Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2003 | An assessment of western North Pacific ozone photochemistry based on springtime observations from NASA's PEM-West B (1994) and TRACE-P (2001) field studies | Davis, D. D.; Chen, G.; Crawford, J. H.; Liu, S.; Tan, D.; Sandholm, S. T.; Jing, P.; Cunnold, D. M.; DiNunno, B.; Browel, E. V.; Grant, W. B.; Fenn, M. A.; Anderson, B. E.; Barrick, J. D.; Sachse, G. W.; Vay, S. A.; Hudgins, C. H.; Avery, M. A.; Lefer, B.; Shetter, R. E.; Heikes, B. G.; Blake, D. R.; Blake, N.; Kondo, Y.; Oltmans, S. | Journal of Geophysical Research 108(D21), 8829, JD003232 | | | |
1996 | Assessment Of Ozone Photochemistry In The Western North Pacific As Inferred From PEM West A Observations During Fall 1991 | Davis, D. D.; Crawford, J.; Chen, G.; Chameides, W.; Liu, S.; Bradshaw, J.; Sandholm, S.; Sachse, G.; Gregory, G.; Anderson, B.; Barrick, J.; Bachmeier, A; Collins, J.; Browell, E.; Blake, D.; Rowland, S.; Kondo, Y.; Singh, H.; Talbot, R.; Heikes, B.; Rodriguez, J.; Merrill, J.; Newell, R. E. | Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 2111-2134 | | | |
1996 | Atmospheric sampling of Supertyphoon Mireille with NASA DC-8 aircraft on September 27, 1991, during PEM-West A | Newell, R. E.; Hu, W.; Wu, Z-X.; Zhu, Y.; Akimoto, H.; Gregory, G. L.; Sachse, G. W.; Shipham, M. C.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Bandy, A. R.; Thornton, D. C.; Blake, D. R.; Rowland, F. S.; Bradshaw, J. D.; Crawford, J. H.; Davis, D. D.; Sandholm, S. T.; Brockett, W.; DeGreef, L.; Lewis, D.; McCormick, D.; Monitz, E.; Collins Jr., J. E.; Heikes, B. G.; Merrill, J. T.; Kelly, K. K.; Liu, S. C.; Kondo, U.; Koike, M.; Liu, C. -M; Sakamaki, F.; Singh, H. B.; Dibb, J. E.; Talbot, R. W. | Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 1853-1872 | | | |
1984 | Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Transformation | Davis, D. D.; Niki, H.; Mohnen, T.; Liu, S. C. | Global Tropospheric Chemistry Report (Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press) | | | |
1996 | Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Distributions Related to Ozone and Odd-hydrogen Over the North Pacific In The Fall of 1991 | Heikes, B. G.; Lee, Meehye; Bradshaw, J.; Sandholm, S.; Davis, D. D.; Crawford, J.; Rodriguez, Jose; Liu, S.; McKeen, S.; Thornton, D.; Gregory, A. Bandy G.; Talbot, R.; Blake, D. | Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 1891-1906 | | | |
1999 | Implications of large scale shifts in tropospheric NOx levels in the remote tropical Pacific | Crawford, J. H.; Davis, D. D.; Chen, G.; Bradshaw, J.; Sandholm, S.; Kondo, Y.; Merrill, J.; Liu, S.; Browell, E.; Gregory, G.; Anderson, B.; Sachse, G.; Barrick, J.; Blake, D.; Talbot, R.; Pueschel, R. | Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 28447-28468 | | | |
1996 | Large-Scale Air Mass Characteristics Observed Over The Western Pacific During The Summertime | Browell, E. V.; Fenn, M. A.; Butler, C. F.; Grant, W. B.; Merrill, J. T.; Newell, R. E.; Bradshaw, J. D.; Sandholm, S. T.; Anderson, B. E.; Bandy, A. R.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Blake, D. R.; Davis, D. D.; Gregory, G. L.; Heikes, B. G.; Kondo, Y.; Liu, S. C.; Rowland, R. S.; Sachse, G. W.; Thornton, D. C. | Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 1691-1712 | | | |
1996 | Potential impact of iodine on tropospheric levels of ozone and other critical oxidants | Davis, D. D.; Crawford, J.; Liu, S. C.; McKeen, S. A.; Bandy, A.; Thornton, D.; Rowland, F. S.; Blake, D. | Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 2135-2147 | | | |
1999 | Sources of Reactive Nitrogen in the Upper Troposphere During SONEX | Liu, S. C.; Yu, H.; Ridley, B.; Wang, Y.; Davis, D. D.; Kondo, Y.; Koike, M.; Anderson, B. E.; Sachse, G. W.; Vay, S. A.; Gregory, G. L.; Fuelburg, H.; Thompson, A.; Singh, H. | Geophysical Research Letters 26, 2441-2444 | | | |
1997 | The Pacific Exploratory Mission-West B (PEM-West B): Feb-March 1994 | Hoell, Jr. J. M.; Davis, D. D.; Liu, S. C.; Newell, R. E.; Akimoto, H.; McNeal, R. J.; Bendura, R. J. | Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 28223-28240 | | | |
1997 | Western Pacific tropospheric ozone and potential vorticity: Implications for Asian pollution | Newell, R. E.; Browell, E. V.; Davis, D. D.; Liu, S. C. | Geophysical Research Letters 24, 2733-2736 | | | |