Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Ethylene response pathway is essential for ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN function in floral induction and leaf senescence. | Chen, G. -H.; Chan, Y. -L.; Liu, C. -P.; Wang, L. -C. | Plant Signaling and Behavior 7(4), 457–460 | | | |
2012 | Role of ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN in regulating leaf senescence involves response to reactive oxygen species and is dependent on ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2. | Chen, G. -H.; Liu, C. -P.; Chen, S. -C.; Wang, L. -C. | JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 63(1), 275-292 | | | |
1999 | The cost distribution of queue-mergesort, optimal mergesorts, and power-of-two rules | Chen, W. -M.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Chen, G. -H. | Journal of Algorithms 30, 423-448 | | | |