2000 | Potent and selective nonpeptide inhibitors of caspases 3 and 7 inhibit apoptosis and maintain cell functionality | Lee, D; Long, SA; Adams, JL; Chan, G; Vaidya, KS; Francis, TA; Kikly, K; Winkler, JD; Sung, CM; Debouck, C; Richardson, S; Levy, MA; DeWolf, WE; Keller, PM; Tomaszek, T; Head, MS; Ryan, MD; Haltiwanger, RC; Liang, PH ; Janson, CA; McDevitt, PJ; Johanson, K; Concha, NO; Chan, W; Abdel-Meguid, SS; Badger, AM; Lark, MW; Nadeau, DP; Suva, LJ; Gowen, M; Nuttall, ME | J Biol Chem 275, 16007-16014 | | | |
2019 | Predicting clinical outcomes of cirrhosis patients with hepatic encephalopathy from the fecal microbiome. | Sung, CM; Lin, YF; Chen, KF; Ke, HM; Huang, HY; Gong, YN; Tsai, WS; Lu, MJ ; Cheng, HT; Lin, CY; Kuo, CJ; Tsai, IJ ; Hsieh, SY | Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 8(2), 301-318.e2 | | | |