Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2007 | A review of the epidemiological literature on the role of environmental Arsenic exposure and cardiovascular diseases | Wang, C. H.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. L.; Hsu, L. I.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chen, S. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Wu, M. M.; Chen, C. J. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 222, 315-326 | | | |
2001 | An intervention trial on efficacy of atropine and multi-focal glasses in controlling myopia progression | Shih, Y. F.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. J.; Chang, C. W.; Hung, P. T.; Lin, L. L. K. | Acta Ophthalmol Scand 79, 233-236 | | | |
2004 | Bayesian marginal inference via candidate's formula. | Hsiao, C. K.; Huang, S. Y. ; Chang, C. W. | Statistics and Computing 14, 59-66 | | | |
2011 | Combining an evolution-guided clustering algorithm and haplotype-based LRT in family association studies. | Lee, M. H.; Tzeng, J. Y.; Huang, S. Y. ; Hsiao, C. K. | BMC Genetics 12:48 | | | |
2001 | Epidemiologic study of the prevalence and severity of myopia among schoolchildren in Taiwan in 2000 | Lin, L. L. K.; Shih, Y. F.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. J.; Lee, L. A.; Hung, P. T. | J Formos Med Assoc 100, 684-691 | | | |
2006 | Localization of a susceptibility locus for hepatocellular carcinoma to chromosome 4q in a hepatitis B hyperendemic area | Shih, W. L.; Yu, M. W.; Chen, P. J.; Yeh, S. H.; Lo, M. T.; Chang, H. C.; Liaw, Y. F.; Lin, S. M.; Liu, C. J.; Lee, S. D.; Lin, C. L.; Hsiao, C. K.; Yang, S. Y.; Chen, C. J. | Oncogene 25, 3219-3224 | | | |
2011 | MicroRNA expression aberration as potential peripheral blood biomarkers for schizophrenia | Lai, C. Y.; Yu, S. . L; Hsieh, M. H.; Chen, C. H. ; Chen, H. Y.; Wen, C. C.; Huang, Y. H.; Hsiao, P. C.; Hsiao, C. K.; Liu, C. M.; Yang, P. C.; Hwu, H. G.; Chen, W. J. | PLoS One 6(6), e21635 | | | |
2009 | Nonlinear measures of association with kernel canonical correlation analysis and applications | Huang, S. Y. ; Lee, M. H.; Hsiao, C. K. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2162-2174 | | | |
2010 | Nonlinear Regression Analysis | Huang, H. H.; Hsiao, C. K.; Huang, S. Y. | The International Encyclopedia of Education (Oxford : Elsevier) | | | |
2003 | Optimal volume-corrected Laplace-Metropolis method. | Huang, S. Y. ; Hsiao, C. K.; Chang, C. W. | Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 55, 655-670 | | | |
2004 | Prevalence of myopia in Taiwanese schoolchildren: 1983 to 2000 | Lin, L. L. K.; Shih, Y. F.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. J. | Ann Acad Med Singapore 33, 27-33 | | | |
2002 | Reduction in sunshine duration over Taiwan: causes and implications. | Liu, S. C.; Wang, C. H.; Shiu, C. J.; Chang, H. W.; Hsiao, C. K.; Liaw, S. H. | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 13(4), 523-545 | | | |
1998 | Spatial model selection using Bayes factor and ratio of variabilities for asthma mortality data | Tzeng, J. Y.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. J. | Chinese J Public Health 17, 158-169 | | | |
2004 | The prevalence of astigmatism in Taiwan schoolchildren | Shih, Y. F.; Hsiao, C. K.; Tung, Y. L.; Lin, L. L.; Chen, C. J.; Hung, P. T. | Optometry Vision Sci 81, 94-98 | | | |