Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2011 | Au nanoparticle modified GaN photoelectrode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation | Tu, W. H.; Hsu, Y. K.; Yen, C. H.; Wu, C. I.; Hwang, J. S.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 13, 530-533 | | | |
2013 | Direct-growth of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanowires/carbon cloth as hierarchical supercapacitor electrode in neutral aqueous solution | Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, Y. C.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 242, 718-724 | | | |
2009 | Direct-growth of polyaniline nanowires for enzyme-immobilization and glucose detection | Horng, Y. Y.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 11, 850-853 | | | |
2009 | Effects of nitrogen-doping on the microstructure, bonding and electrochemical activity of carbon nanotubes | Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Yang, J. L.; Chen, S. Y.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C. | DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 18,433-437 | | | |
2009 | Efficient hydrogen production using Cu-based catalysts prepared via homogeneous precipitation | Lin, Y. K.; Su, Y. H.; Huang, Y. H.; Hsu, C. H.; Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 19, 9186-9194 | | | |
2010 | Enhancement of the energy photoconversion efficiency through crystallographic etching of a c-plane GaN thin film | Basilio, M.; Hsu, Y. K.; Tu, W. H.; Hsu, G. M.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 20, 8118-8125 | | | |
2010 | Flexible supercapacitor based on polyaniline nanowires/carbon cloth with both high gravimetric and area-normalized capacitance | Horng, Y. Y.; Lu, Y. C.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 195, 4418-4422 | | | |
2013 | Growth of β-Ga2O3 and GaN nanowires on GaN for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation | Hwang, J. S.; Liu, T. Y.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Hsu, G. M.; Basilio, A. M.; Chen, H. W.; Hsu, Y. K.; Tu, W. H.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, K. H.; Li, C. C.; Wang, S. B.; Chen, H. Y.; Chen, L. C. | NANOTECHNOLOGY 24, 055401 | | | |
2007 | Improved broadband and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties with biomimetic silicon nanostructures | Huang, Y. F.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Jen, Y. J.; Peng, C. Y.; Liu, T. A.; Hsu, Y. K.; Pan, C. L.; Lo, H. C.; Hsu, C. H.; Chang, Y. H.; Lee, C. S.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C. | NATUER NANOTECHNOLOGY 2, 770-774 | | | |
2009 | Label-free dual sensing of DNA molecules using GaN nanowires | Chen, C. P.; Ganguly, A.; Wang, C. H.; Hsu, C. W.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chang, Y. C.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C. | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 81, 36-42 | | | |
2011 | Microwave-activated CuO nanotip/ZnO nanorod nanoarchitectures for efficient hydrogen production | Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Lin, Y. K.; Chen, S. Y.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 21, 324-326 | | | |
2009 | Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Nanorods with Copper Nanoparticles as a Microreformation Catalyst | Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Lin, Y. K.; Chen, S. Y.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 48, 7586-7590 | | | |
2008 | Novel copper-zinc oxide arrayed nanoatalysts for hydrogen production applications | Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, S. Y.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C. | ECS TRANSACTIONS 13, 165-168 | | | |
2010 | O-2 plasma-activated CuO-ZnO inverse opals as high-performance methanol microreformer | Lin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, S. Y.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 20, 10611-10614 | | | |
2011 | Reversible phase transformation of MnO2 nanosheets in an electrochemical capacitor investigated by in situ Raman spectroscopy | Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, Y. C.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 47, 1252-1254 | | | |
2012 | Spontaneous synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured MnO2 on nitrogen-incorporated carbon nanotubes | Chen, Y. C.; Hsu, Y. K.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | Int. J. of Electrochem. 2012,475417 | | | |
2009 | Ternary PtRuNi nanocatalysts supported on N-doped carbon nanotubes: deposition process, material characterization, and electrochemistry | Sun, C. L.; Hsu, Y. K.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, K. H.; Bock, C.; MacDougall, B.; Wu, X.; Chen, L. C. | JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 156, B1249-B1252 | | | |