Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2001 | A genetic linkage map of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia/ Nicotiana longiflora based on RFLP and RAPD markers | Lin, T. Y.; Kao, Y. Y.; Lin, S.; Lin, R. F.; Chen, C. M.; Huang, C. H.; Wang, C. K.; Lin, Y. Z.; Chen, C. C. | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 103, 905-911 | | | |
2001 | A Metadata Lifecycle for Content Analysis in Digital Library. | Chen, Y. N.; Chen, S. J. ; Chang, Y. T.; Lin, S. | | | | |
2002 | A Miniaturized Cyclic PCR Device-Modeling and Experiments | Chou, C. F.; Changrani, R.; Roberts, P.; Sadler, D.; Lin, S.; Mulholland, A.; Swami, N.; Terbrueggen, R.; Zenhausern, F. | MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING61/62, 921-925 | | | |
1994 | Age-Dependent Neurotoxicity of Striatal Excitotoxic Lesions Produced by Aminooxyacetic Acid: Quantitative in vitro Proton NMR Spectroscopic studies | Chang, C.; Chen, Y. H.; Lin, S.; Yang, J. I.; Jang, T. | | | | |
2007 | Becoming active has distinct meanings: Taiwanese and Euro-American children's changing participation in personal storytelling | Miller, P. J.; Lin, S.; Chen, E. C. H.; Fung, H. ; Licciardello, V. N. | | | | |
2007 | Biophysical and histological determinants underlying natural firing behaviors of splanchnic sympathetic preganglionic neurons in neonatal rats | Su, C. K.; Cheng, Y. W.; Lin, S. | NEUROSCIENCE 150(4), 926-937 | | | |
2007 | Crafting selves in cultural contexts through everyday storytelling | Chen, E. C. H.; Fung, H. ; Miller, P. J.; Lin, S. | | | | |
1999 | Cytokine receptor common beta chain as a potential activator of cytokine withdrawal-induced apoptosis | Lee, S. F.; Huang, H. M.; Chao, J. R.; Lin, S.; Yang-Yen, H. F.; Yen, J. J. | Mol Cell Biol 19, 7399-7409 | | | |
2003 | Distribution of Terrigenous Lipids in Marine Sediments off Northeastern Taiwan. | Jeng, W. -L.; Lin, S.; Kao, S. J. | Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 50(6-7), 1179-1201 | | | |
- | Establishing Taiwan Biodiversity Information Networks, TaiBNET and TaiBIF | Shao, K. T.; Peng, C. I.; Wu, W. J.; Wu, S. H.; Lee, P. F.; Lin, S.; Hsiao, S. F.; Yen, H. W.; Lin, Y. C.; Lin, K. H.; Hsueh, M. M. | | | | |
2003 | Establishing Taiwan Biodiversity Information Networks, TaiBNET and TaiBIF | Shao, K. T.; Peng, C. I; Wu, W. J.; Wu, S. H.; Lee, P. F.; Lin, S.; Hsiao, S. F.; Yen, H. W.; Lin, Y. C.; Lin, K. H.; Hsueh, M. M. | | | | |
2011 | Groundwater-seawater interactions off the coast of southern Taiwan: evidence from environmental isotopes. | Lin, I. T.; Wang, C. H.; Lin, S.; Chen, Y. G. | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 41(3), 250-262 | | | |
2012 | How Socialization Happens on the Ground: Narrative Practices as Alternate Socializing Pathways in Taiwanese and European-American Families | Miller, P. J.; Fung, H. ; Lin, S.; Chen, E. C. H.; Boldt, B. R. | | | | |
2011 | Inducible Cox-2-dependent apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cells | Lin, C.; Crawford, D.; Lin, S.; Hwang, J. ; Sebuyira, A.; Meng, R.; Westfall, J.; Targ, H.; Lin, S.; Yu, P.; Lin, H. | Carcinogenesis 32(1), 19-26 | | | |
2002 | Influence of the Yantz River and grain size on the spatial variations of heavy metals and organ carbon in the East China Sea continental shelf sediments. | Lin, S.; Hsieh, I. J.; Huang, K. M.; Wang, C. H. | CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 182, 377-394 | | | |
2011 | Listening matters but it matters more in Taipei than Longwood: A longitudinal study of young children’s narrative participation | Lin, S.; Miller, P. J.; Fung, H. ; Chen, E. C. H. | | | | |
2011 | Modern (<100 years) sedimentation in the Taiwan Strait: rates and source-to-sink pathways elucidated from radionuclides and particle size distribution | Huh, C. -A.; Chen, W.; Chiu, J. -K.; Lin, S.; Liu, C. -S.; Huang, B. -J. | Continental Shelf Research 31(1), 47-63 | | | |
2009 | Modern accumulation rates and a budget of sediment off the Gaoping (Kaoping) River, SW Taiwan: A tidal and flood dominated depositional environment around a submarine canyon | Huh, C. -A.; Lin, H. -L.; Lin, S.; Huang, Y. -W. | Journal of Marine Systems 76, 405-416 | | | |
2008 | Past and present records of gas hydrate geochemical signatures in a terrigenous materials dominated active margin, southwest of Taiwan. | Lin, S.; Lim, Y. C.; Wang, C. H.; Chen, Y. G.; Yang, T. F.; Wang, Y.; Chung, S. H.; Huang, K. M. | | | | |
1998 | Patterns of circulating hepatitis B surface antigen variants among vaccinated children born to hepatitis B surface antigen carrier and non-carrier mothers. A population-based comparative study | Ho, M.; Mau, Y.; Lu, C.; Huang, S.; Hsu, L.; Lin, S.; Hsu, H. | J Biomed Sci 5, 355-362 | | | |