Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2007 | An evolved disk surrounding the massive main sequence star MWC 297? | Manoj, P; Ho, PTP; Ohashi, N; Zhang, Q; Hasegawa, T; Chen, HR; Bhatt, HC; Ashok, NM | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 667(2), L187-L190 | | | |
2013 | Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular Outflow from a Very Low-luminosity Object | Takahashi, S.; Ohashi, N; Bourke, L. T. | THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 774:20 (13pp) | | | |
2017 | Early-Stage Disk Formation and Growth Observed with ALMA | Yen, HW; Koch, PM; Takakuwa, S; Krasnopolsky, R; Ohashi, N; Aso, Y | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 834:178 | | | |
2003 | Interaction between the Outflow and the Core in IRAM 04191+1522 | Takakuwa, S; Ohashi, N; Hirano, N | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Journal 590(2), 932-943 | | | |
2006 | Possible Molecular Spiral Arms in the Protoplanetary Disk of AB Aur | Lin, SY; Ohashi, N; Lim, J; Ho, PTP; Fukagawa, M; Tamura, M | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 645(2), 1297-1304 | | | |
2007 | PROSAC: A Submillimeter Array Survey of Low-Mass Protostars I. Overview of Program: Envelopes, Disks, Outflows, and hot Cores | Jorgensen, JK; Bourke, TL; Myers, PC; Di Francesco, J; van Dishoeck, EF; Lee, CF; Ohashi, N; Schoier, FL; Takakuwa, S; Wilner, DJ; Zhang, Q | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 659(1), 479-498 | | | |
2004 | Submillimeter Array Multiline Observations of the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732 | Beuther, H; Zhang, Q; Ho, PTP; Liu, SY; Ohashi, N; Su, YN; Lim, J | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 616(1), L19-L22 | | | |
2004 | Submillimeter Array Outflow/Disk Studies in the Massive Star-forming Region IRAS 18089-1732 | Beuther, H; Hunter, TR; Ho, PTP; Ohashi, N; Su, YN; Lim, J; Liu, SY | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 616(1), L23-L26 | | | |
2012 | The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages of star formation? | Tang, Y-W; Guilloteau, S; Pietu, V; Dutrey, A; Ohashi, N; Ho, PTP | ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 547, A84 | | | |
2008 | The CO Molecular Outflows of IRAS 16293-2422 Probed by the Submillimeter Array | Yeh, SCC; Hirano, N; Ho, PTP; Lee, CF; Ohashi, N; Takakuwa, S | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 675(1), 454-463 | | | |