Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2006 | Alkali-soluble polysaccharides of Rhizoclonium riparium alga induces IL-1 gene expression via protein kinase signaling pathways | Hsu, H. -Y.; Hua, K. -F.; Su, Y. -C.; Chu, L. -C.; Chiu, H. -W.; Wong, C. -H.; Yang, S. U-S.; Chao, L. K. | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 54, 3558-3565 | | | |
2009 | Bayesian Age Estimation on Face Images | Wang, C. -C.; Su, Y. -C.; Hsu, C. -T.; Lin, C. -W; Liao, H. -Y. Mark | | | | |
2012 | Biochemical characterization of a novel laccase from the basidiomycete fungus Cerrena sp. WR1. | Chen, S. -C.; Wu, P. -H.; Su, Y. -C.; Wen, T. -N.; Wei, Y. -S.; Wang, N. -C.; Hsu, N. -C.; Wang, Andrew H. -J.; Shyur, L. -F. | Protein Engineering Design & Selection 25, 761-769. | | | |
2012 | Biological degradation of anthroquinone and azo dyes by a novel laccase from Lentinus sp. | Hsu, C. -A.; Wen, T. -N.; Su, Y. -C.; Jiang, Z. -B.; Chen, C. -W.; Shyur, L. -F. | Environmental Science and Technology 46, 5109-5117 | | | |
2011 | Biological Degradation of Anthroquinone and Azo Dyes by a Novel Laccase from Lentinus sp. | Hsu, C. -A.; Wen, T. -N.; Su, Y. -C.; Jiang, Z. -B.; Chen, C. -W.; Shyur, L. -F. | | | | |
2012 | Biological Degradation of Anthroquinone and Azo Dyes by a Novel Laccase from Lentinus sp. | Hsu, C. -A.; Wen, T. -N.; Su, Y. -C.; Jiang, Z. -B.; Chen, C. -W.; Shyur, L. -F. | | | | |
2010 | Effector function-deficient memory CD8+ T cells clonally expand in the liver and give rise to peripheral memory CD8+ T cells | Su, Y. -C.; Lee, C. -C.; Kung, J. T. | The Journal of Immunology 185(12), 7498-7506 | | | |