Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1995 | A cohort study on lower urinary tract cancers in the endemic area of blackfoot disease | Liaw, K. F.; Horng, S. F.; Lin, L. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chiang, M. H.; Chen, C. J. | Chinese J Public Health 14, 23-31 | | | |
1995 | A cohort study on lung cancer in the endemic area of blackfoot disease | Horng, S. F.; Liaw, K. F.; Lin, L. J.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chiang, M. S.; Chen, C J. | Chinese J Public Health 14, 32-40 | | | |
1996 | A prospective study on the association between inorganic arsenic and skin cancer | Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chen, S. Y.; Shyu, M. P.; Lin, L. J.; Horng, S. F.; Liaw, K. F.; Huang, Y. L.; Wu, W. L.; Lue, L. C.; Chen, C. J. | Chinese J Public Health 15, s77-91 | | | |
2007 | A review of the epidemiological literature on the role of environmental Arsenic exposure and cardiovascular diseases | Wang, C. H.; Hsiao, C. K.; Chen, C. L.; Hsu, L. I.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chen, S. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Wu, M. M.; Chen, C. J. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 222, 315-326 | | | |
1999 | A study on the association between sister chromatid exchange and arsenic exposure among residents of Langyang Basin | Chiou, H. Y.; Chien, Y. H.; Yeh, C. Y.; Wu, M. M.; Wang, Y. C.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Lee, T. C.; Chen, C. J. | Chin J Public Health 18 suppl 1, 116-123 | | | |
2008 | Adrogen receptor gene polymorphism may affect the risk of urothelial carcinoma | Liu, C. H.; Huang, J. D.; Huang, S. W.; Hour, T. C.; Huang, Y. K.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Lee, T. C.; Jan, K. Y.; Chen, C. J.; Pu, Y. S. | J Biomed Sci 15, 261-269 | | | |
2007 | Arsenic and diabetes and hypertension in human populations: a review | Chen, C. J. ; Wang, S. L.; Chiou, J. M. ; Tseng, C. H.; Chiou, H. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chen, S. Y.; Wu, M. M.; Lai, M. S. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 222(3), 298-304 | | | |
1995 | Arsenic and ischemic heart disease in the blackfoot disease-endemic area | Lin, L. J.; Horng, S. F.; Liaw, K. F.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Tseng, C. H.; Tai, T. Y.; Chen, C. J. | Chinese J Public Health 14, 502-511 | | | |
1999 | Arsenic exposure and peripheral vascular disease | Tseng, C. H.; Chong, C. K.; Chiou, H. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chen, C. J. | Chin J Public Health 18 suppl 1, 155-162 | | | |
1997 | Arsenic methylation capacity, body retention, and null genotypes of glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 among current arsenic-exposed residents in Taiwan | Chiou, H. Y.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Hsieh, L. L.; Hsu, L. I.; Hsu, Y. H.; Hsieh, F. I.; Wei, M. L.; Chen, H. C.; Yang, H. T.; Leu, L. C.; Chu, T. H.; Chen-Wu, C.; Yang, M. H.; Chen, C. J. | Mutat Res 386, 197-207 | | | |
2005 | Association between carotid atherosclerosis and inflammatory gene polymorphisms among residents in an arseniasis-endemic area | Hsieh, Y. C.; Hong, C. T.; Wang, Y. H.; Chen, C. J.; Chiou, H. Y. | Taiwan J Public Health 24, 64-72 | | | |
2006 | Association between chronic exposure to arsenic and slow nerve conduction velocity among adolescents in Taiwan | Tseng, H. P.; Wang, Y. H.; Wu, M. M.; The, H. W.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chen, C. J. | J Health Popul Nutr 24, 182-189 | | | |
2001 | Association of blood arsenic levels with increased reactive oxidants and decreased antioxidant capacity in a human population of northeastern Taiwan | Wu, M. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Wang, T. W.; Chen, C. J.; Lee, T. C. | Environ Health Perspect 109, 1011-1017 | | | |
2002 | Biological gradient between long-term arsenic exposure and carotid atherosclerosis | Wang, C. H.; Jeng, J. S.; Yip, P. K.; Chen, C. L.; Hsu, L. I.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Wu, M. M.; Chen, C. J. | Circulation 105, 1804-1809 | | | |
2005 | Biomarkers of exposure, effect and susceptibility of arsenic-induced health hazards in Taiwan | Chen, C. J.; Hsu, L. I.; Shih, W. L.; Hsu, Y. H.; Tseng, M. P.; Lin, Y. C.; Chou, W. L.; Chen, C. Y.; Lee, C. Y.; Wang, L. H.; Cheng, Y. C.; Chen, C. L.; Chen, S. Y.; Wang, I. H.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Chiou, H. Y.; Wu, M. M. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 206, 198-206 | | | |
2001 | Chen and Chiou respond to “Arsenic and Cancer of the Urinary Tract” by Cantor | Chen, C. J.; Chiou, H. Y. | Am J Epidemiol 153, 422-423 | | | |
1999 | Comparison of characteristics and arsenic toxicity between residents of southwestern region and northeastern basin in Taiwan: A study on prevalence of hypertension | Hsu, K. H.; Hsieh, L. L.; Chiou, H. Y.; Lee, C. J.; Wang, C. Y.; Lee, T. H.; Chen, C. J. | Chin J Public Health 18 suppl 1, 124-133 | | | |
2003 | Determination of inorganic arsenic methylation capability among residents of the Lanyang Basin, Taiwan: Arsenic and selenium exposure and alcohol consumption | Hsueh, Y. M.; Ko, Y. F.; Huang, Y. K.; Chen, H. W.; Chiou, H. Y.; Huang, Y. L.; Yang, M. H.; Chen, C. J. | Toxicol Lett 137, 49-63 | | | |
2007 | Dose-response relationship between ingested arsenic and cataract among residents in southwestern Taiwan | See, L. C.; Chiou, H. Y.; Lee, J. S.; Hsueh, Y. M.; Lin, S. M.; Tu, M. C.; Yang, M. L.; Chen, C. J. | J Environ Sci Health Part A 42, 1843-1851 | | | |
1996 | Dose-response relationship between ischemic heart disease mortality and long-term arsenic exposure | Chen, C. J.; Chiou, H. Y.; Chiang, M. H. | Arterioscl Throm Vas Biol 16, 504-510 | | | |