2022 | Early Anthropogenic Impacts on the Indian Summer Monsoon Induced by Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes | Lin, Ke; Shen, Chuan‐Chou; Duan, Wuhui; Tan, Liangcheng; Kong, Xinggong; Lee, Shih‐Yu ; Chen, Yue‐Gau; Wang, Xianfeng | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127(18), e2022JD036754 | | | |
2022 | Precipitation response to Heinrich Event-3 in the northern Indochina as revealed in a high-resolution speleothem record | Nguyen, Dung Chi; Lee, Shih-Yu ; Chen, Yue-Gau; Chiang, Hong-Wei; Shen, Chuan-Chou; Wang, Xianfeng; Doan, Lam Dinh; Lin, Yin | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 7, 100090 | | | |