Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2013 | Anomalous frequency characteristics of groundwater level before major earthquakes in Taiwan | Chen, C. H.; Wang, C. H.; Wen, S.; Yeh, T. K.; Ling, C. H.; Liu, J. Y.; Yen, H. Y.; Lin, C.; Rau, R. J.; Lin, T. W. | HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 17, 1693-1703 | | | |
2012 | Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals emitted from large earthquakes in Taiwan | Chen, C. H.; Liu, J. Y.; Chang, T. M.; Yeh, T. K.; Wang, C. H.; Wen, S.; Yen, H. Y.; Hattori, K.; Lin, C. R.; Chen, Y. R. | ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 55(1), 63–71. | | | |
2012 | Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals from large earthquakes in Taiwan | Chen, C. H.; Liu, J. Y.; Chang, T. M.; Yeh, T. K.; Wang, C. H.; Wen, S.; Yen, H. Y.; Hattori, K.; Lin, C. R.; Chen, Y. R. | ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 55(1), 63-71 | | | |
2011 | Comparisons between air and subsurface temperatures in Taiwan for the past century: a global warming perspective. | Chen, C. H.; Wang, C. H.; Chen, D. L.; Sun, Y. Y.; Liu, J. Y.; Yeh, T. K.; Yen, H. Y.; Chang, S. H. | GRONDWATER AND SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENTS:HUMAN IMPACTS IN ASIAN COASTAL CITIES 10, 187-200 | | | |
2013 | Evaluation of seismo-electric anomalies using magnetic data in Taiwan | Chen, C. H.; Hsu, H. L.; Wen, S.; Yeh, T. K.; Chang, F. Y.; Wang, C. H.; Liu, J. Y.; Sun, Y. Y.; Hattori, K.; Yen, H. Y.; Han, P. | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 13, 597-604 | | | |
2012 | Magnetic storm free ULF analysis in relation with earthquakes in Taiwan | Wen, S.; Chen, C. H.; Yen, H. Y.; Yeh, T. K.; Liu, J. Y.; Hattori, K.; Peng, H.; Wang, C. H.; Shin, T. C. | NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 12, 1747-1754 | | | |
2013 | Observation of surface displacements from GPS analyses before and after the Jiashian earthquake (M=6.4) in Taiwan | Chen, C. H.; Wen, S.; Yeh, T. K.; Wang, C. H.; Yen, H. Y.; Liu, J. Y.; Hobara, Y.; Han, P. | Journal of ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 62, 662-671 | | | |
2012 | Performance improvement of network-based RTK-GPS positioning in Taiwan | Yeh, T. K.; Chao, B. F.; Chen, C. H.; Lee, Z. Y. | Survey Review Volume 44, Number 324, pages 3-8 | | | |
2011 | Seismo-magnetic signal comparison using the Morlet wavelet method. | Chen, C. H.; Wen, S.; Liu, J. Y.; Yeh, T. K.; Wang, C. H.; Yen, H. Y.; Katsumi, H.; Lin, C. R. | Disaster Advances 4(4), 53-60 | | | |
2011 | Seismomagnetic Signal Comparison using the Morlet Wavelet Method | Chen, C. H.; Wen, S.; Liu, J. Y.; Yeh, T. K.; Wang, C. H.; Yen, H. Y.; Hattori, K.; Lin, C. R. | Disaster Adv 4(4), 53-60 | | | |
2011 | Surface Deformation and Seismic Rebound: implications and applications. | Chen, C. H.; Yeh, T. K.; Liu, J. Y.; Wang, C. H.; Wen, S.; Yen, H. Y.; Chang, S. H. | SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS 32(3), 291-313 | | | |
2011 | Vertical displacement due to ocean tidal loading around Taiwan based on GPS observations | Yeh, T. K.; Hwang, C. W.; Huang, J. F.; Chao, B. F.; Chang, M. H. | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 22, 373-382, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2011.01.27.01(T) | | | |