Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1998 | ACIRD: An intelligent Internet information system based on data mining | Lin, S. -H.; Shih, C. -S.; Chen, Meng Chang; Ho, Jan-Ming; Ko, Ming-Tat; Huang, Y. -M. | | | | |
2012 | Analysis of initial reactions of MALDI based on chemical properties of matrices and excitation condition. | Lai, Y. -H.; Wang, C. -C.; Liu, B. -H.; Chen, C. W.; Lin, S. -H.; Lee, Y. T.; Wang, Y. -S. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 116(32), 9635-9643 | | | |
2009 | CHL1 functions as a nitrate sensor in plants | Ho, C. -H.; Lin, S. -H.; Hu, H. -C.; Tsay, Y. -F. | Cell 138, 1184-1194 | | | |
1999 | Femtosecond pump-probe study of molecular vibronic structures and dynamics of a cyanine dye in solution | Yang, T. -S.; Chang, M. -S.; Chang, R.; Hayashi, M.; Lin, S. -H.; Vohringer, P.; Dietz, W.; Scherer, N. F. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 110-12070 | | | |
2012 | Hemispheric dispersion of radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event | Hsu, S. -C.; Huh, C. -A.; Chan, C. -Y.; Lin, S. -H.; Lin, F. -J.; Liu, S. C. | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 39, L00G22 | | | |
2011 | Integration of Nitrogen and Potassium Signaling | Tsay, Y. -F. ; Ho, C. H.; Chen, H. -Y.; Lin, S. -H. | Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 62, 207-226 | | | |
2004 | Mining Web Informative Structures and Contents based on Entropy Analysis | Kao, H. -Y.; Lin, S. -H.; Ho, Jan-Ming; Chen, M. -S. | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 16, 41-55 | | | |
2009 | Quantum chemical modeling of photo-absorption properties of two- and three-nitrogen-vacancy point defects in diamond | Zyubin, A.; Mebel, A. M.; Hayashi, M.; Chang, H. -C.; Lin, S. -H. | J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 10432-10440 | | | |
2012 | Regional variation in otolith Sr:Ca ratios of African longfinned eel Anguilla mossambica and mottled eel Anguilla marmorata: a challenge to the classic tool for reconstructing migratory histories of fishes | Lin, Y. J.; Jessop, B. M.; Weyl, O. L. F.; Iizuka, Y.; Lin, S. -H.; Tzeng, W. -N.; Sun, C. -L. | JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY 81(2), 427–441 | | | |
2010 | Solid-Phase Thermodynamic Interpretation of Ion Desorption in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization | Lai, Y. -H.; Wang, C. -C.; Lin, S. -H.; Lee, Y. T.; Wang, Y. -S. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 114 (43), 13847–13852 | | | |
2006 | Solvent effect on photophysical properties of a fluorescence probe: BMVC | Chang, C. -C.; Chu, J. -F.; Kuo, H. -H.; Kang, C. -C.; Lin, S. -H.; Chang, T. -C. | J. Lumin. 119,84-90 | | | |
2004 | Synthesis and properties of carbon nanospheres grown by CVD using Kaolin supported transition metal catalysts | Miao, J. -Y.; Hwang, D. W.; Narasimhulu, K. V.; Lin, P. -I.; Chen, Y. -T.; Lin, S. -H.; Hwang, L. -P. | Carbon 42,813-822 | | | |
2009 | The Arabidopsis Nitrate Transporter NRT1.7, Expressed in Phloem, Is Responsible for Source-to-Sink Remobilization of Nitrate | Fan, S. -C.; Lin, C. -S. ; Hsu, P. -K.; Lin, S. -H.; Tsay, Y. -F. | The Plant Cell 21(9), 2750-2761 | | | |