Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2004 | A novel peptide specifically binding to nasopharyngeal carcinoma for targeted drug delivery | Lee, T. Y.; Wu, H. C.; Tseng, Y. L.; Lin, C. T. | Cancer Research 64, 8002-8008 | | | |
1993 | Alpha-thalassemia in the four major aboriginal groups in Taiwan | Ko, T. M.; Cheng, T. A.; Hsieh, M. I.; Tseng, L. H.; Hsieh, F. J.; Chuang, S. M.; Lee, T. Y. | Human Genetics 92, 79-80 | | | |
2005 | Calculating Highly Fluctuated Suspended Sediment Fluxes from Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan | Kao, S. J.; Lee, T. Y.; Milliman, J. D. | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 16(3), 653-675 | | | |
2012 | Chemical weathering on high standing islands: central and coastal ranges, Taiwan | Goldsmith, S. T.; Kao, S. J.; Carey, A. E.; Lyons, W. B.; Lee, T. Y. | GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA | | | |
1990 | Chronological changes in genetic variance and heritability of anthropometric characteristics among Chinese twin infants | Chen, C. J.; Yu, M. W.; Wang, C. J.; Tong, S. L.; Tien, M.; Lee, T. Y.; Lue, H. C.; Huang, F. Y.; Lan, C. C.; Yang, K. H.; Wang, H. C.; Shih, H. Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen, J. S. | Acta Genet Med Gemellol 39, 479-484 | | | |
1990 | Chronological changes in genetic variance and heritability of systolic and diastolic blood pressure among Chinese twin neonates | Yu, M. W.; Chen, C. J.; Wang, C. J.; Tong, S. L.; Tien, M.; Lee, T. Y.; Lue, H. C.; Huang, F. Y.; Lan, C. C.; Yang, K. H.; Wang, H. C.; Shih, H. Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen, J. S. | Acta Genet Med Gemellol 39, 99-108 | | | |
2001 | Crustal evolution of Indochinese region: A perspective from northern Vietnam | Lan, C. Y.; Chung, S. L.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y.; Wang, P. L.; Li, H. M.; Toan, D. V. | | | | |
2002 | Crustal evolution of SE Asia: A perspective from Vietnam | Lan, C. Y.; Chung, S. L.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y. | | | | |
2003 | Deformation sequences of the Day Nui Con Voi metamorphic belt, northern Vietnam | Yeh, M. W.; Lee, T. Y.; Lo, C. H.; Chung, S. L.; Lan, C. Y.; Lee, J. C.; Lin, T. S.; Lin, Y. J. | | | | |
2011 | Deposition fluxes of PCDD/Fs in a reservoir in northern Taiwan | Chi, K. H.; Hsu, S. C.; Lin, C. Y.; Kao, S. J.; Lee, T. Y. | Chemosphere 83(6), 745-752 | | | |
1999 | Development of a new type of protease inhibitors, efficacious against FIV and HIV variants | Lee, T. Y.; Le, V. D.; Lim, D. Y.; Lin, Y. C.; Morris, G. M.; Wong, A. L.; Olson, A. J.; Elder, J. H.; Wong, C. H. | J Am Chem Soc 121, 1145-1155 | | | |
2011 | Effect of SubsamplingTropical Cyclone Rainfall on Flood Hydrograph Response in a Subtropical Mountainous Catchment | Huang, J. C.; Kao, S. J.; Lin, C. Y.; Chang, P. L.; Lee, T. Y.; Li, M. H. | Journal of Hydrology 409,248-261 | | | |
2012 | Empirically-based hydrograph prediction interval | Huang, J. C.; Lee, T. Y.; Kao, S. J. | Water Resources Research | | | |
2012 | Evaluation of Atmospheric PCDD/F Depositions via Automated and Traditional Water Surface Samplers in Taiwan | Chi, K. H.; Kao, S. J.; Liu, K. T.; Lee, T. Y. | Environmental Science & Technology DOI: 10.1021 | | | |
2008 | Extreme storm events, landscape denudation, and carbon sequestration: Typhoon Mindulle, Choshui River, Taiwan | Goldsmith, S. T.; Carey, A. E.; Lyons, W. B.; Kao, S. J.; Lee, T. Y.; Chen, J. | Geology 36(6), 483-486 | | | |
2001 | First evidence for Archean continental crust in northern Vietnam and its implications for crustal and tectonic evolution in Southeast Asia | Lan, C. Y.; Chung, S. L.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y.; Wang, P. L.; Li, H. M.; Toan, D. V. | GEOLOGY 29(3), 219-222 | | | |
1990 | Genetic variance and heritability of serum cholesterol and triglycerides among Chinese twin neonates | Chen, C. J.; Yu, M. W.; Wang, C. J.; Tong, S. L.; Tien, M.; Lee, T. Y.; Lue, H. C.; Huang, F. Y.; Lan, C. C.; Yang, K. H.; Wang, H. C.; Shih, H. Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen, J. S. | Acta Genet Med Gemellol 39, 123-131 | | | |
1990 | Genetic variance and heritability of temperament among Chinese twin infants | Chen, C. J.; Yu, M. W.; Wang, C. J.; Tong, S. L.; Tien, M.; Lee, T. Y.; Lue, H. C.; Huang, F. Y.; Lan, C. C.; Yang, K. H.; Wang, H. C.; Shih, H. Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Chen, J. S. | Acta Genet Med Gemellol 39, 485-490 | | | |
2003 | Geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics of Permo-Triassic arc magmatism, northern Vietnam | Lan, C. Y.; Chung, S. L.; Tran, T. H.; Tran, T. A.; Mertzman, S. A.; Wang, P. L.; Lo, C. H.; Lee, T. Y. | | | | |
2003 | Geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic constraints on the genesis of Mesozoic alkaline magmatism in the Tu Le basin, northern Vietnam | Tran, T. A.; Tran, T. H.; Lan, C. Y.; Chung, S. L.; Lo, C. H.; Wang, P. L.; Lee, T. Y.; Mertzman, S. A. | | | | |