Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1990 | Magnetic fabric analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary formations of the Coastal Range of Taiwan | Lee, T. -Q.; Kissel, C.; Laj, C.; Horng, C. -S.; Lue, Y. -T. | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 98, 23-32 | | | |
1988 | Magnetic fabric and paleomagnetism of the sedimentary rocks along the Fuli-Tungho transect, Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan | Lee, T. -Q.; Chen, T. -R.; Lue, Y. -T.; Horng, C. -S.; Chi, W. -R. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CHINA 31, 207-218 | | | |
1991 | Magnetic fabric in non-metamorphosed terrain of the northwestern Foothill-Hseuhshan Belts of Taiwan | Lue, Y. -T.; Lee, T. -Q.; Horng, C. -S.; Wang, Y. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CHINA 34, 131-146 | | | |
1992 | Magnetostratigraphic study in Taiwan | Lee, T. -Q.; Horng, C. -S.; Lue, Y. -T. | SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CENTRAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 6, 207-222 | | | |
1986 | Paleomagnetic study of the sedimentary rocks along the Hsiukuluan river, eastern Taiwan | Lee, T. -Q.; Kissel, C.; Horng, C. -S.; Lue, Y. -T.; Laj, C. | BULLETIN OF THE INSTITUTE OF EARTH SCIENCES, ACADEMIA SINICA 6, 169-184 | | | |
1991 | Paleomagnetism of the Kueishantao volcanic rocks, eastern Taiwan | Lue, Y. -T.; Horng, C. -S.; Lee, T. -Q. | ACTA GEOLOGICAL TAIWANICA 29, 77-85 | | | |