Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1990 | 2D and 3D Chemical Shift Imaging of Cerebral metabolites in Rat Brains at 4.7T and 9.4T. | Jenkins, B. G.; Chang, C.; Hoppel, B.; Kennedy, D.; Rosen, B. | | | | |
1991 | High Resolution Neuro-chemical Anatomy of the Rat Brain at 9.4T using Chemical Shift Imaging Techniques. | Jenkins, B. G.; Moore, J. B.; Chang, C.; Rosen, B. | | | | |
1990 | Megnetic Susceptibility Effects in T2 Weighted MR Images of Cerebral Hematoma are due to the Soluble Iron Substances. | Kiihne, S.; Thulborn, K.; Chang, C.; Vevea, J.; Moore, J.; Rosen, B.; Brady, T. | | | | |