Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Insight into trade-off between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen. | Olson, A; Aerts, A; Asiegbu, F; Belbahri, L; Bouzid, O; Broberg, A; Canback, B; Coutinho, PM; Cullen, D; Dalman, K; Deflorio, G; van Diepen, LT; Dunand, C; Duplessis, S; Durling, M; Gonthier, P; Grimwood, J; Fossdal, CG; Hansson, D; Henrissat, B; Hietala, A; Himmelstrand, K; Hoffmeister, D; Hogberg, N; James, TY; Karlsson, M; Kohler, A; Kues, U; Lee, YH; Lin, YC; Lind, M; Lindquist, E; Lombard, V; Lucas, S; Lunden, K; Morin, E; Murat, C; Park, J; Raffaello, T; Rouze, P; Salamov, A; Schmutz, J; Solheim, H; Stahlberg, J; Velez, H; de Vries, RP; Wiebenga, A; Woodward, S; Yakovlev, I; Garbelotto, M; Martin, F; Grigoriev, IV; Stenlid, J | The New phytologist 194(4), 1001-1013 | | | |
2008 | The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis. | Martin, F; Aerts, A; Ahren, D; Brun, A; Danchin, EG; Duchaussoy, F; Gibon, J; Kohler, A; Lindquist, E; Pereda, V; Salamov, A; Shapiro, HJ; Wuyts, J; Blaudez, D; Buee, M; Brokstein, P; Canback, B; Cohen, D; Courty, PE; Coutinho, PM; Delaruelle, C; Detter, JC; Deveau, A; DiFazio, S; Duplessis, S; Fraissinet-Tachet, L; Lucic, E; Frey-Klett, P; Fourrey, C; Feussner, I; Gay, G; Grimwood, J; Hoegger, PJ; Jain, P; Kilaru, S; Labbe, J; Lin, YC; Legue, V; Le Tacon, F; Marmeisse, R; Melayah, D; Montanini, B; Muratet, M; Nehls, U; Niculita-Hirzel, H; Oudot-Le Secq, MP; Peter, M; Quesneville, H; Rajashekar, B; Reich, M; Rouhier, N; Schmutz, J; Yin, T; Chalot, M; Henrissat, B; Kues, U; Lucas, S; Van de Peer, Y; Podila, GK; Polle, A; Pukkila, PJ; Richardson, PM; Rouze, P; Sanders, IR; Stajich, JE; Tunlid, A; Tuskan, G; Grigoriev, IV | Nature 452(7183), 88-92 | | | |
2016 | The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea. | Olsen, JL; Rouze, P; Verhelst, B; Lin, YC; Bayer, T; Collen, J; Dattolo, E; De Paoli, E; Dittami, S; Maumus, F; Michel, G; Kersting, A; Lauritano, C; Lohaus, R; Topel, M; Tonon, T; Vanneste, K; Amirebrahimi, M; Brakel, J; Bostrom, C; Chovatia, M; Grimwood, J; Jenkins, JW; Jueterbock, A; Mraz, A; Stam, WT; Tice, H; Bornberg-Bauer, E; Green, PJ; Pearson, GA; Procaccini, G; Duarte, CM; Schmutz, J; Reusch, TB; Van de Peer, Y | Nature 530(7590), 331-335 | | | |