemocracyWu, Chin-en ; Shyu, Huoyan
6742010發展途徑、金融危機與金融重建:台灣與韓國的比較吳親恩 問題與研究 第49卷第3期,頁105-144
6752010Charge Me if You Can: Assessing Political Biases in Vote-Buying Verdicts in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
6762010台灣分立政府與立法僵局:理論建立與其實證意涵邱訪義 ; 李誌偉臺灣民主季刊 第7卷第3期,頁177-189
6772010「黨國」還是「共和國」?-中共政治變遷的一個內在邏輯徐斯儉 政治科學論叢 第45期,頁37-67
6782010在治理改革中走向民主:浙江溫嶺參與式預算之個案研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
6792010Semi-Presidentialism: Global Development and Research AgendaWu, Yu-Shan 
6802010年齡與政治參與:2008年面訪調查資料的應用崔曉倩; 吳重禮 
6812010Asymmetric Triangles and the Washington-Beijing-Taipei RelationshipWomack, Brantly; Wu, Yu-Shan China among Unequals: Asymmetric Foreign Relations in Asia (Singapore : World Scientific Press)
6822010The “Silicon Valley Model” and China's Local Governance: Comparing Beijing and ShanghaiLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-hwan
6852010選票空間分布與席次偏差:第六、七屆立委選舉的考察鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮選舉研究 第17卷第1期,頁21-53
6862010Politics and Judicial Decisions on Vote-Buying Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
6872010Globalization, Developmental State, and Cross-Strait RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
6882010Theoretical Approaches in the Study of Cross-Strait Political RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
6892010Russia and the CIS in 2009: Pillar of the System ShakenWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 50(1), 76-88
6902010State Power and Dynamism of Cross-Strait Economic RelationsLeng, Tse-Kang 
6912010What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition, Globalization, and Strategic TriangleDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
6932010Dynamics of Local Governance in China during the Reform EraLeng, Tse-Kang ; Chu, Yun-hanNew York
6962009Semi-Presidentialism and Divided Government in Taiwan: Public Perceptions of Government PerformanceWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 45(4), 1-34
6972009半導體產業中的國家角色:台灣與中國的比較徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩
6982009Strategic Triangle, Change of Guard, and Ma's New CourseWu, Yu-Shan 
6992009Local States, Institutional Changes, and Innovations Systems: Beijing and Shanghai ComparedLeng, Tse-Kang ; Wang, Jenn-Hwan
7002009我國老人政治參與的實證分析-以1989年至2004年立法委員選舉為例吳重禮 台灣人口老化問題 (台北 : 中央研究院經濟研究所、財團法人孫運璿學術基金會)
7012009A Unified Theory of U.S. Lawmaking: Preferences, Institutions, and Party DisciplineChiou, Fang-Yi ; Rothenberg, LawrenceJournal of Politics 71(4), 1257-1272
7022009Centrally-Administered Municipalities: Locomotives of National DevelopmentLeng, Tse-Kang China's Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-National Hierarchy (London : Routledge)
7032009重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論包宗和; 吳玉山 台北
7042009十年的知識薪傳:重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論吳玉山 中國大陸研究 第52卷第3期,頁113-127
7052009重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論吳玉山 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
7062009權力不對稱與兩岸關係研究吳玉山 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
7072009國家、全球化,與兩岸關係冷則剛 重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論 (台北 : 五南)
7092009Political Parties and Local Factions in Taiwan's Electoral PoliticsWu, Chung-li The Political System of Taiwan (Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)
7102009Modes of Democratic Failure in Semi-presidentialism: Plunge into Breakdown or Slide into AuthoritarianismWu, Yu-Shan 
7112009島內政治與兩岸關係吳玉山 中外名學者論21世紀初的中國 (香港 : 中文大學出版社)
7122009Advantages and Limitations of President Ma’s Cross-Strait Negotiation: CECA/ECFA as an ExampleHsu, Szu-chien 
7132009The Logic of Civil Society: Contentious Politics in New Democracies-the Taiwan CaseWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
7142009台灣基層預算中的「民主赤字」:三個鄉鎮預算貪腐案例研究徐斯儉 ; 吳建忠
7152009市場化國家資本主義1990-2005:中國兩個地級城市個案研究徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩中國大陸研究 第52卷第2期,頁97-136
7162009台灣研究的四部曲:與中國間切不斷的關係吳玉山 政治學新探:中華經驗與西方學理 (香港 : 中文大學出版社)
7182009Russia's Foreign Policy Surge: Causes and ImplicationsWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 45(1), 117-162
7192009解釋俄羅斯的民主倒退吳玉山 臺灣民主季刊 第6卷第1期,頁199-205
7202009經濟議題與民主體制評價-東亞國家的觀察吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第6卷第1期,頁1-40
7212009International Conflicts, Elite Discourses, and Racial/Ethnic IssuesWu, Chung-li 
7222009The Domestic Origin of China's Rise and Its International ImpactHsu, Szu-chien Rise of China: Beijings Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific (New York : Routledge)
7232009The Spatial Organization of Elections and the Cube Law:Taiwan's 2008 Legislative Elections林澤民; 李鳳玉; 吳親恩 
7242008立法委員選舉制度改革的省思:匡正弊端或是治絲益棼吳重禮 如何評估選制變遷:方法論的探討 (台北 : 五南)
7252008立委選舉地盤估計:GIS與空間分析的應用鄧志松; 吳親恩 如何評估選制變遷:方法論的探討 (台北 : 五南)
7262008司法與公共支持:台灣民眾對於司法體系的比較評價吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第12卷第2期,頁15-66
7272008地方議會金權政治的變化:司法判決書的分析吳親恩 台灣政治學刊 第12卷第2期,頁165-212
7282008A Simple Model for Predicting the Outcome of the 2008 Legislative Yuan Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 44(4), 1-28
72920082004年和2006年美國選舉的變與常吳重禮 台灣民主季刊, 第5卷第4期,頁177-89
7302008台灣民眾威權懷舊的初探:蔣經國政府施政的比較評價吳重禮 選舉研究 第15卷第2期,頁119-142
7312008選區劃分與席位扭曲:第六、七屆立委選舉為例鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮
7322008政治力對金融體系的干預:台灣本土型金融風暴與重建吳親恩 問題與研究 第47卷第4期,頁33-75
7332008Study of Semi-Presidentialism: A Holistic ApproachWu, Yu-Shan 
7342008Taiwan: Democratic Consolidation under Presidential SupremacyWu, Yu-Shan ; Tsai, Jung-hsiang
7352008Semi-Presidentialism, Divided Government, and Performance Evaluations: A Pilot Study of Taiwan.Wu, Chung-li 
7362008The Transformation of the Kuomintang's Candidate Selection SystemWu, Chung-li Politics of Modern Taiwan: Critical Issues in Modern Politics, Volume IV: Party and Local Politics (London : Routledge)
7372008Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy: How Significant is Russia's Power Transfer?Wu, Yu-Shan 
7382008Democracy and Economic Development: An observation from East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
7392008The Political and Economic Impact of Electoral Reform in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
7402008Enlisted Participation in China's Public Governance: Situating the Transition of the "Authoritarian Resilience"Hsu, Szu-chien 
7422008政黨偏好、制衡認知與分裂投票-2006年北高市長暨議員選舉的實證分析吳重禮 台灣民主季刊 第5卷第2期,頁27-58
7432008立委選舉地盤估計:GIS與空間分析的應用吳親恩 ; 鄧志松
7452008Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan The Politics of Modern Taiwan: Critical Issues in Modern Politics (London : Routledge)
7502008Strengthening the Soft Discipline Constraint: Limited Reform in Curbing Leading Cadres' PowerHsu, Szu-chien 
7512008Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
7522008Government and Information: Scientific Research and Policy Agenda in CongressWu, Chung-li Parliamentary Affairs 61(2), 356-369
7552008政黨與選舉:理論與實踐吳重禮 台北
7562008Ethnicity, Empowerment, and Political Trust: The 2005 Local Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 44(1), 105-132
7572008Comparing Legislators and Legislatures: The Dynamics of Legislative Gridlock ReconsideredChiou, Fang-Yi ; Rothenberg, LawrencePolitical Analysis 16(2), 197-212
7582008The Search for Comparability: Response to BinderChiou, Fang-Yi ; Rothenberg, LawrencePolitical Analysis 16(2), 226-233
7592008Review of ‘The Transformation of Chinese Socialism’Wu, Yu-Shan China Review International 15(1), 132-136
7612008選舉制度與台灣政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉單一選區兩票制 (台北市 : 五南)
7622007Robust Competition Checks State Exploitation: The Post-Communist ExperienceWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy 3(2), 183-187
7632007分立政府與經濟表現:1992年至2006年台灣經驗的分析吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第11卷第2期,頁53-91
7642007Will “Intra-Party Democracy” Democratize China: The Case of Direct Election Experiment for Township Party SecretaryHsu, Szu-chien 
7652007A Simple Model for Predicting the 2008 Legislative Yuan Election in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
7662007Taiwan's Developmental State: After the Economic and Political TurmoilWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 47(6), 977-1001
7672007Divided Government in Taiwan's Local Politics: Public Evaluations of City/County Government PerformanceWu, Chung-li ; Huang, ChiParty Politics 13(6), 741-760
7682007Comparative Risk Attitudes in the Taiwanese Electorate: The 2004 ElectionWu, Chin-En ; Lee, Feng-yu
7692007Income Inequality and Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
7702007Institutionally-Induced Identity Politics in Taiwan: The Challenge of Nationalism to DemocracyHsu, Szu-chien 
7712007Opening Up the Secret Garden: The Impact of Candidate Selection Reforms in Taiwanese Political PartiesWu, Chung-li ; Fell, Dafydd
7722007Asymmetric Triangles and the Washington-Beijing-Taipei RelationshipWomack, Brantly; Wu, Yu-Shan 
7732007顏色革命的許諾與侷限吳玉山 台灣民主季刊 第4卷第2期,頁67-112
7742007選舉制度與台灣政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉政治學報 第43期,頁71-99
7752007台灣民眾的政治信任差異:政治人物、政府與民主體制三個面向的觀察吳親恩 台灣政治學刊 第11卷第1期,頁147-200
7772007軟紀律約束:中共強化監督之政改的內在限制徐斯儉 中國大陸研究 第50卷第2期,頁35-60
7782007Semi-Presidentialism-Easy to Choose, Difficult to Operate: The Case of TaiwanWu, Yu-Shan Semi-Presidentialism Outside Europe: A Comparative Study (London : Routedge)
7792007政黨與未獲提名候選人之參選決策分析崔曉倩; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第14卷第1期,頁119-143
7812007Institutional Evolution or Institutional Involution? From 'Work Report and Appraisal System' to 'Supervision Law' of the People's Congress in PRCHsu, Szu-chien 
7822007宏觀中國:後極權資本主義發展國家-蘇東與東亞模式的揉合吳玉山 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北 : 五南)
7832007黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策徐斯儉 ; 吳玉山 台北市
7842007The Perceptions of 'Democracy' in China and Their ImplicationsHsu, Szu-chien ; Hsiao, Yi-Ching
7852007Does Empowerment Matter? Biracial Employment Allocation in Municipal Private JobsWu, Chung-li 
7862007軟紀律約束:改革中共黨國體制的內在限制徐斯儉 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北市 : 五南)
7872007黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策徐斯儉 黨國蛻變:中共政權的菁英與政策 (台北市 : 五南)
7882007所得分配惡化對公共支出增加的影響:1980-2004吳親恩 東吳政治學報 第25卷第1期,頁73-114
7892007Taiwan's Developmental StateWu, Yu-Shan 
7902007How do Ethnic Divisions Affect Political Trust in TaiwanWu, Chin-en Political Challenges and Democratic Institutions: International and Taiwan's Perspectives (Taipei : Taiwan Foundation for Democracy)
7912006爭取樞紐:戰略三角模型在國內政治中的運用吳玉山 四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十壽辰,下卷 (台北 : 允晨)
7922006Vote Misreporting and Survey Context: The Taiwan CaseWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 42(4), 223-239
7932006交叉網絡與政治參與:2001年縣市長與立法委員選舉的實證研究吳重禮 ; 鄭文智; 崔曉倩人文及社會科學集刊 第18卷第4期,頁599-638
7942006Reforming the Party and the State Under Hu JintaoHsu, Szu-chien China into the Hu-Wen Era: Policy Initiatives and Challenges (Singapore : World Scientific Publishing)
7952006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
7962006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 台北
7972006政權合法性與憲改模式:比較臺灣與歐洲後共新興民主國家吳玉山 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
7982006憲政設計、政黨政治與權力分立:美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示吳重禮 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
7992006Preferences, Parties, and Legislative ProductivityChiou, Fang-Yi ; Rothenberg, LawrenceAmerican Politics Research 34(6), 705-731
8002006選制改變的影響:從SNTV到「並立式單一選區兩票制」吳親恩 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北市 : 五南)
8012006Ethnicity, Empowerment, and Political Trust: The 2005 Local Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
8022006The Domestic Origin of China's Rise and Its International Impact: The Party-State Developmental SyndicateHsu, Szu-chien 
8032006Vote Overreporting and Survey ContextWu, Chung-li 
8042006President-Parliamentary Incongruence and Possibility to Exit under Semi-presidentialismWu, Yu-Shan 
8052006政治如何影響經濟:談中國大陸的政經循環吳玉山 知識饗宴系列二 (台北 : 中央研究院)
8062006Two Views from Abroad: How the Hong Kong Experience Looks Elsewhere-From Taiwan: The Bridge Leads Both WaysWu, Yu-Shan Hong Kong Journal 3
8072006The Voice of the People: How East Asians Evaluate the Quality of Democracy and Why They Vary?Wu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
8082006時間序列民調資料的分析:Samplemiser的運用與評估崔曉倩; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第10卷第1期,頁39-67
8092006地緣政治與中共對美國之外交戰略徐斯儉 ; 楊念祖地緣政治與中共外交戰略 (台北市 : 大屯)
811200603.知識饗宴系列02電子書賴明詔; 沈志陽; 李定國; 沈元壤; 劉炯朗; 邢義田 ; 劉翠溶 ; 陳永發; 朱雲漢; 吳玉山 ; 何大安; 周英雄台北市
8122006利益團體吳重禮 政治學(下) (台北 : 五南)
8132006憲政設計、政黨政治與權力分立:美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示吳重禮 問題與研究 第45卷第3期,頁133-166
8142006Leadership Coalitions and Economic Transformation in Reform China: Revisiting the Political Business CycleDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan China's Deep Reform: Domestic Politics in Transition (Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield)
8152006Domestic Political Competition and Triangular Interactions Among Washington, Beijing and Taipei: The U.S. China PolicyWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 42(1), 1-46
8162006Inter-Party Competition in Taiwan: Two Decades of Change and ContinuityFell, Dafydd; Wu, Chung-li East Asia: An International Quarterly 23(1), 3-6
8172006Institutional Selectivism: How Local Political Reforms Respond to Social Demands in Chinese PoliticsHsu, Szu-chien 
8182006“Neighborhood” Influence on the Formation of National Identity in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Lin, Tse-Min; Lee, Feng-YuPolitical Research Quarterly 59(1), 35-46
8192006Empowerment Theory and Ethnic Politics in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Hsiao, Cheng-TaiIssues & Studies 42(1), 103-136
8202006政權合法性與憲改模式:比較臺灣與歐洲後共新興民主國家吳玉山 問題與研究 第45卷第1期,頁1-28
8212006「分立政府」對於兩岸政策影響之初探:以1996-2004年行政與立法互動關係為例岳瑞麒; 吳重禮 遠景基金會季刊 第7卷第1期,頁1-52
8232005Electoral Systems, the Moderation of Party Positions on Ethnicity, and Political TrustWu, Chin-en 
8252005計畫外崛起的蘇州半導體產業:1996-2000徐斯儉 ; 呂爾浩
8262005Domestic Political Competition and Triangular Interactions Among Washington, Beijing and Taipei: the U.S. China PolicyWu, Yu-Shan 
8282005政治經濟學:幾個研究領域吳親恩 經濟學帝國主義 (台北市 : 揚智)
8292005中國大陸政治改革的爭議:一個文獻的回顧徐斯儉 中國大陸研究方法與成果 (台北市 : 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心)
8312005Reforming the Party and the State under Hu JintaoHsu, Szu-chien 
8322005Appointing the Prime Minister under Incongruence: Taiwan in Comparison with France and RussiaWu, Yu-Shan Taiwan Journal of Democracy 1(1), 103-132
8352005Leadership Coalitions and Economic Change in Reform China: Revisiting Political Business CyclesDittmer, Lowell; Wu, Yu-Shan 
8362005Does Modernization Theory Fail? How Do Growth Rates Affect Regime Dynamics?Wu, Chin-en 
8372005From Romantic Triangle to Marriage? Washington-Beijing-Taipei Relations in Historical ComparisonWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 41(1), 113-159
8392005A Taiwan Realism徐斯儉 帝國夾縫中的台灣國際研討會論文集 (台北市 : 文建會)
8402005Two Chinas?Wu, Yu-Shan Commentary 119(1), 10
8412005Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan The China Journal 53, 35-60
8422004The Impact of Economic Growth Patterns on Democratization: Does Modernization Theory Fail?Wu, Chin-en 
8432004Electoral Systems, the Moderation of Party Positions on Ethnicity, and Political TrustWu, Chin-en 
8442004中國大陸城市基層民主與城市治理的民主化意涵徐斯儉 中國大陸城市基層民主研究 (台北市 : 遠景基金會)
8452004A Taiwan RealismHsu, Szu-chien 
8462004Electoral Institutions, Political Participation, and Grassroots Democracy in Rural ChinaHsu, Szu-chien 
8482004Escalation and De-escalation across the Taiwan Strait-A Taiwan PerspectiveHsu, Szu-chien 
8492004選舉制度與政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉
8502004Taiwanese Nationalism and Its Implications: Testing the Worst-Case ScenarioWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 44(4), 614-625
8512004From Romantic Triangle to Marriage? Washington-Beijing-Taipei Relations in Historical ComparisonWu, Yu-Shan 
8522004Jiang and After: Technocratic Rule, Generational Replacement and Mentor PoliticsWu, Yu-Shan The New Chinese Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities after the 16th Party Congress (The China Quarterly Special Issues) (New York : Cambridge University Press)
8532004When is Democracy Better for Economic Development? A Study of Structural FactorWu, Chin-en 
8542004Symbolic Politics or Pragmatism? The Issue of Unification vs. Independence in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Lin, Tse-Min; Lee, Feng-Yu
8552004中國政治情勢:政治制度改革徐斯儉 中國大趨勢:2003-2004 (台北 : 新新聞文化事業股份有限公司)
8572004書評 Across in Taiwan Strait: Democracy: The Bridge between Mainland China and Taiwan【跨越台灣海峽:民主:中國大陸與台灣之間的橋樑】 edited by Bruce Herschensohn【布魯斯‧赫胥森(編)】(Lanham , Maryland: Lexington Books, 2002, Hardcover, 98 pp., ISBN 0739103423)徐斯儉 台灣民主季刊, 第1卷第1期,頁201-204
8582004中國大陸政治改革的爭議:一個文獻的回顧徐斯儉 中國大陸研究 第47卷第1期,頁1-40
8592004Review of 'The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths and Reality'Wu, Yu-Shan Europe-Asia Studies 56(1), 178-179
8602004和平穩定的兩岸關係徐斯儉 二0一0台灣 (台北市 : 行政院研究發展考核委員會)
8622004“有序參與”與中國農民權益保障徐斯儉 中國農民權益保護 (北京 : 中國經濟出版社)
8632004Taiwan's Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait RelationsWu, Yu-Shan 
8642003導論:退化的極權主義與中國未來發展林佳龍; 徐斯儉 未來中國:退化的極權主義 (台北市 : 時報出版社)
8652003退化極權政體下的有限改革徐斯儉 未來中國:退化的極權主義 (台北市 : 時報出版社)
8662003中國大陸經濟改革總體策略之研究吳玉山 中國大陸研究方法與成果 (台北 : 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心)
8682003Triangular Interactions under Semi-Presidentialism: A Typological ExpositionWu, Yu-Shan 
8692003Institutions and Policies Must Bear the Responsibility: Another Case of Nonantagonistic ContradictionWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 39(2), 24-40
8702003探入中國大陸經改策略之研究:一個比較的途徑吳玉山 中國大陸研究 第46卷第3期,頁1-30
8712003Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990'sWu, Yu-Shan 
8732003Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990’sWu, Yu-Shan The Political and Economic Reforms of Mainland China in a Changing Global Society (Taipei : College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University)
8742003Chinese Economic Reform in Comparative PerspectiveWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 38-39(4/1), 93-138
8752003Jiang and After: Technocratic Rule, Generational Replacement, and Re-emergence of GerontocracyWu, Yu-Shan 
8762002十六大前後中國的政治改革的動向徐斯儉 胡錦濤時代的挑戰 (台北市 : 新新聞文化事業股份有限公司)
8772002仍是現實主義的傳統:九一一與布希主義吳玉山 政治科學論叢 第17輯,頁1-32
8782002半總統制多黨體系下總統組閣抉擇之研究:民國九十年國會大選後台灣的憲政發展吳玉山 台灣的未來 (台北 : 華泰出版社)
8792002鄧小平與江澤民路線之比較吳玉山 新世紀的中國 (台北 : 政治大學國際關係研究中心)
8802002Cordon Chang's The Coming Collapse of China and the Question of MethodologyWu, Yu-Shan Issues & Studies 38(2), 235-238
8812002Appointing the Prime Minister: President vs. ParliamentWu, Yu-Shan 
8822002Slowing Down of the NICs: Still a Valid Strategy of Development?Wu, Yu-Shan 
8832002Economic Development and Political Stability under Authoritarian Regime: China in the 1990'sWu, Yu-Shan 
8852002Taiwan in 2001: Stalemated on All FrontsWu, Yu-Shan Asian Survey 42(1), 29-38
8862002半總統制下內閣組成與政治穩定:比較俄羅斯、波蘭與中華民國吳玉山 俄羅斯學報 第2期,頁229-265
8872002Comparing Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan and East-Central EuropeHsu, Szu-chien Political Changes in the Czech Republic and Taiwan: Comparison (Prague : Institute of Political science, Charles University)
888-新方法新數據:政治學與AI的相遇謝忠賢; 吳重禮 智慧新世界?人文社科學人眼中的AI
889-The Policy Implementation Strategies of County Cadres: Political Instrument and Flexible Local GovernanceTian, Gang; Wen-Hsuan Tsai China Information