Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1989 | Analysis of zymogram variation of cultivated soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) of Taiwan | Chen, L. F. O.; Hu, W. C.; Chen, S. C. G. | BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 30, 179-190 | | | |
1996 | Characterization of the light-responsive promoter of rice chloroplast psbD-C operon and the sequence-specific DNA binding factor | To, K. Y.; Cheng, M. C.; Suen, D. F.; Mon, D. P.; Chen, L. F. O.; Chen, S. C. G. | Plant Cell Physiol 37,660-666 | | | |
2001 | Cloning and characterization of leaf senescence up-regulated genes in sweet potato | Huang, Y. J.; To, K. Y.; Yap, M. N.; Chiang, W. J.; Suen, D. F.; Chen, S. C. G. | PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 113,384-391 | | | |
1994 | Differential amplification of root and leaf DNA in soybean by RAPD markeres | Chen, L. F. O.; Kuo, H. E.; Yang, S. F.; Chen, S. C. G. | Soybean Genet Newsl 21, 76-81 | | | |
1992 | DNA polymrphism generated by arbitrarily primed PCR in rice | Pang, J. P.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, L. F. O.; Chen, S. C. G. | BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 56, 1357-1358 | | | |
1997 | Identification and purification of a spinach chloroplast DNA-binding protein that interacts specifically with plastid psaA-psaB-rps14 promoter region | Cheng, M. C.; Wu, S. P.; Chen, L. F. O.; Chen, S. C. G. | PLANTA 203, 373-380 | | | |
1996 | Introduction and expression of foreign DNA in isolated spinach chloroplasts by electroporation | To, K. Y.; Cheng, M. C.; Chen, L. F. O.; Chen, S. C. G. | Plant J 10,737-743 | | | |
1996 | Molecular analysis of the light-responsive promoter of chloroplast psbD-C operon and the promoter-specific binding protein in rice | To, K. Y.; Cheng, M. C.; Suen, D. F.; Chen, L. F. O.; Chen, S. C. G. | Proceedings of Fifth international Symposium on rice molecular Biology, Taipei 29-40 | | | |
1999 | Molecular characterization of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase in rice leaves | To, K. Y.; Suen, D. F.; Chen, S. C. G. | Planta 209,66-76 | | | |
1987 | Preliminary investigation on isozymogram types of soybean resource in Taiwan (In Chinese with English abstract) | Chen, L. F.; Sheen, S. W.; Chen, S. C. G.; Kiang, Y. T. | CHINESE BIOSCIENCE 30, 17-24 | | | |
1995 | Regulation of plastid photosynthetic pabK-I-D-C gene expression by light in rice plants | Chen, S. C. G.; Wu, S. P.; Lo, P. K.; Mon, D. P.; Chen, L. F. O. | PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 93, 617-623 | | | |
1997 | Reproducibility of the differential amplification between leaf and root DNAs in soybean revealed by RAPD markers | Chen, L. F. O.; Kuo, H. Y.; Chen, M. H.; Lai, K. N.; Chen, S. C. G. | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 95, 1033-1043 | | | |
1987 | Similarity and diversity of seed proteins in rice varieties | Chen, L. F. O.; Cheng, M. C.; Chen, S. C. G. | BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 28, 169-183 | | | |